
Road to the final for the last decade for both finalists

Not EIHL or IIHF related for once but since the 2024 Stanley Cup Final is approaching here is a graphic on both of this years finalists playoff paths since 2013

by Training_Purchase318


  1. I’m probably a pedant for pointing this out, but Edmonton and Florida getting bounced in the qualifying round does not count as “Round 1”

  2. expensivemachinist

    Ken Holland has a chance to win another cup. Sheeeesh.

  3. Interesting how they both show an upward trajectory. Do a lot of teams tend to go further and further every year until they win or peak or is this an anomaly?

    Same thing I’ve noticed with a lot of teams winning the presidents trophy a year or two before winning the cup recently.

  4. FlaxbopFleetfoot

    If Edmonton loses, that’ll be the third year in a row that they’ve been knocked out by the eventual cup champion (Colorado in 2022 and Vegas in 2023 were the previous 2).

  5. MMA_Laxer

    both have been good for a while. good to see that one team gets it finally.

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