@Calgary Flames



by racheljanejane


  1. imaybeacatIRl

    To be fair, Matt Tkachuk never fucked us over(Fox) or strung us along(Gaudreau). He signed that extension that let him leave as soon as he had completed his draft obligation to us. He let us know he’s leaving, and we traded him to get back some assets.

  2. andy_055

    Perfectly fine with tkachuk winning the Cup.

  3. dherms14

    Matt wanted to sign extension (twice)

    not his fault our fuck stick GM thought Frolik was more of a priority

  4. Lenny131313

    No need being pissed a Tkachuck. Anyone with half a brain knew he had a super high ceiling but the Flames had to play hardball on his contract.

  5. TalithePally

    I still love Chucky. Might have to break out the old jersey to wear during the series

  6. mentalyblind

    Atleast we got something for tkachuk unlike someone who is in Columbus right now.

  7. Background_Beach3217

    Bad take. Chucky has nothing but love from flames fans. He owes us nothing. Played his heart out, and was upfront about everything. He just wanted to live somewhere warm, out of the spotlight, and make bank. Johnny got what he deserves in CBJ purgatory.

  8. HelRayzer12

    I’ll gladly cheer for Tkachuk and Bennett. Fuck the Oilers, this isn’t a difficult choice.

  9. Thoughtful_Coyote

    I hope Chucky and Bennett win, they found a team that can take advantage of their skill. It’s not like we didn’t get anything in return….. oh wait.

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