@Boston Bruins

LIVE: Bruins vs Panthers Game 1 Postgame Show

LIVE: Bruins vs Panthers Game 1 Postgame Show

and we’re live how about that Carl again Carl corini Evan maranowski we’re presented by uh prize picks use that promo code clns to get up to $100 matched on your first deposit uh and we got uh game time use that promo code clns the series is looking pretty good terms apply but use that promo code clns to get $20 off your first purchase again terms apply and I think right now you’re going to be wanting to go to the garden for games three Andor four um Carl what you think of that 5-1 win uh that was an impressive win they played their structure created turnovers and the opportunities they had they they finished and you know and two his credit too I think David posar through the first two periods was one of if not the best player in the ice not just because of the offensive chances he created but in that first period attention to detail defensive Zone reverse hit then creating opportunities and everything that he created was off of turnover sticks in Lanes so I really liked his game I just obviously had to like Jeremy Swan but overall that was that was what Boston looked like when they played in when they played in in Toronto when they won those two games just stifling defense playing with a little bit of confidence and not not necessarily offensive confidence but you can see the confidence that they have in Jeremy Swan right like Five Guys protecting Around the Net understanding that nothing’s getting in from the outside on Jeremy San so if as long as they do a good job of protecting that interior ice they’re GNA have an opportunity to win and they played great defense they created they made a small adjustment to their uh neutral zone four check and yeah the opportunities they had that were great and you got secondary scoring and if if you’re if you’re going to continue to get and not that that’s a reality every game but Carlo lorai brazo geeky like those are the guys that you’re going to need to to win long term and that that was a great step forward that that that was a just a that was a great hockey game tonight that was a gutsy win and before I get into my uh my opening thought Yeah Carl show the show the people what you got next to you I think people are going to enjoy this yeah and this is from this is got to be from Circa 1997 I couldn’t find the 2024 version but here we go yes yeah that’s how we know we’re in the second round now we got the Whiteboard out let’s go I love this I didn’t I want I didn’t want to jinx the Whiteboard we said if we got to the second round we’d bring out the Whiteboard uh I swear to God this thing has been so I’ve been at St Marks now 10 years this has been in the lock room for 10 years at St Mark so I don’t know how long it’s been in there but hey it’s here and I’ll I’ll explain later we’ll we’ll we’ll dive into some breakdowns um my biggest thing is you know makoy they makoy lindol have that bad turnover they miss they miss beer on that breakout in the second and kachuck scores immediately and it’s like all right here it is and that was a weird time because the Bruins had had an awesome first period they had an awesome first period and they and they should have scored a couple times but B rovski was playing outstanding and here comes Florida up one- nothing it’s Matthew kachuck who scores and 90 seconds later the Bruins respond with geeki scoring on a good offensive zone shift and to me that changed the whole game and we saw that in game seven right looks like neander ends the game and then boom other way they they immediately go so the fact that they were as resilient as they were tonight um to go to to give up that goal and then to score one to score two to score three um by the end of the third I to me that’s the main story of tonight and that sort of sums up how this team has been this uh you know these past at least two games and we saw it a little bit during the regular season they were a little resilient which is good and I think you know they know how to play in close games and they play every game was close against Toronto a lot of game majority of games were close in the regular season and it was close tonight and they pulled P away and you know one thing I remember Sweeney mentioning at the deadline was uh you know a lot of people said oh the Bruins stink at protecting leads late and it was well they stink at protecting leads because they can never extend leads yes court they scored five this is true I hope pun is fun I hope Pana is fun Court I hope Pana is fun thank you for joining um court and I go way back um but uh I you know to me like to they extended the lead tonight they they they bent they didn’t break in their own Zone you mentioned Swan like just SW SW you know just his ability to see puck right now through traffic he’s Carl he’s seeing everything like every shot from the outside he is getting a look at and he’s reaching out and gloving them and to me I and and someone just mentioned the timeout that timeout uh in the third that ended up leading to brazzo’s goal like it just worked Tonight Tonight worked um the Panthers look like a team that was on a weekl long layoff the Bruins looked like a team that was coming off a big win and I mean that is as as good as you can as you can get like that is his I to me that was his textbook that’s how the Bruins are gonna win now they gonna score five goals every game on on babski no that’s not going to happen but that kind of win good goal tending good defense keeping Panthers to the outside and and finishing chances I mean that’s that’s what you need and they got it tonight yeah they look L like a team that played a little bit a little bit looser right like obviously you wanting to close out in that first round when you’re up 31 but as it went deeper 5 six they started to tighten up a little bit and you could see it in you could see it in the turnovers the Bruins now they’re not an elite offensive team but they POS they possess the puck they’re able to make five and 10 foot passes and they had trouble with that down the stretch against Toronto now at times with makoy with lyol there were opportun to make passes that they uh weren’t able to connect on but I mean did you see brao right like I making that play going to the net pushing out his Le they didn’t make that they didn’t make those type of plays in games five six and seven against Toronto they like Morgan geeky going top shelf um so I mean that’s the recipe for Success the rest of the way I do assume that Florida’s going to going to make adjustments they’ll be more aggressive on their four check um but in order for Boston win they need to get really great go inning which they have been they need to defend out front of the out front of the net the way they did tonight which is just allow the shots from the outside anything in Around the Net Pick Up Sticks which they did a great job and then clog up that neutral zone and and create turnovers all night all night and and they had I mean p himself had two breakaways they had more odd man rushes tonight at least um without the advanced stats but looking at the game tonight more more odd man rushes that I remember in at least the last three or four games in the Toronto series so they were great and that’s the way they’re going to have to play I assume it’s going to be a long series I know I said six but this will be a long physical series and if they can continue to play like that and have tight games and and get that secondary scoring they’re they’re in a good spot they are and I I just to me that you know again it’s one game and we said this against the leavs one game game ones are you know in the grand scheme of things a lot changes after game ones the Bruins people remember back in 2018 uh went in as underdogs against the lightning killed them in game one and then lost the next four games which again I don’t expect that to happen this time because this core went through that I don’t think that’s gonna happen this time um but to me they look like a team that’s sort of playing free how Mason lowai played in those last couple games of that Toronto series is kind of a naive rookie who hadn’t tasted the playoffs before they’re not they’ve got over their hump they’ve got over their hump against you know getting out of the first round not blowing a 3-1 lead um getting past Toronto making sure that uh this year isn’t last year and they looked like a team that was free I mean you look at Florida right they had a lot of chances kachuck Miss is an open net early they had some giveaways I think Florida was very frustrated because that first five minutes was was all Florida all Florida that was completely Florida um and you know the Bruins immediately the next five minutes take it to them and they forced turnovers posnock had a breakway early in the game first 10 minutes off a bad turnover and we saw that over and over again it felt like and you know whether that’s the layoff whether that’s Florida now playing as the team with the pressure on them um and and they got over their own hump you know they got they got past the lightning so you know they went all the way to the Cup last year they know how to play second round hockey um but to me like the structure of the Bruins um their ability on the four check to force turnovers um I I just it was a good night that was a good win and you know I’m very curious to see how they sort of progress because you know how does Florida look in game two does Sam Bennett return what you know if he does what kind of you know what does that add um because obviously they’re not as deep without with a without Bennett um why don’t we why don’t we do this we’re going to get to the whiteboard in a second but I want to have this conversation I want to have this conversation first this one okay this one goenda a lot of people saying this and I mentioned this on Bruins beat with Connor um I saw a lot of people saying uh umark for game one or for game two and I even tweeted out I said said I want Swan but you know depending on how game one goes you evaluate from there I’m not against omark in game two Swan’s too locked in though he’s way too locked in to take him out um and I assume you agree with me on this oh yeah no 100% agree the one thing that I and you look back at the first big save that had that he had to make the first two or three shots in the game rebound control was an issue they come down the wing takes a shot he kicks it right back out into the slot and then after those two or three shots he swallowed everything up he he track pucks really well I think what you were alluding to the idea that he was Finding pucks through traffic with his glove he he’s really upright so upright meaning like when he gets into and I don’t know if you watch the national telecast Uh Kevin week that was the only one tonight there was no okay so there you go like unforunately uh when you go into the rvh goalies have a tendency to get can get small Swan kept his chest up all night which prevents things from going up top uh and you heard Kevin weeks talk about it on the flip side for bosi got got too low especially on uh Mason Lowry’s goal and he’s able to sneak that one top shelf like those holes don’t exist on Jeremy Swan right now so you’ve got to you’ve got to go to him the rest of the way right unless he had a conversation with you and said that exhausted tired not feeling well that’s the that’s the only way that you would go away from Jeremy Swan at this point too good too good what were the were the Final Shots 38 shots I think it was 38 again like omark’s record against Florida was great this year he had success against them in the first four games last year I just don’t care at the moment I Swan’s too locked in I I you can’t take out right now and again if he has a stinker in game two then you evaluate from there I’m not like some people are saying the goalie rotation is dead I don’t think it’s dead but I I’m not putting omark in for game two at this point I mean you have a chance again like Swan’s just too locked in you and again and some people are mentioning like him uh you know after a stressful scrum he was smiling that’s him all the time but I think it goes to show even in the playoffs he’s still himself he’s still composed he’s still so you mentioned it after game seven he’s so confident so um you know to me a guy me mentions 38 for 39 like the the Panthers got some great chances and I I like you was a little nervous at the beginning uh that shot the first shot of the game um that he kicked out the rebound but then made the save I’m like all right that’s great but that rebound but he after that he he he you know he was composed again and he was fine so um I uh I I enjoyed San and I to me there’s no debate Swan’s in the net until until he proves to be moved out um I like to see people in here in the comments Kevin says Carl I saw two weeks side reverse dzone exits tonight you have the people watching like an analyst now this is this is exciting you’re you’re officially an influencer um so why don’t we do what the people want let’s break out the Whiteboard um and let’s explain um where do you want to start what what did you notice from Florida tonight that that you that that allowed the Bruins to be bit more successful I love this I feel like I’m gonna go with I’m gonna go with surprising I’m gonna go with surprising so Florida threw three different looks at you as far as a four check and especially in the first period but the but the four check they went with the majority of the game is what’s called a one two2 so if this is Boston’s defenseman right here the whole goal of F1 I don’t know if anyone can see this at all the whole goal of F1 is to push him inside out so go from the goal and push him up the strong side so this would be your F two here so I am trying to push this Boston Defender into my other health and then F F3 is in this soft area taking away what would be a center pass so Boston Center might be in this area he would step down here but what we saw against Toronto when you go inside out ly Holm M voyet others are just tossing it up the wall here and now you’re attacking the net so that’s what that’s what that’s what Florida did a majority of the game tonight and that was so surprising because Florida is a fast and physical team and when they had Zone Zone pressure they went with what is a 212 so a 212 is really simple F1 enough to just find Boston’s defenseman and take them away so you can’t go D to D so if this is Boston’s defenseman you are aggressive here Boston’s defenseman here you’re aggressive here and then F3 is just going to make the read like if the puck goes here you’re here right away and that’s when that’s when Florida had Zone Zone possession time with when they were creating turnovers in this area here and that’s F3 once once contact’s made he’s flying to the puck and then once they flew to the puck they were going from goal line extended right away which just means I passed a puck right to the D and then it’s just a nightmare for Boston to defend that way because Florida finishes all their hits they create those turnovers and then they force you to defend but they didn’t they didn’t go with that the majority of the time tonight it was all one two two trying to create turnovers in this area here on the on the half wall and it gave it gave Boston a little bit more time to retrieve pucks Boston doesn’t do a great job uh with shoulder checks or any sort of deception it’s not a big part of their game on the back end so they had a little bit more opportunity to go Zone exits tonight they still turned over pucks you think about you you think about their first goal makoy makoy gets so mavo is here with 73 Florida inside out he tries to pass they pick it off in this area and then it’s right over to kachuck in this area I’m surprised that that Florida went with a one two two that they didn’t they didn’t they weren’t as aggressive as they I thought they would be um and I think that’s probably the change now the one thing with with that two on two aggressive for check is and we talked about it in the last Aries can you sustain it yeah because it it takes a lot out of you you’re asking people to skate for 60 minutes and as physical as as Florida is that’s a difficult game to play to be that physical to pursue pucks that quickly it it it gets it gets to you and not having Bennett who is one of your faster and more physic physical players that can then right like you’re I don’t know who slot in I’m not I’m naive to what Florida’s roster would look like I don’t know who sloted in but that’s that’s a big loss for them and and while he’s out you’ve you’ve gotta youve got to take advantage of that so you’re saying what they what Florida should do is a 212 they should should run the 212 because they did that a lot if I remember correctly they did that a lot last year and it worked yeah and someone someone mentioned inding point of like it seems like Florida was expecting the Bruins to just whip it up the strong side every time and they didn’t do that as much tonight there were still some of those instances but I felt like the breakouts were a little bit cleaner um there were some adjustments made I I saw um but you know there were still you know there were still some areas of yeah so really exciting stuff right uh I love this this is your this is your Forte this is your wheelhouse yeah because this Florida panther the goal is going inside out if he doesn’t actually make contact and because you’re not going with this two12 if you have a net front d right if Boston has a net front D you bring them one way and what one of the commentors were talking about going out the weak side you put it off the nend wall this this defenseman comes and now you have some more time to exit out the weak side weak side’s over here so weak side is just away from the puck away from all the traffic and once you do this then this F3 is going to have to get over here but that is so far right like this is this is an 80 foot 80 80 85 foot skate right here so if you can continue to get out the weak side if you can continue to get to Puck uh if you can continue to retrieve pucks with some purpose and some urgency you’re going to have opportunities and that goes both sides because Boston’s Fourche was fairly passive tonight as well um their F3 was nowhere in the picture the whole game they just strictly sat on top of Florida’s uh uh forward coming back through the through the neutral zone so there’ll be opportunities to break pucks out it’s how aggressive will will Florida be in games two and three and can you break that four check will lead to success for Boston someone just asked how to know which side is weak and strong weak side is the side that the puck and most players are not on strong side is the side where Puck is at the moment and where there’s uh the most amount of people so here I had if the Puck’s on this side in this four check you would have three players well probably five you’d have one four Checker a third for Checker your second and then your 2D are all on this one side of the ice and then this side with no one on it that’s the weak side so if you can get it out here then you have more time and space to make plays so it’s just the other side of the rank where the puck and players aren’t at that at any given time yeah so um that was a a comprehensive breakdown that was great hopefully people uh got it and and that’s that’s exactly what we need the Whiteboard that’s how we know it’s the second round I gotta get the small ones yeah well that was good no you you you you did that perfectly um one other thing I noticed and I I saw like Anderson tweet this Conor Ryan was tweeting it uh and I think people at home I saw it I imagine you I know you saw it everybody saw it um there were the Bruins had a lot more time and space than the ozone they were able to get Guys open in high danger areas and I think one of the big reasons why is Florida runs manto man and that’s sort of one of the the Downs you know the plus to man to manto man is you’re eliminating time and space the downside and this is why I don’t really like manto man but that’s just me um is if one coverage area breaks down things can go a little bit Haywire um and you saw that a little bit tonight with activating the d uh D had a little more time and space um so uh you know I think that’s you know Carlos scores low rise scores um first of all props to Brandon Carlo had a kid congratulations congratulations to the Carlos and what a way to come into the world for crew Carlo to come in with the his dad scoring and the Bruins winning 5-1 so congrats to congrats to him what a day though imagine that flying like this afternoon having a earlier today and I gotta say I love the alliteration crew Carlo we we have it all throughout the house here it’s Colton corini is my son Christine and then Carl so love crew great name it’s that’s an awesome name I love that I love I love crew uh crew Carlo I almost said crew corini but crew I’m very happy for him for him um so I was a you know congrats to him Brandon Carlo can lowy snipe if you guys go back and look at a lot of his goals from the point they are a lot of top Corner shots and I mean a lot by relatively you know a lot of his goals are top Corner shots um but to me one of the big stories of this game and this postseason has been Mason lowai hits the post um in that first period I think it was the first or it might have been no it was the second hit the post in the second and then uh just Snipes one and just the way he’s playing right now the confidence um I to me like it’s more proof that this dude is a freaking stud yeah I it’s two things that stand out for me and I I’ll give you a name and I’m not going to equate the I’m not going to equate the physicality um Bob no no Dustin bufflin so Dustin was an had a skill set could skate shoot the puck but just didn’t know that he shouldn’t be trying some of the things at the National Hockey League level and that’s why he was so successful like he was so supremely confident in the abilities that he had that he didn’t care whether he was in the WHL the American Hockey League or the nation he was going to do the same things and that’s the confidence that you see out of Mason lowai do I I think that he’s going to be as physical as Dustin was no no way but he has the physical tool sets to be as offensive as Dustin was and he’s just going out there and playing his game he’s not trying to change who he is regardless of the time of year he doesn’t care that it’s playoffs now this is the second time that he’s tried that between the legs it hasn’t worked either time but I still doesn’t matter I still love that he’s trying to do it and I think that’s why like I’m I’m excited about the potential for him to be a 40 to 50 point guy in the National Hockey League level and if you have two of those guys on your roster for whatever that is 10 eight to 10 years you’re you’re in good you’re in good you’re in good uh position as as a Bruins organization you are and again I tweeted it out like to you know that getting him at 58th overall continues to look like a home run um and again again you got to see him do it for a full season I think that’s the big thing like what is he going to look like next year but to me like if he continues to have this kind of postseason and continues to play like this and there’s no reason to think he won’t he’s in your he’s in your lineup next year like it’s a given just the way he plays the the uh I saw uh beay bobor because he’s from Louisiana he was born in Louisiana I don’t think he I don’t think he was raised in Louisiana I believe he was raised in the midwest but I could be mixing things up but um he was born in Louisiana so actually if people want to go check it out I had Mason lry on Bruins beat I think it was was it two years ago I think it was yeah he came on Bruins beat uh we did a big long interview about his life if people want to go check that out when this is done or tomorrow or whenever I highly recommend it because it was actually a really good interview and he’s a really good kid um so he continues to look great he I mean I just and I think that’s one of the positives and you see it right and what’s interesting though and I was looking at after the second period um the matchups that they were running on D and again they brunes didn’t have um last change tonight so they don’t get to really choose them but I thought it was interesting that Carlo and lorai were actually going against the stenin line mainly Evan Rodriguez Kevin stenland and Vlad teraso that was their third line um so I actually found that kind of interesting maybe kind of frees them up a bit I mean again it kind of gives lowai a little bit of an easier matchup um they seem to get it quite a bit whereas wspoon and uh forber I know Evan calling someone a kid lorai is younger than me I get to do that uh I get to call him a kid that’s how this works I can’t call anybody older than me a kid but I can call him a kid um but I think you know forbert and wspoon took um a more difficult matchup going against the second line of Anton Lindell E2 list ler ran and Sam Reinhardt and then lindol and McAvoy got uh the first line so I thought that was interesting too um you know again I think you know letting lorai get a little bit easier of a matchup um while we’re on defense what you think of forbert and wspoon you know I didn’t I guess this is a good thing and it’s probably when forer’s playing really well you don’t recognize him I like he didn’t make any big mistakes I thought I thought his Pace was was good for having not played in a long time and I really like w spoon’s game tonight I do too I likeed it I like him he was he was good tonight um making good making good defensive reads but also not shy to skate the puck and even though it meant at times just putting the puck in deep like when he had the time and space he was getting up the ice putting it putting in the zone I thought those two were as good as you could ask them to be right like you’re not going to the expectation is that not that they’re going to go out there and produce offensively for you but to give you to give you a good 14 to 16 minutes a game and I don’t know what they’re I have it up here I don’t know what their ending minutes where forber played 1554 and wers Spoon played 16 1613 so that’s ex that’s exactly what you want from them and they were they were great tonight that doesn’t mean that that will be a consistent over the series but if they consistently play like that you’re in good shape yeah you are and I think again um a commenter mentioned like you know they’re going to look the Panthers will look a lot different with Sam Bennett in the lineup obviously um and I think that’s why you you took advantage of an opportunity here right we mentioned this in the leaf series the Bruins didn’t take advantage enough I mean I guess they did take advantage enough of Matthews being out but when he was out they they had a real tough time winning in game two without neander no Bennett and they they steal one in Florida and I think that it goes back to like that is a you own the moment you own an opportunity you take that so now you’re up one nothing you comes back you still have the upper hand um which I which I like and um you know again I think putting lowai with Carlos interesting too like we’ve seen a lot of lowai makoy but I think lowai with Carlo’s great too in the sense that you know caros is that responsible shutdown guy lorai can push the pace you know break the puck out things like that um so I I like that um and I again I liked what your D gave you tonight uh Lind Holm and and makoy had that one incident um but you know again I think it’s they you know they had a they had a good night um up front you get geeki getting a goal you get brazo that third line continues to look real I thought the third line was great tonight again um but I think to me like the real standout up front um oh someone mentioned diver I whenever does anyone uh anybody have numbers on Brown’s face off since divver said he was up likely to help there I don’t four and two four and two okay you take that um but poso poso was way more noticeable tonight he was good he was impactful um he had scoring chances early I actually thought defensively he was good he had some broke he broke up some plays emman Larson had a point blank chance in the third that uh Posh kind of wrapped up his stick a bit um I just thought he had a good night tonight he looked Freer uh there were a couple big hits he got hit by Chris Rooney with the referee South Boston Zone which I thought was funny um but again I thought you know I think it’s encouraging that poso had as good a night as he did and I think that’s the allaround effort you want from him he was able to play solid defense and he created a lot of offensive opportunities like high danger opportunities if he continues to get those opportunities he’s going to score those more often than not and that’s all you’re looking for him he’s your best he’s your best player yes in order to win the Ser like in order to win the series he needs to be your best player and tonight was really encouraging and obviously in that in those first two periods he just I thought he did a great job tonight and you know if he gets two breakaways and in the next game I guarantee both go in the net like that’s just he’s too he’s he’s a really good player and he he played great tonight and I get like some of the commenters I think uh Stephan wats and six and third is back that’s a real one that’s a real one six and six and a third is back I love Bob rosi right like we Boston scored on three straight shots and was he average in the in the game this evening for you right because he makes he makes a huge difference in what that team’s capable of of doing um and probably not good enough in tonight’s game to help Florida win I agree and he was I mean he was great in that first some of those he makes some contortionist saves that are crazy you mentioned poock uh being hot and potentially being a guy who could score next game if you guys feel like David poock is is going to be a safe uh good for you for for next game go check out our friends over at prize picks quick break in the action to tell you about my good friends over at prize picks prize pick has something for every sports fan from basketball and hockey to League of Legends and everything in between you could pick LeBron Caitlyn Clark Conor McDavid and Jude Bellingham all in the same entry prize picks is really simple to play I can make my picks and submit my entry in less than 60 seconds and the best part quick withdraw rolls and it’s easy gameplay and an enormous selection of players and Stat types are what make prize picks the number one fantasy sports app as the Bruins playoffs roll on I’m liking The Pick of Jeremy swayman more saves he’s just been so good of late and you know what I also like Jake de Brusque more goals so download the app today and use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100 Again download the app today and use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100 prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy now back to the show now naturally since I’m 25 when I get a break I go on my phone of course that’s you know that’s what my age does my generation does and I just got a tweet notification from nhlp Jeremy swayman helped the Bruins allow three goals or fewer in each of their first eight games of a postseason for the third time in franchise history following a pair of 12 game runs to start 1999 and 1939 um I I just you know enough can’t be said about how good he is right now and that’s why like for some people trickling in some people are mentioning you know is it time to go to you know do you still go toar no you don’t and you don’t it’s not an indictment onar it’s how good Swan is right now I think you know could omark handle it yeah and I think I still think we will see olark we could see olark at some point in this series but I I Swan’s too good right now to take him out I know you say no I’m saying like if swan has a a clunker which he doesn’t seem be on the on the hook for but if he did then I think you’d see omark but I I don’t know I’m not ruling omark out of the series I’m not ruling omark out of the series I’m not no but if he say that Jeremy Swan had a clunker which he’s hasn’t show he’s gonna have that at this point as a as a coach you go you would go to him after that game you tired something up you want to have some level of communication with him to say do you need a day and if Swan said no I’m fine he’d go right back in the net I I think you’re you’re rolling with Jeremy Swan until he gets I don’t want to right like until something prevents him from playing in that next game if you understand what I’m saying yeah and I don’t think I don’t think he’s gonna take himself out uh guty made an interesting um he thank thank you for grabbing this quote Ty Anderson tweeted Out Montgomery quote we contemplated going with old mark But when a guy is playing that well don’t outsmart yourself self that’s exactly what we’re saying and I’m I I know people don’t want the goalie talk right now I know people don’t want the goalie talk um but that you know we’re just kind of putting it to bed you know until um Swan struggles and I also think like if Swan had one bad game it does I mean you’re a coach goalie has one bad game after so many good ones do you just trim the Rope there and say all we’re going to the next guy or do you give him a chance to rebound no I think he showed you to this point through eight games that he’s the best goalie in the National hockey league right right now like that’s what the numbers that’s what the numbers play out that’s what the ey test plays out right now I just you talk to him you okay do you need a day and then you you shove him right back in there I think the good thing on the other side and I think a few of the commenters had had recognized right like what Bob Rosy’s weakness was and that’s getting it up high going up underneath the bar you three goals tonight I I the one limitation that I have in hockey analysis is what structure of gold tending looks like but he he seems to as he comes out to challenge shots he seems to get small and so like that and I was talking about swimming chest up Bovi seems like shoulders start to come in towards his chin and so that’s why obviously geek’s goal not not reality he’s not in the net but for uh Carlo and lorai those are two scenarios where he’s shrugging his shoulders they’re tucked in and you’ve got to continue to to go up there all night but the one thing for him and you alluded to it as well anytime you have those rebounds that are laying around you have to bury them through the back of the net you can’t uh go soft because he does make acrobatic saves and I think he’s extremely athletic structure just didn’t didn’t look on point tonight I think the how how you’re going to score in this series consistently is the Carlo goal I forget who it was but someone was screening bobovski I for blanking on who was was Marian was screening him to the point where he almost could I don’t think he saw the shot or he couldn’t get a good read on the shot like to me bodies in front is the biggest thing on him because you’re right he’s athletic when he’s down he’s gonna make the save he made that athletic you know save where like both feet were in the air and then he came down on his knees and made the leg stop early in the first I I think I tweeted it out or I quote tweeted spoke Z might have tweeted it um but I I I just to me like I you know that’s how you’re going to get ones in on him I think the scary part for Florida at least right now knock on wood is there doesn’t seem to be a way to get pucks past San whereas tonight I think you saw some holes with Bovi that you can exploit um I think they knew that one interesting thing about barosi now barosi is a vzna candidate this year he’s had he’s been outstanding like he has been terrific he won’t win it hella bucka win it but um bab rovski is right there it is interesting though that he can be inconsistent at times there you know we you know he didn’t start that Series last year he’s had a lot he’s had rough years and you do Wonder like obviously he’s had a great year he’s had great postseason run to this point could that kick in like could that kind of just boom where he isn’t himself and he’s more vulnerable and the Bruins kind of figure things out now are the Bruins good enough offensively to exploit this every single game I don’t know but I think it is something to keep an eye on of you know five goals in game one what can that do for confidence there is kind of a clear way to score goals you’re shooting up high and you know did you know can Florida adjust I think they can but my real question is like bosski is he gonna hold up and we don’t know that yet but I’m curious like you know do you think there’s any chance he does fall off well I think he last year he didn’t get the start right yep so there’s the opportunity that that he falls off I think he’s someone that’s that’s played a lot of hockey he’s going to make adjustments to his game he’s gonna make big saves you can’t this is what I would say about game two you can’t let him get comfortable you’ve got to create that net front presence you’ve got to create shots from points and you’ve got to elevate on any rebound um and if you can put that seed of doubt in his head said early in game two then it’s going to I then I think after game two maybe it becomes it becomes difficult for him um but it’s it’s I mean it’s a possibility with with him that he he struggles um at times during the series I don’t see him having I don’t see him having four straight games like he like he had tonight he’ll get better like Florida will get better a big reason why Florida will get better is because bosi will get better and does Sam Bennett come back in now I think that’s the biggest question for for them is do they get that do they get that physical piece that can create offense when they turn pucks over and his health will be a big part of if Florida can can turn it around I I I didn’t show was like how closely I was paying attention I didn’t know he was out right until game until game time right like yes yes until until game time I didn’t I didn’t know that he was out but he was a Difference Maker in in last year’s seven game series he might have been the best player on the ice and you just noticed him every shift and he is he is he’s a he’s a pest except he’s he’s big and he can skate and he’s physical and so what what that hand injury is like I think that’s that’s big for the for Florida to get better I agree and you back to B rovski and the Panthers in general I think all the pressure is on them you’ve got they’ve got to win game two they have to and again like I I I you know the Bruins had their troubles on home ice but if you again like if you can somehow go back to Boston up 20 and play a similar game plan to tonight like you’re in good shape and again doesn’t have to be a 5-1 win doesn’t need to be that you know I mean it can be just finishing a couple chances and I I go back to like I think it’s in enaging that POS looked as good as he did tonight I do I think that that that bodess well I know you know just like game one against Toronto they got a lot of secondary scoring but I think unlike game one against Toronto there were chances for the top guys um Coyle made a phenominal play on Carlos’s uh goal Robert huet makes a point Carlo gets the jacket tonight right I would have to think I would have you got a kid probably up all night imagine that Carl like 24 hours you’re up then you got to go down to Florida Play Crazy in a playoff game score a goal like game one I mean that is phenomenal he’s going to probably sleep like a baby tonight no pun intended yeah Colton wakes up at 6:43 here in Framingham Massachusetts and I have a difficult time run running a 80 minute US history class at 8:30 in the morning so I can’t and that there’s no physical activity involved in me me teaching I can’t imagine being up all night which is what he probably was took a flight got to to the rank at six and played legit I know he was good he was good he’s he’s been gra he’s been I think their most consistent defenseman across the last eight games at Le last eight playoff games can I can I answer a question from one of the commenters anyone more due for a goal than Coyle I think pav zaka is right right there with them oh neck and neck oh yeah the two of them oh yeah oh yeah um I will give credit so Carlos an nesp interview after the game that his son was born at 3:00 a.m. last night oh my god oh I didn’t see that holy crap I must not had the I must not have been in the room at that time my god um but but the pass from Coy up to Carlo on that goal was great and I think it’s those types of plays right Posto’s chances Coy’s pass there to Carlo Maran with the smart screen I I just like you you didn’t get a ton of goal you didn’t get goal scoring out of the top six tonight but you had chances and it’s there right they got robbed a couple times but you get your secondary scoring that picked it up one guy I’ve Loved of late speaking of secondary scoring is Trent Frederick I love and Carl this is kind of a whiteboard topic I know you’ll love this too Trent Frederick is great at getting above the play he’s to me from what I’ve noticed he’s great at getting above on the four check and stying that breakout and keep either keeping the play in or freeing up possession of the puck and I’ve liked it I think that’s a big reason why that third line has been um as successful as it has been over the past couple games I think you have something there have something in the series have something moving forward or you’re just excited in general about the way he’s been playing through the playoffs I think both I think you the how he’s been playing and I think that’s a sustainable I mean if you’re just going to play smart hockey that’s up to you you know it’s not like the puck going in the net like I think he’s been I think it’s really encouraging going forward how he’s been as a center on that line yeah and I think he knows what his limitations are I think he’s a really smart hockey player I don’t think there’s much wiggle to his game in in in that like he knows that he’s a north south hockey player he’s got to play physical but he’s got to be smart so being AB above the puck and someone says uh reminds me of PJ axelon there was no one smarter and a better Defender than PJ axelon uh always in the right position I think what you’re talking about always uh limiting CH offensive chances of the other team just by positioning um so Trent Trent Frederick’s been that been great in the playoffs and anytime you can get additional offense from him which he gave you a little bit in that Toronto series uh you can’t really ask much more than that from him like it’s this is this this series is set up for him to be successful because this this is physical it’s going to be Station to Station hockey there isn’t there isn’t a ton of free flowing offense where teams are making you miss through the neutral zone right like I think Florida and Toronto are neck and neck for Zone entries being dumps um so it will be an it will be north south game and it’ll be physical and Trent Frederick will be right in the middle of it I would imagine almost every game I think you will and you saw it at the end getting in scrums you know it’s going to be kind of his game um our friends over at game time I want to fit this I want to make sure we fit this in because this is applicable uh I think people could you know if they want to go to game three four or six or if you’re down in Florida you want to go on a little trip uh here’s a quick word from our friends over at game time quick break to tell you about my good friends over at game time I am very excited about the NBA playoffs and what’s awesome is here in Boston TD Garden is the best atmosphere for a playoff game thankfully we have game time which is an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA which makes playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the tip off and with killer last minute deals all-in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets maybe it’s the NBA Playoffs or it’s the NHL playoffs the same is true with the Bruins TD Garden gets so fun during during this time of year and you want to be there the Bruins and Celtics are in pursuit of championships and as the rounds go on the 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high the Bruins one game one I I you you want to think Mason Lise Bobby or feel free I I’m fine with that I’m not going to pour water on that um but in terms of this series right Bruins are up one nothing they are in the driver’s seat I still don’t think they have pressure on them um what do you think Florida changes or should change going forward I know you mentioned the 212 earlier is that somewhere that you would you would start yeah I I think you’re a team predicated on forcing turnovers you for Force turnovers by being physical the 122 four check which they ran a majority of the time doesn’t allow them to be overly physical only that one four Checker can be can can be physical so I’m GNA make the assumption that you’re going to force Boston to go D to D and that way the two four checkers can be physical and lay hit hits on Boston’s defense if you take a look at the stats tonight I think it’s Charlie McAvoy and that is the object of their desire like he took he took 11 hits this evening uh they’re going to want to do that throughout throughout Boston’s defensive core so I bet you see them I bet you see them be a little bit more physical I bet you see them go low to high and all that is all that means is going from the goal line once you create that turnover get it right to the defense and then shots with net front net front traffic you drive the hell out of the net if you’re Florida yeah they’re going to have to and I think that’s I think it’ll be a I think it’ll be a heavy like there were a lot of hits tonight and I think Boston had more hits tonight I think they had 60 um it’s crazy crazy but I think I think Florida will be more physical in the game on on Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday and then as far ases their breakout B the early similar teams and if you look at and especially Aaron eblad Aaron eblad was doing what ly Holm did all last series and that was just chip it off the glass and that led to that led to a few turnovers that created High danger chances for Boston they’re gonna have to make an adjustment and Boston’s giving you the middle of the ice if I can can I go back here comes it’s back it’s back yeah I love Boston Boston’s giving you middle ice so they’re going Boston goes here with F1 pushing to F2 and f3’s been sitting up here this whole area the ice is open so I would imagine they have a center support in here and that’s how they’re going to continue to break out they’ll break out through the center here and then they’ll Hit It Wide for his own entries that’s my that’s my guess so they’ll be more aggressive on their for check they’ll be more physical and then their Zone exit will be through that middle ice yeah if they do that I think you know Bruns left to adjust to that um lineup changes tonight obviously the big news was Patrick Brown was in for yeser boquist I haven’t seen any news on boquist whether or not um he’s hurt I mean again Brown was called up on an emergency basis so I would assume that’s the case um but uh Brown did go in um you know four for four- two on uh on on faceoffs um did take a penalty there at the beginning which uh wasn’t great um do you change anything lineup wise going into game to yeah I just think you take a look at that Patrick that’s probably the only thing that that you slot out if um if boquist is healthy I I like boquist I think he’s been great in the playoffs but if if Patrick Brown’s solely in there for the purpose of taking face off you know if that fourth line gets stuck in in in the defensive end then I’m fine with that I mean he only played 636 I think tonight um so I just that that’s going to be that’s one of those things where you I’m going to trust Montgomery and the idea that Brown’s probably in there just to take draws he he’s a hard worker probably built for the physical series but I really I I’ve liked what I I like what uh boquist has done through through the playoffs so far plays with Pace has some energy I don’t like draws obviously probably hasn’t been very good so that’s probably what Drew him out tonight yeah boquist the young Esposito I don’t see Esposito I see more Lemieux I see Mario Lemieux it’s thing I but you know be their own everybody’s got their own pair of eyes um yeah I to me like so what I wonder is if Montgomery uh you know you think about game five against the Leafs where he changes up the lines after two wins I wonder if he keeps it the same I wonder if he keeps it the same in the sense of like I’m not going to overthink myself if I’m saying if as if a Montgomery if we lose in game two with the same lineup then I’ll change things going back to Boston but I’m not breaking this up if it worked you know did was the fourth line dominant tonight no I think actually um I think that line yeah that line got a chance they had zero chances for and eight against so they had a percentage of zero so yeah I mean there’s probably a uh an AR no it isn’t a good stat that’s probably an argument to be made to switch things up but I wouldn’t be surprised wouldn’t be surprised if Montgomery didn’t want to overthink himself and just say I’m rolling the same D out I’m rolling the same uh forwards out I think this was a good night for Montgomery suck with Swan and it worked took that timeout in the third period which was great that’s getting some love there in the comment section I think that’s deserved um and on D I mean bringing forber back in clearly forbert was good to go you weren’t you mentioned it earlier he’s best when you don’t notice him he’s like a lineman right you only notice lineman when they let you know a sack yeah let up a sack that’s the only time you really recognize him and he didn’t let up any sacks tonight so good for Derek forbert I keep him in the lineup wild spoons been great I keep him in the lineup people have asked about Peak I know he was at pract he was at morning skate today with grizzli so I’d assume he’s at least close um but again I think your defense worked tonight your defense was good your goal tending was good and up front it just comes down to do you want to put Bas back in for brown you’ll lose more faceoffs but you’ll probably push Pace a little bit more and i’ I’ve liked that fourth line so I I mean this is going to sound annoying I’m fine with either but it wouldn’t shock me if Montgomery just rolls the same lineup back because what happened in game five so that’s what I would I would expect yeah I would expect him to I would D if you’re eight Z and chances I would expect that he make some changes to that fourth line I’m just going to make the I’m going to guess that Buist slots back in I would too and and that would be my guess I do I love what I love about Montgomery’s timeout call it was proactive right like you weren’t you weren’t reacting to a goal against and then you put your team in a situation where you’re like that timeout you’re kind of doubting yourself at three at 32 at 3 right 31 he makes the timeout call like hey let’s get out here and and get back to our skating game I’m guessing is what he’s saying and that team and the team responds to it right so yeah that a proactive timeout every once in a while is really good and that’s Well Done by him tonight that’s why to me and I know it’s one game so and again we are we are pro not overreacting to game ones but it is interesting the way they played as structured as they played and Montgomery’s coaching decisions coming in Montgomery’s timeout decision there I just wonder if and I mentioned this at the start of the show sort of a a haze has been lifted and they are more free and it’s like hey you know what we we’ve got to this point we know how to win it Montgomery mentioned after game seven now you know what it takes I just wonder if it was a monkey off their back with that first round exit getting past it after last year and now it’s just you know let’s just keep doing the same thing and because again calling that timeout in a playoff game up two goals you were pinned in your own zone for a while but you hadn’t given one up yet there’s a lot of coaches would think I want to save that time out in case Florida really launches a comeback and scores and then you know I want to call a late game timeout he did it then that takes confidence that takes guts you know that so again I just I think that I’m curious to see how he evolves throughout the series because he was uh you know he was terrific um in those first four games got out coached in game six or game five and six and then you know we you know game seven he obviously got the last laugh but I think it was it was a good night for Montgomery in game one and I think it’s a good sign going forward and I think that’s his thing like game two and I some of the comments talking about how how important game two is I think you’ll see how desperate Florida is if Ben is back back in the lineup like if he wasn’t ready for game one he’s not going to be ready two days later right like that’s in in my opinion right you’re probably trying to save him for for later in the series if you’re in a you know right like which we all think it will probably be pretty tight if he’s back in game two they’re desperate and you got him on the ropes like I think game two now can you come out and execute the same way that you did today can you frustrate them can can you create can you force them to turn pucks over can you limit their opportunities in the neutral zone because if you can go back up to nothing that’s just huge and and you have right like people talking about you have nothing to lose right like getting one getting one shifts the series in your direction you got one go get two go get two and you’re so right they’re playing free they played free and you got one in Florida that’s the biggest thing right you stole one in in Florida and I think that didn’t well I mean you by steal you mean game yeah yes I they did I mean Bruins deserve that win I’m not saying they you know like pulled it up but I mean Florida still like had a lot of chances that was the one thing right I mean 38 shots or 39 shots like still had a lot of chances you know the Bruins to me like it comes down to you know they didn’t panic when they were pinned in their own zone They defended the middle well they made them shoot from the outside I think Florida only had 11 High danger chances whereas the Bruins had 12 um at five on five so like again you did your job defensively you stifled them enough in the neutral zone and you were good when you were in the offensive zone and you were good on the four check and that’s what you need so to me I I just this was as good a first game as you could have like this is best case scenario I think that was a freaking great win and um yeah do you have any other leftover thoughts you want to hit out yeah I think great team win I think the penalty kill has been especially good you know I know they say that Joe sack’s in charge of that that’s that’s a right like you’re relying a lot on makoy lyol shout out AJ sacko at Cushing by the way shout out AJ sacko at Cushing that’s worth there you go why not and and so yeah can you continue to play Team first defense both five on five five on four uh sacrifice keep shots on the outside and if you can keep shots on the outside slaman shown that he’s G to stop every one of those so I think that’s the that’s the happiest I’ve been in the playoffs with how the brues have played they they executed to a t yeah they gave up shots but if they can give up those quality shots I I think they’re they’re going to be in good shape and you can see them defending really hard yeah if there if you want to shoot from the outside you more than welcome to take it I’m fine with that um so yeah I mean this to me like I I had Panthers in seven before the series you know I’m not going off that but I don’t know man that was a good win like that was a good win H and I think that shifts things a lot that sh ESPN um I don’t know if you saw this ESPN analysts I think there were I don’t know there must have been like 20 picked every series only one person picked the Bruins so I have a friend who’s a Panthers fan and he texted me and he was like this scares me and I said it should it should any Series where it’s like that that scares the heck out of me so um I think the Bruins are this is going to be a close Series this is not going to be a a drubbing I know people how dare you predict that I’m not saying I predicted it tonight I said I did the other day and I still hold by that yeah I know I picked the Panthers so did Carl by the way okay don’t remember that I think I think I picked the Bruins in four didn’t I oh that’s that’s exactly what you did I I think you had the Bruins in one I said gonna end the series after uh Monday night so y um but yeah so I mean again that was as good a win as you could want um just that was a phenomenal phenomenal game yeah H holy crap a friend that’s a Panthers fan yeah I know right and he you know what he grew up I I worked with him at he grew up in that area so he’s a heat Dolphins Panthers and um Marlins fan I had never ever met someone I never met a Marlin never met a actual fan of those teams so it was a really uh it was fascinating and I respected it I was like you know what dude good for you like no you’re like one of 50 but good for you so um yeah I mean again that was a good when I know people are all mad that I I picked the Panthers in the series reverse Jinx maybe it’s a reverse jinx guys there you go I I’ve been I Pi I thought the Leafs were definitely going to win game seven so yeah I mean don’t if I pick the Bruins you should be scared that’s that’s what should happen so um yeah that’s uh any other thoughts Carl before we head out no I am now I’m just really looking forward to Wednesday night yeah so am I like so am I sit back and watch the game and enjoy enjoy it and yeah that that was a great win tonight that’s all that’s I again how can you not feel great after this and you know they they just they came to play and I think it goes to show the the value of they played Saturday they had a really emotional game win that in overtime you know an amazing win and then two days later you’re on to the next one whereas Florida had a week off so I think that you saw that you saw that a lot tonight no doubt um again we’re presented by prize picks use that code clns to get up $100 match on that first deposit and we’re presented by Game Time use that code clns to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply Carl this is always a blast this has been really fun I’m glad we get to do this for second round and hopefully longer hopefully more rounds yeah um so and the white the Whiteboard was out tonight the Whiteboard was out whiteboard is great but we got to some somehow find a way to get the Whiteboard at lantina that’s the goal yes that’s right you know I got DMS from people being like you’re right lantina is the best I did I I was like you’re right that’s right lantina chicken Barm is as good as it gets um so we’ll have to do like a live show at at be greata that would be be that’d be unreal um but anyways that’s been this postgame show Bruins win game one over the cats 51 lead one nothing we will see you on Wednesday night have a good one

Evan Marinofsky and Carl Corazzini go LIVE to recap Game 1 of Bruins vs Panthers!

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  1. Love the coverage gentlemen. Brazeau and Lohreii are 2 diamonds in the rough. Coming along just fine! Need zacha and Coyle to joing the team. Playing hard but cant put thier stamp on it. Will catch up w us if they dont start to pick up their games

  2. what did Jakub Lauko have to do to get this far into the doghouse? is he hurt??? there is no reason Patrick Brown should be playing, he's like the 18th forward

  3. leaf fan here…i decided to continue to follow your podcast as it seems far better than the stuff the leaf podcasts churn out…i like your intelligence and analysis…and I'm glad you beat the Panthers in the first game…I don't like that team…

  4. I noted that Florida is 0-15 on the PP against the Bruins this season.
    What makes the Bruin PP so effective beyond the obvious presence of Swayman?

  5. Good game by the Bs, especially with the quick turn-around and travel, etc. But you can see that the Panthers don't seem worried at all. Post game reactions show their confidence. They'll come out hard/heavy and crashing the net in Game 2.

    Bruins will need contributions from guys like DeBrusk, Geekie, Frederic, Brazeau using some speed to keep Panthers D on their heels.

  6. You gotta go high on Bob and they did that, your not going to score many goals low on him, and you gotta bury your chances, B's did that with accuracy on the few prime chances you get

  7. I took a picture of ESPN picking 23 of 24 Florida! Haha! I picked boston in 6. We ate doing what we always do, we need to close out when given 1st chance.

  8. Geekie's "top shelf" goal actually hit Bobrovsky's skate. The B's started getting some bounces that they weren't getting games 5&6 vs. Leafs.

  9. I find the hit totals interesting. This years team is much more comfortable playing a very physical game. Once Peeke is healthy Boston's D Corps is 8 maybe 9 (Gryz) deep.

  10. Weird, I thought Boston's forecheck was pretty good last night which allowed them to carry the play in the zone.

  11. I was trying to point out to some Leafs fans that the Bs are basically trying to recreate the 2019 Blues…not exactly the most skilled team but….a team that is big, structured, lots of secondary scoring, will wear you down over time, and won’t get pushed off the puck. The Leafs put up much more fight than Florida did in that game. This year, I think the Panthers might be a bit overrated.

  12. ITS ABOUT TIME WE GET THE WHITEBOARD. I’m still at the start of the video, so I hope Carl did actually break it out. Love it!

  13. Playoff hockey is insane. Monty was about to e fired and now one game later he is a genius who has all the answers. The way narratives shift is almost as crazy as an OT game in game 7.

  14. I wish Evan would have Carl on during the regular season. I could watch and/or listen to you two talk hockey for hours. In fact the two of you should have a podcast. You could bring in guests like Ty and Hags. It boggles the mind that you guys do not have a podcast with all of you, together on one show, at least once a week and at a bare minimum once a month. Look at how many views these get. People love the Evan and Carl combination. Please ring Hags on one of these days for a post game with the two of you.

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