@Toronto Maple Leafs

Speculating On Mitch Marner | The Chris Johnston Show

On This episode of The Chris Johnston show Julian McKenzie and Chris Johnston go over a variety of topics including:

0:00 World Hockey Championships
10:00 Berube & Marner
14:30 Maple Leafs hire Craig Berube
14:00 Marner speculation
25:00 Keefe hired by Devils
33:00 Dan Bylsma hired by Kraken
34:00 CBJ & Don Waddell
46:15 Sharks coaching job, Will Smith & more
52:45 Ask CJ

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  1. I think a lot of people don’t want to bug you. They’d rather just snap a quick pic for proof that they saw you and let you keep going along with your day.

  2. For everyone yelling, “Owen Power”, he did play college in his Draft+1 year, but he also played 8 NHL games. The most recent player to not play in the NHL during their Draft+1 year was Erik Johnson. Drafted 2006, first season 2007-08.

  3. The TMZ shady photos and videos started with the Ohtani speculation coming to Toronto and him going through a private airport. It's silly, but unfortunately it's the world we now live in.

  4. As a Swiss fan I can't agree with most calls the refs made or didn't make. However the Czechs were so much better they would have won anyway save for a miracle happening…

  5. Lack of privacy can be tiring, especially when you are trying to get some sleep in your hotel room after an exhausting gig and have someone knocking at the door asking if they can spend the night.

  6. I liked how content and relaxed Sheldon looked in his " so long and thanks for all the fish " video.
    Dictionary definition of sick codependency – " Toronto Maple Leafs Fan "

  7. I would love for the CJ show to just turn into a Jays podcast during the summer 😅 and no, I wouldn’t wish Mariners fandom on anyone. At least CJ has ‘92 and ‘93. Our signature moment as a franchise in 48 years is wining a divisional round 30 years ago 🫠

  8. OWEN POWER AND ERIK JOHNSON!!! I was screaming in my head not aloud hahaha. CJ got soo close when he mentioned Slafkovsky and jeez Julian even says Lafreniere.

  9. Wow, for something that CJ ‘can’t understand why’ people are talking about, they sure spend a lot of time talking about it.

  10. Don't know what is funnier. Julian's reaction to missing out on having Dino BBQ in Newark or Chris not knowing that it closed over 3 years ago following the pandemic. In any case, Julian and many out-of-state visitors are missing out on lots of good food in Newark (Iberian cuisine in Ironbound section, Hobby's Deli near The Rock, Krug's Tavern for burgers). If still craving BBQ, check out Marcus Samuelson;s spot downtown–Vibe BBQ.

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