@Boston Bruins

Locker Room Raw: Charlie McAvoy

Locker Room Raw: Charlie McAvoy

going good How uh you know it’s always tough to lose your last game right as they say what’s uh you’re feeling like as you say goodbye um you know it’s tough you’re right uh you know it’s never easy um a lot of processing just you know uh a lot of different emotions that you feel um you know it’s sad it’s sad you always hate when the ride’s over um You Wish You Wish still playing but uh but the more you internalize it and and look at it in the overall picture of you know what this season was and what this group was um you know I’m starting to see a lot more positives you know that come to mind and and and what we were able to put together this year is a lot of things to be problem what sticks out in your mind and the positives um you know I think the biggest thing is just you know what what you know transpired over last offseason and and and you know what the pieces that we lost um and then seeing what we what this group was able to accomplish you know putting it together you know over the off season so you had a lot of young guys Step Up um you know which I think is is the most important thing is you’re seeing you know the depth from within your organization start to start to show itself uh which was massive for us this year um seeing a lot of guys step up and create roles forsel and then you know the veteran guys that we brought in uh you know who were outstanding for us and and and great people and leaders in the room and um you know sort of just what this team was able to accomplish putting it together in the off season and you know what people might have thought we we would have done and uh what people might have thought we could have done and and and in year um you know we I think we were able to to really beat a lot of those expectations we were able to put something special together in a group and um and for that I’m was so proud of everybody Charlie when you conduct your own self- evaluation how would you assess the season that you had yeah um I really liked my year um you know I it was a different season for me as far as sort of coming into more of a you know leadership role which was something that I took a you know I take an extreme amount of pride in um you know I really feel like uh you know it’s hard to look back on the regular season and and sort of put that into uh into perspective it’s so many games and and uh September feels like such a long time ago but um you know more recently in the PS I just know that um I really feel like I did everything I could and um you know my effort and I always put my heart in everything and and leave it all out there and I know that everyone on this team did the same thing and um you know for that I feel like we could be proud how about a kid like Lori he was just saying he called his parents to said he had the most fun he’s ever had playing hockey seeing a guy like that a kid like that how excited are you for him and his future yeah I think that’s something that I you know sort of what I’m getting at and I allude to um you know just the overall future in the positives like you have a guy like mace and this guy is the limit for him um you know he’s an awesome awesome kid and and he shows up and works and really the guy is the limit um I think that he’s going to be an incredible hockey player he already is and I can’t wait to see the strides that he takes but someone like him you know what we what we got out of poy um you know Beach BRZ all the guys that stepped in and you see the the depth within the organization start to show itself um I think that really means so much um you know when you’re seeing these foundational pieces that are being laid for something special that I think we’re building here or I said he still had to pinch himself playing with you just what did it mean to be kind of a mentor for him the past couple months yeah that always sounded weird when when he was telling me that I’m like what it made me feel old um you know I certainly don’t see myself like that I I just I feel like I’m a kid just out there having fun too and uh you know when I’m playing with him and and and watching the things that he’s doing um you know I feel I feel the same way looking at him I’m so proud of him and and you know uh I had a great time playing with him and like I said he he works extremely hard his you know his his his foundation is uh you know is great he works every single day and and I cannot wait to see the strides that he takes I keep telling him that the sky is the limit for him I I see you know where he can go and and it’s really going to be massive for us to to see the strides that he can take this summer and um watching him come into his own and um I’m excited that I’m going to get to be here for that and and help him in any way that I can and uh I look forward to the relationship that we’re going to build is there anything you were dealing with physically during the season or in the playoffs um I had the AC which kind of sucked I never had that before and that’s really an annoying injury like a couple people were like you’re going to deal with that all year ah thanks can’t wait for that but um you they weren’t wrong like it’s annoying but you know it’s none of those things that you can’t overcome and you know things everybody deals with stuff like that watching Jeremy what was that like just even Blossom his game even more in the postseason yeah it was incredible watching him play and um his confidence that he has in himself and just projects it out onto the team like it’s it’s it’s amazing you know I I know that I internalize it and I get so much confidence from watching him play um you know his positive talk that he has on the ice and and um you know his overall demeanor uh it lifts the team it lifts the spirit on the bench in the room um and on the ice uh it was amazing to see the strides that he took this year what he was able to do in the playoffs and how solid he was and steady uh another foundational piece that you’re seeing um you know he’s incredibly special and um I think the future’s bright what’s he like on the ice is he like we see on TV smiling underneath the helmet and chat chatting with the refs he’s having the time of his life every time he goes out there and plays and it truly is amazing cuz you know you can you see these pressure moments right and it’s like you know everybody carries thems different um sort of how you can perform your best and whether it’s some guys keep it loose and some guys are really rigid and um his is obviously to to just have fun and smile and enjoy the moment and I think that’s something that we can all take from that is that at the end of the day you go out there and have fun and give it your absolute best and and that’s what he does and things T to work out Charlie Bergie was a guy that would call free agents when when to try to sell them on on playing here you see that as something you could could see yourself doing yeah I don’t I are there any like are there tampering rules I need to worry about there anything like that but um but I’d be very happy to do that um I I couldn’t see myself playing anywhere other than Boston I think this is the best city in the world I think this is the best fans in the world and I’m so grateful to be here in this city and if I had the opportunity to to sell it to people I’d absolutely jump at it um and I know that this is a a unique offseason for us to to have some you know some some money to spend I think and and um if it comes to that to that point and I’m able to you know help anybody um if they’re looking to come here um I got nothing but good things to say about this place it’s really foxing and the Rangers um I rote for my sister in the Rangers I don’t know uh it’s tough it’s tough when you lose uh so you don’t want to see anybody play I’m being honest uh you want to be the one you know who wins that last game of the season so it really is hard um to watch it still and I I tend to turn it off you know for a while um but uh I love I love my sister my family and um you know any any success that she has personally uh I’d be I through them in for her she supported me my entire life so it’s it’s my turn to do my turn to do the same thing having played now for a while do you understand do you think you understand what it takes to win a cup what this team organization needs to do to win a cup that’s the ultimate in Boston right um I think that is a a great question I’m curious what people would would answer if you ask everybody that you know it’s an extremely hard trophy to win I think everybody would have a different answer um you know you see teams teams Dynamics um how different every single team is and you know depending on you know so many different variables and and there’s only one team that gets it done um and every year they might be built different so it’s it’s tough it really is that’s the magic question right if anybody had the answer to that they’ win every year Charlie back to Mason for a second you you stepped in as the kid in that Ottawa series the first year you a small sample case go home he he goes home thinking what he’s got to work on now do you remember thinking that through as you know fresh out of be what you got to do here to kind of really make a stake in this yeah make it a career yeah I think he might be a little bit more well equipped now than I was certainly a little bit older and a little more mature um you know I remember this God it doesn’t even feel like it was that long ago honestly which is which is crazy I think it’s 7 eight years ago now um sort of being like what am I going to do now I’m out of the dorm I got to find a place to live I got to find a place where I’m going to work out and uh and all sorts of different things but um was the challenge more mental you think or more physic like he’s talking about I got to go home and get first three steps I got to get stronger yeah were you thinking that at yeah you think all those things you think all those things and I think you know the my my coaches and and you know Sween at the time everybody sorts of gives you you know a guideline the things that they want you to work on you have things that you want to work on yourself um the vision that you see for yourself and and how you’re going to get there uh so you put a plan in place and then it’s up to you to to absolutely attack it and I know that that’s something that he’ll do I don’t think anyone questions his work ethic and like I said this guy’s the limit for him um and I know that he’s he’s he’s only just getting started Charli playing for that Team USA in the four nations thing next year is that a goal for you yeah anytime I can play for Team USA I think it’s an absolute honor um and certainly a privilege so uh that would be that would be uh an amazing experience is there something you thought about yeah as soon as they talked about that tournament I mean I’m you know one was playing the Olympics a couple years ago that didn’t come to um now they have some more opportunities for you to to represent your country and anytime you can you jump at that I’ve had some amazing experiences with USA Hockey um and if uh if I’m able to get any more uh I i’ absolutely jump in it all right guys thank you guys for everything right a great summer right

Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy speaks to the media at Warrior Ice Arena for End of Season availability on Sunday.


  1. Love you guys regardless and still made it far! The way I see it, anyone who makes the playoffs should be proud. It’s still a great accomplishment whether you’re out in the first round, second round, etc. 🐻💛 a lot of people like to say “choke” but again, even just being in the playoffs is still very impressive!

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