@Edmonton Oilers

McDavid just made NHL history

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  1. The contracts are the issue. The oilers have to be perfect in player acquisition because their margins are smaller because they are paying one guy such a big percentage of the cap. Toronto has this same issue, maybe even more so. If I’m a guy like mcdavid or Mathews I’m pulling a Tom Brady and signing for 7.5 million a year. I figure if I’m winning cup after cup my ability to make up the difference in other avenues will more than make it up.

    I’ll never understand quarterbacks in football or the top elite guys in hockey, sports with a true hard cap, taking such a high percentage of the cap. I’m gonna be rich beyond wm my wildest dreams anyway, I’ll take cups.

  2. The problem with those houses up north is, almost no one wants to live there except the rig pigs, and people in town. Tell your "friend" good luck with those garbage houses. 😅

  3. tell me your a vancouver fan without telling me lol. Bro they overperformed one year you goof they're back to fighting for a spot next year. Championship window my fucking ass

  4. keep comparing stats dog. Address the nothingness of dallas last night how about. "A JUGGERNAUT" THO" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. I'd love to see McDavid win a cup. But as a Red Wings guy I would rather Holland never win one again.

  6. The problem is not the Stars, it is the referees that follows NHL's "instructions" to prevent a Canadian team to win the Cup. Put McDavid in any US Team and he would have had held 2 Cups up to now. Yesterday's game speaks by itself about how biased the calls were.

  7. We also need to say that since Coffey in behind the bench with the new coach, that defense is an offensive powerhouse that can feed the forwards. The changes the Oilers made in December 2023 is the turning point and will get them the Cup.

  8. Considering the context. He only needs to win one with oilers. After that, whatever’s cleaver

  9. McDavid is the same age as Gretzky was when he was traded. Just leaving this here for no reason

  10. Any game I watch there 2 are paired together and there first line power play together. Google says they played 76 games together this season. Trust me Leon's good but when he's not with McDavid he's not going to get 50 goals ever again maybe not even 40? Zack Hyman is like a 20 goal man and got over 50 this year McDavid had 100 assists. Not coincidence that a 20 goal guy popped in 30 extra this year playing with McDavid. Leon plays more than half the season and power play with the best playmaker the NHL has seen since Lemieux and Greater. I like Leon if he leaves Edmonton he will be a 30 goal guy in my opinion.

  11. Thanks for the analysis Rob. The issue is the cap – sort of. When 2 players take 1/3 of the cap hit, there's no way to have enough goal support around them for long enough to become a dynasty. If player 3 has a breakout 30-goal season, he wants $10 million and forces himself to be traded… breaking up the team's core. But here's the rub… even if that #3 guy is willing to take a discount to make dynasty, HIS AGENT ISN'T. The NHLPA doesn't like any player taking a discount, and THEY are aligned with the agents. This is where the business overshadows the athletics in a sport, and ultimately its the fans who lose out. There will never be another Oliers dynasty for this reason… nobody could afford to employ the Kurri, Coffey, Anderson, Messier, Lowe and Huddy of today's NHL because of the cap and the no-discounts-allowed.

  12. Yes, they do. I’m sick of hearing about the Stars’ depth. They’re so deep one player got both goals and one was a fluke. The Oilers have Star power. STAR POWER! That no team can touch. To paraphrase Tony Stark, We have a McDavid. Or if you prefer, we have a Draisaitl

  13. As much glazing as you rightfully give McMeme, let’s not forget that this year it seems all the “the Oilers are just two guys” trash-talking has finally been shut down. We’re seeing a lot of performance from other players.

  14. Flames never stood a chance even when they were at the top. Johnny doesn't car3 about winning, else would he pick th3 Blue jackets

  15. They need a solid goalie!!!! if you watch their games, you can see how dominant the oilers are in most of their games and they put up a lot of points but all of that goes to waste if they're goalie isn't solid enough to help maintain that lead. every 3rd period is always a heart attack waiting to happen because you know skinner can just as easily let it 5 goals in 5 minutes LOL! give us a solid goalie and the oilers will be unstoppable!

  16. I was hoping you'd go into why Nurse got that massive payday. His predecessor managed to lose both of his top pairing D-men in the same off-season. Klefbom was forced to retire due to injury and Larsson to the expansion draft as his mom would not visit him in Edmonton (his dad died of a heart attack in Edmonton during a visit from Sweden). Holland was left with a tough decision. Either let Nurse walk as well (since previous management had been signing him year to year and hadn't signed him long term to a cheaper contract) or sign him to what had been market value. Clearly a tough decision, but one that had to be made since the Oilers would have been left without their top 3 D.

  17. I think you did a video comparing regular season and playoff production, can’t find it! Which one is it?

  18. 97 is a really good at speed but there was one player faster with better hands at speed , who had gears that was Pavel the Russian Rocket , what bothers me about 97 he is so strong on his skates but falls on his face way to easily if he feels a stick, and being in the Era of no clutching and grabbing on he should be even better .But it is rare for a team to win the cup with only one line

  19. Pens are the best recent example? I disagree. I say Blackhawks. The Pens had THE BEST player of this generation. The ‘Hawks also got 3 in a short time, and their players weren’t the same as those of the Pens. That Hawks team was great and fun to watch.

    You’re too soon on this too. Edmonton is still getting better. McDavid is still only 27, and Draisaitl is 28. These guys are awesome, and they now have the experience. The oilers are still looking at another 3-5 year window as long as they can commit to each other. The Oilers need goaltending. They could probably manage without that 3rd and 4th line depth, but not without goaltending. When Skinner is good, he’s great, but when he’s not good, he’s terrible. And that might mean a deeper look at the defensive lines too. Edmonton’s problem is not offensive.

  20. Team vrs Superstar. 1 Bobby Orr vrs Philadelphia. Winner Philadelphia. 2 Bobby Hull vrs Montreal winner Montreal. 3. Wayne Gretzky VRs Islanders winner Islanders until Edmonton became a complete team. 4 Connor McDavid VRs Colorado. Winner Colorado but Edmontons team this year is much better and could win.

  21. That McDavid goal against the Rangers is the best goal I've ever witnessed. He splits 4 guys and a goalie between the blue line and the net from almost a stand still. The announcer doesn't even know what to say, they're speechless

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