@Carolina Hurricanes

Jason Jaffray vs Brent Burns Dec 5, 2008

Jason Jaffray vs Brent Burns from the Vancouver Canucks at Minnesota Wild game on Dec 5, 2008.


  1. yeah that was bullshit they got thrown out! those refs where pussy they knew there would of been more fights!

    anyways burns wins the fight looks like he punched him good at the end

  2. Yeah, honestly the way it should have gone was Boogaard and Hordichuk get 2 for roughing, they come out, they fight, the game settles down. That's how you control a game, not by taking enforcers OUT of it, you keep them in so thye can send the messages instead of skilled players getting into it. Skilled guys aren't as good at fighting, so they're more likely to do a cheap hit that could insight a brawl. If you're a ref, you try to calm that down.

  3. wow i love how the commentators try to make boogaard look like the bad guy when he is being jumped by 3 canucks. Also boogaard laid a clean hit in the corner.

  4. well what he going do hey man i'll take my helmet off wile your still punching me in the face its just doesnt make sense if if they square off then both of them should take them off but if its a fight like this then its on the other guy to pull off the helmet

  5. it's easy to beat a guy when you keep your visor on. At least players like Iginla will take off their helmets/visors when they fight. I don't know how anyone can support someone who chooses to fight with a visor… it's ridiculous. Boogaard has said the same before – it's embarassing.

  6. ya but part of it with me is that the visor dosent just flip out when he drops the gloves its there the whole time its kind of unfair and i get what your saying to but its not only on the guy that has the visor on its on the other to

  7. Players can't take their helmets off intentionally. Its actually a Major(5 minute) penalty.

    If you want to talk about pussy, just look at Jaffrey's VISOR.

  8. the only reason he didnt is because he is not really a fighter he has 5 fights and 5 wins in those. he wares the visor because he is not a fighter. jaffrey is pussy here

  9. Whats wrong with u? didnt u watch the vid. Burns was skating over their and that guy turned around and grabbed him.

  10. hey wild fans,how come no one wonts to play there,? well answer come on , where are they moving to next time, fuck the wild and you fucking retarded fans

  11. howabout his respect for his teamates? like the time bouchard was speared by half of vancouver and burns murdered mclver after hitting bouchard from behind? or what about the time when perry came flying into him after the wild scored? watch other videos before you post bullshit like this

  12. i like how the 'nucks guys are showing jaffray's "almost big punch" thrown…. how bout they show the 8 or 9 he stopped with his face

  13. 0:23 What a prick, Mitchell goes in a pokes Burns after he's tangled up with Jaffray. Good one Mitchell, you really got him!

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