@Vancouver Canucks

Sportsnet responds to analyst Luke Gazdic’s anti-Canucks rant

Sportsnet responds to analyst Luke Gazdic’s anti-Canucks rant

by megagram


  1. Grapesodazoo2

    I feel like his broadcasting career is going to be shorter than his NHL career…

  2. kneejerk_nuck

    I’ll never watch a hockey game on Sportsnet until this man is fired. The journalistic integrity is too obvious here. Truly a sad day for Canadian media.

  3. The_Human_One

    It’s too bad. I liked Gazdic and thought he was getting better. Then he let some toxic trolls get to him. In his line of work, you can’t do that. Maybe he isn’t cut out for this career?

  4. SN+ is too expensive anyways, going to be sailing the high seas for next season 👍

  5. electricalphil

    How do you have a person who had eight. Yes eight. Points in his NHL career analyse hockey plays. Just play the game with two hands on your stick, and blade on the ice in front of the net you’ll end up with more. There has to be better out there. And his whole “we” when it comes to him and the Oilers is ridiculous.

  6. marcosbowser

    “Luke’s response on the podcast was an emotional one and he made the mistake of taking what some people said to him online and generalized about the entire Canucks fan base.”

    I don’t care what he said about the fanbase! It is what he said about the Canucks team that needs to be scrutinized. That’s where he crossed the line, and Sportsnet, like other commentators, has failed to address that—trying to make it seem like it was just a slag against the fans.

  7. SaysWowLots

    I don’t mind him generalizing about the fan base, in relation to inappropriate comments from certain fans toward him personally. I think most people understand that “you guys are a joke” doesn’t actually mean every single person who is a fan of the Canucks. But calling the team, and organization, a joke is highly inappropriate for someone in his role and something he should have to apologize for, which by the way I don’t think he actually meant. I thought his coverage of the Canucks was fair during their run and he had high praise for a lot of Canuck players.

  8. berghie91

    Can only imagine what some adult men are sending to this guy online. Its just a fucking game, my god. I dont like a lot of analysts but going after them online is fucking grade 6 bully behaviour.

  9. Jumanji2WasAScam

    Why is everyone brushing over the part where he went after the team itself?

  10. Whatatimetobealive83

    I’ll be cancelling my Sportsnet + and returning to the high seas if this idiotic homer keeps his job. I’ll be emailing that to Sportsnet and suggest anyone actually paying them does the same.

  11. How does a guy with 8 regular season NHL points get a broadcasting job? They must be just giving it out to anyone.

  12. As a long time Canuck fan, we’re used to this lack of respect. Everyone east of the Rockies can go fuck off.

  13. heytherefriendman

    I like how the only picture of him in the article is him wearing a Flames jersey

  14. Baller-on_a-budget

    Buddy is a lousy commentator. This isn’t going to help at all. The good thing for him is sportsnets talent floor is pretty low.

  15. hannah_nj

    I think the line was more-so crossed when he called the actual team a joke than when he was generalizing Canucks fans (I know he had gotten emotional but that was also an odd thing to do to begin with, because it should be pretty well-known by 2024 that social media is where the loud minority of any fanbase is at its loudest and most toxic), since 1. that team is made up of very talented NHL players who have nothing to do with online trolls and should not be lumped into an attack by the media for something that Twitter did and 2. both the Canucks and HNIC are affiliated with Rogers, and here is a HNIC panelist calling the Canucks team/org a joke. That’s the part of his comments that Canucks-centric podcasters/reporters seemed to think was the worst bit as well, so it’s surprising that both this Sportsnet reply and Friedman’s response didn’t mention it.

    Oh well. Hopefully Bieksa makes a joke about it on the panel on Saturday and then everyone moves on. I’m not the biggest fan of his on the panel but I wouldn’t want to see him lose the position over this of all things. Sucks that people online always have to cross the line and make genuinely hurtful comments; hopefully if he stays in the media business there’s someone to offer a bit of mentorship to Luke as to how to handle the inevitable online trolls.

    ~~the irony of people saying canucks fans haven’t moved on from the series lost, while this is what’s happening on oilers podcasts (and edmonton media is busy writing articles about the oilers that include the canucks in the headline) is not lost on me~~

  16. Proper_Mud_4060

    How does a grown up get cyber bullied? Just close your eyes – no one making you read them.

  17. I like him. Gross trolls said gross stuff and pushed him overboard. I’m moving on and looking forward to seeing him on the panel

  18. did he even apologize? all these words mean nothing otherwise

  19. Remember when Sportsnet let Don Cherry go over his remarks? I know this isn’t at the same level but their response of “Sports brings people together – it unites us, not divides us”? How does Luke’s remarks unit us? Or is this another, who cares about the west with Sportsnet?

  20. notmyrealnam3

    Listen, they can deal that with us how they want. However, talking about toxic fans is one thing. This analyst who works for a national station, called the team, a joke, and said that the team that lost in game seven was “dusted”

    This pretty clearly shows that, without a major change in behaviour from him, he is not suitable to be analyzing hockey on a national level. You really think people talking like this should be tasked with analyzing players, plays, teams, performance at a national level?

    I actually think that going after the toxic fans was totally appropriate, the team not so much.

    He can be a diehard Edmonton oiler fan, or he can be an employee of a sports media station, but he really can’t be both if he wishes to provide any value

  21. real-good-sauce

    IDK why people are offended by this. Not defending Gazdic here, but his little tantrum rant made him look like such a fucking tool, I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t see it and just laugh. Especially from a player who’s done nothing in the NHL or broadcasting.

  22. shorthanded

    So canucks fans “crossed the line” but their admittedly inexperienced (bad) national panelist hire “made a mistake”.
    Fuck off sportsnet, back to sailing the seas, I already cancelled.

  23. ThisIsFineImFine89

    If we were secure in our team identity and direction,

    this guys opinion wouldn’t require so many posts.

    Am i the only one who dosnt care, at all, what this guy has ton say about our team?

    He’s allowed an opinion, albeit informed after getting his feelings hurt by twitter shit heads (my understanding is death threats). We don’t have to keep posting about every reactionary opinion.

  24. Longjumping-Limit827

    This guys awkward and I don’t want him on my tv

  25. Senior_Heron_6248

    What was said on twitter that was so bad? You guys going after his family or something? Wishing death ?

  26. gazdik played himself. He’s only going to get trolled harder and now he needs to stay quiet to keep his job.

  27. Steelmann14

    I could care less that he is an ex Edmonton Oiler. I’ve never even heard of him as a player. Or that he is a little bias towards his old team. What I care about is that he is a lousy analyst and really awkward. He does not fit in at all.

  28. ChineseBigfoots

    His job is to analyze the games for both teams. No favorites. Bieksa is known for being a Canucks fan but he rips into them too whenever the are playing bad or good. He probably gets alot of hate too but Bieksa doesn’t give a shit. He’s the type of guy that’ll laugh in your face or with you. Gazdic just needs to grow a pair and join the Oilers broadcast team. Bet him and Gene will be great bum buddies

  29. bringbackdavebabych

    The guy is softer than chinchilla fur and has skin as thin as an onion. I’d bet I’ve heard shit just as bad here on Reddit from OTHER Canucks fans. How did a supposed tough guy get so sensitive?

    HE’s the joke.

  30. Am I the only one around here that doesn’t give a fuck what he said? Y’all are too soft, just ignore him

  31. dontgivetohitchcock

    maybe this can be his career highlight instead of getting blown up by buff.

  32. Whatever. Sportsnet advertisers will know fans change the channels whenever it’s intermission.

  33. Loud_Examination_138

    Fuck Luke Gazdic! Fuckn goofy ass bum

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