@New York Rangers

[Walker] #NYR  captain Jacob Trouba said the injury he sustained earlier in the season was a broken ankle, “a big chunk of his ankle came off.”


by memeaste


  1. CloutWaffle

    Would’ve probably been just fine with Zac Jones slotting in for the first/second round

  2. smancuso8

    I appreciate him trying to push through it but cmon lol we have a perfectly fine 7th and 8th D that this wasn’t needed. Can’t say we gave ourselves the best shot at winning this year between this and the deadline. Makes it hurt more!

  3. beeryee34

    If this is true then why the hell didnt Laviolette sit him for jones when it was clear that Trouba was a complete detriment to the team?

  4. Cute-Escape2751

    Why the hell did Jones not play instead? That’s incredibly poorly handled by the coaches and by Touba himself. He’s supposed to be the ultimate leader of this team and sometimes that means sitting while giving your healthy (and quite frankly, a lot more effective) teammate a chance to play.

  5. ayykitten

    What makes this more insufferable is the fact he was hurt pre deadline. Put him on LTIR and free up all that cap space to use at the deadline and literally do what Tampa and Vegas have done. Infuriating.

  6. jkman61494

    So first take is good for him being a tough SOB… But if your worst defenseman has a chunk of his ankle missing, maybe…MAYBE as the coach you tell your captain he did all he cand o, and you insert Zac Jones whose best abilities was zone breakout passing which was the teams biggest weakness against Florida.

    ALSO…Didn’t we literally give up draft capital to get a guy like Ruhwedl for this EXACT reason?

    Honestly the more I think about this the angrier I get. Either our “captain” was such a selfish toolbag he insisted on playing on one foot despite better options for the team or our coach was such a pansy and so afraid of confrontation to sit the “captain” that he allowed his team to lose a chance at a Cup

    Either way who is supposed to feel bad for Trouba here? Players get hurt. He gets paid well to get hit. Instead of being a leader he allowed this team a greater chance to lose.

    I call him a pathetic excuse for a captain

  7. -RomeoZulu-

    If the ankle was broken, they should have LTIR’d him on deadline day and taken advantage of the cap space.

    If the ankle was broken, they should have rotated Jones into the lineup.

    If the ankle was broken, they should have kept Trouba on the 3rd pairing and not bombed Miller’s performance by anchoring him to Troubs.

    I stand by what I said the other day, the coaching staff was too enamored with its “core” to make the tough decisions to shake things up and nullify the other team’s plans. We lost because the lineup was stagnant and our gameplan completely predictable. We had the depth, no reason to not use it.

  8. Griffinjohnson

    While I appreciate the intestinal fortitude in cases like this the medical staff and coaches need to step in and make the call that’s best for the team and the player long term. Sometimes that means sitting or going on IR.

  9. stoirtap76

    Coaches are gonna play a guy if they say they can play. I blame this on trouba. He should have thought of the team. Most likely Zibs, Fox, and maybe Bread were in same situation. Coach is not going to bench Z/F/B if they say he can play.

  10. PurplePenguin501

    Damn this means we will probably run it back with him instead of buying out/trading 😭

  11. Puzzled_Remove_232

    Not putting him on LTIR is on Laviolette and Drury. They need to do better.

  12. FoghornLeghorn999

    Jones was playing the best hockey of his short career in his absence.

    So our coach, GM, and Captain gathered together and said, let’s swap him out for a detriment?

    I can’t decide if that is worse or if him being healthy and being that bad is worse.

  13. HideousControlNow

    OK, now this makes me angry. You have two pretty good defensemen in Jones and Ruhwedel in the press box and you keep running Trouba out there on a BROKEN ANKLE? Why?????

  14. GoodDuckBadDuck

    So why did he came back to lineup 3 weeks before playoffs started?

  15. MAGICPOWDERcomic

    So he and Lavs cost us all a Cup because this bum wanted to play on a broken ankle?

    Thanks, Cap!

  16. Helpful_Project_8436

    So put him on LTIR and bring in a few guys or one big guy? Why the fuck doesn’t this team ever take advantage of their situations? Why does everything have to be about being “tough” and coming back early or playing through shit? If someone with a big contract gets hurt next year, USE THE FUCKING LTIR. This pissed me off even more.

  17. Ughhh I mean honestly he was having a good season beforehand. Why did we not just put him on LTIR

  18. dantesinfernoracket1

    If he was that hurt, he shouldn’t have played. There’s a point where you cross the line from toughness to stupidity.

  19. In a different world, Trouba goes on the LTIR at the deadline, we splash on Guentzel, slot Zac Jones into the lineup, and find ourselves in the Stanley Cup Final

  20. TheIncredibleHork

    This is why we got depth players.

    This was bad roster management.

    Trouba should have taken the extra time off.

    *However*… I’m not sure playing Ruhwedel or Jones for Trouba would have gotten Zibanejad to show up better. It’s part of the collection of reasons we didn’t make it, but not necessarily the only reason.

  21. darkandlookslikerain

    I cannot believe that he wasn’t put on LTIR by the trade deadline. I also cannot believe that once it was realized how much of a liability he was, he kept skating and Jones or Ruwedel weren’t put in. I also def thinks it means he won’t be moved bc they’ll blame it on the ankle. What an absolute mess.

  22. flowstuff

    i hate this about hockey. like… you need functioning ankles to skate. i get that he’s a tough guy and all, but it hurt the team. you’re supposed to be the captain. a true leader would have sat himself for jones. that being said… coach should’ve made the call.

  23. overgrownpizzabox

    broken ankle trouba, who isn’t even good healthy, over zac jones and 8 million in cap, atrocious, agonizing decision.

  24. SportingWallaby

    Didn’t stop him from sprinting out of position to try (and fail) to throw hits.

    Fuck this dude. Excuse making shithead. Embarrassment of a leader 

  25. when anyone ever says “your starter at 50% is better than your reserve at 100%”, or something along those lines, this is a perfect example of why that sentiment is almost always 100% wrong

    opts to play his worst defenseman, *with a major injury no less*, over Jones, and the results were as expected. possibly a cup losing move.

    this team would not only rather play its bad players over good players, but its bad *and injured* players over its good players. teams that win the cup don’t do this

    also lost in this is a complete waste of them trading for Chad Ruhwedel

  26. Trouba shouldn’t have been playing, but where are the adults in the room? Laviolette could have scratched him. Drury could have had him LTIR’d until he was ready to play. He wasn’t needed against Washington.

    At some point, there needs to be real accountability. Enough of the hockey tough nonsense. You don’t gain anything by playing on one leg. We saw it with Adam Fox too and how slow he was on the ice.

  27. TreeFugger69420

    If true. That dude shoulda been on IR. We didn’t need to win the prez. We needed the cap space. And we needed someone who could actually play.

    I fucking hate breakup day aka excuse day. DONT PLAY IF YOU CANT SKATE.

  28. Hionhelium87

    I love and appreciate that hockey players are absolute warriors and play through a lot, but at some point this mentality is more of a detriment than it is a help. If you’re that injured you shouldn’t be playing. Period.

    Rangers had 2 healthy defensemen in Jones and Ruhwedel to take off some of the burden of guys like Trouba, Fox, and Lindgren and they were not utilized at all. That’s on the coaching staff and upper management. Make it make sense.

  29. Nyrfan2017

    Why was he even playing before the playoffs ?? This makes no sense we had guys that could play he shouldn’t have been in every game ..  

  30. Background-Target-68

    If he was a true Captain, he would have sat himself…

  31. Sjdillon10

    His mistakes were being out of position all the time. Sure he was injured but his hockey IQ was the issue not his physical game

  32. NYdude777

    Then go fix it. Playing at 70% isn’t the flex you think it is. You were a liability either way.

  33. Wade_Gustafson

    I think my issue here is that the coaching staff knew that not only was he injured – they knew that either it was affecting his play or his play dropped for other reasons (or both). We know the coaching staff knew because they moved him to the 3rd pair with Gustafson. If they thought he was playing well, they would’ve left him with Miller.

    So you know he’s hurt. You know he’s not playing well *(and it’s not clear how much of his “not playing well” is due to the injury vs his constant stupidity, like – on the Reinhart OT goal in game 4 was it because of his broken ankle that he felt compelled to skate himself out of the play? I think that’s just stupidity but trying to be objective about it it’s conceivable however unlikely that in his mind he was trying to compensate for something, and same thing on the Bennett game 6 1-0 goal).*

    If you know both of these things – why is he in the lineup? A physically compromised and underpeforming Trouba is still that much better than Ruhwedel? I won’t even say Jones because they could make a guess that well Jones is more suited to LD and they need an RD.

    What goes thru the minds of the other players? Is it “he’s a warrior” or is it “our captain is playing on a broken ankle and continuing to hurt us”?

    OR…. is it all just an excuse?

    Whatever the answer…. none of the possibilities reflect well on Trouba or the entire org, unfortunately.

  34. Azaloum90

    I hope this asshole never sees ice with this team again. Everyone knew Jones outplayed trouba by a large margin, which means Trouba knee it too…

    You know what a real captain would do? Admit defeat, get better, improve, then come back when ready….

    This guy? This isn’t Captain material. This is someone who has their own priorities over the entire team. This is someone who only cares about his image, his performance, his standing.

    Laviolette needs to take blame here too. This guy played horrendously and had a known injury, you need to ball up and sit his ass.

    Fuck this “captain”. He deserves nothing. Worthless piece of meat

  35. DeathMetalVeganPasta

    This is a huge indictment of the coach. Like what the hell?

  36. saxmfone1

    He later clarified that he was fine in the playoffs. You can’t make this shit up.

  37. RustedCard00

    This is gross mismanagement on the parts of Lavi and Drury. Arguably a fireable offense. Not only did they repeatedly put an underperforming, grossly outclassed guy in the lineup night after night, he was also injured. This is weaponized incompetence. And to hear that Trouba not only advocated for himself over Jones, but did so knowing he was injured and detrimental to the teams success? This guys not a leader. He should never have gotten the C, he shouldn’t have it now. He’s a thug, and a selfish clown, who’s only relevance is sticking out his elbow to injure whoever we’re playing. Waste of $8 million, waste of a C patch. Get him off this team asap, and maybe Lav and Drury’s competence will begin to be seen as less questionable.

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