@Florida Panthers

We need to talk about THAT Rempe Tkachuk incident…

Matt Rempe has been in the middle of things again in this series between the New York Rangers and Florida Panthers. We go more into it and what’s happening here. #hockey #newyorkrangers #floridapanthers


  1. Florida is just a team of sociopaths. Given no rules and a lethal weapon in their hands, there is nothing to stop them from lashing out like a bunch of wild animals. They showed their true colors last year in the finals, embarrassing themselves and the NHL with their bush league “Me Me Me” temper tantrum.

    They may very well win the Cup, and in doing so push more and more fans away from the NHL (a 5th rate sport in a three league world) to the PWHL – where there are actual rules and actual enforcement of those rules.

  2. AHL bound. Ryan Reeves is still a better player, and that's not a compliment. Rempe makes so many mistakes when he's on the ice, his positioning tilts me so fucking hard sometimes, he's always behind the play even when he's on the puck carrier

  3. They are mis using him. I would play him only in games when Rangers are "behind", or at home only. The more they play him, the more Panthers will get used to him.

  4. Rempe is an enforcer not a sniper. He bangs the puck in when he’s in the right place at the right time but ultimately he’s there to put opposing players out of position. Which is why he is still a plus 2 in +/- in the postseason

  5. Panther players just wanting to get under his skin , trying to get him worked up for the next game so he retaliates and takes a stupid penalty or two.

  6. If tauba had punched reinhert at the end of regulation he would be suspended and penalties would not have allowed him to be in overtime

  7. He wasn’t and isn’t “in their heads” lol Rempe clearly goes out of his way and bumps a panther as he’s going to celebrate the win. How do you not see that? Any hockey player on any team would get in his face for that lol rempe won’t be in the league in a couple years. He looks out of place on almost every shift.

  8. Florida gets away with everything….tell me without saying it that Gary wants Florida to be successful at all cost.
    Morgan Riley got 5 games for that type of shenanigans…

  9. The weasel that whacked Rempe in the back should have been assessed a penalty for the start of the next game.

  10. That’s the kittens being mad they lost. This is why hockey is no more. Like soccer now. Bunch of over paid, participation trophy winners. Hockey hasn’t been hockey for 15 years now. It’s soccer. It’s honestly I can fall down faster than you. Guys used to play with broken bones ffs. Broken everything whiny over paid bozos now

  11. No, we actually don't need to talk about it. I swear hockey fans are so starved for physical hockey that they make a huge ordeal out of every tiny incident.

  12. FFS… there's another hockey account that does the same bullsh*t thing you're now doing. Is this a match report? Or is it a video about the Rempe Tkachuk incident? (the correct answer is 'This is a match report'… so just label it that way in the headline, and stop clickbaiting people into watching your videos). Misleading your subscription base is not a plan for long-term growth.

  13. And they call a penalty 1 min into overtime. But with 4 mins left in the 3rd, 2 Rangers were trip and the play by play said they won't call that late in the game.
    Now look at the 1st part of my comment.
    Refs hate the Rangers.
    And if a ref clearly sees someone trying to start something with Rempe, they need to be warned or you get a penalty hahaha yeah their going to give the Rangers a power play 😂😂😂😂😂

  14. You realize there are two ways it can go provoking good players, right?… yeah it might go in your favor in the regular season at best the 1st round

  15. Yawn, nothing that happens in modern hockey is even close to what it was in the 70’s. Anything that happens now could happen in a kids league

  16. There’s no Matt rempe effect when he plays 4 mins a game and sits on the bench when it’s tied or they’re down

  17. I think if the Oilers beat the Stars, regardless, NYR or Panthers, Canada takes the cup home for the first time in over 30 years. That’s my wishful thinking anyways 😅

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