@Edmonton Oilers

RAW | Connor McDavid 06.05.24

Connor speaks to the media after Oilers practice on Wednesday in Edmonton, as the team prepares for Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final.


  1. Hey Connor – I know you likely won't see this, but I'd like to apologize for the interaction you had with some "fans" whilst on a beer run. They don't represent us.

  2. McDavid Let’s GO Oiler’s Let’s GO Kick’s Some Assist’s, Let’s GO Guy’s🏒🏒🏒🏒🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦Canadian team’s😎😎😎😎🎉🎉🎉🎉🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

  3. Bring on the A game, that was evident in the game 6/7 against the Nucks and games 4/5/6 against Dallas, bring the Cup home, Go Oilers 🔵🟠⚪️

  4. McDavey and Crysaitle will never win a cup for that organization. McDavey better bulk up on the spinach . Panthers are going to whoop McDavey and the Oilers.

  5. Connor McDavid, you are the beacon of hope and brilliance for the Oilers! Your extraordinary speed, skill, and vision on the ice captivate us every game. Fans across Edmonton and beyond stand in awe of your talent and believe wholeheartedly in your leadership. With you at the helm, we have faith that the Stanley Cup is within our reach. Keep dazzling us, Connor – your fans are behind you, believing every step of the way!

  6. There's a reason Goku wears Orange and Blue.

    Everyone, lend Oilers your energy!!!

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  7. These Oilers look different than previous years. They look dialed in. Locked on the goal. Also, love seeing those long playoff beards!

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