@Boston Bruins

Who will be the Bruins next 1C ? | Poke the Bear

Who will be the Bruins next 1C ? | Poke the Bear

Sweeney reference that 2013 trade Corey Schneider to New Jersey for the ninth overall pick which ended up being Bo Horvat that was sort of like good return right um but he he referenced that like no no one kind of pressured him into referencing that he referenced it so I think that based on what he says and based on how little he tends to give to us in terms of like Scoops and whatnot and and direction yeah him referencing that I think matters I think it matters and so they want a first round pick poke the bear is powered by priz picks the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network and welcome in poke the bear episode 234 presented by clns media and sponsored by our good friends over at prize picks and game time tickets my name is Connor Ryan and once again we are joined by 985 the sports hubs Ty Anderson Ty how you doing what’s going on how we how we feeling today I’m doing well Ty I’m doing well I’m bracing myself for uh almost a week of uh Kyrie Irving talk of Talk of the Celtics being ass of Kendrick Perkins just yelling at me I’m excited for it how how you how are you feel going into I know this is a hockey podcast well let’s talk about the most pressing sports news of the day of the Celtics and Mavs how do you feel about that series I feel good I mean I feel like the Celtics should win in five or six um they’re the most complete team in the NBA for as good as Luca and Kyrie have been I don’t see them continually going off against that Celtics defense especially look at the the defense they have in the back court between Derek white Drew holiday even Jaylen Brown who’s had good numbers uh I believe against Luca guarding him one-on-one in his career so I I still think it’s Advantage Celtics like it’s been since day won you know like it it unless they drew Denver it was hard for me Tois scenario yeah it was hard for me to Vision scenario in which like they were the underdog in the NBA Finals like that like that was the matchup and not to take anything away from Dallas what they’ve done but I just don’t know if they’re going to get the the amount of looks the amount of scoring that they got from their back court in the NBA Finals given the defensive aptitude of their opponent yeah I I agree I got Celtics and uh I’m very curious to see how the God’s going to be in games one and two I think we all know what the Kyrie Irving experience is going to be like people are still quite upset that he stepped on the the printed photo of a leprechaun’s face so that will be at the top of everyone’s minds but also I feel like uh BR uh not Bruins fans oh Bruins Celtics fan same group they are gonna hate LCA donic one because he’s good yeah and two that guy one yells at the refs the entire time and two talks a lot of talks a lot of [ __ ] which he’s going to go back and forth with someone some dude from quiny someone from Malden he’s gonna he’s he going to like someone’s going to throw their their soda they cam Migos mix drink at him or something like that it feels all but inevitable tie uh I would I would agree with that the other thing that’s uh that’s kind of funny about this is like you sort of look at the NBA and and like the NBA media has now painted a light in which the the Celtics are the villain going going up against Kyrie Irving which like it’s kind of incredible the the media hack job that that’s been happening for the Celtics all three rounds now we’re now psychoanalyzing tape of Jason Tatum wondering how happy he is when jayen Brown absolutely pissed that’s what I do when let me tell you Ty when I’m pissed off what I usually do my natural response is to smile that’s how I I sneak it’s it’s like a fake jab I smile and then all a sudden I I kicking in the back of the shin you know that’s what I that’s what I try to do there it’s unbelievable like it it it really takes away from what is a really exciting postseason in my opinion I think the NBA postseason has kind of bridged the gap between themselves in other postseasons now where I do think it’s it’s more competitive and it’s closer and you know is that a prodct of injuries I don’t know but but I feel like we’ve had a pretty good playoff run here but it’s been dominated by just nonsense cical talking points that are rooted in offseason transactions more than the game being played on the court and that’s kind of annoying I think as just as a as a viewer like I don’t really cover the Celtics like I’ll write about them I’ll write a column here and there but I’m not like in the trenches at practice at shootarounds at post games and so I I enjoy watching basketball I hate the coverage of it I think it’s I think it’s hacky I think it’s very hacky coverage in my opinion yeah no I agree it takes away from a great sport like it’s it’s how riveting it is that uh some of these games are especially in crunch time and it just feels like instead like prevailing just narratives a lot that are just drummed up in said nonsensical or what dominate of like how guys legacies are and all these which I know factors into but like how about the actual play on the court which like again should be a really fascinating series to watch like even if you hate Kyrie you hate Luka donic like that’s highlight real stuff night in night out so it’s going to be a lot of fun but as you said with uh nonsensical uh discourse discussions we won’t have any of that on this podcast we’re going to talk about real meat and potatoes kind of stuff so Leon Dr no I’m just kidding uh we will talk instead we will talk instead about uh a guy that has been brought up quite a bit in the last week plus a trade scenario yes but one that uh you you can see kind of the the breadcrumbs in terms of how the Bruins would probably like this trade to go down but uh Marty NES obviously do a uh a new pay raise with Carolina don’t have enough money to assign him and the multitude of other guys especially in the coming years um he’s been listed as a potential trade candidate you got Elliot Freeman linking the Bruins in Carolina when it comes to olark um and again you have that one hurdle of whether or not El mark would approve that trade if they’re on the list what have you what the return might be but just from the Bruin’s perspective when you look at this team and what cim Neely kind of set out in terms of adding uh speed especially to this forward core is NES kind of like the the guy that for this off seon makes the most sense in terms like that’s that’s the guy we want if we have this this set list of what we want out of these players like NES should be at the top of the list yeah mean 99th percentile in skater speed I mean that’s that’s it’s pretty incredible right like who’s better than him McDavid is it McDavid and who else who else is in that group like I’m trying to think of top of my head and now now that’s always a dangerous game for me um yeah but like he addresses that he he score and there’s been a lot of talk about he wants to play center or you know can he play center okay well let’s say he can’t play center he’s still gonna play top six minutes in Boston right like there’s nobody Road blocking him like in Carolina where he’s behind Seth Jarvis and Andre spov like for the long term like like they are in his way if they resign Jake gensel that’s another guy that’s in his way and so I think it makes a lot of sense to make that kind of move for him I just don’t know it’s hard for me to sit here and look at it and say that lenaar being the centerpiece of that trade makes a ton of sense like I’m just looking at it from the non Boston three you know 30,000 feet up look it’s like okay well Freddy Anderson is cheaper he has similar numbers in the playoffs and like he be cheaper to resign if they’re looking for Value kind of contracts like so unless this is Carolina saying we need to just change the culture of our goal tending room which is totally fine I I think like it’s I I I just struggle to see how this would necessarily work but he’s a great Target and it’s great offseason fod it reminds me of that Darren Rell tweet where it’s like bad time for a lot of people but this is tremendous content kind of how I feel about Marty hes like I don’t know how they could make it work but if they could if that’s a parameters oh my God you explore the hell out of that because that would be a great way of maximizing the asset with lenaar yeah and it comes down to because I I think it would never be if that trade ever was struck right it obviously which wouldn’t be one for one or anything like that but then it comes down to what exactly is the what’s Carolina asking for if they’re asking for like merkulov or lysel like yeah okay like that like you know but is it are they asking for something more than that are they looking for ptra they looking for a player like that I don’t think he touching lorai obviously and we’ll touch on him a little bit later but like I think that’s what it comes down to what are the secondary pie on top of it because again if it’s merkulov and you know Carolina loves their Russian players I feel like lysel whose kind of progress seems like it’s stalled a little bit here would not surprise me if he goes to a team like Carolina has like 14 goals like th those are guys that other teams might covet more it just depends on how they necessarily view them is that enough to get you to the Finish Line if if kind of that’s the groundwork a deal yeah and I think that’s that’s a great way of putting it like you have guys that you wouldn’t move like you said ptra lorai those would be NOS for me but if Carolina were to look at LEL or or merela like if they’re not in your plans and and similar to you I kind of have doubts that they are just because of the way they’ve been utilized and and lysel is a really polarizing player you know you talk to people down in Providence either really like him or they absolutely hate him like there’s really kind of no in between in terms of what he’s going to be as a player um and there’s the health issues as well like with him being undersized and taking as many hits as he has um if you can parlay that into first round Talent you take that right and and that’s sort of been an under under discussed part of Sweeny’s tenure ship here is that he has often acquired first round Talent okay well if I can’t get the first round pick I’m going to get a guy guy who was drafted in the first round and then you you notice that because he parlays it into how he talks about that player like when they acquire PA zaka oh you know former first- round pick when they acquire ham slol oh this guy’s High pedigree former first- round pick like it’s a real thing for them of acquiring guys that were former first round picks and so Nate just fits that build he was what 17th overall or 12th overall in 2017 I believe yes um y so you know that that would fit that bill for them and so I I think that they want a first round pick and and I say that because Sweeney referenced that 2013 trade Corey Schneider to New Jersey for the ninth overall pick which ended up being Bo Horvat that was sort of like good return right um but he he referenced that like no no one kind of pressured him into referencing that he referenced it so I think that based on what he says and based on how little he tends to give to us in terms of like scoops and whatnot and and direction refering that yeah him referencing that I think matters I think it matters and so they want a first round pick and now is that from is that is that a first round pick directly or is that a player who was a first round pick that’s what I mean when I say I think they want a first round pick and so nature just would fit that bill in in my opinion and uh I think it’s a package I don’t think it’s a one for one like you said no uh it’s just just a matter how how heavy does that package become right because you sort of look at Carolina and you have Chatfield as a pending UFA you have Brady Shay out the door you have Brett pesy out the door Tony D’Angelo goodbye but like you got all these guys having a rough he’s having he’s having a he’s having a rough couple of days let’s leave Tony not not his week not his weak we’re got we’re not going to lie he’s a very innocent man um but like would they want one of your defensive prospects and who would that be and and where you draw the line I think you draw the line at at at obviously at lowai but like what does he ask like it’s gonna be I I think it’s gonna be something future related like there’s no way it’s a one for one right yeah and I can’t even think of who who is like the Bruin’s number two defensive prospect after lorri I’m trying to think it’s maybe just someone on the pipeline I’m not thinking of but brune maybe because of his offensive skills but again he’s on a kind of a slow path because he’s so young um right like he joined the the the pro game this year and he I think he was like 19 like he was on the younger side when he joined um you have Ryan Mast but that’s he’s a fifth round pick right like who knows like you have guys like helan who’ll be good AHL guys but not you know right right and so all I would say is that if there’s a guy in the pipeline who isn’t Mason lorai known as a shooter Carolina would want him that’s what I would say about that yeah absolutely it’s definitely something worth keeping tabs on in terms of NS as you said is it is it realistic we’ll see but it’s something great to talk about when we’re this stage of the offseason so I’m sure we’ll uh Circle back on NES a little bit as this offseason goes on uh Ty before we continue let’s take a quick break here from our good friends over at prize picks the finals are right around the corner and it’s time for you to get in on the playoff action and win up to 100 times your cash on priz picks as you and the world’s best players take the game to a new level with a title on the line with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your 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so download the prize pick app today and use code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 again use code CL NS for a first deposit match of up to $100 prize picks pick more pick a less it’s that easy now let’s get back to the show Once Again shout out to our good friends over at prize picks all right Ty in terms of maybe more realistic targets for the Bruins obviously in free agency A lot’s been said about Elias lindol and his value and why it would make a lot of sense I think we’re all in agreement on there as to the Bruins will be interested in him if he goes to marcket um but looking at another guy who seems to be kind of the the backup option as a potential centerman is Chandler Stevenson from Vegas uh and again you you have that name mentioned he’s been a very very solid player for Vegas over the last couple years he’s had what I think three straight 50o Seasons had a great playoff run last year on the road to the cup um but how big of do you think there’s a big drop off between a guy like Lyman and Stevenson because you’ve heard early on of like Stevenson good player but if you sign him is he another coil zaka where it’s like good player but is he a featured player like where do you kind of fall on like let’s say lenol goes and first day of freeny he goes somewhere for 8.5 million somewhere else and you’re like ah all right well Stephenson’s next Target how do you feel about if he’s the guy you pivot to to to chore up your uh your talent down the middle yeah I mean I I don’t hate it so long as there’s a secondary move or two that comes with it you know adding another Winger adding another defenseman you know like if they were to enter the offseason and they sign Chandler Stevenson and they go okay we’re done now it’s like well you’re not like there’s other things you need to do there’s other players you need to acquire and it’s it’s kind of similar to my feelings on Jake debrusk in the sense that I don’t want to find myself in a bidding war for a guy like Stevenson who again I like I like his his his prototype I like his build I like his knowhow his attitude all of that but you also can’t you can’t be you can’t draw the line at Jake debrusk and say well no he’s not worth a bidding war and then get into a bidding war for other mid-tier Talent like that’s that’s kind of insane in my opinion especially external Talent guys you don’t know if they fit your system your structure you know your your city whatever the case may be and so that part of it is a little different to me um but I don’t I don’t I don’t hate the idea because I I do like his game I think he can contribute in a lot of different ways um and and underrated Faceoff guy like you look at I think a couple years ago I think he won like 57% of his draws like it was something crazy like that like and so it’s a guy who might be able to do a bit more for you you know in terms of uh in terms of you know I I I guess greater impact on the game like he kills penalties as well he plays in the power play we know like so you might be able to do more with him but to your point your worry out of the gate yeah like if his if his ceiling is 60 points like you got two of those guys already so it’s about it’s about does he do the little things better than those guys and I don’t know man you’re You’re Building like the 04 Pistons like a lot of pretty good guys and all that that’s the the Bruins mindset let let’s be let’s get all of our chony Bops in a let’s get all our ducks in a row here still waiting for our Ben Wallace but and again yeah it’s I think it also just comes down to what lindol does because I think that’s the most obvious candidate and if you get him you’re you don’t have to worry like that that is the big checklist at the top of your list but if he goes somewhere else you got to find what the contingency plan is because if it’s not lindol you’re like you know you want to hem and Har about Stevenson whether he’s worth the money well if you let him go by and all a sudden it’s Max doy you’re like yeah like you know begans can’t be chooses at some point and again it’s one of those things is Stephenson a guy that vaults you to another tier of competition probably not but I think he moves the needle right I I think it’s all about if you’re finding guys that can impact the game positively G like Stevenson helps is he lindol is he you know a a 80 Point guy no but if you’re again just looking for the guy that can step in give you 50 points uh plays with a high motor which I think probably fits in what cim Neely wants to see from this group like he’s not like a burner but is usually the first guy in the four check wins Puck battles can be physical um produces a lot of his goals you watch from the uh the Vegas run last year a lot of them pretty greasy around the net like you know cleaning up plays stuff like that um so like he’ll help it’s just in terms of you know it all I think come comes down to even like if they sign a Stephenson or a lint home we’re not going to get our full picture until we’re in September and we’re like all right the Bruins had 21 to 25 26 million in cap space what are they use with all of it right if we go into the the this upcoming season and it’s like they got lolm they’ve got another scoring Wing you know they they added a piece or something on the blue line have swiming back again we’ll see how the money all works but if they made multiple upgrades like all right I feel good about this team but can’t just be one guy even if it is a lindome for for you know for example like it has to be how you overall upgrade the team and Stephenson he helps it’s just you know depends on what other moves you make because as you said if it’s just Stephenson that’s not going to move the needle enough when you have all this you know money to spend yeah and the other part of it too is like I I think the biggest difference between a Stephenson and a Lindholm for example is like Lind Holm has played with Superstar talent and he’s put up 80 90 points 42 goals whatever it’s been like so you know that he worked with Superstar talent and if you put him with David pook that might be the way to unlock both players right and and now you know like Lyle might not be a superstar star in nature but if you put him with other Talent he can become one if that makes sense like I’m trying to find a way to explain it but like right like it’s kind of like how Carter ver haggy is not a superstar but y you put him with that kind of talent and he can hang he can hack it we’ve seen it now and so I think that’s kind of how I would look at Lindholm whereas Stevenson plays with a lot of good players in Vegas I don’t but I don’t know if his ceiling is higher than 65 points like Lind Holm we saw in Calgary playing with Johnny Gad and Matthew kachuck he was a 40G goal guy a 90o guy like we know he can do that and and so that’s what puts him a little bit higher in the power rankings so to speak but like you need you need talent and so you know again it’s not like I don’t want to add Talent it’s just I don’t want to overspend for mid-tier talent right and that’s the problem that Bruins have to sort of you know that’s why it’s always tough to to to try to build a team through free it’s hard you’re getting diminishing returns you’re getting guys that have warts guys that are older you know and you might overpay and I I think I said this to you and if I didn’t I’m sorry I made it on the radio like this class is a bit reminiscent of 2016 where like yeah you got a lot of players but some of them might be getting paid a bit more than you’re than you’re comfortable with and so if you’re going to make three of those signings like you got to hit a home run on two of them it can’t can’t be all David bis and Louis Ericson’s out there like that’s a nightmare waiting to happen yeah it’s almost like uh Elias Lindholm is like a sup up Swedish Riley Nash you put it if Riley Nash can average like 45 points I’ll be on a 45 50 point Pace between Marian and pck put him with prime poock Eli lindol and you know maybe you have the 70 point guy that is I think I and that is not a back Canon com by any means this is a Riley Nash Stan podcast of course but again yeah you Supporting Cast you put him with L and a guy like Lindholm and what his floor if his floor is 45 50 points Elite Faceoff great dzone numbers and you can probably expect it’s going to be more when he has more Talent around him when he’s going to be down the middle not on the wing kind of jumbled all over the place like he was with Vancouver there’s a lot to like about what that what he could do here as long as the money’s right and the other part of it too is that like I think you saw Vancouver kind of learn how to utilize him better in the playoffs than yeah than the regular season like watching their games in the regular season after they got him I was watching it going they don’t know what they have with this guy like they have no idea what they’re what they’re doing with this guy in the playoffs it was like yep that’s how you utilize them you know and and maybe it was two-sided you know maybe it went both ways like he got more comfortable and and he was like okay this is my role here but like I just feel like the the the lindol that we saw in the playoffs for Vancouver is the lindol that I I think is what you’d be more comfortable spending money on versus the one that you saw in Calgary during the regular season and then Vancouver in the in the regular season I thought in Calgary and this might be a Calgary problem to be honest with you I thought he was invisible I I whenever I’d watched the Flames didn’t feel like he was a factor right and so that’s my chief concern with him is that like is he a guy that is going to vanish because I don’t want to give that guy big money and say you’re now the first line Center if you’re going to have to go through you know five or six games of not noticing him or it’s like oh you get five games in a row where he’s 48% 51% of the dot it’s like well no no no he’s got to be 55% like he’s got to be that dominant possession Center and so that’s my concern with him is that he plays almost too quiet uh to be the Topline Center for a team like Boston yeah no it’ll be fascinating to see how it all plays out it does seem like all but given the Bruns are going to come over with at least one centerman uh this offseason but we’ll see uh how things develop between now and the stat of for agency in July uh Ty we’re going to end this by looking at the brunes decor uh before we do that let’s take another a quick break here from our other sponsor uh at game time tickets the NBA finals are right around the corner and if you’re a Celtics fan odds are that TD Garden is going to be packed in June as the Celtics go for banaana 18 and if you want to Cher on the Seas inside the garden you got to go with game time tickets game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace that makes getting NBA 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Sweeney Sweeney I don’t know if Bruce Gage yes uh but if the Bruins had Jacob Chan a first round pick you know uh even I think Ottawa has the Bruins first round they have 24 right is that what it is yes they have the uh they have the Bruins first- round pick that they sent to Detroit because then Detroit sent that to Ottawa for Alex to Brink it right so uh if uh Ottawa is realistically offering Jacob chian a legit top four guy I think he had 14 goals as a defenseman this past year for Ottawa uh first round pick and I think another piece is what they also mentioned in that report uh the Bruins might be prepared to rip up the CBA and cause another labor labor Strife to get uh allmark to wave his no trade list there uh I don’t think that’s happening but looking overall more at uh the Bruins and their needs on defense um obviously I think it’s to be expected that a lot of pending free agents aren’t going to be back with forbert and grizzli and uh shaton Kirk those kind of players um how much emphasis do you think the Bruins are going to have on adding a piece you know this free agency whether it’s through trade or even or even through free agency in terms of like do they necessarily need you know another player and what kind of player do you think they need to kind of fill out that six-man unit yeah I I think that they need another guy I I think it would be foolish to say oh we have Mason lorai so we’re good like no you you still need another guy beyond that um and I say that really because I just don’t I don’t love the idea of not necessarily gifting but like hey here’s a Topline roll like like it’s a lot of pressure on them out of the gate and it’s a lot of pressure on your D your D your left side d as a whole which is not that deep especially if you move on from forbert and grizzli um right now their left side is is what we saw in the playoffs it’s lorai it’s linol and it’s wther spoon I think you need a bit more oomph there and and by that it can be offensive it can also be a little bit more defensive and you know Chen if we’re going to talk about Chan real quick like a guy who had twice as many blocks this past year as he’s ever had his career I think it was like 150 blocks and I want to say his previous high was like 78 or something like that yeah um so a guy really helped uh really helped corpas solo oh yeah for sure I mean that the worst sorry I I I just haded go tending oh it’s it’s wretched it it’s the worst go tending in in the league um but you sort of look at like where they are like like I think even if it’s not Chen I think getting that guy via trade is the way to go and real quick just some of the left shot D that are available in the free agent Market Brady Shay Alec Martinez Shane gos spear Brendan Dylan Nikita zadorov Matt grizli Joel Edmonson it’s like a lot of kind of yeah guys are going to be way too expensive even like I mentioned like a guy like Dylan who’s you know what 33 big body his Doo numbers still look good but again it comes down to what that what the price is going to be like I I feel like now these larger defensemen um their prices are not not inflated but people are putting a premium on them so like even if it’s a guy like Dylan like I wouldn’t surprise me like Joel Edmonson who I like don’t think is that good like Signs like two and a half per year I’m like I wouldn’t give it to him so if he’s gonna get that like brenon Dylan might get three and a half four and I wouldn’t allocate that much to a guy like him who I think would be a great complimentary piece like if he’s your third pairing left shot d block shots physical that’s great that’s kind of I think what you kind of need there but it I just don’t see him getting a a rational deal on the market it’s the same I mean like what are they saying about Zadora he’s getting like six and six like yeah it’s crazy no no no thanks every time I I know he had a impactful playoff run for Vancouver I think of him like going out of the way on what was that Calgary game up in up in Calgary against the brunes where he put himself way out of position for a hit like not a high IQ player like I I don’t know is there a big dude block shots physical has some funny quotes I don’t think he should be a featured especially if you’re paying him six million he shouldn’t be a featured part of your Decor no I would agree I would agree with that and and so staying on the chick path like okay even even if it’s not him there’s guys that we’ve talked about here before you know like we’ve talked about um uh names get me right now why is this happening to me I’m having I’m my brain is melting Conor there’s too many names uh about BR McNab MC we talked about BR McNab right like I like that idea and then we’ve talked about in the past talked about a guy like Jacob Middleton Minnesota you know like if Minnesota’s cap crunch is as real as as it looks and they got to make some moves like that’s that’s an Avenue that I would explore as well I just feel like for the Bruins whether it’s through a Lena hmark trade or parlaying assets that they get back in a potential Lena allmark trade you have Avenues to address your roster and and that need for a defenseman via trade and and I think that’s kind of you know I’ve mentioned this before I think on here in writing or maybe just through text I’m not sure but like you know the Devils need a goalie right and if you were to acquire a guy let’s say the Devils don’t want to give you a first round pick and and they want to keep it roster guys okay well if you look at their defense they got Kevin Ball who I I I’m not crazy about but he’s a big body block shot hits yeah like does that fit the bill for them you know in that third pairing um and another guy I don’t know if you’d get necessarily but like they got Sean thaler back there as well like who’s got I think three more years left on his contract I think three or four I might be wrong on that but like you look at it from that standpoint it’s like the the guy that they need on defense it might be on the chicken path of a of a trade versus for agency because I I don’t know if he’s free agents are gonna make a lot of sense for them because to to your point I love Brendon Dylan I don’t want to get into a Ryan suor esque bidding war contractually where he’s getting four years now and you’re paying for a 37y old Brendan Dylan at $4 million or whatever it is like that that doesn’t sound great to me um but they got to get somebody I I think running it back and just hoping that Mason lorai is ready for prime time I think that’s a mistake because it just it puts you in a weird position right where like okay what what if he sucks what if he takes a step back now you’re committed and now you run the risk of ruining him like long term and so I think allowing a a construct in which he begins begins on the second or the third pairing but has the ability to move up to the first I think that’s where you kind of want to go with with bringing in defenseman yeah and kind of echoing off of that you know moving head to wrap up the podcast like looking at lorai and I think it’s I you look at this past year I think Lori’s development has to be one of the the things to make you feel good about this team long term because like this is a guy that no one really expected one to even be up at the NHL this year people like this guy needs a full year seasoning in Providence I think we all expected that and that was the rational expectation for a guy that only switched defense you know when he was what 16 17 years old he’s gonna get C from his team and he switch defense exactly so again people forget about that just how it’s like I think I mentioned this before but like Anthony Davis was like a guy at his whole career and then he like went from like 61 to 610 like in the summer it was freakish like that’s why he kind of had that adjustment on the fly but um you look at lorai and even just like how he developed from October November when like he get sent down before that Rangers game and I think we’re all like yeah you know you see it you see it in spurts needs some time to like where he was in playoffs right it’s like you feel really good about where his growth is but as you said should people keep those expectations kind of in check in terms of I I I could see people look at his strides and be like this guy is gonna have 45 points next year he’s gonna get pp1 reps all these things like how how do you think Brun should approach that because I do like the appeal of giving him the keys to the power play in time but as you said I can’t I don’t think you should give it to him out of the gate yeah so that’s actually the one thing that I do want the to do I want them to put him on power play one out of the gate give him the keys but at five on five I like the idea of him being second or third pairing and working his way up and it’s kind of like Tory Krug like when Krug broke in he got the keys to the kingdom on the power play for 134 but I I think if we were to go back and watch it I think he was third pairing at five on five because because he was behind Chara obviously and Seidenberg as well so he was third pairing but running the power play and and I know the roster constructs are different right now you have Charlie mavo you have hampus lolm you have guys that have run the power play before but you might be able to do that where you where you sneak him in the bulk of his work is just offensive and you and you’re saying to him like we’re gonna find ways to work you in defensively but right now we want you just leading offense creating offense that’s why you know like going back to again what we talked about off the Jump like trick would eat into that he would eat into his offensive development and so that’s like the one kind of like okay does this make a lot of sense for the Bruins right like I think one for one if that’s a trade oh my God sign me up because you’re you’re again you’re leveraging your asset into something better and I think you know their defense if in this goes back to what we talking about earlier even if you can’t get that high-end Center build out an incredible defense that is your backbone is your spinal cord and you go from there um but like that’s something that I think you have to consider with that with that left shot D you bring in because I think they’re going to bring a guy in like whose minutes and whose development does he eat into and if it’s low ride that might be a legit concern for them because he is a rock of their future yeah no I agree and I I now that you say it it does make a lot of sense in terms you want to get him rolling and feeling good about his game what better way to do it than to give him because you see just how Dynamic he is like especially just as a left shot guy out there and it just seems like things run a lot smoother but he has like the skating ability he has the ability to kind of like when when Krug was in his Heyday right where he could operate up at the point but could like move to the half wall and I think what made that Bruins vintage power play so effective is they could kind of change on the Fly Right all of a sudden you kind of know now what to expect with poock and and how to take him away but when you had Krug shifting and Marian shifting and poock you know moving around it’s made it so tough to have a winning formula with slowing those guys down not saying that it’s going to be the same thing with lorai but you see that skill set and that is a good way I think to ease him into those minutes but I agree with you that if he’s starting off like I don’t think it’s realistic to expect him to be in a featured role out of the gate let him build his way back up feel good about his game build that confidence to see where he goes from here if it’s anything like last year then he should pass to that test with flying colors right like I I just feel like there’s no need to throw him in there and off of what you said too it does feel like if the Bruins are are picking one thing like again you’re not going to say no to Jacob chin but does feel like a guy like a McNab or a physical guy you can pick up makes more sense in terms of adding a different element to that Decor while also not taking away from the strength of a foundational piece moving forward like Lori yeah and the other part of it too is that I just think the power play works better with the Lefty shot I I I just yeah watching it it just feels that way looking up the numbers real quick um I did I wrote about this I think earlier the year um over the last two seasons with hampus lhol running the power play a left shot an imperfect player we all agree but a left shot with with with lindol on the power play and poock and Maran also out there they have 26 goals in 100 minutes like that’s pretty good it’s pretty good like I just think it’s better I think it’s better with the Lefty shot I think it it it plays to the other player strengths a bit better than the right shot and you know we talked about makoy on the podcast before like makoy can be a great defenseman while also not being the best power play one quarterback like that’s totally fine it’s totally okay like there are plenty of great defensemen who do not run their team’s power play doesn’t mean they’re not great defenseman and so I I think that just getting a lefty shot back on the on the you know quarterback in that top unit I think that’s the way to go and that’s that’s where to your point like lorai has that he has that creativity that Tory Krug had yeah but he has it in a much bigger phras frame so so how does that open things up even more for his for his you know his linemates out there and so that’s what that’s why I think that that should be a legit Focus going into next year is that lorai is running the top power play yeah it’ll be a lot of fun to see if he’s out there especially if you add another piece or two up front to that power play unit as well so we’ll see what it all kind of plays out in the uh weeks and months ahead but Ty before we wrap this thing up uh where can we read your stuff where can we hear you on the airwaves where can we find you yeah so uh you can hear me and read me at 985 sportsub uh 985 and on the air um you can also hear me here you can find me on xor Tai Anderson and you are with what what is it ESPN ESPN Boston you’re with incorrect incorrect why don’t they have anybody yeah I know seriously uh no you can find me over at uh Boston everywhere now dude you’re everywhere I know you’re all over the place keep them busy it’s the most wonderful time of the year go right from this to the NBA Playoffs um yeah you can find me on the Boston Globe you can find me on TV I’ve had people say they’ve seen me on TV at Planet Fitness at the 99 all places where I love to be featured so you can you were in my headphones are you were in my headphones I was on the uh treadmill at the at the gym that we have at the studio and uh you like immed turn it off switch to race yeah exactly can’t can’t escape uh you that’s one of those treadmill TVs Conor where they don’t tell you what the channels are they’re different than the regular keep on hitting it all of a sudden you’re like oh my God it’s it’s the Pioneer Woman learning how to build a make a rhubarb pie it’s like I don’t want to do this while I’m on the treadmill I’m used to press the one button and now I’m on NBC Sports Boston or I go one down I’m on ESPN 2 and then I’m on neston I press next button I’m on local cable access I’m like I have no idea what’s going on right now so I just left it on so yeah yeah it’s not great but what is great is me when I’m on TV on the Great Boston Globe Today Show uh you can also find me on this podcast the podcast brunes beat with Evan marowski and you can find me on X I know you can find me on X Twitter Conor r93 so this is the latest episode of poke the bear episode 234 I’m Connor Ryan that is Ty Anderson you fans have a great rest of your week [Music]

On this episode of Poke the Bear, Conor Ryan is joined by Ty Anderson of 98.5 The Sports Hub to discuss which of the frontline centermen that the Bruins could and should pursue this off-season, what the return for a Linus Ullmark trade could look like, and who among the younger Bruins is slated to take a step forward next season. All that, and much more!

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  1. Rumors are sway wants 9 . I say bye bye sway and keep Ullmark. It may be goalie bob who coaches these goalies because B’s goalies have been very good in the years .

  2. Ullmark and Geekie for Bahl, Holtz or Mercer and a pick would be nice IMO. Bahl upgrades Wootherspoon and Mercer/Holtz can play 3rd line with Poitras and Frederic for some more depth scoring!

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