@Edmonton Oilers

Oilers McDavid Gets Harassed After Game 6

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  1. This video pisses me off so much that I feel the need to comment.

    As an Oilers fan from the early 80's and growing up here my whole life, THIS IS NOT HOW MOST FANS ARE!

    I have such a feeling of wishing that I could have been there to tell these people what they needed to hear and to make them back the fuck off to give him his space. Connor knew that he couldn't do anything without the social media coming down on him, what a defenceless situation for the two of them to be put into and I feel deeply for them. He handled it like the champ that he is and Connor, high kudos to you for that as I know I would not have had the same restraint.

    Growing up here, having "sightings" of Oilers has always been the norm to the point where they are the norm and just common conversation pieces that start with "oh, guess who I happened to see?". The 80's and 90's Oilers were always seen enjoying their time in the city like the rest of us (bars, restaurants, grocery stores and yes strip clubs) and that's the way it should be.

    To the new boys on the bus…please keep being yourself and don't feel like you need to be locked away as 99% of this city has your back and will be there to help when needed. Now onto bringing Stanley back home!

  2. How on earth is the best hockey player in the world walking around freely without security ? I dont get it golfers have security biggeat hockey player alive: " danger ? Nah were fine I only make 10 million a year " šŸ˜®

  3. If Edmonton loses in the Cup Final he may be out the door because of garbage fans like this and still no name on the trophy. That is harassment. plain and simple.

  4. There are two, and only two acceptable ways to congratulate a sports play, and this also translates to other celebrities.

    1:Make eye contract with them and nod

    2: Give the celebrity at least six feet of space, congratulate them, and then walk away.

    Celebrities are people. Just because they are rich and famous doesn't mean they aren't human. Always give them space and dont make them uncomfortable.

  5. They were just happy fans, they were seeing the best hockey player in the world. He could have at least took a selfie with them or something.

  6. I worked in a hair salon patroned by Oilers and their wives. Number 1 rule was no harassing them and no pictures. There had to be at least one place they could go. If another client tried to approach, we would discretely intervene and redirect them.

  7. People who behave like this are exactly why he bolts the day after season endsā€¦zero class.

  8. Agreed. Grew up in the '80's. Spotted Wayne going down the elevator in Woodward's @ Southgate Shopping Centre, whilst I was going up. No biggie. Then, on occasion, I would see them grocery shopping @ Safeway in Riverbend, in the early '90's. Please guys, have some social decorum and class, if you can.

    1. Ask for permission for a selfie/autograph.

    2. Respect said answer to #1.

    3. Don't encroach on their personal space, FFS!!!

    4. Congratulate and thank them.

    5. Leave them the F alone.

    PS: That does look like 48 beers and 24 coolers. That is the set-up for quite the party. Congrats boys. You deserve it.


  9. That's close to the cringiest thing I've watched. Hard to watch. Man how fast is he moving out of here, nice knowing you McDavid.šŸ˜Ŗ

  10. OMG…no class…Dont ask him for a pic or anything…just like Hyena's surrounding him ,touching ,hugging, getting in his personal space…Im sure in the future he will go to a fancier place or have the Drinks delivered.

  11. I'm a retired RCMP officer and I watched with dismay and concern this short video which shows Connor McDavid being accosted by three black men. Connor was minding his own business trying to load some beer into the trunk area of his car. Beside Connor is his fiancƩe Lauren. What concerns me most is the physical touching of Connor by one man while another decides to sit on the trunk area of McDavid's car. All three men were milling around Connor and Lauren. Then the touchy feely man with a Jamaican accent wanted a hug from Connor. Without McDavid's consent this man wraps his arms around McDavid. This is completely unacceptable and it could be construed as dangerous by some analysts. If I had been detailed to protect McDavid and party this incident would never have occurred. Mr. McDavid handled this situation perfectly as he did not escalate the situation and got out of the parking lot quietly and quickly. Go Oilers Go!

  12. Sorry Connor. Don't judge everyone because of a few fools. I think a normal person would have helped you out if they saw that, push them back and tell them to behave like normal people.

  13. I'm pretty sure one of those hooligans could have french kissed Connor's wife and he would have just stood around impatiently.

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