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Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2024 — The Knocks

Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2024 — The Knocks

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what check that girl oh [Music] man man P Willie oh man oh man welcome to the Pro Football Hall of Fame class of 2024 well look here I’ve gotten the privilege to call you guys to let Steve know he is now in the class of 2024 for Hall of Fame oh my God that’s so awesome yay baby welcome to the PO Football Hall of Fame number 374 congratulations with this class 378 members of the Hall of Fame that’s it 378 of the millions and millions who have played this sport wow your number 372 congratulations God bless you thanks for being here man is it is truly truly special I’m I’m I’m I’m still I’m still a little in shocked you know what I mean like it Happ I don’t think it’s going to settle in until later on tomight and this side feel then the opportunity to get when you stay in school when you practice hard right you give it to all it’s time to bring him [Music] home now I’m a part of it you came in with your head down you work you didn’t talk your play your work ethic is spoke louder than any word that could ever be said thank you deserve every last bit of EV we want to welcome you to football [Music] heaven

Members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2024 and their families get the emotion-packed news that they will be teaming up with the “Greatest of the Game” in Canton, Ohio. Tune in to “Hall of Fame Knocks: Welcome to Canton” at 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, on the NFL Network to see more of these captivating moments.


  1. Jared Allen was only snubbed bc it was black history month and the head of the department of equilty and inclusion said it would be a shame to give these awards to white players even if more deserving. Same reason Myles garret “won” defensive mvp over tj watt who had 5 more sacks. Same reason Dwight freebie got in over Allen. Freebie had a dozen less sacks in more seasons and even though he had a ring he literally got 3 sacks that year. This is pathetic!

  2. There are 3 things I love about Patrick Willis and the first is he is one of the best Linebackers I have seen in NFL history, that is first one. Number 2, he played for the San Francisco 49ers who I support and last but not least, both myself and Mr. Willis were both born in 1985 and before I finish, Mr. Willis is my favourite NFL player of all time and as far as I'm concerned, he by rights should have been in the hall of fame years ago not 2024 but should have inducted the moment he retired on 2015.

  3. Oh and since I'm an English citizen, I have had the privilege of seeing Mr. Willis in action not once but twice when the 49ers played in Wembley stadium in 2010 and 2013 respectively and that is the only reason why I went to Wembley stadium not just to see my beloved 49ers team but above all else, to see Mr. Patrick Willis and got his shirt which is staying with me for life because if he was not playing for whatever reason, I would refuse to stay at Wembley.

  4. What I will also say is Patrick Willis is my favourite Linebacker for 3 reasons. The first is he is the best I have ever seen, the second is he played for the San Francisco 49ers who I support and finally, both me and him were both born in 1985. But in all fairness, he should have been induced into the hall of fame years ago.

  5. Patrick Willis situation is the same as Sterling Sharpe and he needs to be in the HOF. the both played 7 yrs.


  7. Randy Gradishar was way overdue. But the fact that Mike Shanahan is not in the hall of fame when half the league runs his offense at least some is criminal. His offense has 5 Super Wins and many more appearances and it has been the most consistently successful offense for the last 30 years means he should have been a year one vote. But this system where no talent writers get to decide the fate of people far better than they could ever hope to be is broken. The system needs to be changed immediately and taken away from those arrogant children so that deserving people can be rewarded for their accomplishments.

  8. Hey, it’s all fine and dandy. These guys finally got into the NFL Hall of Fame, but for me personally, the Hall of Fame is a joke it’s a huge freaking joke.

    There are so many well deserving pro football players, who will never get in because of some form of politics or personal bias issues within the voting committee that decides who gets in, and who never gets in.

    Until the old guard that does the voting is finally eliminated from voting for pro football players I might start to support the players that have been voted in finally but until then the NFL Hall of Fame can F&ck Off…

  9. Patrick Willis my favorite player from the dominant years of Niner D. Man came from below dirt poor struggling conditions to being in
    the HOF 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    Now to get Justin Smith, Navarro Bowman, and Frank the tank Gore.

  10. Took too long for Gradishar and Mongo imho

    Everyone in this class is a zero ballot HOF

    No votes needed, just a half working brain and eyes

  11. Patrick Willis my Man, one of my favorites of all time.. I will be there this year!! Congrats man, and Congrats to all the greats.

  12. This is so special to me watched all these guys in the league as a kid, andre johnson put up 45 points on my fantasy team one week

  13. As a die hard Notre Dame fan, I can't take ANYTHING away from "The U"! They DEFINITELY put them boys in the league and they DEFINITELY put them boys in the Hall of Fame!

  14. Bears fan here. Devon Hester will forever be one of my favorite players of my generation. But seeing Steve McMichael get in is one of my favorite moments as a Bears fan in my life. I had the privilege of having dinner with him when I was 14 years old and he’s one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met. The man invited me to sit down and eat ribs with his wife and kids after a Chicago slaughter game. He didn’t have to. I was just annoying little shit wanting to meet a legend. he’s been in the Hall of Fame in my eyes since that night in 2007.. Congrats mongo

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