@Vegas Golden Knights

What if they let Marchy & Stephenson walk and sign Guentzal? How do you feel?

Let's say the only sign Korzac and Doro and everyone else walks. Then they trade either Theo or Hague and Whitecloud. Then they sign Guentzal for 8.6×7.

Here is our line up.

It all comes down to how this club is going to behave. So far they have been ruthless and putting winning over players. It wouldn't be surprising to see them step away from Marchy and Stephenson. I think this is a better line up overall but I know people won't be happy about Marchy walking, probably including the other players.

If they did this how would you feel?

by captnchunky


  1. CoolOpotamus

    I don’t know Carolina’s cap situation, but if they’ve got room for him there is no shot they let Guentzel walk.

  2. textbook-hippy-man

    The top 6 is fantastic. Bottom six is not the worst in the league, but nowhere near the best. Pietro and defense would have to be real good.

  3. I’d rather sign marchy and keep one of whitecloud or hague

  4. oakyafterbirth0409

    Jake Guentzel isn’t worth sacrificing defensive depth like this. For a cap hit like that, you can likely get Marchy back plus one of our FA depth forwards. That means we’d have to trade a high value contract and that may be Theo, unfortunately. I’d rather keep 2 still improving defensemen at cheaper deals than one very good one that is up for a huge raise. I love Theo but his raise isn’t gonna work with his contract up after next season.

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