@Calgary Flames

Jarome Iginla discusses his draft-eligible son, plus a possible goalie swap and more: Duhatschek notebook

I retesting read.

by cgydan


  1. undeletable-2

    ain’t no fucking way its been 20 years since iggy beat the shit out of lecavalier. 

  2. Original_Gypsy

    I dislike it when people post articles that require a subscription and don’t post the text with it.

  3. MonkeySailor

    > The Flames have an obvious need for help at center, and while Tij Iginla is listed as a center, it’s not clear if that will be his position as a pro. Long-term, many see him as a winger. But according to Jarome, Tij probably would prefer to play center professionally.

    > “He played center growing up for the most part,” said Jarome. “When he started in Seattle, playing as a 16-year-old, he probably played half and half, center and wing, but he didn’t play that much. So then this year, he played wing pretty much the whole time. But he talked to the coach going out and next year he’ll work at trying to get him to play center. He enjoyed center more. He wants to be a center. The coach said he’ll give him a chance next year. So yeah, I think he’ll probably be a center.

    > “But it is a good question because only so many guys can play center on a team. What is it? Eight wingers and four centers. But he plays a little bit of a hybrid style because he’s always played center. He likes to take it back and hold it and have it through the middle and come up. As opposed to me, I would just more, like, take off in straight lines. That’s a good question. He wants to play center and he’s going to get a shot at center, but at this point, I don’t know for sure.”

    He wants to be a centre. That should settle it; they have to draft him now

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