@New York Rangers

Do your fucking job asshole

“Do your fucking job asshole”

by huss2120


  1. Alarming-Ask4196

    Does he actually say that? I can’t tell

  2. DeathMetalVeganPasta

    The rangers have issues that need to be cleaned up but part of that is Florida just being allowed to mug them. Yeah they have an aggressive forecheck but the refs allow them to do whatever they want. It must be so frustrating. But, all the rangers can control is their play because the refs will continue to be scumbags. If anything Igor calling them out will lead to even less penalties on Florida since the refs are incompetent egomaniacs. But, playing better would mitigate a lot of this.

  3. NotoriousMFT

    If I ever have a son it might be the first Irish person to be named Igor

  4. HerbertMuntz


    Refs: we’re gonna let the cats play whack-a-shesty

    Gus: okay, guess we’ll just have to regulate it ourselves then

    Refs: so about that…

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