@Boston Bruins

Beantown Takes Podcast Episode 28! Bruins Season is Over and Patriots Offseason Recap

Beantown Takes Podcast Episode 28! Bruins Season is Over and Patriots Offseason Recap

this is ridiculous call for a personal foul that was absolutely ridiculous Boston Bruins have won the St cup up on down here comes a one-w pitch Red Sox win the World Series I don’t know it’s tough Tom’s up there man what’s going on everybody Welcome to episode 28 of the Beantown T podcast here it’s your boy here back on YouTube and back on beown takes I’m here with you know who what’s up and today we are doing this live so everybody who’s watching the live stream right now welcome in chat definitely be engaged as we go along here we talk about our Boston Sports and we got one team left really that we care about yeah one team left that we care about it’s all on one team now because one team got knocked off in the playoffs and the other one well you guys know we don’t really care much about them right now especially you as a Yankee fan yep and we both as a matter of fact went to the same Bruin’s game we did he was in below me though I was kind of I was hoping to make like a guest appearance in that video just like a quick zoom in yeah I know right because I was all the way up in the balcony you were up load 17 we actually spotted each other from a distance you guys should have seen us we were zooming in on Snapchat of each other from Beyond the distance and we were just saying what the hell was that called man yeah yeah I I brought somebody uh who who was a cooworker a friend of mine uh who had no idea how crazy I get when they like blow calls and like are bad I was like yelling and they were like what the hell is going really yeah I was like what the hell go you know I said some things that I don’t know if YouTube would would very much enjoy o demonetized oh yeah fact yeah it got it got fun it got really funny all right so who do you want to start off with first we’re not starting off with the Red Sox screw them they’re below 500 right now we could start the NFL draft if you want cuz that was the next time we were going to do a podcast was when the NFL draft was we could start off the Celtics because their matchup was we could do the P print we can make that one out pretty quick pass out first all right perfect so they you got your prediction correct and when I asked you their draft I asked you who are they drafting you go uh the wrong guy the wrong guy so we’re going to start off with the Patriots and we’re going to go over their draft and we’re going to give our grades from the NFL draft Mel are you ready for some [Music] football I love the Patriots all right so the Patriots have their new guy and that is Drake May no wrong guy as he said in the last podcast also your opinions on the entire draft because they did get a couple wide receivers in there also yeah I I kind of like the wide receivers that they got uh pulk and Baker um I think even though Baker was a fourth round guy and you know he might not been the most talented in college I I like his Swagger he’s got some he’s got some uh he got like a Killer Instinct yeah yeah he brings he attention and like he he can back it up um I like that pulk I think bowled out pretty well with penx last year’s quarterback um but it’s kind of sad that Joe Milton’s been the better quarterback in rookie Camp so far by a long shot and he was your sixth round pick over your third overall pick um you know it’s been pretty night and day as to which one was the better one and uh you know the fact that Milton is and I thought Milton would be better he’s more polished as a passer he is a little older as well um but you know I I think Drake May what is a good back is somebody that is Poise has sit behind somebody like brassette that can teach him and hopefully teach him how to actually throw the ball and actually use his feet for footwork in passing um because I think there’s upsidedown over May week one on your roster as it stands well because they’re not going to go the same route as they did last year well as they did with the last quarterback I should say with M Jones they kind of just threw him into the situation you can’t do that again no matter who you got at quarterback you really couldn’t run that back again he kind of you kind of need a quarterback to Mentor the young guy off of and that’s kind of the route you need to go kind of like a bridge year quarterback they’re not going to do much this year in my opinion so again like you just said though for Drake May being the back up this year and going off of a mentor quarterback for this year I don’t mind it but I need I need to get your thoughts on the Falcons pick with Michael penck first um I think it’s that was your guy it was it was the best Prospect but not the best team for him to go to the best pick right right I I think I think penx even before this year in college football I think penx was a top 10 player um I think he had really real upside potential um to the point where I thought he could have been you know I think he should have gone before Caleb Williams I can see the hype around Caleb Williams yeah um so I don’t you know disagree with him exctly but I very I’m surprised that he that for some reason people pass on him as being qb2 qb3 I know age is a bit of a factor but Jaden Daniels is actually older than so that’s why I’m like why Drake may I can see cuz again he’s younger so that makes sense the potential upside there I know he’s got some injury history but Jaden Daniels also just kind of sucks in my opinion so that’s why I was really surprised that he wasn’t at least qb3 off the board you know definitely should have been qb2 so being going eighth didn’t surprise me the team surprised me with the Falcons um they just gave Kurt Cousins a big ass contract too I mean they did and I mean but I mean Kurt Cousins is a great quarterback to learn from and what it sounds like oh 100% what it sounds like is that um cousins will take him under his wings even though he’s not the happiest about it um and I see and I see penic I mean think about it everybody R is on the Falcons for the pennic pick but the same thing the Packers have done the last two quarterbacks they had Favre they paid Favre they drafted a pretty old quarterback of met college and Rogers who sat for three years and then got the Reigns and became Rogers they doing that with Jordan love and Jordan love in his first year as a starter looked damn good so you know what I mean like it it does happen where people do pay a quarterback who you know makes them relevant for two years and then maybe by the third fourth year they look to try and move on from cousins and trade him and you know penx is the guy or it gives him four years to realize if penx is the quarterback of the future right or maybe they got to draft another quarterback coming up and you know you know you still have Kurt Cousins to make you good well what was I got a question for you cuz now your path for the Patriots was for them to draft Marvin Harrison at the third overall pick and then get Michael penx I wasn’t expecting penx to jump up that high me me neither and that’s the point that I’m just getting across I don’t think anybody saw Michael penx jumping that high he was projected at first to be a second round pick so for him to jump from what was it maybe midc round pick to the 10th or eighth overall pick whatever the Atlanta Falcons had as a pick blew everyone away all the quarterbacks that were really good you even said Bo Knicks was one of them that you wanted for the Patriots that would be a great fit all of them landed in the first round when at first they weren’t even mocked to be first round picks yeah so I mean it it makes sense that these I mean these teams evaluated these guys and said you know what this this is the quarterback that we want this is who we want and they went out and got who they wanted it’s it’s what you do if you find a quarterback you like you draft him no matter where you’re drafting so I you know I think for the most part um but for the Patriots to get may I think that’s more if they got strong armed by by the media to pick him so the biggest need for the Patriots this draft was QB uh tack I QB no no let me cook let me cook right now QB a good wide out and and offensive lineman that was their goal going into the draft do you think they met that goal um I think they picked players in those positions I don’t know I’m not thrilled on any of the players they picked in said positions okay well I take that back I like I said Baker and pul yes um May and that third round tackle from Penn State uh uh I’m not sold on that that one’s going to take some time to be on cu the last time we drafted a QB didn’t work out so well so I understand that take I just think I mean third overall pick I I feel like you there wasn’t a good trade offer out there for you to get a quarterback in the first round also so I feel like with the third overall pick you had to get the quarterback I know people disagree with that but I think May does have a lot of upside for how young he is I don’t mind the pick I just want to see where this goes goes going forward it’s like I said at worst case scenario you got a you got an actual serviceable quarterback in Milton at least yeah um for this year yep for this year but I don’t know I I I’m not like this draft class it’s good it it it at least it was a really good draft class it at least shows excitement for the fans coming up and it’s going to be interesting to see again I’m not sold I wasn’t sold in any of the quarterbacks in this draft other like Bes like past penck and Bo Nicks penck at least Nicks as a passer yeah we’ll see what he’s what he’s going to be like in Denver with absolutely no weapons with him that’s true too yeah um I mean pen is going to walk into a great situation yeah M JJ McCarthy’s walking to a pretty decent situation too as long as they can block him y um but you know I just I just don’t know like I I said I don’t like may I don’t I never I you didn’t you did say that from the beginning Y and we have somebody in chat here where where I just saw it not too long ago somebody said Jaden Daniels is no somebody said I totally agree with Mike I wanted mhj yeah I think I mean think about it you go I think big play wide receivers make teams um at least exciting and you know you can really have almost anybody and I get that argument too they haven’t had a good wide receiver in a while like a number one like a true number one they haven’t had that in a while so I understand that you haven’t had a big play guy since Randy Moss true um and I mean look at like you look at Jamar Chase Jamar Chase still finished the top five wide receiver in the league without burrow for half the year yeah players like like good players make plays no matter who’s that quarterback yeah um I that’s you know I just think that you could have gotten Marvin Harrison and then you know maybe you you know maybe you start seeing these quarterbacks go and there’s somebody else you like like Nicks or McCarthy and you’re afraid they’re going to go maybe you could have traded up um but I think getting May that’s I don’t think he’s a third overall Talent right and that’s always been as much people want to crush bill for his drafting he always has a good philosophy is you don’t draft for need you draft by you draft the best prospects yes not what you need and that’s how you end up with good like with you know staying good is you find people that can play and then you find positions for them to play I you know I think Marvin Harrison would like I think Joe alter would have been a better pick than Marvin Harris than sorry than Drake may I think Marvin Harrison would have been better um I don’t think JC Leon would have been better I don’t think Malik neighbors I just don’t think I just don’t think May 3 is going to be something that’s going to turn your franchise around not in the me not immediately right away I don’t think I think I think that’s going to take some time well I I think we can both agree on this they’re not doing anything this year they’re probably gonna get maybe five six five and 12 that’s that’s the line I’m going I’m going under I’m going under the six 6.5 or wherever the hell Vegas put him I’m going under taking the under all day twice on Sunday rookie quarter sorry rookie head coach jerset sucks he’ll make you competitive and then in the two-minute drive when you think he’s gonna Mount The Comeback he’s gonna throw a pick six in the end zone like he always does every single game you would know the jacobe Bret game too because he was a Cleveland Brown quarterback the amount of times that the amount of times I’m like oh sweet it’s first it’s first and goal on the five yard line with a minute 30 left down three this is easy score the touchdown get the two points and you know all you have Nick chub instead of running the ball they they gave it a per to throw he throws a [ __ ] a Mard into five DBS with no wide receiver I’ve seen it so many times it is so frustrating oh my God man the only time he actually pulled it off was against the Bucks which I don’t know how the hell he pulled it off against the kind of crazy it was the only time ever but other than that every other time against I think I’m pretty sure what the commanders there’s a commanders fan in there that that we might remember there’s a commies fan in this chat here yeah I’m pretty sure it was against commanders two uh two years ago when brette threw a pick in the end zone if I remember correctly and it made me [ __ ] angry so angry that’s nuts um for the most part this offseason though they didn’t really make any big moves and it’s kind of sad because because again they had the money to go out and just go crazy and I I I me personally I don’t feel like they went crazy in free agency or with what they needed so I feel like for the free agents maybe you you could have used I mean t Higgins wasn’t available whatever but like you could have used the money to get yourself like I don’t know I feel like they could have done better in in my opinion I I I I just wish did more and they didn’t do any they didn’t do really much this off season so that’s why I have them under 500 for what’s this now the third year in a row I also think that they have a tough schedule uh like there’s a chance there’s a chance you might see 0 and eight out the gate oh man um Cincinnati that’s a loss Seattle Seattle you might you that might be a win um it might be a win the Jets if if Rogers is healthy that’s a loss you you you almost lost the Zach Wilson last year with the Jets now put him with a real quarterback and now they have some better weapons around him too yeah the Jets are going to be scary you’re losing to SRO you’re probably going to lose to Miami uh Houston you’re going to get spanked Jacksonville you’re going to you might I don’t know it’s in London you never know weird [ __ ] happens in London yeah um you never know the Jets you’re going to lose y the Tennessee I think might be your first win that I’m confident you’re probably going to win oh yeah that’s true they’re not that good anymore you’re right so you know what I mean but again you’re at Tennessee that’s going to be tough then you’re at Chicago maybe kale Williams pulls you know shot shakes off the rookie Jets yeah because he’s got a good team around him the Rams that’s gonna be like that’ll be a dog fight with McVey is always a great coach you know Miami Indianapolis is gonna be a toss up in my opinion if Anthony Richardson’s healthy I think Richardson’s a dog Arizona you’ll be Arizona you you’re going to Buffalo Buffalo lost you might split Buffalo this year I don’t you don’t think so no I don’t think it’s going to matter Josh Allen will just run the ball for 400 yards down your throat you have no you have no linebackers to to stay up on Josh Allen okay you have Josh uch as like your linebackers I’m pretty sure like he’s your like it’s him and Jawan Bentley so let’s pull up so yeah it’s Jaan Bentley tii and uch yep then you got Matthew judee on but but he’s a rush he’s not he’s not a real linebacker uh I mean Taki Tak he’s a decent linebacker but other than that you got no other linebackers here you know nobody what the you know what I mean you don’t think you could do is if you put somebody like ja pepper in the Box yep um but other than that there’s a chance you know so looking at the schedule again I’m I’m thinking you go you got Tennessee will be a win you might win one Miami game I don’t even know if I about that one honestly I think Miami might sweep you honestly now that they got Odell they got a lot of firing power yeah right yeah all right I I’ll be I’ll be pretty uh oh what the hell’s going on theame it’s okay all right I’m GNA be pretty loose with it I’m GNA say Seattle Tennessee Indie Arizona Chargers five all right so and that’s me being being frivolous with these picks not conservative all right I’m going to go with Seattle I’m going to go with Tennessee I’ll go Chicago that’s that that might be a good matchup though I will say that that might be a good match up I’m gonna go Chicago I’m gonna go Indianapolis uh let’s see Chargers and I I say Arizona yeah you at six six and 11 somebody Ben Ben in the chat said six and 11 too I I have to agree I would say six and 11 what’s that three years AO I actually predict six and 11 too God damn and by the way if you’re like oh why the Pats only have one One Prime Time game go go go pound s they they have nobody on this team worth watching my buddy Stephen said the same thing he’s like dude that kind of sucks that they only have one Prime Time game or whatever I’m like dude do they really like deserve one no technically they have two if you think about the 930 game oh well that don’t count it’s a prime time yeah probably for England not even I think it’s like 3 o’cl in England time is it actually I think they’re only six hours ahead of us oh damn so it’s not even real prime time no it’s not so they don’t deserve Prime Time games this year no they don’t sorry no no they don’t have and the compe the competition that they’re playing this year I mean it’s I like there going to be any close games no that’s going to make it worth right so might have to hold off on Patriot videos this year because I did two of them last year and they both backfired not really the one one did one didn’t didn’t but one did the Miami one I went to did backfire so yeah what do we think next Celtics or Bruins we’ll do the Bruins get them done cuz Celtics are going to be the best to talk about yeah we there’s nothing but praise for the Celtics but the Bruins though oh man I’ll tell you right now man we got some discussions to talk about about the Bruins wel to Boston Bruins Bost [Music] Bost the Bruins yet again what what else is new with them second year in a row they fall to the Florida Panthers and there’s a lot of controversy going on with it right now but I still feel like for the Bruins they lost the Series themselves I mean there’s a lot of ticky Tac with like it the ref screwed them this game and that game so on so forth but that’s that that’s totally true both can be true the ref sucked but the Bruins sucked also yeah yeah that’s fair um I mean game six there you have four you have four brooms players fing at the puck in the defensive Zone and they can’t clear it right and one of the defensive player one of the four Bruins players is screening Swingman so he doesn’t see where the puck is and four I was that for who came in and just hammered that home yep like he sing doesn’t have a play cuz he can’t see the puck you have four people just looking at the puck right you can’t blame the ref for not make for not clearing right exactly um you can’t blame the rest for not shooting the puck also yeah game four shoot the puck shoot the puck like I’ve never heard a chant like that before the garden yeah it was pretty pretty sad to say but it was very low shooting who in your opinion outside the refs worst performance in the postseason worst performance in the postseason yeah um I would it’s tough to say because he had a heroic game last round but I got to go with POS I that’s a good point I’m grabbing my water real quick I gotta go posan in this one only for the fact of tough you know he besides the goal in game seven to win it what did he really do do didn’t show up he’s your best player he’s a paid top 10 player in the league paid like it and honestly he scores like it yeah but God he sucks at Puck handling he sucks at passing like he just doesn’t show up in the postseason I I yeah he he didn’t show up at all posa would be my number two answer my number one answer oh my God yeah they’re spamming in the chat I gotta say Charlie makoy man oh my God the entire series I felt like he was playing for the other team just giving the puck away making the bad making a bad pass or just icing the puck every time it it just felt like watching him play it it gave me a freaking headache I’m not going to lie to you there was some plays that he made where I I was questioning like is he done with this team is is he like moving on to whatever his next PATH is in life like I don’t I don’t know man like makavo to me he’s definitely better than that so this was like the real first postseason for me with makoy where he played bad so I mean am I going to ship him off no I don’t think I’m going to ship him off right now but he’s got to turn it around I mean I think I think the Florida Panthers does have a style of play that um it’s so smothering to the Bruins that it’s hard for them to really do anything for some reason they just have their number and the breakout like the the the transition game the Bruins like for some reason when you’re watching it it felt like there’s eight Panthers on the ice and only three Bruins at all time like I have no idea what was going on um so like the turnovers were tough because it just felt like I said it just felt so smothering of a defense by them yeah so I mean I I will defend M I don’t think makoy is you know the number one to blame here um I I mean I think he needs to shoot the puck some more when he’s on on the offensive zone well that’s what I was going to say too also there were some plays where I would like to see him shoot the puck some more I was going to just add on to that too because there was because fast forwarding it to the offensive side also so cam NE was it cam Ney or Don Sweeney who said that they want makavo to be like yeah Bobby or what what was what was the comparison for um yes they want him to shoot more yeah yeah they want him to shoot more they wanted to be like like I I I don’t know the comparison off the top of my head but they say he can be like the next greatest defenseman of all time from for the BR for the Bruins franchise and he he just hasn’t been that this this series at Le even you can even argue the first round he wasn’t really that guy and I’m going to say this too because this was my tweet after game four and this was my tweet after the press conference with Don Sweeny the day after the game four Jim Montgomery great regular season coach but it’s time to pack it up and head off to Russia or wherever the [ __ ] you need to go man I’m sorry but Monty the things that they were saying in that press conference him and Don Sweeney oh we’re not a volume shooting team so we’re not going to have high shot numbers well if you don’t have high shot numbers you’re not going to put the puck on the net to create chances to score goals and when you don’t score goals you lose games and what did you do you lost games and you lost kind of hand manhandled from the Florida Panthers I mean I just think going into this going into this playoffs if you thought the if you thought the the brones were G to make it to the SLE cop I didn’t I’m not saying I did if you thought that they were even going to make it to the third round I think you’d be smoking crack really I yes their their ceiling was when it was I think their ceiling was making the playoffs and being competitive round one winning the first round and going to the second round I think that that was like a great season Mark for them and the fact that they made round two competitive against a Panthers team that is a [ __ ] Wagon in my opinion like top to bottom Panthers got a wagon of a team they they they obviously have out of the top 10 players they might in the in the matchup they might have eight eight or seven of the best players talent-wise going into the match up between the Panthers and the Bruins I’m not I’m not going to disagree with that take but he he would he would be my counter argument with you for most of the season this year the Bruins were either the best team in the Eastern Conference or the second best team in the Eastern Conference yeah I think it was streaky play I don’t think I don’t think do you think they overachieved this year I think it was a complete overachievement okay well then then then all right you look at there’s no way that this roster should have won should have gotten you 109 points this roster would be lucky to make 90 points I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened and I and I think this is where you look at Montgomery and I think Montgomery isn’t the problem I think Montgomery gets these players to play at a high level and for some reason like this this to me seems like Billy ball a Billy Bean Ace this this is Money Ball Ace in my opinion with the Bruins this is 18 well look at the moves they made in the trade deadline also but that’s what I’m saying you have you you got a bunch of Scrubs together and somehow pulled magic out of your ass and got and made a pretty good playoff run so here’s what I here’s why I blame Monty because like because again I mentioned that they were at one point overachieving like you said if you’re if you’re the first seed in the like if you’re the best team in the East or even the second best team in the East you should be a cup Contender and the fact that you fell at the end of the season you lost home ICE advantage to these Florida Panthers towards the end of the season you didn’t they didn’t play that good at the end of the year and then they just felt and for some reason in the second round they kind of went away with their play physical aggressive on the offensive end they went away with that when this team’s doing good they always relax and fall apart that’s where I put the blame on Monty because he needs he needs to get motivate these guys to continue the energy continue the tone and I don’t think that there’s any energy in that locker room going into the locker room after the first period I don’t I okay this is where I’m going to disagree completely they were so hurt at the end of the regular season that they just limped once they made it to the postseason home ICE doesn’t matter in hockey it doesn’t matter this there there was the you know between round this the first round and the second round there was only three home games won the entire of those rounds three home games one home ICE doesn’t matter in hockey it doesn’t matter so they were limping to the playoffs because of so how hurt and banged up that they were that they weren’t like it didn’t matter if they won or not they made it to the playoffs you know how many years though as a Bruins fan I hear about the injuries or whatever though we heard about that last year when they had the historic season they don’t have anybody else to play for them though they don’t have a they don’t have a farm they don’t have an AHL team that has players that can come up so can I follow this with can I follow this with I’ll follow it with this question then what what do you think the Bruins need to do to improve their roster going forward they need true first line offense players okay you Pavo zaka and Charlie coo aren’t first line centers yeah I I would agree with that you get exposed by you get exposed but when that happens I agree with that so so they got exposed in the face off Department all postseasons because of that who do you think’s the problem I don’t think there’s any problem you should be happy think it’s I don’t understand what the problem is why aren’t you happy the Bruins overachieved they were supposed to be [ __ ] this year they were supposed to be [ __ ] I put I it’s their first year without without Patrice berser on and they actually made a competitive run in the playoffs I mean you you figured out you figured out that you have a goenda future and and San I will agree with that San is your is your goalie get rid of allar save the money go get somebody else if you could trade him because they gave him a no trade clause well it doesn’t matter it’s only no it’s only 16 team trade clause oh it is it’s yes he only he only has 16 team taking veto okay um go go trade Omar keep swaying go get somebody else to be cheap backup you know you don’t need to have two horses especially if you’re going to only play one in the postseason um and go get you you have the you have the seventh most cap space in the entire league right now that’s gonna be huge and and you have rookies that are actually exciting brail played pretty damn good beer played pretty damn good um p before he got hurt played pretty damn good you have a good young core coming up uh uh uh lorai you have a good core he played well you have a young core that’s playing that’s pretty damn good and you have like Mar uh Martian is gonna stay for a while you know for a couple more years Pak is locked up long term M boy locked up long term like zaka you know I you know you keep zaka uh you keep zaka you try to keep Coy you know you try to keep de brus too if de bruss will saay for cheap oh we need de BR but like you know what I mean like if you can if you can retain most of your players for cheap you still you will still have 20 million in cap to go get real players well I think de you can go get two real players de brus is going to cost more than $1 million though you think you have 28 million in 28 you have 28 million in c space you have and that thought it was 22 it’s 28 okay okay well you have so much money don’t worry we’ll cut this part out um you have so much money to to get people I don’t understand like that’s why I’m like you overachieved working geeky should not be your F your second line Center and the fact that you made you you you you fought with Florida all the way with Morgan geeky as your second Center I mean 61 62 I mean the 2-1 games I mean those are close 32 21 two1 32 you got screwed by the refs yes exactly you got screwed in one of those games and your defense fell apart not your defense but you mean your whole your whole team just kind of fell apart in game six they got you know the air came deflated out from them after that fouring goal if that fouring go if you they clear that Puck and they don’t get that I think they would have won that game it it it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter home M doesn’t matter in the postseason and you you just at the end of the day the better roster wins that’s what always happens I I didn’t have Bruins being in the Panthers anyways I didn’t have the the P the being the the Bruins being the maple Le like I said the better roster wins the Maple Leaves have a great roster but maple leaves are going to Maple leafes that’s that’s what I that’s why I predicted Maple that’s why I predicted Bruins but you shouldn’t be mad over this playoffs they played damn good I mean you you played phenomenal you you know you overachieved you take this this this this as a win you build around your young core you keep you know your stalwarts and you try to bring in some people like that that say like I would keep maroon I would try and keep jvr if he doesn’t retire um I think they played pretty well um you your defense is pretty set I mean grizzli can walk for the most part yeah let’s read chat real quick but okay so quickly your defensive pairing just said I think lolm isn’t the issue and I think mavo is going to is going to be fixed I think he’ll turn around I think again I think Florida just gives them nightmares matchup wise and that they’re just so smothering in their thing and that Maguire guy I want to punch in the face because he’s he’s such a damn good he’s like the Nick nurse yeah he’s a damn good coach and he’s really [ __ ] annoying but if he was a coach of your team you’d be really happy yeah um but like you know them Carlo played pretty pretty well uh worther spoon played played mediocre but I mean that again if that’s your six if that’s your six defenseman you’re not it’s not it is what it is warai played pretty damn good I I like lorai Lori’s got a good future I think yeah I think the young players are good I mean lorai and Carlo as a second line I think you just need more talent I think that’s what this yes you need a number one Center you need a we and you need another Wing we can both agree on that you need you need you need a uh somebody who can come who’s you need a B on 2.0 somebody who’s going to win faceoffs and is a good setup man and you need somebody you need another forward that can actually carry the puck get something good for oie and send him somewhere where he can contend we got that comment right there someone said lots of liabilities in the Bruns defense um someone said I hate Monty for that someone also said get makoy out of here he wasn’t good at all liability um and I agree SW San is your goalie for the future I don’t think you need I don’t think you need the two goalies anymore that was great at first because you had Omar kind of mentoring sing it swiming it first but I don’t think you need that anymore I think Omar could go save yourself $5 million there too you can bring another Winger on there as well I I’m not saying the brues had again I’m not saying that the Bruns had a bad year but this was the brunes being the brunes and like I’ve seen a lot of that in the last few years young Court beer played pretty dang good I I like you know beer as a fourth liner Bist as a fourth liner is actually serviceable Frederick is still 26 so him as a third ler I’m fine with geeki is your if he’s a four if he’s a third liner 25 loo 24 um like those people zaka is 27 so him if he could be your first line um I’m just looking else zaka first line you said zaka is a first I think zaka is a playmaker dude dude’s an actual playmaker I’d say second again if you can get a true number one Center yes zaka is a second Center yes but you know you need to find that’s like my yeah that’s my ideal um Matty pess is 20 brazzo 26 who who just came up like you have a decent young core you actually have people that can actually play that are young that are going to be good if you just need to bring in some more people to shore it up you definitely need more talent definitely more Talent on this team offensive Talent we’ll see we’ll see let’s see I mean let’s let’s see what Don sweedy pull I he hasn’t really been able to get out of the second round like past the second round in the last few years so again there’s really for me at least no faith there but that’s why I’m saying that’s why I’m saying it’s I they got to be for me it’s either Monty or Sweeney one of those two have to go just just a clean fresh look at the top a new mindset someone said hey McDavid I mean [ __ ] who’s even in a free agent this coming off season that’s what actually gonna look up perfect great minds think Alik guys great minds think Alik Sam Reinhardt see a center I thought he was a Winger uh you look up all positions Cent yeah there you go um right here available Reinhardt is a center and the top one is Stephen stamco stos is old though 34 I would take him I mean I’d rather go with Reinhardt I mean i r Reinhardt to me he led he led the NHL in Power Play Goals this year yep um lyol for Vancouver gel I would take from Carolina I would take him lyol I would take Elias lyol from Vancouver I would take him [Music] um we’re aiming big here guys we’re aiming big think about it with that kind of money you could you could get Reinhardt yeah and that hurts the Panthers that helps you yep um and I’m trying to I’m trying to think of all forwards here see if there’s anybody that really is uh sticking out which not really at the moment well kind of I don’t know I don’t know what this whole v v no no I would you go V I would go B I bring bzi back the energy he brought in that first round series I would take him back in a heartbeat I would as well I don’t know how to say his name the guy in Vegas Jonathan yeah let’s just say Jonathan so so think tereno would be nice I I I I think teraso didn’t show up in this playoffs I wouldn’t I I’m wasn’t a fan but you know I mean so right there right Tyler to Foley would be a nice move so think about that right if you can get to Foley uh berzi and Reinhardt y that right there fixes your offense oh it absolutely does your your your first line would be in my opinion and again if you can resign de Bros and and I think Frederick’s also a free agent um maybe but I think you definitely got to keep Jake we got to keep the Brosco for barcel but you think about if you go if you go Reinhardt uh berzi and panak as your first line Second Line would be marshan zaka uh and de Brusque yeah like that to me that to me is a true first L that’s just your first line moving down to the second basically that’s what it basically comes down to third line Coy is a good third line Center you put him with Coy Frederick uh and you find some you know Matty patas coming back and then Bor not yeah B Bist boquist yes boquist um oh my God I’m bling everybody else bous wco you know geeky beer some combination in there like that to me is is a better offense going into next year yeah and then next year you should have an excuse and you still have and then that still leaves you right that still Lees you with like jvr Maroon uh um and and hinen right on somewhere to fill in for like injury rotations um and you can send other people like up and down and all that yep and like I think your defense is you know you can get one more person on defense but personally to me if if you can get ryanh Hart bruzi and tley I think that I mean we even we didn’t even mention tley in that in that re rearrangement of the offense so you might not even need him if you can get bruzi Reinhardt and then defenseman you know who was one player I would bring back though I would bring back maroon exactly yes I would bring back maroon cuz he brought a physical presence in that second half of the year that you did not have at the first half of the year you need somebody with balls yep you need somebody that can go in there and toss bodies around give him the Lich deal it was like 1 million with incentives to go up to 1.5 mil I would give him that all right Brandon Montour boom that’s who I would get another Panther you’ve seen him you’ve seen him plenty Times show up in the postseason and then Matt grizzli see you later exactly you can swap out Montour for grizzli and get Reinhardt and bzi that right there for your 28 mil perfect boom done then it’s Bruins you don’t really have an excuse next year exactly then Don Sweeney Alpha give you yeah all right you guys so little update on this video here so this podcast was recorded just a little bit before the Eastern Conference Finals against the Indiana Pacers for the Boston Celtics we did a Celtics segment on this podcast but I honestly thought like I’m not going to lie to you guys I honestly thought that this series was going six games at Max five minimum so I thought I had more time to edit this podcast than I did Celtics surprised me they took care of business they swept the Pacers and now they are moving on to the NBA finals we will do a only Boston Celtics podcast Within These next eight or nine days and I forgot to mention too if you want to watch the Celtics portion of this podcast here because again we did do a Celtics portion to this podcast here I will leave a link to us doing this podcast live on stream in the description down below so if you want to check it out go go check out the live stream playback that we did that is where you’ll get the Celtics segment from this podcast here we did do a segment before the Eastern confs finals but obviously this podcast here is going to be coming out after the Celtics swept the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Finals so be on the lookout for that podcast we got plenty of time to do the next one because the Celtics are in the NBA finals in 8 days and the next clip that you’re going to see is pretty much Us closing up the podcast here and it’s thank you guys for watching this podcast that’s going to do it for this podcast here thank you guys for watching leave a thumbs up if you guys enjoy subcribe now if you guys new you guys know to do go check out the website the link is in the description down below go follow my boy Mike on Instagram his links are in the description down below as well thank you guys for watching it’s been your boy Jesse it’s been Mike and we’re out of here peace see you later that was good that was the best one we’ve ever had it was pretty clean yeah it was [Music] [Music] be town be

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1 Comment

  1. Wicked awesome Beantown Takes podcast episode as always, Jesse & Mike 😊👍🙌. Hyped to have the main 2-MAN BAND back together again for a brand new W reaction for our Boston Sports teams!
    I definitely have optimism for our Pats with Drake Maye, going forward. And as for our Bruins, hopefully Don Sweeney will actually get playoff-ready players & much better overall guys to help boost our team back into an actual Stanley Cup-contending squad.
    Obviously, our Red Sox (aka JOKE SOX) still don't deserve a reaction from me because I already know what they did to themselves for this season.
    Other than that, I'm totally hyped for the Celtics-only episode coming up soon! That one shall be a banger, no doubt.
    #WsJesseAndMike #JesseAndMikeBeKnowin #JesseAndMikeTheGOATs 🐐🐐
    #BostonFam ♾️ #AllInCeltics ☘️💚🏀 #BruinsCentennial 🐻🖤💛🏒 #NEPats 💙❤️🏈 #DirtyWater ❤️⚾🧦

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