@Boston Bruins

Locker Room Raw: Johnny Beecher

Locker Room Raw: Johnny Beecher

to weird it’s over yeah um you know it’s uh kind of one of those things where didn’t really sink in for you know first couple hours till you really get home and um you know kind of get a chance to digest everything and and let it all sink in and um you know it’s extremely unfortunate um you know not the ending we wanted at all but uh you know still uh an unbelievable season and you know what on never forget what what are what’s left in your game that that you still want to build toward what what what more can you be as a player that you haven’t seen we haven’t seen you um I think the biggest thing for me uh moving forward and um you know going to the offseason into next year is just consistency um you know finding a way to bring it you know each and every night um you know I mean it’s uh it’s an extremely hard league and um you can have weeks where you play three or four games so um you know you got to be ready to go in every single game and and every night and um you know I think that’ll be my main takeaway from this year and and moving forward is just you know whether it’s the mental side or the physical side of the game um you know just just always being ready to go

Bruins forward Johnny Beecher speaks to the media at Warrior Ice Arena for End of Season Availability.


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