@Buffalo Sabres

Grading EVERY NHL Non-playoff Team’s Season…

Grading EVERY NHL Non-playoff Team’s Season…

hello everybody and welcome back to the faceoff in this video we are going to be grading every NHL non-playoff team season and just saying we’re going to be mostly grading on expectations rather than their record in the season but that will also play a major factor in this video let us know what you think down in the comment section below don’t be afraid to roast us we love your comments and we try to reply to every single one of them so without further Ado let’s get started on the Anaheim d and where they belong okay so I’m not sure you want to tackle this in terms of expectations for anim because I feel like they were kind of not meant to be a playoff team but they weren’t meant to be I guess where they finished they finished 27 and 50 which is not great at all so do you feel like I’m I’m trying to think about this do you think they did they meet expectations or did they they didn’t meet expectations did they if we’re talking about expectations obviously I think Anaheim was expected to do a little better but I think this is one of the cases where you got to take their season into account obviously we’re not going to put Anaheim and S tier for any reason just because they met expectations or not I think to start it off I think we’re going to have to go C or D they are a very young team they had some good progress in their development you know trading uh for cutter goer was pretty big actually uh shipping Jamie Dale off and then they have guys like Leo Carlson in the mix he had a great season so I think there was a lot of development I would say put him in C I would say C’s Fair okay all right heading into the next team we got the Buffalo Sabers and I don’t know about you I feel like Buffalo had decently high expectations I feel like they were supposed to be more competitive than they were in my opinion I think well I’m I’m going to be honest with you I disagree with you on that one cuz I feel like they were supposed to be 500 and they finished two games above 500 they got 84 points they finished 39 and 37 so I feel like for me right I think that’s exactly where they should have been okay um as for their season though obviously they didn’t make the playoffs they were not the closest they were six in the Wild Card race I feel like we have to put them it’s definitely better than Anaheim but does this deserve to go in a b tier I think it’s just a B I think it’s you can’t really I don’t think think it’s a very low B I’d give them a B minus for the buffers I I I would agree with that I don’t think there’s a way where you can put them in C okay let’s tackle Calgary now their expectations were definitely much higher than they finished they finished 38 39 and five for a total of 81 points in a division where yeah I was competitive um but they they they they never showed signs of competing they traded away Tanana they traded away Zadora Z pretty early on in that season who helped on to Vancouver to go on the run so I think for Calgary this has to be a c maybe even a d I think I think D is a little bit of a stretch considering they weren’t terrible I I think I would put them in C above Anaheim I think that’s fair I I think that’s a fair spot to put him all right moving on to the Chicago Blackhawks they have Bard he got hurt and then there wasn’t really anything else I think got to put them in D yeah they they they had Bedard for like the first three months or four months whatever it was um everyone was like oh Bard’s unbelievable yeah he is but like outside of Bard what they have really I mean they developing they need a few more years they’ll be good in like five years exactly on to Columbus now I’m going to be honest with you this is they’re definitely not even a question for a d they finished last in the Eastern Conference with 66 points 10 points ahead of 10 points behind the Montreal Canadians who had 76 27 43 and 12 isn’t going to cut it um I know for sure L was battling some stuff and they they have the young pieces Fant Tilly looked pretty decent I think um Ken Johnson for some reason I don’t know he hasn’t really put it together yet you see the flashes of talent there but for me weny I used to still really solid defenseman but for me I think they need a few more years for me now they just hired Donnie woodell as their GM and their president of hockey off that’s going to turn around for them you saw what he’s doing what you saw what he did over in Carolina he turned it around for them he put them in a ball where they’re competing honestly I know they’re definitely put them in deep I think they got to go ahead of Chicago they finished what almost 10 points over 10 points ahead of the Chicago Blackhawks so I think for sure they got to go deep above them uh next we got the Detroit Red Wings now Detroit was really in that wild card race heading to the end of the season there were a lot of good things to look for moider was playing great Dylan Lin you know they got Patrick Kane too they almost made a nice run um had a crazy end to the season as well but I feel like you can’t put them higher than a b so if I’m being honest I think they are definitely ahead well they they’re obviously ahead of Buffalo I want to say so I think we put them in B just ahead of Buffalo yeah I I think that’s a fair spot to put him I think obviously de brinka was great in his first um season with the Red Wings um and I think that they they they showed that they have the pieces and Stevie e needs a little bit more time to cook it up um and he’s definitely gonna make them a perennial Contender for the next years but I think be fair um over to Minnesota now this is an interesting one for me because I I had them finishing really high this year I honestly thought they could win the central at the start of the year and as soon as I saw them play first 10 games Al I know that’s not happening um I think that they they they have you saw Faber looked like an absolute stud Rossy turned into a really good player Baldi looks really good so they have pieces Capri off is doing his thing but for me right they need a few more of those Baldi they need like they need like a NES they need like guys like that secondary scoring that can really take them over the hump I think we’re going to have to go see yeah that’s fair okay moving on to my Montreal Canadian obviously if you don’t know I’m a die hard Hobs fan for us I think it it’s tough to determine because I don’t really know I mean you you got to give me some help here what were the expectations of the Habs on the outside part of it yeah so obviously as a leaf fan I kind of thought I thought they wouldn’t make the playoffs yet I think they do need another year of development or they had that so maybe they go for this year in free agency you never know or maybe they take one more year um I don’t think the expectations were really high for this Habs team I mean they had a lot of injuries I feel like that’s been the story I think you can comment more on that but slavkovsky I know he looked great and they have a lot of young pieces so I think I would put them in C I don’t know if you want to stretch them down to D I don’t think they’re there but I would put them at the end of C so this is the thing for me right so our expectations were never going to be this year was a year where we went and obviously that wasn’t the case the things that PS fan saw from slavkovsky and Suzuki and the things we saw from all those players really showed promising signs for us that we we’re going to be there in a few years so in terms of expectations yeah they didn’t go exceed or anything like that so yeah C is a good spot for them I think behind calary is fair um but they’re going to be good in a few years moving on to the New Jersey Devils who might be the most disappointing team in the league this year um they did not have a great season they were supposed to do big and amazing things they started off the season really well but they ended up falling and trembling to pieces you know firing coach hiring coach Sheldon Keef want to add that recently U maybe a video coming out on them um but I think you can’t put them higher than b for sure I think you got to go see probably I’d put them behind Minnesota in front of Calgary because it just wasn’t great for them I’m going to be honest with you I think they’re D here they they had an awful season and their expectations were definitely much higher I mean Jack Hughes brat Hees all those guys were meant to deliver and they didn’t quite do that I know they had injuries I know you can make those arguments with them but I think they’re at at di right here in ahead of Columbus okay that’s a hot take love the hot takes okay on Ottawa now I don’t really know where to tackle this cuz they I mean were they supposed to be good probably they they were far from it um but like they they definitely showed that they need a bunch more years I mean they made a hell of a lot of changes um I think for for me I think they’re C but there’s signs that show that they could Stow looks like a St so there there’s signs there but they’re definitely a c now yeah I agree um I think you got to put them ahead of Anaheim for sure maybe munch I think I would put them head of Montreal yeah just barely um moving on to the Philadelphia Flyers once again a team in that Metro Wild Card race um they had a pretty solid season I mean for their expectations I would say they exceeded big time um they were looking like one of the better teams in the the NHL uh closer to the beginning of the season but in the latter half they just couldn’t really get it done I think o because of expectations I think we got to put them I think we got to put them in C still I don’t think we can put them ahead of teams like Detroit and buffalo I think they got to go probably first and SE so this is my argument with Detroit okay or with Philadelphia they finished 38 and 33 their bottom six was awful their top six is okay tortella turned them around completely I think they’re ahead of Detroit and B wow okay maybe behind Detroit I would put them behind yeah Fair okay that’s fine okay on on a Pittsburgh they had a good season nothing I mean they’re standard Pittsburgh season they’re they’re competitive they were good enough they didn’t quite track that um final playoff spot which they were going for in the end how many years left to Crosby and Letang and malcol have together is a big question everyone’s wondering for me I’m just going to put him right here ahead of uh Calgary and behind Minnesota for okay that’s fair I would argue maybe bump them up one more spot yeah sure all right uh moving on to the San Jose Sharks I feel like there’s not much to say in terms of expectations obviously not there but yeah 47 points is not going to cut in in the NHL so that’s a de yeah we’ll see you in seven years when they’re competitive um onto Seattle now they have had a great first year second year was okay this year was like I mean it was good it was it was no it wasn’t good actually it was okay I mean they probably had much higher expectations I’m going to put them in C I think yeah for sure I mean they came off a year where they beat the Colorado Avalanche right so yeah yeah I think I think C is fair I think that’s a perfect spot for them moving on to the St Louis Blues they were kind of in the Wild Card race um against Nashville but I feel like yeah the expectations were all right I guess I think nothing too special personally I would put them in C tier probably I’d say around where Calgary is somewhere in that realm I I do want to add you’re probably wondering why we haven’t put things teams in a nobody did like none of these teams exceeded expectations completely and the teams that did didn’t make the playoffs so there’s no need to put them in a or S last one on to Utah I know you can’t really see the the logo properly don’t blame me blame them they don’t have a logo yet they don’t even have a name yet um I think I think their season was it started off much better than I thought it was when it would kind of just like went win one lose two win two lose two win one you know that kind of vibe I I think there’s probably C behind Montreal as a fair not sure okay we’re going to put them right behind the house okay thank you so much for watching this video we hope to see you again soon we got a lot of content on the way we’re making some cool content this summer is going to be a movie we’re going to be making videos almost every day sorry for a bit of a longer video here but we’ll see you in the next one and yeah please make sure to comment down below your thoughts we love looking at your comments giving you I guess comments back and we love responding to all their comments so yeah drop a like subscribe and we will see you in the next video [Music]

Hello Everybody and welcome back to The Faceoff. In this video, we are going to be talking about every team that didn’t make the playoffs and how they stacked up.

Do you think our grades were just right, or terrible? Let us know by commenting your thoughts, and make sure to subscribe for more frequent and awesome hockey content.

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