@Vancouver Canucks


The Vancouver Canucks have drafted Vasili Podkolzin! It’s not a pick that I was expecting, but Podkolzin is a hardworking Russian player taken at the draft in Vancouver. The 2019 NHL Entry Draft is still underway, and it’s crazy!


Twitter: @LR99Gaming
Twitch: legorocks99

Hi. I’m Gio Palermo, also known as legorocks99Gaming (“legorocks99”, “LR99Gaming”, or “LR99”). I post video game commentaries on YouTube revolving around hockey and Vancouver Canucks topics. I enjoy making these videos and I hope that you enjoy watching them!

I am also a student at the BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment program, and this YouTube channel is an essential part of my 2019 BCIT radio portfolio.


  1. Real good pick for you guys! i think it was definitely more than just the KHL contract tho, because like Benning said most of these guys will need 2 years anyways and Podkolzin was adamant at combine that he was going to forsure come over after his KHL contract. His production was meh, but that could be chalked up to a lot of things, like they said bouncing around leagues, i completely agree that his game is way better for NA ice, he will be able to be way more effective on the forecheck. He's the type of player that when the game gets tighter and there is less space out there, he gets better. Like Will said in his scouching report, he see's him as being a really good top six complementary player. He could be a steal and be a star tho, who knows. Regardless good pick at the 10 spot. BPA available there in my eyes. Cole Caufield has the potential to score a lot of goals, but when that 5'7 pure sniper is not scoring, he is going to have a hard time having an impact on the game, kinda like what we saw with Laine this year and he is 6'4. Podkolzin got a rare combination of grit, skill, and work ethic thats real are to find, kind of player you want in playoff series

  2. Skill wise he’s top 3. He didn’t get picked because he won’t play till 2021 but he’ll be a stud when he gets there.

  3. Great pick .. I love your reaction dude .. I was at the draft last night .. it was a great reception for him … Russian Player and Number 10 .. sounds familiar

  4. Great pick for the Canucks! They just picked up T.J. Miller too. Not a superstar but a solid top 6 F that can play wing or center well while chipping in some goals.

  5. Eventually you need some grit and toughness, Russian s gonna be awesome. You cant win the cup with a team full of krebes, hence the blues

  6. When they first made the pick I texted my friend and said “what the fuck is this shit.” They had caufield right there and they passed on him to get another player like horvat, Pearson, leivo and virtanen and he has a contract in Russia. Then I got thinking about it and this was a pick for potential and if podkolzin reaches his ceiling I believe that will be an overall higher ceiling then caufield so I’m ok with I still think I would prefer caufield to give horvat a goal scoring winger especially since they got miller. This isn’t a bad pick though and could be a really good pick down the line if he plays in Vancouver.

  7. Habs fan here. You should be very happy! Podkolzin at 10 is amazing. We got Caufield who could also become a steal, but for me Podkolzin is way safer, he'll be a stud

  8. What a couple days for this horrible franchise, Podkolzin will never leave Russia, and your gonna hire Peter chiarelli! Lol what a joke

  9. Has any talked about the angle of how this could help get tryamkin back in the fold? He left vancouver because he was homesick, no other russian guys on the team, right?

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