@New York Rangers

NYR 2024 Exit Day: Mika Zibanejad Media Availability | June 4, 2024

New York Rangers forward Mika Zibanejad speaks to the media during the team’s 2024 Exit Day on June 4.

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  1. Once again, a great regular season but the usual massive implosion in the stretch. Igor kept you guys in the playoffs for as long as you were there.

  2. Crazy that he answered that first question without saying "We need to get better, and it starts with me". Zero self ownership. Loved this dude but he's starting to make me wonder.

  3. Mika, I loved you, I have your tee shirts (I don't wear or buy jerseys) but you have to know you looked disinterested and seemed like you didn't want to go the extra mile to make plays that everyone knows you're capable of. You aren't a winner. Sorry, someone has to say this. The dive when a Panther player had a shot at the empty net told a lot about you as a competitor when it really matters.

  4. The Rangers need to get physically strong. This is what happened to the 2015 NYR when we played LA. Same strong team but that Ranger team had heart and will. We will be back and next year holding the cup

  5. Over the summer, cut your hair, get some hockey toughness lessons specifically corner battle drills. Centermen should not be afraid to go into the corners

  6. A disappointing end to a great season. A lot was made about the Rangers needing to be better 5 v 5, which was true. But the question I have is: Why weren't they good 5 v 5? They mach up talent-wise with top teams in the league. So what was it? Is it effort? Mindset?

  7. Doesn't think we were outplayed? They were just better than us? Don't you get outplayed by better teams or maybe teams that take the game and aggression to you. We lost because #20, #93, #10, #8 shit the bed one more year. All with terrible performances and no pushback when challenged.

  8. Mika was playing good until Burns broke his stick cross checking him in the back. He immediately dropped and could barely get off the ice. After that he wasn’t the same.

  9. Mika not for nothing you need a toughness makeover time for you to learn from Messier and Graves they will show you the fine art on how you don't get pushed around in this league

  10. BTW, the one timer is getting old. The goalies see you coming from a mile away. Just saying!
    Not to mention that you miss the net with it way too often. Let the other team's PK clear the puck out of the zone. They don't need you to do their job.
    I thought I would mention it since you want to "get better".
    But you are very good on the PK yourself. I'll give you that.
    I'll add another point if I may. The roster needs another piece. Someone needs to win puck battles on this team on a regular basis.
    You and the other finesse players on the team need guys to dig in the corners and get out with the puck if only to give it to you guys to score more goals.

  11. Time to say goodbye. There is a Ladies’ Euro league out there for you. So don’t fret.

    Does that patented slap shot not work after April?

    Is the hair weighing you down?

  12. But the Panthers did outplay the NYRs – they played with more power, grit, tenacity. They neutralized the PP in addition to 5v5. They pressured NYR with heavy forechecking making the ice look tilted.

  13. The powerful one-timer from the circle is most only effective when the goalie is scrambling to cover from the other side. Need a different shot option at times.

  14. 3 goals 2 in one game. The famous 1 timer is a myth with this guy. Shed you're NTC. Please.. Thanks for you're service. But not needed moving FORWARD.

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