@National Hockey League

NHL player Zadorov explains why he won’t go back to Russia after criticizing Putin

NHL player Zadorov explains why he won’t go back to Russia after criticizing Putin

by BraveSirRyan


  1. Flux_resistor

    I don’t think an explanation is necessary, though he might want to watch out for ovechkin checking him to the boards with polonium gloves

  2. Takes guts to do what Zadorov is doing. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to not go back to your home country.

  3. Throwawayiea

    Zadorov should know that the world would understand and give him asylum where ever he needs to be.

  4. HumburtBumbert

    I love Big Z so much. Favorite non-Av in the league

  5. gdoubleyou1

    They have cardboard quality windows over there. I don’t blame him.

  6. ContrarianDouche

    See Ovi, this is what a decent russian looks like

  7. Loan_Wolfie

    I think most Russian players either feel like Zadorov but keep their mouths shut, or are at worst are uninformed and neutral.

    It’s hard to know what Ovechkin thinks today. He certainly was and appears to be a Putin bootlick. He may have changed his mind, but can’t really say anything. If he took down the twitter photo of him and Putin, who knows what might happen to his family.

    I would enjoy Zadorov absolutely crushing Ovie with a massive bodycheck and stand over him chirping him.

    Kudos to Z and his massive guts.

  8. AwkwardBlacksmith275

    Zadarov Should go back and play in the Red Army game that Putin plays in and just run him.

  9. Because his life is in danger. Anyone who criticizes Putin or the war gets sent to the front.

  10. As an Oiler fan, Ive really come to dislike the guy, but dammit do I respect him.


    Well, yeah???

    News: North Korean in Canada explains why he won’t go back to North Korea after criticizing Kimmy

  12. Canadian__Ninja

    Spoiler: the answer *won’t* shock you!

  13. kroniknastrb8r

    He won’t go back to Russia, because he won’t be able to leave Russia. Unless he gets sent to Ukraine.

  14. Faceit_Solveit

    Remember the line in The Hunt for Red Oktober at the end? “Welcome to the new world.”

  15. moose_king88

    “i won’t go back to Russia after criticizing Putin because he will kill me and my entire family slowly and painfully. In fact I could be poisoned and/or thrown from a window at any ment even abroad” -Nikita Zadorov probably

  16. He’s a vocal critic of literally anyone or anything that doesn’t vibe with his worldview and I respect TF out of him for that. He’s spoken wrong on some shit IMO but like, that’s always just hockey stuff, most everyone in the League is entitled to an opinion and have it be listened to at least once.

    On other stuff like Putin, he’s definitely coming correct. He has guts for days just speaking up against that psycho.

  17. couldbeyup

    He can speak like this because he knows it would be difficult to push him out a Russian hotel window or off a balcony

  18. JonTheWizard

    I’d just assumed the reason was “I will be conscripted or killed.”

  19. Odd_Philosopher1712

    “I’ll be in siberia the next day” guy always keeps it real

  20. GravyBoatWarrior

    Big Z is a real champion for doing this. I feel for Russian players who have ties and family stuck in that failed state, that cannot speak out. Any single one of them that supports this should immediately be extradited, just as any Russian citizen that feels the same should.

    Putin is a war criminal and a Nazi. A large proportion of the Russian population living in Russia support this genocide. The world is fucked up.

  21. purplegladys2022

    Better invest in polonium detection devices and buy new underwear every day. Just in case.

  22. Because he will be driven from the airport straight to bahmut

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