@Calgary Flames

Milan Lucic – Sore Loser?

Did the Bruins Milan Lucic make some threats in the handshake line after the Game 7 loss to Montreal? WBZ-TV’s Dan Roche reports.

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  1. Hi my name is Milan Lucic. I can't speak English very well. I was born and raised in a cave. Me want to find woman. Anyone have an idea where I can find wooden plank to hit her with?
    Give me a break Looch you dumbass. At least I don't have to see your stupid antics on the ice anymore this year and listen to all the whining Bruins fans. 
    Go Hawks Go!

  2. What a classless douche bag.  He can even defend his actions because there is no excuse for that behaviour.  Cam Neely, you need to defend your organization and trade this guy.  Just sad.  

  3. He plays on emotion , ya no other player play like that, no one else plays at all the other team just win by luck i guess, If he injures a player next year, it could be seen as premeditated ; and i hope the league punishes him, banned for life, because he , said he'd do it to him next year…. You goon, he wrote a book on bullying…Ya he wrote a book on bullying apparently, is it to show how to do it , and did we witness step number 1.the threat, and then step number 2 denying it ( whats said in the school yard stays in the school yard) , i can't wait for step number 3 next year when he like he said , injures a player, that will be premeditated assault, i hope they throw the book at him, step number 4, banned for life!!  Speaking of baby who threw the tantrum after loosing.

  4. People talk shit, it happens, grow a pair of balls and stop bitching about it you fuckin morons. And his flexing? That little shit Subban goes around beating his chest like a fuckin ape and nobody gives him shit for it, stop fuckin complaining, its a mans game so be men and stop getting your panties in a twist when someone talks shit.

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