@Nashville Predators

Mikael Granlund 1-0 Goal Finland – Russia – 2011 Hockey

Also now in .gif:


  1. @HekE1996

    Helpotappa mun englannin oppimista ja kerro miksei win kelpaa ^^ Ja kivasti kaivelit tuon kommentin tuolta kaukaaaa 🙂

  2. @rushpowerpratt wait what…canada won…your talking about loseing TROOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLOLOLOLOLOO!

  3. @elmorits 6-1. And #1 Lets think: Fin 6+2=8 And Swe 1+3=4 ….So Fin-Swe 8-4.
    #2 Sweden win Under 20 age year old game, Finland win in all age game.
    #3 Finland win Sweden in FINAL, Sweden win Finland in Semifinal.

    So what we got? Finland is way better then Sweden

    (sorry abt bad english, But u got the message)

  4. Where is u Granlund today? I promised that in a year we'll break u like little kids and you r broken today 6-2 in u own house! Russia No.1!

  5. Hehheh, i remeber when a guy named Mikko Koivu made Ocechkin and his little babies cry in ur own house when he owned single handedly the so called "great" fatty russian boys on Overtime…It was sooo sweet…Oh. Russia sucks sooo bad compared to Soviet Union in hockey, bad for u guys, and btw, everyone else from other countries thinks Russia is an joke. An old decayed big epic FAILURE of a country

  6. Torinon olympialaisissa suomi sai kaikki nhl pelaajansa ja suomi murskasi jokaisen vastustajan. Hävisi kuitenkin ruotsille 3-2 vain sen takia että suomi ei pelannut omalla tasollaan..

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