@Boston Bruins

What Will Bruins Do This Summer? w/ Conor Ryan | Pucks with Haggs

What Will Bruins Do This Summer? w/ Conor Ryan | Pucks with Haggs

with hags is powered by prize piic the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network welcome to another edition of the pux with hags podcast uh pucks with hags is powered by prize piic the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 95th episode of the pucks with hags podcast I have with me today Conor Ryan uh we’re going to talk all kinds of things Bruins and we’ll talk a little bit of NHL too Connor Thank you very much for joining us before we get into it though I just want to get into the uh sponsors of the show real quick first of all prize picks uh the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports uh instead of betting battling thousands of other players that could be Pros or sharks you simply pick more or less than on two to six player stat projections I wish you could do the number of times that Kyrie Irving is gonna flip the bird at the TD Garden fans uh when the Mavericks and the Bruins the Bruins the Celtics play each other Conor doesn’t have enough fingers on his two hands I think it might be beyond the two to six uh player stat projection there uh but uh I think that that if you like uh daily fantasy sports I think the Celtics Mavs matchup is going to be just catnip purple those kinds of people they’re going to be into it uh prize picks is the way to do it and let’s also thank game time uh game time is uh something that takes the guesswork out of buying NBA Finals tickets speak speaking of the Celtics and the Mavs if you want to go to the game uh use Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code clns for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but again create the account and redeem the code clns for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right Connor uh what is before we get into the actual structur discussion here thank you for joining us and what is on your mind currently with the Boston Bruins if anything is there anything sort of percolating in your brain when you think about this team the off season uh the season that we just had because I don’t think we’ve had you on since the season ended just something that’s stuck with you uh at this point uh with the Bruins right now yeah I mean I guess the overall maybe sentiment I have Joe is just anticipation I guess in terms of this off season because you know I I kind of a lot of my stuff that I put together after the season ended was you know you look at the last the previous two years when the season ended it was a lot of I think a different mentality or mindset from what we had the last you know they l in Carolina in 2022 it’s like all right is this it for B run like a crap what are we going to do here and then last year you know it wasn’t I guess maybe set in stone just yet the burar and CR were retiring but you put see the writing on the wall you can see what their cap situation was and I think Bruins fans were like this is gonna hurt this off season I think you do have a great opportunity if you’re done sweing the Bruins to you know build off of a team that I think exceeded expectations had a lot of guys Step Up um that you know you look at the younger players like allori obviously Jeremy swan made big strides like for the first time in a long time you have a chance to really build on top of a foundation that might be slightly ahead of schedule from what I think a lot of people expected now I think the big question now is you have this great opportunity but what are you going to do with that money right like there’s a lot of ways you can go but I think we could look at this team in the start of September and look at one or two signings they made and be like all right this covered a need or we could look at how it was a few years ago when like they went out and got like you know Derek fulbert and some of these guys were like you know these guys could work I guess but is it moving the needle really like I I think it all comes down to with the cap space the Bruins have are they GNA get guys that really move the needle or are they going to be guys that can plug into the roster and I think I’m looking forward to see how the Bruins approach this because this is a great Clean Slate for them to have and there’s a lot of guys out there but who would the right guys trly go after I think is the bigger question yeah and the bottom line is there’s a lot of pressure on Don Sweeney and the Bruins Management Group right now don’t f it up like you need to hit home runs you need to get extra base hits with these free agent signings and you know they’ve been mostly good and to your point mostly good with the sort of lower end free agent signings the under the radar uh free agent signings the Morgan geeky of the world like players like that is is Don Sweeny and and the Bruins management group’s bread and butter like they Crush those signings routinely um the smaller money guys where they get a lot of good value they see somebody that could flourish in a bigger role uh in Boston or somebody you know the Parker or weather spoons of the world um the brzo of the world that are kind of languishing in another organization or stuck in a numbers game and they bring them here and they develop a little bit more like all that stuff they are excellent at I have full faith in them when they make those kind of signings and I think Don Sweeney’s done really well at the trade deadline now too he’s got a track record the last I don’t know five six years of really hitting home runs at the trade deadline getting impact players signing them to extensions you know figuring out too and I I talked about this in the last podcast I think something they figured out lately is that you can add those physical players that you need for the playoffs at the trade deadline those heavy physical players and that’s something they’ve started to doing the last few years too and really I think started to understand that you need to even even if you have some of those players on the roster you need to augment it by adding more of that at the dead line and kind of that arms race before you get to the playoffs where you need to be physical you need to be heavy you need to be hard-hitting and Relentless and you know winning Puck battles as cam Ney said if in order to win 50-50 Puck battles you have to want the puck and they have to continue to get guys that want the puck um so all that stuff I think they do really well the one sort of like kind of question mark in my mind for this entire front office is when they have a lot of money and they have to go after big free agents making the right choices spending that money in the right way you know David bakus is the first name that comes to mind as a guy that they spent money and and I remember at the time and I I think you probably remember this too at the free agent frenzy originally I think it was Bob McKenzie screwed up and said it was AAL for for bakus and everybody’s like oh okay that’s great signing like that makes sense and then all a sudden no wait it’s a lot more than one year and it’s big money and you’re like whoa wait a minute are we right is this the right call I think there’s been a few times where they’ve kind of overextended or spent the money in a way where they felt like they had to spend it and put it on a player and I think they felt like they needed Backus they needed a big heavy hard-hitting player like whatever they just they they picked the wrong horse and they got a guy that was a little too old at that point and a little too long in the tooth and had too many miles on the odometer but I I think the pressure there’s pressure on Don Sweeney to do something that he hasn’t consistently done in the past which is spend big money on free agents and hit home runs there and bring in players they’re gonna make a massive impact and one other little quibbling thing with the end of season press conference Don Sweeney mentioned a couple times he wants to bring in secondary scoring to this team I think it’s primary scoring that they need I think they need to add primary scoring like they obviously have poster neck they have Martian but I think they need another guy that can come in and really be like a scoring threat a dangerous player a primary scorer and that’s going to help you know other players turn into secondary scories and that’s going to make I think everybody better if you have another high event player that can really like do a lot of things offensively and that’s what the mone’s for they have the money to go out and get that player I think I’d rather them go after like a Sam Reinhardt and overspend for him and bring in somebody that could be a massive impact offensive player while weakening obviously you know another team that’s a problem for you in the Eastern Conference instead of like getting two like $4.5 million players that may or may not really move the needle and can kind of augment what you have but aren’t going to really like put you over the top I’d rather have them go for a top drawer big money player um if there’s one available out there that they really like in this free agency period yeah no it’s going to be fascinating to see how they just overall approaching but I agree it can’t just be like secondary guys if you go out of this offseason it’s like you you know retain Swan and you get like a Anthony duclair who’s like a solid player but he’s probably over a third line guy now coming off of his I think a kill’s injury whatever EAS he had a few years ago um player that gives you some scoring punch but isn’t a guy that you look at the top of your off scas like we’re all set we couldn’t score any goals against the Panthers but duclair is the answer like you need more proven I think scoring Talent up front and especially when you look at the fact that you don’t really know what the situation is with Jake de brus and not to say that Jake debrusk is this you know 30 goal guy we’ve been waiting for him to be that kind of player but a guy that you can dependably put in the top six and does a good job based on what Don Sweeney’s kind of comments or if you want to read between the lines doesn’t seem like there’s a a bridge to be uh you know put there in terms of that negotiations and it seems like deuss is going to go to the market where he’s probably going to get a good a pretty good deal from someone but I just don’t see it being here in Boston so you can’t just let him walk and then get secondary Talent you need it seems like they’re already bracing Connor for the story they’re going to give when debrusk signs somewhere else it it really it felt like that honestly even in the transcript they sent out yeah where they were talk they the quotes they put out for de Brusque when they asked him like what his priority is it’s like winning being on a winning team winning a cup like all this stuff it wasn’t like staying in Boston interesting that that was the the quote that they chose and kind of threw out there at the time too but I I I’m sure the sentiment from them is that they feel like he’s gonna go and either he’s already got something worked out with like an Edmonton or like you know a Canadian Market somewhere that’s going to overpay for him he’s definitely going to get bigger money somewhere else yeah exactly so if he walks and you you have that you have to find a way to replicate that production or exceed it in terms of again it’s not just the production it’s a guy that uh you know plays a good two-way game you can depend on him in terms of like you know 17 18 minutes a night like you have to replace just that body in the lineup as well so it’s you know people look at the brues and the fact that they have to get a centerman which is obviously probably top of the list but if de brus walks as well you need to find an impact Winger as well like I can’t see them you know signing let’s say it’s like Elias Lindholm the top Center on the market and then just like oh we got lysel merula we’ll slot one of those guys up like you have the money and you have the the urgency right now to you know add another impact player and build someone that’s not just going to be a a role player like you have the money in the means now to have a a guy that you can add to like the foundation of this team moving forward and it’s all about just finding that right guy for that right fit it’s unfortunate with like de brus because nearly his whole thing when they ask him what they need it’s more speed up front a guy that can kind of win Puck battles and the brus isn’t this you know super physical guy but you see I think in the playoffs guys that have that foot speed that can you know win win pucks can can operate in great a ice they tend to you know generate good chances especially when the ice kind of shrinks in the playoffs so you get to find on a guy that fits that mold but you know it’s almost like all right would you rather de brus would you rather bruzi who gives you something right but he’s not really a burner necessarily but you know it’s all about I think weang with the bruss most likely being out the door what kind of player you want on the wing and especially what kind of identity you’re looking to build up front with kind of uh the money that you have prize pick is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports the way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less than on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a 100 times your cash with prize picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer whether it’s playoff basketball whether it’s Major League Baseball uh soon enough football will be here in the fall but you can make prize pick a prize picks lineup in as 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Florida panther speed which is guys that have speed but also play through the the the body to get to the puck and don’t stop and slow down when they get towards a player that has the puck and a defenseman that has the puck and it’s trying to collect it in the corner or the end boards like those guys not only play with speed but they play with like punch you in the mouth physicality too those are the guys you need you need both fast and hard that’s kind of what dud he was asking that question and that’s what it is you need both of those things if they play with the speed and with the hardness and they play through the body and just blow guys up uh in at full speed and go at them on the four check then you start to get what Florida has which is you paralyze every single team you play they’ve done they doing it the Rangers too like those are close games but the Rangers like they talk about how zabad and krider and all these guys are struggling offensively it’s because they don’t have the puck in the offensive zone at all it’s the same thing happened with the Bruins same thing that happen with the lightning they get stuck in their own end in the neutral zone and it immediately goes back in their end because they can’t break it out against that for check they just suffocate the living crap out of other teams to the point where you can’t set up in the offensive zone and your offensive players are constantly running around the dzone or you know trying to support their defenseman and worrying about getting the puck out so like I I I really feel like that’s the blueprint and I’m so glad it is and I’m glad the Panthers are having success because it’s such an old school approach to hockey you know is having that four check like that’s a hard for check like that that’s based on physicality and speed that’s old school mentality that’s not like a lot of the new school stuff that you see um that a lot of teams are trying to do the runand gun style stuff that’s just hard old school physical hockey and I’d love to see in a copycat League I’d love to see the Panthers win the cup and everybody decide oh this is how we need to play and start getting you know valuing players like that yeah but I think you know when you look at it just as much as the speed they need players that will run through a brick wall uh and in order to win you a game and that’s like a very that’s a difficult thing sometimes to Value quantify like identify in a player yeah absolutely that’s why I think it’s so rare when you have those kind of players that have that foots feet but also that that’s why like again as a guy like s Bennett you always see him stick out it’s why like I remember in like 2019 like Josh Anderson was a monster in that uh you know Tampa series like it’s it’s why guys like Tom Wilson are so coveted like these guys that are physical but have that foot speed to put Puck carriers under duress and yeah that is I think the big challenge for brunin but I also agree hags it’s like you’re seeing the blueprint and again it’s a copycat league and I think the Panthers are you know leading the charge in terms of how that approaches but even like look at what Vegas did last year where again they’re they have a lot of guys up front that are are fast like is Jonathan maraso a imposing figure at 5’8 hell no but he’s usually the first guy in he’s winning Puck battles he’s getting in the mix you look at what like the Dallas Stars are doing right now where they’ve got a Decor where the average height is I think like six 62 63 they’ve got guys like Wyatt Johnson they they’ve got these guys that are always moving their feet they’re always making plays happen it’s not like they’re you know again it’s as you said there’s a lot of guys that can skate very well but they’re not like generating chances off the rush like they’re making things happen they’re causing turnovers and they’re they’re pouncing on these loose pocks you just didn’t see enough of that from the Bruins in terms of just having that ability to put other teams under duress you know kind of create a little bit of chaos and and generate those chances and if you’re looking at the Bruins and their emphasis on quality over quantity in terms of their shot selection that’s all well and good and like you had guys you had good bodies on you guys had had players that could really impact the game but if you’re not generating quality shot chances then and you’re not forcing turnovers what’s the point of having the guys like James Jen Reams or anything like that so yeah absolutely and I I think you know that’s something that they need to continue to collect more of and it it’s like they they need players that play that way and they also need players though that can finish and that’s part of it too and like it was interesting there was a somebody on uh Twitter had sent me this question and I had talked about it a little bit in in a mailbag episode but I wanted to pose this to you because I think it’s interesting to think about and it’s an interesting exercise with the Bruins how many top firstline players would you rate that the Bruins have right now like legit genuine first line forwards David poock yes uh that’s about it in terms of maybe Brad Martian maybe Brad Maran would be a Topline player but you could say second line at this point in his career like a little bit older like whatever but like I think those two you would say you know definitely qualify for one of those two how many second line players do you think the Bruins have if you I’m sure you’d consider Martian a second line player if you didn’t get second line player and then yeah I think it’s all guys in elevator roles that are solid players like you know know Coy zaka did a solid job in the regular season but again it’s like the reason why I think you need to add to this team and put guys in spots where they’re better suited like I’d rather if you told me next year you have the means to add add guys to this team and ends up with a third line of Frederick Coy geeki that’s a pretty good third line yes I think you feel really good about where your team is is at again it’s not to like trash on coil for what he did in the regular season but like you see in the playoffs when you need more of that high-end Talent like if you’re putting guys in these elevated roles you can’t expect them to carry what they did in November and December into where you are in May when you’re going against a really good Florida team so brunes I think the brunes are I think have a lineup with a lot of good players that’s a great thing to have but if you need Elite high-end players that elevate when you get to the playoffs you need you desperately need more of that moving forward yeah and and it’s it when when it somebody poses you the question in that way and you start to think about it you’re like they are definitely short a couple of at least one top six forward maybe two because I would I would say p’s obviously definitely a Topline player no question about it I might even put Martian as a topl line player um zaka I think is a legit second liner like a wing though I don’t think he’s you know maybe a center um but he’s a you know he’s a Winger with defensive Tendencies he plays a full game like I would put him as a second line guy and de Brusque I guess if he was still there I would maybe I would put him as a second line player even though I think he’d be best as a third line guy on a really deep like excellent team but even if you like give yourself zaka and de Brusque and consider debrusk staying that’s four forwards and there’s six top six spots you know like you’re definitely short I think a forward or two uh in your top six um and that’s why I think they need to go out and actual spend the money on a player instead of like trying to collect third and fourth line Wingers and hope somebody pops or a couple them Elevate or one of your intern guys to your point like Fabian lysel you know shows that he’s ready and can step up and maybe replace a jake de Brusque which you know maybe that happens that it’s certainly possible he became a really good player in the AHL um he may be able to produce at the NHL level but there’s a learning curve with a guy like that for sure yeah um especially with some of the Tendencies I think we saw out of him in Providence it might take him a little bit to really like figure it out uh at the NHL level so I I’d rather see them you know pay somebody s 8 million that’s going to legit 9 million that’s going to come in here and really make an impact and score goals and and you know make everybody else uh Elevate their games and lift everybody else up and join pastr and maybe Martian as legit no doubt like top-of-the-line kind of players um anybody that you see in the free agent Market um that you say this is the my guy this is the guy I think they should get I really like this player and he could be a Difference Maker here yeah I I mean in terms of the talent alone it’s easy to really like what a guy like Sam Reinhardt brings as a you know obviously you look at I mean what is it 57 goals yet like no crap like I think you love to have a guy like that also a really really good I think two-way player he’s a wing but um is very defensively responsible which Bruins sure love guys that you don’t have to worry about all that much y I think my one issue with Reinhardt is you look at his numbers and a lot of his chances are off of uh passes are generated off of like uh you know tips re there a lot of being I think a byar of being in a very talented team has helped him out and again he was a good player before this year obviously but I think if you’re spending you know if this guy’s making 10 10 and a half million he’s 28 57 goal season he’s he’s gonna get paid if you’re signing him if you’ve got a team where your top six is still Charlie Coyle and pav zaka are you gonna be a 57 goal guy or you g to be you know a 30 goal 75 80 Point guy still a good player but maybe not what you want to spend you know $10 million on um so I I I could see Reinhardt going somewhere else maybe he’s got more highend talent to work with especially in the the top six maybe but I I think for me the the guy that makes the most sense even if is he like a slam dunk guy and I guess that’s not the best ring endorsement but like I think Elias lolm is still a guy that makes the most sense for this team in terms of just one feeling a need um defensively responsible helps you out in faceoffs and I think with him uh there’s one the expectation I think he’s do for a bounceback year didn’t really have a good season with uh Calgary and Vancouver in the regular season at least but he had a good playoff though right yeah had a good playoff um is you know a guy that you know he not overly physical but wins Puck battles operates in a you I think you saw in Vancouver like in the playoffs a lot of great a ice he’s winning Puck battles down there doing the little things which is encouraging to see but yep I I think just you look at what the need is there the fact that he should be due for bounceback year and for for him that’s you know 5 65 points which I think is the bare minimum what you can get from a guy like that um I I think that’s the guy that makes the most sense not only for his own production but as I said before the domino effect of what you bring in a guy like lindol and how that pushes other good players inter rules where I think they’re better utilized whether it’s moving zaka to the wing whether it’s moving Coyle down I just think it makes the rest of your team better having another sentiment in place yeah and I think everybody’s in agreement too that like the number one priority on this team as far as from a roster standpoint is they need a center Frontline legit top six center a guy that can do battle with the Sasha barov of the world like it was obvious in the playoffs watching how dominant barov was against anybody they were trying to throw out there like how much you needed somebody to at least like counteract him a little bit you know and and and slow him down a little bit uh and the faceoff thing the faceoff uh issue the um carrying the puck up the ice the offensive zone possession time issue all that stuff goes back to the center position you know so much of that is about having centers that can get the puck up the Ice Fast get into the offensive zone um you know in addition to you know the the defensive responsibilities and all the other stuff that they do like you need somebody that’s a legit guy in the league and they you know zaka it feels like is kind of a hybrid where he does some things really well that a centerman does but other things not so much especially in a top six level uh where you’re expected to you know be excellent at everything and I agree with you like Charlie Coyle I think they the Bruins would be at their best if he was playing in the third line because that would mean they’d have such a massive advantage over other teams when you match up Line to Line in the depth of their team like I give him all the credit in the world because he proved something to himself to everybody else with the way he played during the regular season where he did a lot of Patrice berser on like things he put up Patrice berser on like numbers like he did he was a Workhorse and he did great things for them and it was like you know he answered the call of what they needed like they needed somebody to step up and play like that and he did it but I think you saw during the playoffs that it’s a lot to ask somebody that you know played at an elevated level all season was probably playing as well as they possibly could to try to elevate even more in the playoffs it just I I’m not sure it was there for him to go to that next level level that you you know some of these players need to go to if you’re going to win a Stanley Cup yeah no absolutely and you even look at like that that Series against Florida I feel it’s always the Hallmark of a team that’s going to go far in the playoffs when your third Line’s clicking and what do you know like in that series who gave you a lot of clutch goals if you’re Florida but Anton londell on that line like youve got a awesome yeah yeah and he’s a he’s their third line guy when they have when Bennett and barkov are there you can slot a very good player like Anton londell to be your line driver down there on the third line and that’s what like Cole can do if he’s in that spot so that’s why I think getting a guy like lolm uh you know really I think puts the pieces more in place and is he like a legit is he the 40 goal guy he was at one year Calgary where everyone went off no but if he gives you 60 points um with that defensive play and um again who knows what if you have a whole year with David ponok what that could be like he kind of reminds me a little bit of you know Ryan O’Reilly last year where he was kind of banged up with the blues went to Toronto was like a third line Center you’re like all right he’s what 33 like maybe this is more of what he’s going to be Ryan O’Reilly really good player top six guy but at this age and then he goes to Nashville and has 70 points and looks like the old Ryan O’Reilly it’s like uh if you get a guy like Leno and you put him with a guy like poock and a new system and and give him the keys to you know premium minutes out there as opposed to being kind of on the wing or whatever he was in Vancouver for most to that stretch I think you can get you know more of the maybe not the 40 goal guy but 25 goal 60 points and for how good he is defensively and how good he makes the rest of the team by you know taking a critical spot in the lineup I think if you’re the Bron that’s a guy you have to go after yeah I think he will they will I mean that the the the the one you can kind of even if you don’t have inside information on it you can draw a lot from the context clues with the Bruins as to what they’re going to do like they’re kind of predictable when it comes to that stuff and it’s fine because it’s deliberate you know what they’re going to do that you know you know what to expect out of them and it’s why I didn’t think Jake debrus was coming back because he wasn’t signed like at any point during the year and there was nothing going on and that’s usually uh the sign that you know that that it’s it’s not going to work out um but the same token there’s plenty of breadcrumbs on the trail of them liking Elias Lindholm valuing him as a player trying to get him last year at the trade deadline and then there was even murmurs of maybe they’re going to try to get him from Vancouver if Vancouver was going to try to deal him like there’s a there’s a lot of smoke to the fire there that they like this player and they this player and you know that usually comes to fruition if they have the money if the interest is there on both sides so I would say you’re right I think the inside track on who they’re going to get is a guy like Elias Lindholm I just wonder if they can get Elias Lindholm and they can also get somebody that can put the puck in the net on the wing as well and they’re kind of G to have to right if de brus goes somewhere else they’re gonna have to bring somebody else in that can is is at least capable of scoring 30 goals in the league you know maybe hasn’t done it yet but has that kind of skill level have that kind of talent are you excited for the NBA Finals with the Boston Celtics you should be Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown all kinds of stars how cool would it be to actually go to one of the games at TD Garden and watch the Celtics my friends we’ve got an option for you game time will help you get those tickets game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals Allin prices View from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes 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he sort of connected the dots and started talking about Lena alark in Carolina and that they talked last year the Bruins in Carolina and omark that that was a destination he might have gone to and then linking Martin Nas to it a little bit as well um do you think that there’s any um freedance to this kind of thing happening would you do this if you were the Bruins uh would you do this if you were Carolina and you know what do you think of Ness as a player yeah I mean obviously the first thing comes down to is whether or not Omar would you know if they’re on his list I I do think if you’re Omar and you’re you know you’re trying to find where you want to go Carolina does I think make sense for him in terms of what it’s a good team uh they pretty structured team in front of him like I also feel like one thing people forget with Omar that he’s do a new contract he doesn’t want to go to some crap team where even if he’s it’s like Buffalo right where he has a good year he’s doing his job but he still ends up with a nine10 sa percentage like you not get paid you know you could tell the contract was on his mind at the end of the season when he was talking to the media it was very obvious that that was a concern and that’s something he was thinking about and that’s ultimately why I think he does wave his no trade and go somewhere because he’s doing other contract he’s not going to get the same earning power if he’s playing 30 games here behind Jeremy Swan and not playing in the playoffs he’d be much better served accepting a trade somewhere where he can play and either have like a wink wink like contract extension waiting for him that he already knows is going to be there or he can play into like a bigger contract somewhere else and bet on himself with a huge season but I I think when the season gets over and he kind of thinks about it and he gets away from sort of like the you know the allegiance to Boston and loving it here and his family loving it here I and when he talks to his agent frankly too he’s gonna understand like the business side of it is it makes sense for you to accept a trade to a good team where you can have a monster season and either with that team or somebody else you’re going to get a big contract extension yeah so I do think like Carolina would make sense for him in terms of whether it’s be a one-year landing spot where you can be the number one guy play on a good team good system in front of him have a good year and get paid after that um will Carolina do it I mean they’ve got coov and Freddy Anderson signed for next year but you look at what the returns have been in the playoffs time and time again it’s not to say that olark is a proven Nails playoff guy but if you’re looking to change things up um with a guy like olark you know that could be the the case for this Carolina team that’s kind of have some hard decisions to make like I think ideally they’d like to keep a guy like Martin hes but you look at just how many guys they have do new contracts they’ve got a lot of guys you know a year or two down the line especially that are doe sizw pay raises right you like Seth Jarvis who had a breakout year like they can’t keep all of them so I could see the the rationale in terms of if you got a guy like Martin hes who um is do a nice new contract and you’re you’re making the most of it if you’re the Bruins I think it would make plenty of sense like what would the return be like would it be a straight all Mark for an hes I don’t know if you to throw a a prospect in as well like I think you would have to give up more than that like I just I do yeah you know and this goes back to the goal tending market and the value for goalies like I just don’t Sweeney was like trying to do the GM thing when it was asked the Cory Schneider trade yeah was like that was a decade ago yeah that was a long time ago and that was like a shocker at the time like what why are they giving all of this up um I I think the the go the market for goldendent to get the player like ultimately the market is set by like how desperate a team is I just don’t think anybody is going to be that desperate for any goal tender uh to Super overspend for it and I I I don’t even think a hockey trade where you’re getting a really good young forward like they’re not going to give up that and say okay we’ve got a goenda like that’s an even swap they’re gonna want more than that obviously to make a deal like that happen yeah so I do think you have to throw something into it but I still think if you’re the Bruns it makes sense in terms of if you’re looking at just speed uh that’s what Marty H just is that guy can fly out there he’s great at you know generating Zone entries all those things he obviously has he’s 25 there’s a lot of appeal of like all right just stay next to you know a guy like David poo again he was more of a right wing uh with Carolina he’s I think a natural centerman but I think his face off numbers are Dreadful so I think if you’re the brones it has to be like all right we give him the chance here but even if he is just like a top six Wing the speed the skill what he brings his age like if you’re the Bruins and you’re trying to identify guys for this year and to build for the future like would you rather a guy like that would you rather like a to Foley right 32 is a you know you sign him you’re going to get 20 25 goals but if you’re the brunes and you’re trying to build this team up and you have a guy like NES who’s shown that potential has had a 70 point season but probably has more to give especially just in a new system like those are the guys you you should be uh looking at and if you’re able to swap an asset where the headliner is a guy that probably isn’t long for here anyway in allmark and he’s kind of the headliner whatever you’re going to give in that deal that’s a that’s what I think the moves you have to look at if you’re Don Sweeney in terms of augmenting this team adding a lot of skill adding a lot of uh speed and scoring um while making the most of a a guy that is already kind of on his way out in nark like if you’re able to get a guy like NES out of that that that’s a home run in terms of just making the most of what you have with a an asset that you know people were looking at last year moving all Mark and it’s like what were you going to get a a second third round pick if you get Marty NES as part of it that’s pretty good yeah it makes all the sense in the world I think for the Bruins to make that deal makes less sense for Carolina to make that deal where I think they might be able to get more uh for Nas which is why you’d have to add sweeteners I think if you’re the Bruins uh to make it happen but just the fact that Carolina has interest in allar is something to you know something to note and I think that’s not uh unimportant I think that’s a pretty important thing uh that they were looking for goal ending at the deadline that they’re that unsure about what they have at go at the goalie position that they need to go out and get somebody like that and you know I I I think there’s also going to be I think there should be anyway there should be voice for change in Carolina at this point some kind of changes because they continue to underachieve with what they have and obviously they’re a talented team they do really well in the regular season but like that’s a team more I think than the Bruins that you would look at at this point and say like the first and second round exits or not getting to the Stanley Cup finals like that’s a problem now at this point with that team that’s been building for a while they’ve got a really good coach they’ve got really good players like what’s wrong there that you know something needs to get switched up uh a little bit with the Carolina Hurricanes all right this this is U the Tweet of the week post 1113a um is the Twitter account very it’s like it’s like a Droid serial number it really is it’s something that’s in the Jaa sand crawler going um but this is an NHL uh uh tweet FL Florida Edmonton is Gary bettman’s nightmare scenario bman wants New York Dallas he’ll do all he can to get it what what do you think was the real reason for no suspension on Jacob trouba all right this is the grassy no like conspiracy guy right here like I gotta be honest with you I don’t think Florida Edmonton is anywhere close to Gary Ban’s nightmare like obviously they’re not huge markets right TV markets whatever that’s fine yeah there is no scenario where the face of the league the super star of The League being in the Stanley Cup Final is a nightmare scenario like that is your biggest star your most marketable commodity being on the biggest stage being able to put on a show like add to his Legend like really stamp himself as one of the greatest of all time and you’ve got Florida who Gary Ban’s gonna continue to want a trumpet like the non-traditional Market teams the Sunbelt teams the teams that he kind of worked uh to get into the league and and be viable in the league and at times like helped play pay their bills to make sure they could stay in these places like to have those two teams in the Stanley Cup Final I think there are plenty of things that they can trumpet that they can celebrate and that they can brag about and talk about their the overall health and well-being of the league having a Canadian Market in the Stanley Cup finals is never a bad thing either like it’s nowhere close to the nightmare scenario really the only nightmare scenario is for the teams and the media who would have to fly back back and forth from Florida to Edmonton which like good luck getting a fraking direct flight between those two places um but like that would be and I think that’s part of the reason maybe that they built in two off days in between all the travel days uh in the Stanley Cup Final every time it’s travel it’s two days off which they don’t normally do I don’t remember that being a thing maybe they learned something from the Boston Vancouver took took years off of my life all that those flights back and forth and the lack of sleep but uh I just don’t buy anywhere that this would be a nightmare scenario I think this would be the best series we could possibly ask for if the Oilers and the Panthers and up playing each other in the Stanley Cup Final yeah I agree Joe I I think when you look at like the things about matchups and markets everyone looks at the TV market and all that is as the main thing but yeah it’s I think especially in the NHL where you’re already kind of fourth on the list of teams and you’re trying to STI your you know get that air time especially like on a national stage I think it has to be about the players right and I I I think you even look at I was watching like sports center a few days ago and it was the the Dallas Edmonton game and Dallas won yep and all the all the stuff afterwards was like a McDavid Boll of him talking afterwards like it’s it’s better for the NHL if Conor McDavid is having highlight real goals in a stand Cup Final yes and these these programs that aren’t as invested in it can show a guy like McDavid as opposed to you know Chris kryer like listen Rangers have a lot of great players even like panarin but like they don’t draw the same numbers right and it’s it’s it’s the same thing with like Florida Florida you look at their operation down there and what they have but people now I think know who a guy like Matthew kachuck is off of like all the highlights of what he did last year you look at um how physical and entertaining Florida plays like and you look at how entertaining Edmonton plays like if you’re just if the NHL knows they’re going to have their passionate ingrained fans who know the the Jason Robertson’s and the Jake aers and all these players and Chris tanov and how good defensively he is they already have those guys all set they’ll watch freaking Winnipeg in the Stanley Cup Final that’s what it is right if you’re trying to get the the Casual fan what better way to do it than to showcase the the best player in the world in Conor McDavid against the best heel in the NHL and Matthew kachuck like it’s I think it comes down to the players and what they bring um as a best way to Market things like look at the Celtics and Mavs with Kyrie Irving against Jason Tatum and all those things like I think if it’s McDavid against kachuck and that team I think that’s a win for the NHL I I totally agree absolutely um I think we’ve just solved all the League’s problems and we poo pooed that conspiracy theorist back to his grassy null good job Connor I appreciate that all right thank you Connor very much for joining us let’s thank our sponsors real pick real quick prize picks largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than 5 million members it is the most most fun and exciting way as I said to get on the action while you watch your favorite stars and player Sports and players you just pick more or less than on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a hundred times your cash um I think the NBA Finals is going to be fantastic for that the Stanley Cup finals will be really good for it too if Conor mcdavid’s in it uh if Matthew kach Chuck’s in it you can bet how many times an opponent’s going to take his mouthpiece and try to throw it into the stands uh Chris kryder style which I certainly appreciated uh that’s that’s a of masshole masshole uh crime right there where he tries to throw his most piece into the stands and then C and kachuck says that was the best play he made the entire game to crder like that’s total well done total masshole encounter right there I love it um but either way you simply pick more or less than in two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll right in um it’s fun and really simple download the prize picks app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 download the prize pick app today and use the code clns for first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy let’s also thank game time which uh if you’re looking to get tickets to the NBA finals if you want to go to the garden and watch the Mavs and the Celtics which I might even like try to get a ticket to that because that is going to be fun to watch I want to see Kyrie Irving have an absolute giant baby in a soil diaper meltdown at Center Court uh while he’s getting booed like vifer by everybody there I can’t wait to see like what the mature new Kyrie Irving is going to do when the garden comes down exactly goes at him it’s going to be theater it’s going to be really fun to watch um so take the guest work out of buying NBA Finals tickets with game time uh download the game time app create an account use a code clns for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but again create an account at game time and redeem the code clns for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed Connor Thank you very much for doing us thanks for having me Joe you got it anytime my friend let’s do it again soon all right everybody thank you for listening we’ll see you at the rank [Music]

Joe Haggerty is joined by’s Conor Ryan to discuss the Bruins’ upcoming offseason plans. They start with the anticipation surrounding the Boston Bruins’ offseason and move on to the pressure on Don Sweeney and the management group. They talk about the importance of making the right choices with big free agents and advocate for acquiring a big-money impact player. The conversation continues with addressing the potential loss of Jake DeBrusk and embracing old-school physical hockey.

0:00 – Intro
1:38 – Discussion on the Boston Bruins’ off-season anticipation
4:01 – Pressure on Don Sweeney and the Bruins’ management group
5:42 – Importance of making the right choices with big free agents
7:25 – Advocating for a big money impact player
9:05 – Addressing the potential loss of Jake DeBrusk
14:27 – Embracing old school physical hockey
17:26 – Evaluating Bruins’ top line and second line players
20:59 – Targeting impactful free agent like Sam Reinhart
23:29 – Identifying the need for a top center in the team
26:01 – Discussing the potential impact of acquiring Elias Lindholm
28:56 – Last minute deals on Game Time app
30:36 – Omar’s contract considerations and potential trade scenarios
32:07 – Evaluating the potential trade impact for Bruins and Carolina
36:26 – Carolina needs changes for better performance
38:48 – Florida-Edmonton not a nightmare scenario for NHL
41:10 – Importance of star players in NHL marketing
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  1. hope they can get bertuzzi back. they need another dman who can really hit…mcavoy cant be the only one

  2. I disagree. The TV Market is in the toilet. I stopped watching when the Bs were out. The Swamp Cats have fewer fans than Vagueass had. The Oilers are only of interest to some Candians. Most fans of other clubs stop watching when their teams are out. The Stanley Cup finals are a formula for diminishing returns.

  3. Nobody really knows who is available, yet. Many of the names floated around won't even be available. And then there's the budget…can go quickly. And the Swayman deal…at what rate and what is left?

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