@Vancouver Canucks

Sportnet analyst Luke Gazdic calling us trash & revelling the oil win, colour me surprised…

Why is someone this biased on Sportnet? At least our very own Bieksa has shown class through & through. Would love to see them tussle but that's a pipe dream 😬

by Fishinmyhairs


  1. powerrangersinspace

    How the fuck is this guy allowed to be on national tv? Jesus Christ

  2. pennepasta14

    That guy is insufferable on the panel anyways. Adds nothing valuable. I’d rather watch paint dry than listen to him

  3. leftlanecop

    There’s a reason why Beiksa won the award.

  4. De_Floppss

    I mean he was a 4th liner for the Oilers who didn’t even sniff 200 games in the NHL.

    Why, of all ex-players, is he the one on the panel? Is he there to pander to new NHL fans? He doesn’t have any specific insight or smart rhetoric.

  5. epochlink

    Fuck this guy. How did this trash ass make it on the HNIC panel?

  6. Can somebody pull some quotes? I don’t wanna watch a bunch of people talking about the oilers to find the part I’m supposed to outraged about!

    He is definitely a Homer I’d just like to get a sense of what he actually said…

  7. MasterChrom

    Honestly, why does anyone here give a fuck or give this bum any attention? He’s a fucking nobody who played like a couple seasons in the NHL and was a healthy scratch for most of his career.

  8. I love that our fanbase is filled with so many lunatics that we’re still front of mind in this nerds head. Nobody as passionate as us

  9. hannah_nj

    I’m glad that Bieksa is our homer instead of this dude lmao..

    Also, the guy has 8 points in 147 career games as a *winger.*

  10. SubtleOctopus

    Whoa buddy, most fans aren’t even tuning in.   Don’t feed the trolls of this world.   Yikes 😳 

  11. mothermaggiesshoes

    This is strange and frustrating to me.

    Gazdic does a weekly hit on the Halford and Brough morning show on 650, and on that platform I actually find his insight, analysis and storytelling to be quite compelling and interesting. To me, on that platform, he very much comes across as impartial.

    And then he speaks on other shows and on TV and is just a total idiot. I don’t know if he just gets blinded by his own history with the Oilers and tiptoes around that really carefully when on Vancouver radio, or if he’s trying to placate the oilers fans in some way when on a more national stage.

    It’s a shame ‘cause if he kept the same hat on that he wears when talking to Halford and Brough, I think he and Bieksa could be a really good one-two punch for hockey night into the future. But fuck right now I want to mute the TV everytime he opens that dumb hole in his face.

  12. Obvious-Property-236

    It always amazes me of the double standard Canucks nation always faces.

    Every fan base trolls. But the irony of calling out a fan base, and a team, over a fan base’s trolling, makes this guy no better and giving into the trolls that you’re proving their point, you’re getting trolled by getting worked up.

    The double standard comes into play whenever other team’s fan bases come into play though. The media and most people alike just dismiss it as a passionate fan base. But when our fans are passionate, they’re trolls.

    Living rent free in his head though is fine by me. Glad he made a career out of seven points on the panel.

    Sportsnet should give this guy the boot. Panelists should be above this. Bieksa is our homer but you don’t hear him whining, or even mentioning the Canucks anymore because he’s moved on. It’s what professionals do. Maybe Luke didn’t have enough games in the NHL to know what that means I guess.

  13. nodarknesswillendure

    I understand being upset by online trolls sending hate. There’s definitely a lot of lunatics on Canucks twitter/instagram/Reddit who take things way too far. The same thing can be said about most fanbases, and broadcasters need to have thick skin, but I can appreciate how getting sent shitty messages would be hurtful.

    But then pivoting to saying the team is garbage, the Oilers dusted the team, etc is just completely out of line for someone who works for HNIC. I understand he’s still mainly an Oilers panelist/commentator at this point, and played for the team pretty recently, but you just can’t say things like that. I know Canucks fans get a little annoyed with Bieksa for not being enough of a Canucks homer lol but that’s just how it should be if you’re working for Sportsnet. You have to adhere to certain professional standards and I just don’t think Gazdic is able to achieve that.

  14. How is this guy a national reporter? Bieksa loves the canucks but atleast is neutral in his opinion. This guy is a fucking clown.

  15. freewaterfallIII

    It’s his own career he’s ruining. Let him run his mouth.

  16. pavelbure1096

    to be fair, Canucks twitter is trash, but Twitter in general is trash, Why anyone takes that place seriously I’ll never know

  17. Elmer_Yamstein

    Some fans definitely take things too far and say stupid things on social media but saying that the Canucks or any team are “a joke” is unprofessional.

  18. MarvelousOxman

    Couple thoughts:

    1. Canucks twitter *is* deranged, so he’s right on that front. But so is Oilers twitter. Twitter itself is a complete cesspool that makes Reddit look charming in comparison. Blows my mind that people actually want to be on that platform.
    2. Gazdic really lost it here. I always defended him, would hear him on Halford and Brough and thought he seemed green but would be a decent analyst as he got more experience being on tv, but the dude is clearly soft as hell and he’s opened Pandora’s box. It’s weird to see an NHL tough guy be so sensitive over this.

    Losing your cool and calling the team that came very close to eliminating you trash because you can’t ignore the idiots on social media just made things a lot worse for him. They’re going to smell blood in the water after this. And I don’t care. If he’s going to stoop to their level and become a Spitting Chiclets-esque troll instead of trying to become an actual analyst, let him. He can roll around in the mud with the pigs and get just as dirty if that’s his choice.

  19. theblondebasterd

    Man that really makes me want to watch the Oilers burn alive in Florida.

  20. nucksinvic

    Remember when PJ Stock ended up doing diaper commercials? That’s the career trajectory for this hack.

  21. Nuck_1198

    Once a plug, always a plug.

    At least show some class, the Oilers did NOT “dust” the canucks lol, they won by one goal in GAME 7 against our AHL starter who is 23 years old lmao, and missing our top goal scorer.

  22. dattroll123


    this guy makes hrudey look like some insightful analyst. To call a team “a joke” because you are upset about some trolls online is pretty pathetic.

  23. Damn, he sounds really upset. That’s hilarious.

  24. arashinoko

    Gazdic is a nobody who hardly played in the NHL and never accomplished anything at any level. As an obvious Oilers homer, he doesn’t belong on the panel.

  25. sacred_ace

    I know hockey fans, especially online and ESPECIALLY on twitter can be insufferable but damn this dudes supposed to be professional lol. He just proved all our points about being a homer. And he got those criticisms for good reason to, every time he spoke it was about Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton.

    Bieksa may have been a canuck player but even he doesn’t homer that hard on the panel, he has always been more than willing to call the canucks on their bad plays and good, and hes always given their opponents credit where credit is due. Didnt see that once from Gazdic, nor did I see him give me any kind of insights into the game of hockey.

  26. CaptainIndoCanadian

    Why’s everyone so mad. This made me so happy lmao. The guys on the verge of tears over some internet words. This is the result of successful internet trolling. I love our fans 😂😂

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