@Edmonton Oilers

This is just a classic case of “They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us”

This is just a classic case of “They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us”

by Ihaha07


  1. puck-sauce

    As an Edmontonian I would like to thank the Vancouver Canucks fans for helping out in this cost of living crisis by providing us with rent free living

  2. swissdonair_enjoyer

    dallas fans aren’t in there because they’re not completely bitch made like the other three

  3. unequalsarcasm

    Embarrassing look for them but then again what can you expect

  4. Both fanbases are living rent free in each other’s minds. I’m glad to be in the position to cheer for my own team rather than against another.

  5. kabalongski

    Fucking pathetic.

    lol. Not the Dallas bros, they’re pretty cool.

  6. The_X-Files_Alien

    this is a classic case of “fucking pathetic and completely expected from fLames, Canucks and King fans. they’re little bitches and they want Dallas to follow them so bad but they won’t.

  7. tightcorners

    Oiler fans don’t do this when we get eliminated, we just stop watching hockey until next year. I could never do what some Canuck/Flames fans are doing.

  8. I just can’t even imagine cheering against a team so hard. Do I hate Vegas for last year? Yeah, but I haven’t spent a second thinking about them since, save for the times we actually play them.

  9. spagboltoast

    Just stop reading their subs. Thats small man mentality.

  10. suckuponmysaltyballs

    [I got slammed for saying I’m supporting Edmonton in the finals]( ….then got banned for 3 days……then doubled down and got the ban extended to a month…….then went hog wild and ended up with a life long ban.

    Just thought you guys might find it funny. Even us Canuck fans hate the Canucks fans.

  11. Many_Debate_7159

    You should see the Calgary Flames page. They won’t stop complaining since we are heading to the cup. What a bunch of whiny bitches lol.

  12. They should be focusing on their golf game instead.

  13. outofnowhere1010

    First off Van fan wanting the cup back in Canada. Go Oil . Some Edmonton fans are just as toxic as some Canuck fans. Lumping is all into one is kind of ridiculous. No matter how you look at it the teams fans above can cheer for whoever they want . Why people take it so personal is beyond me. Gadzic needs to reel it in a bit in his favoritism. He ain’t on the team anymore. Another guy that takes it too personal. Sure Bieksa is a Homer but 100x more low key about it . Making statements like he did the other day on the pod is only gonna bring Luc more comments. Ignore it dude . He’s on the panel to talk about both teams . He rarely does.

  14. CodeNamesBryan

    Oilers fans continue to be the most insecure fanbase in nhl history.

    Why bother punching down when you’re looking at an absolute machine in Florida? They’ve handed it to us in recent years, and no one sees much hope.

  15. forgetstorespond

    I dont get it, any time the Oilers get eliminated I kind of want that team to win the cup. Getting beat by the cup champs stings a little less than getting beat by a team that got beat by another team that got beat by a 3rd team and so on, but to each their own. Alot of these fans seem to have Oilers Derangement syndrome. Just anything Oilers sends them into a spiral of hate, it’s pretty comical. The Oilers fans denying talking about other fan bases non stop while other fan bases deny talking about Oilers fans non stop is hillarious also.

  16. Due-Leopard-7043

    Nawh. I want you guys to win.

    I know you’ll be loud and insufferable if you do, but I don’t really care. I’d rather deal with that than the typical American arrogance again if their team wins.

    So I hope Edmonton can get it done, shut the U.S. the fuck up about hockey being theirs, and the modern Jesus of hockey can get his ring.

    We’re still enemies, but even enemies can show respect. Go skin some Panthers

  17. Powerful-Ad-4292

    To be fair, we as Canadians all end up shitting on whichever team ends up in the Stanley cup final every time.

  18. cannagetawitness

    Respectfully, most Dallas fans would not be caught dead in that sub with those fans. They’ve got class

  19. refraxion

    One of them don’t belong because they never made it to the playoffs.

  20. Shiny_Mew76

    Now make one for this Sub that includes the Rangers, Bruins, and Lightning.

  21. TirithornFornadan1

    I’m a Leafs fan, so I’ve not normally found myself rooting for you guys. But it would be cool to see McDavid and Hyman get a cup, and how could any self-respecting hockey fan cheer for the Panthers.

    Go Oil! Cheering for you all the way (until next season, at least).

  22. Silverbuu

    As far as I’ve seen, Dallas fans have been fairly amicable about their series loss. Some even came and said they’re rooting for the Oilers now. I was pretty happy about that, because they are actually my favourite American team. LA has a reason to be frustrated with the Oilers, 3 times is 3 times, and so does Calgary, but I’m not sure about Vancouver, other than they lost. Had they made it to the finals, I’d have rooted for them too. A Canadian team finally winning would be awesome.

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