@Buffalo Sabres

There’s no evidence for this but it’s fun to speculate

There’s no evidence for this but it’s fun to speculate

by xBialyOrzel


  1. Roguemutantbrain

    The signing rights to Victor Olofsson for Mitch Marner. I heard it from a reliable source.

  2. conwillar

    I’m a sucker for pain and disappointment…. therefore they have my attention.

  3. BurgerFeazt

    I choose to believe this because I’m bored and need something to talk about

  4. timmeedski

    TBH bob has broken some things, but gets a bad rap. We he says something I cautiously listen.

  5. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    Jeff Skinner (25% retained) for Jason Robertson. You heard it here first.

  6. lederhozen69

    Could see a move for necas for bratt from jersey. Would make a lot of sense.

  7. ImportantFancyMan

    Big blockbuster signing, such as Jason Giambi or maybe even Artie Lange or Mike Bocchetti.

  8. MidnightMass26

    They could literally actually be cooking something big though like steak and lobster

  9. RicoFerret44

    I guess I’d be okay trading Kulich for B. Tkachuk

  10. circle_eh

    Party pizza and a large bucket of wings and hot dogs and chiavettas are on the grill, that’s what the Sabres are cooking up!

  11. Sabretooth is now changing his name to Sabreteeth…

    Riveting stuff.

  12. Straight_Landscape37

    They’re brining back Rock You Like A Hurricane (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra version) as the pregame music

  13. Rubyweapon

    What’s the “insider NHL rumor circle”?

    If this same person wrote this on the walls of a truck stop bathroom, everyone would ignore it, but because it’s on Twitter, suddenly, it’s worth talking about.

  14. xBialyOrzel

    So if I had to guess what the “Big Trade” could be I think it’s one of two players. Mitch Marner, or Martin Nečas. If I was a betting man I’d be leaning toward Nečas even if I’d prefer Marner.

  15. eyeeatmyownshit

    Very interested to see what Dahlin, Power and Byram develop into. Would be nuts to break this trio up

  16. SayNoToAids

    Finally, a GOOD title.

    More than likely banking on the obvious with their hunch and writing as a rumor. I kind of, sort of hope it’s true

  17. AcousticOcean26

    I want to get excited, but stuff like this is said every year and nothing ever actually happens.

  18. Any_Band_8428

    My theory is Goodrow and Kakko for 11th OA and a small add. And I think I’m fine with that

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