@Boston Bruins

The Bruins’ Top Priority This Offseason | Puck with Haggs

The Bruins’ Top Priority This Offseason | Puck with Haggs

[Music] welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 96th episode of the pucks with hags podcast with my longtime friend and colleague Mick kagio Mick please uh tell everybody where they can find your work my friend okay I have a Blog called rink WP which is mainly used for uh home game uh live blogging of Boston Bruins games um I also contribute weekly Sunday column of Boston hockey now and seasonal issues the big issues of the hockey news I do the Bruins article and um I’m here pucks with hgs and I also appear weekly with Pete Shepard on his radio show there you go uh always happy to have Mick uh with us let’s also thank our sponsors priz piics is the largest daily fantasy SP Sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports uh it’s America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members uh you just pick more or less than on two to on two or more player stats uh for a shot to win up to a hundred times your cash um this is an a fantastic uh daily fantasy sports Venture right now obviously with the NBA Finals Stanley Cup Final Major League Baseball going um there’s uh all kinds of good stuff going on there’s always action on prize picks and this is the perfect time to try out something new as basketball’s winding down make sure to try out Esports this month because every every Wednesday and Saturday in June if your lineup doesn’t win you’ll get your entry fee back choose from Counter-Strike two Call of Duty League of Legends and so much more I’m sure I’ll know what all that stuff is as my son gets a little bit older in the next couple of years to actually start playing those games Mick uh League of Legends sounds pretty awesome no idea what that is but I’m sure you should have court Lon on here and he could tell you about everything I bet I’m sure you could all right let’s also 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for a first deposit match of up to $100 that’s download the prize picks app today and use the code clns for first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy all right we have taken care of the sponsors we have given them their love Mick let us move on uh to the Boston Bruins obviously not playing right now not a lot happening right now um but the one interesting nugget for this week is again uh lenus Almar and the potential trade of lenus alark we have um the New Jersey Devils Tom Fitzgerald on Monday basically saying we’re willing to give up our first round pick uh our top 10 pick uh for a goendale and if you look at their save percentage if you look at the goals allowed last year obviously uh defense and goal tending was a serious weak spot for the New Jersey Devils they’ve identified that as somewhere uh where they need to upgrade the Akira Schmid’s and VTEC vanich checks of the world clearly didn’t uh get the job done um in New Jersey uh and you know what’s interesting Mick is I do remember when we asked Don Sweeney at the end of season press conference about the goal tending values around the league and whether goal tending values were down um when he started referencing something he did talk about a first round pick and potentially in in there was some kind of reference to a first round pick as as the return uh when you’re trading a goalie as some kind of possibility interesting that he mentioned men that then and now we’re hearing about Tom Fitzgerald saying that you know the first round pick is in play for a goenda devils and the Bruins have made trades before Eric Holla pava zaka just a couple years ago so clearly Fitzgerald and Sweeney have done business together before um and frankly I think this one makes more sense to me uh than the Martin hos lenus elar because I think that’s too much for Carolina to give up for lenus elar to be honest with you um you what you make of um the New Jersey Devils as a potential landing spot for Lena SAR um if we are to believe this report that he has issued a revised uh apparently revised uh destination list of approved destinations numbering 10 maybe something like that uh to the Bruins management um then uh New Jersey makes a lot of sense uh now as far as the Bruins interest in keeping elar in the conference I think that in order for them to not restrict the value through hypothetical circumstances they should be open to trading him um even within the division uh I would be open confence yeah right in this case it’s the conference but I would be open even as far as the division if I with them if I thought I was getting the best offer because at the end of the day uh you are uh going to your team is going to determine where you land um not one player on another team and um if it’s that close then you didn’t do your job with what you have to work with this summer so in my mind they should be wide open to whatever uh wherever lenus wants to go and then take the best trade they can get and to me uh if you can get in the top 10 in this draft class um in any draft class U that’s not the direction I was I was thinking Warm Bodies but I think the Bruins desperately need to recover a a chance to get in the first round the top 10 to me that’s huge and I would do it yeah and and also it’s a means to an end potentially too right Mick they could keep the pick and make the pick which would be good uh because they have not had many first round picks lately because they’ve been sort of Allin and you know they traded a bevy of them a couple years ago uh but it also could help uh your trade package uh if there’s another player out there that you want and there’s somebody that you desire um where it’s going to get a fir take a first round pick and more uh to get that player in return so maybe it turns into sort of you get that to use that as ammunition to get somebody else too it could be either or but I think either way if you get a you know a fairly significant High first round pick um for Lena elar either you’re going to get a really good young player or you’re going to have a trade a big trade chip that might allow you to get something else yeah uh it’s good for a number of reasons you’re right um I I would hate the idea of them acquiring that pick and then not making it because I just feel like and I do and I and I do believe very strongly that Don Sweeney would not take that and turn around to throw it somewhere unless it was a very young player’s going to be with them for a long time with Team control that that that because I do feel like he has already proven and he’ll prove again as long as he’s the GM of the Bruins that he cares more about the franchise than he does about his job and and it always annoyed me anytime I’d see speculation on social media that Sweeney might do this he might do that because it’s bad for him if this happens he’s never been about that da you can you can check the records and look at the body of work he has always tried to serve both Masters the future of the franchise the needs of the team and the present and as we know in the NHL draft um you’re generally not drafting for a position you’re drafting the best player available one especially after you get past those first few lottery picks um you know that you’re looking at end deep you’re G to get what you think is going to be the best NHL out of that bunch and then unless a team comes to you and says hey if you take that this player with that pick we will give you this player in a trade now those kinds of is the one way I could see it becoming anything less than the best player available yeah yes to totally um and I agree with you I mean I cam Ney and Don Sweeney certainly view themselves as um you know caretakers for the Boston Bruins franchise I don’t think they’ve ever viewed it as anything different that’s why you put players that people like that in those positions because they’re about not only the present but the future and you know continuing the sort of original six mystique and pageantry and history and you know everything that goes along with with being one of those franchises in the NHL there’s no doubt they they have to be a legacy Steward of something greater than themselves yes big time stewards there’s no question about it um so yeah I I agree with you and I think they’re not going to make a deal unless it makes sense and I I I you know it almost goes without saying that I think the only way they would trade for a first round pick and then trade a first round pick away is if it was a very young you know High cealing player that they coveted that they thought could come here and be like the next number one center for the next 10 years or something that you know or Noah Hanahan which you know we now know is off the table right or be that a Live Wire yeah or be a defenseman that you could add to their mix that would be like sort of a game changer and even hanahan’s getting to the age where I don’t know if I’d be willing to give up a first round pick uh for him and and also because I think he’s good he’s not great you know what I mean like I think they like him a lot he’s very good and he’s very good at a lot of things he’s not and he’s not bad at anything and that’s the thing I think I like the most about him is is uh is he plays the game at a high level in all facets and yep that’s have guys like that on the back end that’s that’s hard to find it’s huge absolutely prize pick is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports the way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less than on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a 100 times your cash with prize picks you could turn $10 into ,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer whether it’s playoff basketball whether it’s Major League Baseball uh soon enough football will be here in 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it’s in his best interests to go somewhere where he can play a lot play well earn a next contract you know set up somewhere for the next four or five years uh and get that one remaining big deal he’s probably going to get in his career um where a few years from now he’s not going to get that anymore well not only because of age because you put you don’t want to put more than one season between yourself and that VZ trophy right you got you you earned that sucker the GMS voted on it you were it and uh to me uh you know knock it out of the park buddy so I mean it’s there’s no time like the present the iron is hot strike and it help it helps the Bruins too yeah and either Carolina or New Jersey would be a good landing spot for him like I think they’re going to do right by him I think they appreciate everything he did for them they’re not going to like send him to Siberia I think they want to send him somewhere where he’s going to be happy where he’s gonna want to go where it’s going to be a good team where he’s going to be set up in a good situation and I do think Mick you’re right like I don’t think they feel about him like they’re afraid to have him in the same conference or division afraid to see him in the playoffs down the line like afraid it’s going to really Carina could make it punitive but but uh but at the end of the day you got to build your team and and I think that in a 32 Team league you can’t be preoccupied with with uh you can’t sacrifice your own best opportunities uh in order to avoid a potential matchup in a playoffs yeah most definitely um also uh this week uh there were reports out there um I think I saw it in the fourth period uh Dave Pena’s uh Twitter Twitter account that uh Danton Heinen and the Bruins are talking contract extension or something’s going on there and I think that and I think we’ve talked about this too Mick before that makes all the sense in the world I think him on a you know two threeyear deal for low money makes a ton of sense for a few million bucks like two three million dollars something like that um he’s a guy that played top line top six like Wing a good deal this year um you know was really good with postern neck for a long stretch uh and you know can play third line can play first line I think has become a much more complete 200 foot player is much more assertive offensively like is so versatile and can play different wings and do different things that like that’s the kind of player that you’re G to get great value for if you sign him to a two or three-year deal for Fairly short money uh because of all the things he can do he could have helped win some of those 50-50s on the sidewalls against Florida I felt like his game had really come around in that regard yeah if he wasn’t hurt exactly if they weren’t missing him that would have been a better lineup and and uh and he certainly uh rewarded the Bruins for taking a chance on him and uh it was really uh it’s only natural that they carry it Forward he can go to market and uh so I think the Bruins have to be fair and and know that uh they’re not going to get him at a price that they dictate like they did last year um so uh let’s see what happens here if I’m him I’m thinking this is my last big contract so in as much as he’s made enough money in his career to care more about the fit and that’s what he said on the exit day um he cares much more about the fit he loves being with the Brewing um it would make sense to me that he stays they work out something middling so that they can pay him uh commensurately for but they’re gonna have to be conservative if they want to do any big fish yeah well I mean that’s the only sort of caveat I have about like sort of dealing with the Danton heinens of the world right now as far as contract extensions go is I’m always of the opinion that you take care of the biggest stuff first and then you you know it put it this way if they had a meeting with Danton Heinen’s people or they reached out to Danton Heinen’s agent and said hey we just want to reach out before free agency let you know there’s interest here we’d like to have them back we’ll figure something out and if it was something like that great um but I would want to see them focused on signing Jeremy Swan getting cost certainty for that player figuring out that deal and then all this other stuff all these other dominoes will fall after the factz I think you need to have cost certainty on that contract before you hit July 1 so you know how much money you have to spend on the bigger free agents you know how much money you’re going to have for these other you know sort of backfill players the the role playing sort of guys on your roster and I think so much of that depends a on Jeremy Swan signing an extension and B on trading Lena elmark and freeing up that extra additional cap space so I really feel like you’ve got to do those two things and those should be the biggest things on your priority list before you start getting down to Danton Heinen even Jake debrusk I think that’s something you could let get closer to July 1 uh Assuming he’s gonna go somewhere else there’s nothing that’s been said there that doesn’t scream at me he’s going to market right he goes to market the Bruin’s gonna say we felt like we made a fair offer you know good for Jake Jake’s getting what he wants I hope it works out for him we have to move on we liked them you know I I can I just feel like I could write the speech right now I feel like we already heard this uh kind of situation and um but yeah you’re right the big Domino has to fall and just like they are one a one in onea in the net that this will be one in onea on on Sweeney’s desk and uh I think that the Hein and thing you have that signal Mick to to the player too right I think it’s time for the Bruins to signal to Jeremy Swan that you are a number one priority for us you are our number one goalie you are one of the most important players that we have in the entire organization and we’re going to show you the love show you the value and show how important you are by making sure you’re taken care of before we deal with all this other stuff especially on the heels of the arbitration stuff last year and yeah I know Don Sweeney says it was the player that filed for arbitration I think that’s such a that’s such a semantic like thing to do uh in that particular situation is to say something like that and to do something like that and I didn’t think that was necessary but like I think the time is now to show Jeremy Swan the love contractually and show him how important he is based on the way that he played because he was the most important guy down the stretch when it mattered in the playoffs and he was along with elar the two most important guys they had during the regular season I totally agree Mick and uh the heining thing might sneak in ahead of that just because of the logistics of keeping him away from the market uh so so yeah getting taken care of business that you know you’re already going to do and you have a you already have a wink wink agreement uh if you’ve already come up with a number and you’re just a matter of hammering out details I can see that that getting ahead but you’re right nothing else is going to get ahead of this the go tending situation drives the bus it does and Swan does you know like there there’s a reason Paul Maurice was telling him that was one of the best goalie performances I’ve ever seen in the handshake line at the end of the series you know like because they he knows he knows how good he knows that that was the single biggest reason it even got to six games the Bruins were 12th in the NHL in offense during the playoffs it was all about the goal tending and and Swan and how well he played right it was just finishing it was the game was in their end the whole time 100% And like that’s it’s so rare now to find like that player who you think project is going to eventually be able to play 55 to 60 games and his nails in the playoffs like as a goalie they tried to they tried to break them they tried to distract him they tried to run them they tried to and and and I think that’s what Maurice was speaking to is much as anything statistical yep I agree are you excited for the NBA finals with the Boston Celtics you should be Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown all kinds of stars how cool would it be to actually go to one of the games at TD Garden and watch the Celtics my friends we’ve got an option for you game time will help you get those tickets game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guess work out of buying NBA tickets you pick out any specific games or matchups that you love to attend and you get good deals uh for those tickets save up to 60% off buying last minute for 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and this is something my father who was not a hockey guy told me don’t they just call it the Stanley Cup when there’s just two teams left and I’m like huh and I looked it up it’s true that’s what they call it this is the Stanley Cup and in Trad traditionally speaking this series is known as the Stanley Cup and the one reason I like that is because I hate it when people say so and so won this many Stanley Cups yeah I I’m well I’m well versed on the history of the Stanley Cup nobody needs to tell me how the trophy has evolved and how many there are and all that and I know when it happened how it happened yada yada that having been said to me there’s only a handful of players who have won Stanley Cups that’s a bunch of Montreal Canadians who won it in 6869 and then again in 1971 after they replaced the bowl in the neck and the Bruins 6970 the Bob flying through the air Bruins that Johnny buus carries off the ice is the first team awarded the Stanley Cup that’s presented today with its ever evolving uh barrel and uh that preceded that change and uh and so to say that this series is the Stanley you say you won Stanley Cups good because it stands for the final series and the best the most accurate application you can say to Stanley Cup’s plural in terms of a player winning them in this modern era is because it actually means the final Series championship absolutely yes I agree and I I you know it’s it’s I think it’s people would could say that that’s like a little nitpicking but I think that’s just historically accurate and that’s just you know that’s respecting uh the playoffs respecting the cup respecting the history all that stuff which I get it’s just as easy to get it right as it is to get it wrong so why not talk about get it right which we know that you do Mick you respect it all um any thoughts on uh how we got here and and what you expect to see between these two teams like uh I think you know it was interesting I I last week I don’t know if you were on uh but somebody had sent a tweet out basically saying it was a conspiracy theory or that it was uh he thought it was going to be the Rangers Stars because it’s NHL’s worst nightmare to have the Florida Panthers and the Oilers in the finals which I completely disagree with that would have been Carolina Nashville if we were doing that no Conor MC Conor McDavid your most marketable best player your flashiest player your most jaw-droppingly skilled player having him on the biggest stage is a good thing for the league it’s a good thing for him Le yeah it’s exactly when it should have happened like he’s at the height of his powers right now like so all that stuff uh uh you know is is definitely good um and I also think the Florida Panthers like they play such an exciting style it’s a a throwback um you know that that’s the the heavy for checking physical nastiness like the way that they play you appreciate it some people hate it because some people don’t consider it aesthetic well you’re a hockey coach some people don’t consider it aesthetically pleasing enough they prefer it’s a little like when the Red Wings in 95 played the Devils at the end of that short and 95 Ser uh season and they’re not boring you know what I mean like the Devils you could say were trap Happy like whatever like you know actually that was actually a misnomer they they the devil’s for checked what they just refused to do is Chase a puck they knew they weren’t going to get but they played a one two two and they Shi it laterally to challenge the breakout team to throw a a risky pass across ice and and they were the monkey wrench team in that playoffs because they made other teams go into special meetings to change their game to decide how to break out against that for check and today’s game without the you know where you allow the two-line pass so you don’t have the same kind of one two two moving like a boat you know it’s not all unified like a like a constellation moving across the sky and now it’s more flexible you got to have at least one side has to have like an elastic Gap so that you can’t Gap up your both defensemen at the same time you have to have a safety valve and and you peel you peel off more it’s more the it’s like Doug McLean’s Florida for check in 70 96 when they made it in the third year uh that team was sort of ahead of its time because they for check more like the 2011 Bruins did under the new rules where your berson would come swooping in and take an angle to sort of influence the breakout to take a certain side of the ice and then the F2 would come in and and angle a certain way and and then the third guy would come in and hit intercept so they would have like a it was it’s like it’s it’s much more complicated and dynamic now and it has to change right on the spot but it’s um but it’s it’s fun to watch Florida forche I agree with you their heavy game is reminiscent of the 2011 through 14 Bruins and and it and I enjoy watching uh physical hockey Prevail um I don’t know how I got so you know kinly over this but I important you know not only do I enjoy it I think it’s important that those teams continue to get reward and have success and it doesn’t become a complete like finesse skill game where the physicality gets phased out and and it and it no longer resembles the hockey that we know you know from when we were younger I I think it’s important to the game that teams like that are successful I don’t want to see a sleepy three on three overtime where people are just trying to play Keep away and nobody’s ever going to attack no definely to me to me five on five best five on five team wins the stanle cup for a reason and and and it’s fun to watch a team that U now classic situation here where you got generational Talent on one side of the ice and you got a great hockey team on the other side and I was am I dissing the Oilers here and not calling them a really good hockey team I think they are a really good hockey team and frankly uh once Dallas uh started convincing me with their forwards I thought that bit their back end is so good once their forward started convincing me I thought that they were going to be the team coming out of the West and I was wrong and one of the things that I saw here was is that Mike Mike Hao the long time Dallas Morning News uh columnist on the Dallas Stars he told me on uh dinner before Bruins game during the season that Dallas did not aim to be a physical team uh and you know and I said they don’t seem that fast they’re not that physical and they’re all guys getting rickety and I just didn’t see what the pathway was for them they were a lot better than I thought they’d be at the end especially because of the young blood uh but the uh but at the end of the day Edmonton was the more physical team than they were so I think Edmonton has players who want to play that game who can play that game but as a team that’s not how they play so I think that uh it’s really going to be fun watching to see what Maurice has in store for McDavid what does he want to try to do with him does he want to just try to hold him to the outside is he gonna hunt him down and try to throw bodies on him and and see if he can uh distract them or worse you know I it’s just this is really gonna be a great matchup it will be uh what I find interesting is is he even G to really have to worry that much about McDavid like of course he’s GNA make some plays there’s no question about it he’s going to score some goals but is he even going to have the puck enough in the offensive Zone to be that much of a concern where you’ve got to formulate some kind of plan to neutralize him I mean when you watch the Edmonton Oilers defenseman uh core like they’re okay but I don’t think that’s even the best defenseman Corp that the Florida Panthers have faced in this playoffs that have really brought them to their knees with the four check and the way that they the way that they play yeah and I I wonder if Edmonton’s even going to have the puck enough in the ozone for that even really to become like a serious problem that they’ve got worry about bu is gonna have to play out of his mind uh we know that EOL is a is a stalwart uh we know that nurse is a heavy player who who has struggled he struggled but then he got it together at the end of the Dallas series he really played well so question is is can Florida discombobulate him and uh but buard to me is the guy that they’re going to soft dump and hit and see if they can get because I feel like Edmonton depends very heavily on on Long Dennis Weidman type passes from buard because like Weidman he’s really talented and accurate when he has the puck without it he’s gonna be tested yep and I agree I just think you know I I I think Conor McDavid will win a game or two in this series like on his own or he will have he and dry Sidle will Factor heavily into Edmonton at least winning a game or two in this series but I I just think Florida’s so much better team-wide um and team wise and and the way they’re made up and the way that they’re playing and the unfinished business of last year I think they’re highly motivated like there could be an element Mick of the Oilers being happy with getting to the Stanley Cup Final you know what I mean I or S maybe maybe but I doubt it I’ll tell you one one place I think the Oilers are going to do a better job matching up against the Panthers than anything they’ve seen in these playoffs is at the center position not only because McDavid but they can stack it and they can do dry cdle they can do the nude they can they can get deep if they want and be all world all the way down and so barov and Bennett uh primarily via barov uh can go in beast mode as a putt possessing Center and and Bennett we know what he can do he’s a he’s a he’s a tractor pull uh and so I think those matchups are the ones I’m going to be eyeballing first yeah I I think so too um per usual with these series also I think steuart Skinner is not that great in goal like he’s okay but I just I think Edmonton has some weak spots and some things that can be exploited even more so than some of the other teams like this is I put it this way I do not think the Oilers are the best team that the Florida Panthers are going to have faced in these playoffs I don’t even they might not even be the second best team that the Florida Panthers have faced in these playoffs they might not even be the third best team that the Florida Panthers have facing these playoffs given who they had to beat in the Eastern Conference uh to get to where they are now so like I I do think there’s going to be an element of Florida being ready for the moment knowing what it takes to win the Cup Final after being there last year being hungry to win because they were there last year and they came up short like I think there’s going to be a different level that Florida’s at in this series that done trophy two years ago Cup Final last year it’s kind of like now it’s time for them to finish their job this is their time they should be do they should do what you said yeah and and I I feel like there’s like Edmonton might be like feel like they accomplished something getting there and you know it’ll be a good step for them for sure but I it’s going to be interesting to watch because I’m just not I I’ve seen Florida dominate too many good teams to to think and Edmonton didn’t they just set the record for fewer shots on that in a clinching game of a playoff series because that was against Dallas now Dallas does not Dallas has arguably the best defensive core in the league but but they play a wide open game but their forwards uh you know it’s a mixed bag with them with at forward and they were able to hem in Edmonton to the point that it took just a couple of Power Play Goals Dallas couldn’t finish and they and they uh and Edmonton did a good job packing it in and not making it too hard on Skinner so so Skinner is a big goalie that Henrik Lundquist said if he gets overactive and he tries to do too much he gets gets in trouble but if he plays to his strengths which is angling off of how his defense funnels the attack I think that edmonson’s gonna try to play sort of a collapse little bit like 80s Canadians where you pack it all in around the goalie who tries to be big and then you can’t then try to beat him you know and if he’s Patrick gu you’re probably not gonna beat him so uh so this is I think what we’re looking at from an Edmonton team defense standpoint but Florida uh they’ll do what they do and uh it’ll be aot of fun seeing how it goes and if they have a hard time getting inside there uh then you’re going to see some some real aggressive action and then it’s going to be fun because uh Edmonton doesn’t take any crap no no that part will be fun it’ll be physical and it’ll it’ll be fun to watch and um you know the one thing is for sure the Florida Panthers I think are going to be more physical with Conor McDavid than uh than Dallas was at points I mean that goal Dallas is not a physical team by by comparison that that crazy goal that uh McDavid scored uh at the end there uh does not happen against Florida because they would have been taken the body Around the Net and never would have allowed him to start pulling those stick moves that close to the net yeah well he skin and made a bad a bad uh they were killing they were killing the other guy the forward there um but I really thought that hekinan uh just really made like a total guesswork on that play I was thinking like you know something I’ve seening at the he wasn’t playing the body he was just swiping at the puck which is exactly what m David wanted him to do like I remember I remember Butch Goring who’s getting along in a tooth by now in 1983 splitting Ray bour and Brad Park and going straight in and scoring in game six of their 83 uh Conference Final which turned out to be the clinching game for the Oilers to win their final cup to get back to the final and do that and uh and so great great defensemen make bad decisions and Y so uh McDavid is certainly a a great and a generational Talent it’ll be fun to see him playing hockey on this kind of stage most definitely um all right tweet of the week Max diesel RI and this plays into what we were just talking about Mick if the NHL decides to protect McDavid in the Cup Final it might be Florida’s Kryptonite and I I don’t think that’s gonna happen I mean I I he’ll certainly get Superstar treatment I think he does to some level anyway uh and he should frankly um but like I I can’t see the NHL not letting Flor the Florida pay their play their game and not let them play the way that they’ve played for the entire playoffs and frankly they’ve been one of the least penalized teams in the playoffs despite how physical they play which is kind of reminiscent of that 2019 St Louis Blues team that was super physical and didn’t get called for a ton of penalties that’s because they were their first they had strong in their sticks and the same way Julian wanted the Bruins to be in his ERA with that team heavy teams win even in the era that’s supposed to be wide open because of the rulle rules and the synthetic sticks and the Flight of the puck and all of that um you know it’s a fast game but I do think that uh teams that a physical and a well disciplined and well coached and have the right athletes can still gum it up and and that’s what uh that’s what a team like Florida does and um fully anticipate them uh taking advantage of the situation that they’re in u the McDavid subplot of all of this is going to be very entertaining because we’re watching the best offensive Talent I’ve seen um as you know probably since I’ve saw Bobby or before his 1972 nurse new knee surgery so uh you know this is uh an exciting exciting uh series especially you get a boxer and a puncher it should be it it’s going to be great um let’s thank our sponsors again real quick uh prize picks uh is the largest daily 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On this episode of Pucks With Haggs, Joe Haggerty and Mick Colageo discuss the Linus Ullmark trade rumors with the New Jersey Devils, Haggs thinks the Bruins should sign Jeremy Swayman to a contract extension as a priority before any of their other offseason moves, and much more!

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  1. Filling the 3rd & 4th lines with physical grinders. The playoffs are different. Notice the Bruins were 4-0 vs Florida in the regular season. Lindholm & Necas do not put them over Florida in the playoffs. Panthers-4 Oilers-2.

  2. The B's can convert the NJ pick into 2 players; one with cap space and one in the system at the prospect level. WHY IS NOBODY MENTIONING THAT THEY CAN ACQUIRE A TOP 6 GUY WITH THE CAP SPACE ???

  3. Who cares about Heinen? I wouldnt waste a dime of that cap space on him. He had a nice surprising year last year. Thanks for that. Now move on.

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