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Can the Bruins compete for the Cup next year? | Bruins Beat

Can the Bruins compete for the Cup next year? | Bruins Beat

the draft is usually the answer for that stuff and that’s why like if you know if and when they do trade omark if it’s something like just a first round pick I’m fine with that because a you get the cap space but B you get a shot at a higher end player in the in the first round and I think that’s why I I really hope and I I think they should whatever package they get for Mark should include a first round pick now up in Ottawa they think it’s be like eight first round picks three Conor MC the seventh round the seventh overall pick Boston’s old own pick number [Music] 25 and welcome into the Bruins beat presented by prize pick go use that promo code clns to get up to $100 matched on that first deposit and guess what Connor with the NBA finals coming up this week prize picks they got a good one going if Jason Tatum scores one point more than half a point the square wins it’s a game one of the NBA final only Square again if Tatum scores one point which uh think pretty likely it’s pretty likely we’ll see hope would hope you know maybe has a bad night maybe a bad night for the Celtic for the Celtics sake I hope he scores at least a point be nice that would be nice gets to the three throw line at least once uh you users must add it as part of their lineup before the timer ends so again use that promo code clns at prize pick and you want to go to the game you want to go to any of the games go to game time use that promo code clns to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply that’s Connor Ryan I’m Evan marowski Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great trying to pass the time with getting to the off season now we know the Stanley Cup now we know the Cup Final matchup Edmonton and Florida the furthest two teams in a North American sports championship it’s incredible man imagine the I can I can already I can already feel the the media people tweeting and being angry at the airport I you know you love to see it when people whose job it is to travel and watch sports all day complain about their delays you know what Evan let me tell you I had a few flights delayed when I was down in Florida that round was it Inon venient I guess I think if you’ve ever flown in the sky uh you you’re aware that there’s delays but you know what I try not to complain about it because you know why I get to cover fraking sports for a living so maybe get some perspective guys you’re not doing brain surgery you’re not laying off a whole wing of workers maybe just relax and watch the fraking hockey game yeah as I look at these media tweets you know if I was born yesterday I would be bor I would be um inclined to believe that their jobs are tougher than being a coal miner or a you know mechanic or a plumber or an electrician or uh any any uh physical kind of job this sounds very difficult this Sports writing gig you’re doing where you’re going to an airport flying somewhere and then watching a game and writing about it and talking to the players that sounds pretty difficult I gotta say that job I don’t know Conor that job probably takes years off your life right I mean the Calamity the Calamity what will I do if only I have to spend another two hours at the Joe and the juice at the airport the Calamity I you know that I don’t know window washing a skyscraper I think I’d I’d rather do that than be stuck in the airport that long oh God those Sports Riders those hockey Riders might have a point oh man um yes I do get a kick out of the uh the complaining about tweets it’s like all right like respectfully shut up really like just do your thing do your travels you know you’re you’re it’s you’re not paying for your travels you shouldn’t be I would hope not so you know and if you are paying your own way then well I don’t know what to tell you um I’m not going to go in depth on this isn’t like I feel like we’re speaking to a journalism class uh you know just journalism students of like oh like what about the traveling part of the job and we’re like oh well here’s the here’s the thing about travel you know don’t complain about it next next next lesson don’t complain about it let’s go on to we’ll talk about sources next um but yeah no it it should be an interesting one I mean again like I was uh I was thinking about it last year for Bruins fans the Cup Final was obvious in who to root for it was Vegas a 100 times out of a hundred you wanted Vegas to win you wanted Bruce Cassidy to win you wanted Riley Smith Phil kessle I think Phil kessle was on that team right he was but mainly Bruce Cassidy wanted Butch to get one he did killed the Panthers I mean remember that game five it was like was it like8 to one or two I mean it was just a thum8 to two I think yeah oh it was a thumping um H but this year the Panthers are back in it props to them I mean they’re an annoying team to play against they are easy to hate but going there two straight years I mean you gota gotta hand it to him like that’s legitimate I saw a tweet it was like the Panthers had to face vasileski in round one swan in round two shesterkin not shesterkin yeah sterin yeah in round three too many Russian goalies in the I get him and soken mixed up consistently uh and then he get steuart skinner in the cup final which maybe that’s what beats them an average goalie beats them um but I I think it’s an interesting thing and we do this we’ve been doing this every year for many years now what can the Bruins learn from the teams in the cup in the Panthers and the Oilers and to me the biggest thing and again it’s a hard one and you’ll know it and it’s obvious number one Center helps number one Center does help from time to time barov for Florida do you see the numbers for barov shutting down these opposing uh yeah guys he’s been he’s been a monster this whole this whole run unbelievable unbelievable player and then obviously Conor McDavid and future brew and Leon dry on the other side tell you what if the Oilers win the cup I don’t know how likely it is you have dry cidal uh wanting to leave so if you’re fan I don’t know if you’re rooting for the Panthers but even though I don’t know I mean them getting this close means I feel like Le and dret was probably inclin of I don’t think he’s looking to leave anywhere at least for right now but that’s reading far too too deep into things but uh Sly cup win for him and Edmonton might be like oh maybe I will stay here well that’s the thing and I keep telling people like you know if they win he’s probably gonna stay I would think and if he if they don’t he’d be closer to leaving um but it would be funny to see the Panthers become like the Buffalo Bills and just make it every year and not win like that would be enjoyable um but I do think the trend of legitimate number one centers I mean Alexander barov can shut down anybody he has been a beast he’s no longer this underrated gem in South Florida he is a marquee star in the NHL and then you obviously you have Conor McDavid who I believe and I tweet takes a lot for me to tweet out like a a hot take or an opinion takes bold takes I don’t do that very much I re like again and I I’ve been inundated with different athletes from every sport I think McDavid is the most dominant athlete I’ve ever seen against his peers now again I I didn’t see Bobby or I didn’t watch Bobby Y and people are like comment like are you 13 like yeah basically essentially yes essentially yes but I just think he so Leaps and Bounds better than anybody in the NH I mean that first goal in game six just dangling Meo hekinan who is one of the better Defenders if not one of I mean probably one of the 10 best defenseman in the NHL just walked them like again and I just like but my point is the McDavid barov dry settles you do need one of those I think yeah I mean I think I’ll I’ll separate the Oilers and Panthers in terms of like the different case studies because I think the Oilers one’s easy to to sum up right have a yeah have a generational talent I like you look at the rest of that roster and they’ve got guys who have obviously stepped up you look at like buard in his year Zack Heyman but like all of it centers back to you have a not even generational Talent like you have a legit cheat code driving play elevating everyone probably two or three tiers above what they are like even like Zack Heyman who again is a very good player has nothing to do with how much money his dad has or whatever we’re not getting to that discussion yeah it does parents money it’s the parents not great player knows for the net having Conor McDavid with him sure helps him get to 50 goals like I think you look at the way that roster is structured and listen hats off guys have stood up like it all comes down to what you have with like two generational guys and McDavid and dry cidal so I don’t know how many are how many teams are going to be able to replicate that maybe you look at like the goal tending of like if steuart skinnard wins this year and like Aiden Hill leads them last year uh Vegas to a cup maybe it’s like all right maybe just having the Assa goalie and the the talent in front of you is what you need I disagree I think you’d much rather have a franchise lock down guy that that I think at the very least um serves as the the the higher floor for your your cup hopes you have a elite goenda be like the Dallas Stars or one of these teams where you’re always going to be ideally in the second round third round hopefully get to The Cup right so I’m not going to dive too much into the Oilers and where how teams can copycat like oh just got a McDavid and everything falls into place and even like it took and even then like it took quite a few years for it all to kind of come together this year but I I look at Florida and you look at what they have especially just the way they’re structured up front like I I I look at even though Dallas came up short you look at what Vegas did you look at all these teams Tampa Bay that have had good runs um all them have a lot of a lot of heft on the blue line and I think what you saw from Florida speed up front and again speed up front is does not mean a bunch of you know not to be disrespectful but like a lot of Andre koses guys that are like very yeah 0o to 60 can get in the play but like you know you need guys like Bennett you know like obviously and again it’s not like s Bennett’s grow on trees in terms of how they kind of play but I think having a aggressive for check uh closing in on Pac Aras forcing turnovers especially when the ice shrinks in the playoffs like that’s what you need to have up front you need you need skill and you need speed up front and guys that can win Puck battles put Puck carriers under duress and I think that’s the biggest blueprint in terms of what other teams can follow it’s what Florida does well and again they have arguably one of the most suffocating for checks we’ve seen in a long time uh it gave the Rangers fits has obviously given the Bruins fits we’ve seen it time and time again but I think if you’re looking at other teams and how they want to base around what what you’re trying to do and how you’re trying to build your roster uh a lot of uh size on the blue line and a lot of speed and skill up front I think it’s what it’s got to be and again speed and skill catered towards the playoffs and that physicality like if you’re kind of Towing the line I guess right but I think there is a a sweet medium in the middle there what you’re trying to look for in terms of how you want to build your forward core and I think we said all this last year with Florida in the Cup Final too it was like this is a big team especially on the back end we’ve said this for a while and for check the hell out of teams and you need Team Speed to be able to do that because you need to get in on pucks quick and be physical and again I like I’ll kind of reiterate what you said it’s hard to find fast guys who are physical it there’s aren’t there aren’t a lot of those guys there aren’t a ton so you do have to get a little lucky at times but it is nice to have those kind of players you brought up an interesting thing with the goal tending because this always gets brought up of like oh just get you know like an Aden Hill or steuart Skinner and they’ll get hot running a running back by committee kind of like goer by committee you know yes the problem with that thinking and that logic is for every one of those guys there’s five or six teams that have a similar situation that don’t do anything that don’t go far in the that they’re out in round one right like there are those kinds of I me even look like a and I know it’s you know they were the final seed I think in the whole tournament but like Washington you know Charlie lingren is a fine goalie but is he gonna back stop you to a cup no I like probably not and there’s a lot of those kinds of you know teams with average go look at Toronto all these years like so I think Colorado Colorado Colorado won a cup with Darcy keer kind of playing like ass to be honest with you but like their team was so dominant in front of them but look at them now they like they come up short the last couple years and what are they in desperate need of is they proven goalie you know like again if you have a a freakish team in front of you you can you can maybe win a cup if all the stars Aline like look but same with like the Oilers I think this year the Oilers win the cup are they like steart skin our guy walk him in long term I wouldn’t you know like in terms of just having a consistent contention window having you know a legit number one goal I think is the biggest key to just always being in that mix of again second third round as long as you you get to that final you know final eight final four you’re putting yourself in a better spot as opposed to having a insert goalie here and run the risk of them imploding in one of these rounds when you’ve had a really strong regular season I was gonna say because you have an a leue goalie like a shurin or now like a swayan or an tinger you’re pretty much guaranteed like a round win every year you’re at least guaranteed to be a contender you should again there obviously things happen you should well yeah but like you’re you’re contending at least you’re uh you’re you’re in the mix and that’s when anything can happen but just having you know I know Vegas last year was different because they got a bunch of guys got hurt and that was not like I don’t think that was by Design obviously um but you know people being like oh you know just trade San and Tra you know just goark and busy or trade mark Dan San and just go busty like it doesn’t work like that has anyone actually said that second give it give it give it time Evan we’re so early into the off season I feel like I’ve definitely heard like a talk radio caller calling and be like just trade San and and omark and and you’ll be good uh if sorry to the headphone listeners there it might have just uh screwed you a little bit it was accurate it was those are the callers um I want to get into the center position though because obviously mcdavid’s impossible to replicate but the dry sidles the bar covs or players with those those effects I want to get into that uh but first a quick word from our friends over at PR the files are right around the corner it’s time for you to get in on the playoff action win up to 100 times your cash with prize picks as you and the world’s best players take the game to a new level with a title on the line with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize pick to lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and you’re locked in prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks 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about McDavid with various athletes from all walks of life but uh and I tweeted this I think there is one who who is above Conor McDavid and that is the great Joey Chestnut I do think Joey Chestnut is uh might be a little bit greater in comparison to his sport than Conor McDavid just just me or baby grank baby grank is another one I was so mad I didn’t initially tweet baby grank cuz I think would have that would have been a perfect like my age kind of tweet so you would have been right in your wheelhouse right in your Q Zone Evan right in my chronically online qzone um but yeah it’s been fun to see all the uh the different athletes I’m not going to get into like why it’s McDavid why it’s not other guys or women I’m I I leave the Tweet as is I stand by it that’s it the guy’s a sicko the guy’s a psycho every single time he’s on the ice he’s an assassin he’s an automatic it’s yeah it’s unbelievable like yeah there’s there’s no one like him in the entire league it’s straight up a cheat code we mentioned Pak a cheat code every time mcdavid’s on the ice he’s elevating he’s elev you know it’s even like you know LeBron James who you put him on your team you are an automatic bid to the Eastern Conference Finals every year like still I don’t think it’s the same overall like what McDavid has brought to this team maybe it is right like I it’s a coose in terms of just one guy’s impact elevating everyone else but like if you’re you’re putting in those two guys in the conversation you got a pretty damn good uh couple of players you’re mentioning here yeah I mean Brady every year they were lock for the conference Championship like it it was automatic um it’s interesting because like the like I I know hockey better than I know basketball and football so I can’t you know I don’t know the ins and outs of Lebron james’ game the way I can watch Conor McDavid and have a pretty good idea of how you know what he’s doing and all those things nobody can replicate it you watch David impossible to replicate um I just think McDavid is so Leaps and Bounds better than everybody else you know like even Tom Brady right like Tom Brady I’m a biggest pets fan I love Tom Brady you know he won on his intelligence his grit his determination all that stuff there were technically more talented quarterbacks there have been in history right like just arms all all that stuff I I’m not a quarterback’s guy I can’t get it that McDavid is the most talented hockey player I have ever seen in every aspect not just speed but being able to do the moves he makes at the speed he’s able to do it at with guys trying to kill him like I I just you know and again I didn’t see Gretzky in person I didn’t see or in person I did see Casper’s doggans in person so I think yes of course that counts for something um so uh but yeah mcdavid’s been insane I feel like if he if the Oilers win he’s a lock for KH Smite holy crap um the center position those interesting and I mentioned this right before the break there um obviously you can’t go out and get a McDavid that would stink that’s you know you got to suck horribly bad in the perfect year which is not something you plan for every 25 years yeah yeah it’s not it’s not even like a c you know CBR or badar or anything like that like listen people are hyping at Bard and he’s going to be a great player mcdavid’s one we like holy when that guy’s out there and that doesn’t happen very often different breed um but the idea of getting a legitimate number one Center who can shut down other lines who can drive play who can do the little things right sounds a lot like Patrice Bon um what’s it g to take for the Bruins to get that guy again is because I don’t think it’s I don’t know if it’s homegrown ptra is still a ways away I don’t Coy and zaka are not that are they getting that in free agency like is is an Elias Lind Holm going to be able to go toe-to-toe with barov because the Panthers are you’re to get out of your division now you have to beat the Panthers I think um now again they have a lot of free agents coming up Reinhardt Montour emman Larson like they have a lot of stuff they got to figure out but I still think the core of that team is good you’re gonna have to deal with them for a long time at least you should you’ve got to find someone who can match a barov or something or get close to it at least like I do you think a guy like an ellias lindom could potentially be that I mean I think it helps you case right is it someone that can you know straight up go completely match or negate someone like barov no probably not but like no you’re not gonna find that guy yeah yeah but unless you reel off some incredible trade or something like that but again we can go on the rabbit hole of what assets you have you can look at a guy like Leon drad when he’s a free agent and throw the bag at him yeah that’d be great but you play a very very dangerous game uh in this league when you’re looking at a guy’s pending for agent status and whether they even get to the get to the Finish Line where they actually hit the market right so like yeah if you got McDavid or not McDavid you you’re not going to get Conor if you get Leon dryl he’s on the market yeah that’s the most you know obvious fix there if you get you know dry settle you’re a legit Contender for the next five years if you don’t win a cup in that fivey year the next fiveyear window without a g like Thy cdle with who else you have on this team something has gone horribly wrong right like uh that is the the biggest equalizer the biggest key but in the meantime yeah it has to be either through a guy like lindol and I think it’s all about just moving the needle right like you look at this team and yeah there were some lopsided losses to the Panthers but it’s still like you you you beat them in game one you had a couple of really competitive games who knows how that game four changes with the benle like you had a competitive Series against the team that is the cream of the crop in the in the NHL you know in the East and arguably the entire league right like you say Florida’s probably the the deeper stronger team you know uh when you look at this head-to-head matchup but uh you know it’s all about I think just finding what ways to to push the needle further right if you get a guy like lindol is he a Bonafide franchise onec probably not can he be a serviceable onec and a elite 2C if you have more pieces in place down the road yeah if you have Elias lindol and he’s matching with barov and is doing what he can to slow them down and again what we keep on talking about with any of these fre you know free agent signings you sign a center and it allows you to push zaka to the wing or it allows you to push Coyle to 3C that makes your team stronger as well like look at that Florida Series against Boston what line killed you quite a bit especially at five on five play it was Anton londell who was a great Center who was pushed down to the third line when Spen came back and him L Teran and Rodriguez cooked you what we’ve always it’s what we always see every feels like every team that goes on a Deep Run um has their third line clicking and it becomes a lot more tenable if you’re the Bruins to have a really effective third line if next year you have guys in the top six and all a sudden your if your third line next year is you know Frederick Coy geeki that’s pretty good that’s a a pretty damn good third line right so are you going to get a barov or one of these generational franchise fixtures probably not you’d have to have a whole lot go your way and if it’s through a trade it’s going to hurt quite a bit um you’re going to have to be you know again your team that should be a a sought-after destination on the fre agian Market which helps you just who actually gets to that free agian market so if if right now alas lom’s your best bet you throw the bag at him you sign him and all a sudden what do you know your team does get better more pieces fall into place and you move that needle further because again like if you look at where the Bruins are and you know people are disappointed they came up short how far away are you is there a sizable Gap and I I know Bruins fans when they get bounced by some of these teams view them as these Leviathan juggernauts people are scared shitless of a Toronto m not a Toronto Maple Lea team they’re not scared shitless of them one that’s the one team who ranks lower on the rung of scarcity they were skid shitless of this lightning team who like were the weakest they’ve been in years off of just what they were a few years ago Florida pan is probably in that same regard like but still you had a pretty competitive series against Florida if you had another piece of two doesn’t mean that all a sudden it’s a free-for-all you’re at that level further helps your chances at what is already a competitive series of maybe putting it more in your in your favor as well so you do have to get a centerman this off season I think that’s fairly obvious but how realistic is it to get a a 26 year old 80 Point guy doesn’t seem likely but you can still narrow that Gap just by adding a guy like lint home for sure yeah uh there is one way like one route the Bruins could have to potentially getting a a uh their next big franchise number one Center um I want to get to that in a second but first a quick word from our friends over at game the NBA finals are right around the corner and if you’re a Celtics fan odds are that TD Goden is going to be packed in June as the Celtics go for banaana 18 and if you want to cheer on the Seas inside the Goden you got to go with game time tickets game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace that makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets a tip off with killer last minute deals all in price prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest 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you know it’s similar to like you know David POS was the 24th overall pick and he fell to you doesn’t happen all the time doesn’t happen every year it’s kind of rare but that’s when you pick in the first round if you get it right you can really hit on it again it’s not a it’s reliable thing but I said this uh last year I remember when we were talking about how are the Bruins going to get their next legit number one Center I would always say it’s got to come through the draft because you don’t have the pieces to go trade for a proven one free agency is unreliable with getting a franchise number one through and tread Center the draft is usually the answer for that stuff and that’s why like if you know if and when they do trade omark if it’s something like just a first round pick I’m fine with that because a you get the cap space but B you get a shot at a higher end player in the in the first round and I think that’s why I I really hope and I I think they should whatever package they get forar should include a first- round pick now up in Ottawa they think it’s be like eight first round picks three Conor mcav the seventh round the seventh overall pick Boston’s old own pick number 25 throw it just everything but I think that is the that’s the the I think the most reliable method is the first round yeah it’s probably the most reliable if you’re trying to land that impact player I mean look at like what you know Wyatt Johnston is doing with Dallas now who I believe is a natural centerman like I think you look at just the way that team is built he’ll further fill out into that role but he’s already impacting a team right now with you know what he did in the playoffs 16 points in 19 games um those are that’s one of those players that yeah like can help your core immediately while also you have a piece for the future like those are the guys you you try to hit on now again you run the risk of with that first round pick wherever it is is collect you know selecting the right guy and you know it’s much as you want a guy like Wyatt Johnson maybe the player you add doesn’t fit with your current timeline like if you land a first round pick and you get a centerman like you hope it’s someone that can help out not like that year obviously but you two three years down the road and help when you still have guys like posto and makoy in their late 20s like that’s the ideal scenario but you could also just pick someone who maybe has a longer development time you pick someone who doesn’t even make it to the NHL like it all invites plenty of risk right but I agree if you’re trying if you’re trying to land a legitimate you know 880 Point Center you know down the road it’s the easiest path as opposed to one trying to trade for a guy that you know maybe you’re relinquishing a lot of critical assets or waiting for that guy to hit in free agency you know the guys like lindol hit free agency every once in a while and it’s great the Bruins I think if they’re going after a free agent Target you like their chances if they have the cap space because they’re a team that a lot of people want to play for the Market’s great all that stuff but it’s just who actually hits that marcket because as much as you hope it’s a guy that you can build your whole team around rarely do they actually get to free agency you hear it all the time but then how often does it actually happen not that much doesn’t happen that often but I agree I mean again like I want elas lindol for the Bruins I think that’s a fit I think he gives you what you need next year you know like I there’s a there’s upside I’m not poo pooing that but I’m just saying like a true you know number one center for the foreseeable future and all that stuff like the draft is the right place to do it um speaking of the draft your colleague Kevin Paul Dupont wrote an interesting story uh in the Sunday notes about you know would San Jose ever consider trading the number one pick which is basically you’re trading mlin celebrini uh be be product uh Hobie Baker winner gonna mostly I no no chance he doesn’t go number one so we’re just going to presume it’s mlin celebrini he’s number one pick I think that’s safe to to say um and Kevin Paul Dupont was evaluating you know what teams might be interested and you know San Jose probably won’t do it I I I think they stand Pat there’s no way Mike career makes that move at this point at being a GM um they need it they need that pick um but if they want to get a little crazy add a bunch of you know higher end younger Talent future draft picks something to think about now as I was reading I was like huh could the Bruins ever make a trade like this the answer is no answer is no I mean yeah they they don’t have the the pieces like uh you know KPD mentioned an interesting one up in Ottawa like I think that’s an interesting like if you’re if we’re going to play this game Ottawa has those kind of proven young players who have high ceilings like your Jake sanderson’s and um you know those types of guys like is lowai ptra like you know what’s your first round pick going to be like is that Swan would definitely be going in that deal like I mean just and again yeah like Fabian lysel is not getting that done like you need younger proven you know high ceiling NHL players Patra lowai and San is are your three I can’t think of anybody else that would be you know centerpieces of a celebrity train like I honestly I can’t I’m not trying to disrespect anybody like you wouldn’t do Charlie McAvoy for mlin celebrini because it makes no sense for either team like yeah what is Charlie McAvoy gonna do for that sharks team like that sharks team is awful they need pieces for the future um makavo is an awesome player now they just they don’t need a McAvoy right now um so again like it’d be those younger type players and the Bruins don’t really have any of those guys exactly yeah it makes no sense for San Jose to do when you look at like again they’ve actually given them credit like they’ve sucked the last couple years but all the guys they’ve they’ve landed that are in their pipeline are really good keep on building that like you look at like what Will Smith and melini can do together like you’ve got a really good call already in place like no need to accelerate it like honestly like bring those guys in still land a top five pick probably next year and keep on rounding out that roster like they’re on the right path the slow and steady path and they’re hitting on all the guys they have don’t mess it up they don’t need 25y old Jeremy Swan right now like no they don’t don’t try to you know look at the rest of the Western Conference and you can accelerate that’s when you get into trouble as teams that try to you know cut Corners try to you know like the Blue Jackets we’re you know rebuilding we’re getting some you know intriguing Talent back and they get guo and try to push things forward stop it keep on keep on building like if you’re already on that path don’t try to you know hit fast forward or try to cut corners or you know get shortcuts to get yourself back into contention just to be a wild card team right like it’s no sense for San Jose’s uh from San Jose’s perspective no it wouldn’t it it wouldn’t make any sense um you know I mean I I think that’s a market where you can do that you can take the time to rebuild you were you know that was the Sharks were a team that were good for a long time I mean that team from like from when they got Joe Thorton to like a couple years ago were in the playoffs every year were I mean in 2019 they were in the Western Conference Final it was going to be have the Jumbo Joe versus Boston reunion in the Cup Final that would have been much nicer than what happened uh that would have been much nicer I think the Bruins would have come out a little bit differently in that series um but yeah I agree with you stay the course no reason to accelerate it when you don’t have to um something that everybody should go do subscribe to the Boston Globe what can people looking forward to from you over at in the globe yeah we have we covered every step of the way this offseason whether it’s free agency Outlook uh trade rumors uh columns features all that good stuff you can find all overright and the Boston globe and if you want to follow me on Twitter you can at Conor Ryan 93 go do all that that’s Conor Ryan I’m Evan marinovsky presented by prize picks and game time you Bruin beet listeners have a great rest of your week [Music] [Music]

As the Stanley Cup Finals are about to start, Evan Marinofsky and Conor Ryan discuss how the Bruins can make the necessary moves to match the fire power of the teams that remain. What is the Bruins’ best path to competing for the Cup next year? That, and much more!

0:00 – Evaluating potential trade packages for Ullmark
1:45 – NBA Finals preview and prize picks promo
6:48 – McDavid’s potential impact on staying in Edmonton
9:17 – Importance of elite centers like McDavid
12:24 – Teams with similar situations don’t go far
15:03 – Playoff action with Prize Picks
18:14 – Comparing McDavid’s talent to other sports stars
20:02 – Importance of acquiring a top center like Patrice Bergeron
22:01 – Impact of signing Elias Lindholm on team improvement
27:26 – Roadmap for Bruins to get their next franchise center
29:18 – Reliability of landing impact players through the draft
31:31 – Evaluating potential draft pick trades
34:04 – San Jose’s steady rebuilding approach

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  1. Not with this roster, there has never been a wider difference between regular season play and post season play. Remember the Bruins were 4-0 vs. both Toronto & Florida during the 23-24 regular season.

  2. I think you guys are saying the following without actually saying it, which is the Bs will not be hoisting any cups until they go through another rebuild like they did prior to 2011. It’s unfortunate that the team refuses to live in the salary cap world that they created. But it’s been clear for a while now that ownership prizes regular season sellouts year after year over deep playoff runs at the risk of having some empty seats when times are lean. Having a consistent winning team is nice, but I’ll take some bottom feeding years for a chance at getting some generational talent. Especially given that the regular season product is not all that thrilling nor indicative of what to expect in the playoffs.

  3. You guys are in love with Lindholm! He's an overrated player. There's a reason why he's a third line guy, because that's what he is!! McAvoy is not an awesome player. He's a better than average player at best. Lok at his numbers? Just because he hits a lot. By the away, he's a penalty machine!

  4. You said that McDavid is a lock to Winn the Conn Smythe if Edmonton wins the cup. But, what if Hyman gets 6 or more goals this round to set the all-time post season goal record? Does that change the narrative?

  5. The only real way to get a #1C is to draft one. Teams don’t trade them and they don’t hit free agency. They’re like QB’s in the NFL. Teams are so desperate for a franchise Center they massively overpay anything even remotely resembling one. Bruins haven’t had many picks the last couple years and when they do, they blew it like in 2015.

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