@Toronto Maple Leafs

For the “Leafs got goalie-d again” crowd

For the “Leafs got goalie-d again” crowd

by souza-23


  1. Accomplished_Low148

    I mean we’ve had to face Swayman, Bob, Vasi, Vasi, Price, Rask, Rask, Prime Holtby.

    Sure its not really an excuse as you have to beat good goalies to win a cup but two things can be true at once which is we keep having to face these guys in the first round.

    God forbid we face a goalie like Cam Talbot or Charlie Lindgren in the first round over a 7 game series. Funniest thing is, nothings going to change in the future either as TB Florida and Boston are still gonna be players in the division with some of the best goalies in the league

  2. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    Difference is they have a top playoff goalie during that time of their own. A healthy Woll and the Bruins series is different too

  3. JuicemaN16

    Are there still idiots who use that excuse for our failures?

  4. AllOfTheAbove100

    And imagine they get taken down by Skinner

  5. RevolutionUpbeat6022

    At this point most of us know the team didn’t get goalied. Their pp was absolutely useless and they had some bad luck with the core missing games. That’s what happens when you lock up so much money into 4 players and they don’t really show up.

  6. BackhandQ

    It also helps when you got Bob on the other end to match them shot for shot, save for save. And not letting in softies.

    Not saying that’s necessarily the reason the Leafs lost, because goaltending was not the primary issue. But hey, it certainly doesn’t hurt.

  7. Toronto_Sports_fan

    the Leafs are the biggest joke in sports 

  8. JRocleafs

    If anything this post shows the importance of having stability in the net, something the Leafs haven’t had since the early 2000’s.

    Florida has goalie Bob going up against these guys and has come out on top each year. We NEED to shore up our net or we aren’t going anywhere

  9. another_plebeian

    The problem is that the leafs get goalied by c-tier goalies.

  10. juliusseizure

    Are you not including the panthers D relative to the leafs shitty D in this analysis?

  11. Big_Muffin42

    Did we get goalied? Or did we just not make it difficult for those goalies to make saves on us

    No, it’s the children who are wrong

  12. Soft goals have such a deflating effect on a team.

  13. Sideshift1427

    I think that the Rangers’ inability to score had more to do with their loss.

    It’s still a fact that the Leafs always had the worse goaltending.

  14. JonJonFTW

    This Leafs core has had no problem running top goalies out of the building in the regular season. They either completely change the way they play in the playoffs and they suck, or they can’t adapt to having less space. Either way, the only goalie we’ve dominated in the playoffs is Vasi last year. And lo and behold, it’s our one series win. The problem has always been offense.

  15. dirkahps

    The Leafs have beaten Vasy, never faced Igor and Swayman was unreal during the series. It’s still possible to get goalied in your series but it wasn’t the case this year, the Leafs just sucked.

  16. PsychologicalBee1801

    The fact they chased the personal goals instead of the team goal, for both Matthew and nylander, is part of the problem that hopefully a new coach will help.

    They didn’t have a cutoff to make sure their best players could sit and rest.

    In game 6 with 2 seconds left the team let up helping cause woll to injure himself trying to get a shutout.

    I know they are working on guts and teamwork and they got better. But it’s gonna take focusing on the team not the individual

  17. TheDeadReagans

    Getting goalie’d implies that you significantly outplayed the other team. The Leafs didn’t do that to Boston. They didn’t even really do it to Montreal either. Everyone says Price, Price’d us.

    This was our series vs Price:

    Game 1 – 2-1 Habs, Price was legitimately great in this game.

    Game 2 – 5-1 Leafs, we outplayed them here.

    Game 3 – 2-1 Leafs. Mostly even game.

    Game 4 – 4-0 Leafs. Price played a bad game but the Habs actually outshot us but chalk it up to score effects.

    Game 5 – Habs outplayed us but blew a 3-1 lead in like 10 minutes in the third period.

    Game 6 – Ditto but it was 2-0.

    Game 7 – Despite the shot totals, Habs outplayed us.

    Keep in mind this was a team that finished bottom 10 in the league that year. The fact that it went to game 7 was a disgrace.

  18. Mental-Mushroom

    I wouldn’t call throwing weak shots with no traffic from the top of the circle “getting goalied”

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