@Boston Bruins

Will Bruins Be In On Acquiring Devils 10th-Overall Pick? | The Skate Pod, Ep. 324

Will Bruins Be In On Acquiring Devils 10th-Overall Pick? | The Skate Pod, Ep. 324

welcome into episode 324 of the skate podcast I’m Brian D fiz joined by Bridget PR and Scott mcclaflin Bridget and Scott locally it’s well it’s final season domestically you have the NBA Finals that after about a six-month layoff between the Conference Finals is getting underway between the Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks and then in the National Hockey League we have the Florida Panthers versus the Edmonton Oilers kind of a clash of styles I’m interested to see how you two feel about the finals matchup um in the NHL as it pertains to competitiveness marketability not the NBA not the NBA Finals okay it is the offseason so I’m sure we can get into it a little bit I’m just kidding I was gonna say I I’ll be at one of these finals so you know if we want some some first person reporting yeah definitely and I’m not I’m not going to Florida or Edmonton we need your poor zingis updates everything he does Bridget do you see Scott starting a a Kyrie sucks chant at the TD I wouldn’t put it past him um so yeah so there’s OB I’m gonna I’m gonna start the chant fur’s dad who is a be Terrier Legend Ah that’s right that is true um but yeah so we have we have some things to get to as it pertains to the Bruins as well obviously it’s the offseason but there are so many unknowns for this Bruins team that it it’s it’s kind of difficult to structure offseason shows because it’d be one thing if we knew that they had a first round draft pick we can kind of go over potential suitors for them but they don’t have a first round draft pick but also may end up in the first round depending on certain things if I mean we it we’ll get I guess we can get to my opening shift quickly but just because I kind of spoiled it but the New Jersey Devil have a have a um a desire to move that uh that 10th overall pick in the NHL draft this this June and GM Tom Fitzgerald has has many quotes b rck a legend Bela Legend you know basically the Devils have a they have the 10th overall pick but they are not in rebuild mode uh they’re very disappointed with their regular season not making the playoffs after being a um highly touted Contender preseason contend so the Devils I’ll just read you one of his quotes he says uh Tom Fitzgerald on potentially dealing the 10th overall pick he says if we feel it helps us now or in the foreseeable future then yes I’m listening and there’s there’s a second quote he says where he says at the end of the day we’re in a position Now versus two years ago when we drafted defenseman Simone neek second overall in the draft where if we can find the right piece to help us get to where we want to go today tomorrow and wherever the controllable future is for that player greet that’s the mindset versus great we have a top 10 pick and this kid is going to be fantastic when he’s 25 years old so the devils are listening for the for the 10th overall pick they need a goalie the Bruins have an extra number one goalie it’s it’s it’s a clear potential partnership that might enter the Bruins into the draft this year and of course there’s a ton of free agency and other trade possibilities we just don’t know that’s going to happen with this Bruins team so this offseason’s a mystery but it’s also one that’s going to unfold like crazy when it does yeah and that leads a little bit into my opening [ __ ] because mine involves a report of something that apparently might happen really soon uh Frank sarra Val of daily Faceoff said this week that he wouldn’t be surprised if Martin NS who we talked about on really on last two episodes but especially the last one uh he wouldn’t be surprised if a trade happens before game one of the staning Cup finals on Saturday so like I I don’t think anyone expected something to happen that quickly uh but if you know obviously he’s hearing something um Frank Celli is kind of a you know League wide Insider so that that’s interesting uh I kind of figured that’ be something that would take a little longer to develop you know go up towards draft time time later this month I still feel like that’s probably the way it goes but this has to be coming from somewhere so that adds you know a little bit of immediacy to these discussions where it’s like well maybe that’s not something that’s several weeks off maybe that is kind of right around the corner and you know we talked about that as a potential match involving Lena alark because Carolina could be looking for a goalie and you know that’s two two valuable players two teams that are in win now mode so they’re not necessarily looking for futures um you know so there’s there’s some stuff on top of that report about other teams that have looked into NS that that we can get into but my opening Shi for now it’s just that apparently that’s something that might actually happen quicker than than many of us expected yeah I wonder why I just wonder what the rush would be for that but um you know that’s not it’s not not anything I’m privy so um my opening shift has to do with the Bruins free agents and um who they are attempting to sign again and who they probably aren’t um and also I did want to mention we’re going to get to some of the mailbag questions later that we didn’t get to last episode so hold on for that if we didn’t answer your your question um so there was some news about D and heinan being in talks uh with the Bruins over a contract a new contract um and there was also news that Derek forbert will will test the waters of free agency so um I think guys we knew probably forbert was not going to get an immediate offer to be back with Boston um there’s a few defensemen that the Bruins maybe haven’t tried to or don’t want to bring back and that includes Derek forbert probably mackas like maybe Kevin shat and Kirk they have a few um unrestricted free agent defensemen that I think they were ready to move on gone from and Derek forbert seems like it’s he’s one of them so he will it seems like go to free agency at the start of July and uh more than likely will go elsewhere um and then D and Heinen is an interesting one because to me it seems like they they’re in talks right now but I kind of want them to fill out the rest of their uh their top group like I want to kind of want to see what they do with their forward group and maybe fill him in at the end I don’t know how you guys feel about that because you won’t know how much cap space you have necessarily um and you might be able to try to negotiate something with Heinen that’s more Team friendly though I do think he earned um you know more than what he got last year based on the season that he had so I I get that and someone tweeted a similar take at me when I tweeted about heining yesterday the problem is is if you’re going to say we’re going to build up the rest of our team first and then we’ll Circle back all it takes is someone else to come in to D and swoop in on Danon Heinen hey three years three million a year and he says you know what that’s better than what we were talking about the Bruins I’m taking that so if you let him get to the open market and you’re thinking maybe we’re going to circle back later you risk someone beating where you would be willing to go whereas right now if you’re the only team that talk to him uh you you know maybe you get him a little cheaper maybe you get them two years and you don’t have to go to three or four um so sorry if you just saw my pen just like come across the screen there’s a spider that’s trying to walk across my camera and I was trying to get it down and it’s yeah sorry is it is it one the new I’m just gonna have to try to handle the spider but you can keep talking I got no first first I’m GNA freak everyone out because uh my like one of my friends group text uh someone shared shared a story of like flying spiders that are apparently about to start populating the Northeast no thanks no thanks by the way I didn’t kill the spider I just took his little web and I moved it somewhere else I don’t kill bugs but I move them um then last they start flying at me though I’m not sure not sure what I would do with a flying spider yeah they can like parachute out of the sky or something I don’t know but um yeah so anyways um yeah I think there’s value in getting a deal done with hinen before July 1 just because I I I think he’s a really versatile player I think he can fit he can move up and down the lineup play either Wing like at the right term and dollars which to me when I say that I’m thinking like two years two million a year like that sounds about right to me um I just think there there’s always going to be a spot for a player like that so I don’t like I don’t need to build out the rest of the Ross first because I know I’m GNA want that kind of Versatility in my bottom six anyways yeah for two M like for for two like for two years I think that’s you should be able to work around that with the cap space that you you have so it’s a good way to put it Scott like you need you need to make sure you have enough uh players that you trust in your forward group and to let him get away would Pro and he’s not like an expensive option um probably would be a mistake so I don’t think any of us disagree that we we think hen deserves just about $2 million in that you know he he looked good enough here to want him to come back yeah and I I would just say to any to any fans who might think oh you know they they don’t need Heinen like it’s not not so much H in specifically oh I mean it is but to to everything Scott just laid out and Bridget as well I think all good teams certainly all contending teams they they they set aside uh cap allocation for what we would like to call a utility player right and that’s what Dan Heinen is somebody who can go up and down a lineup different Wings all that stuff um so whether it’s Danton Heinen or somebody else that can provide the role he does I think all good teams reserve a role for a player to to to be that because you need that you need that versatility and that depth um when there’s injuries or whatever so um the key is the right price right don’t overpay for it and I think that that’s what you guys were just talking about yeah last offseason that was Morgan geeki who got two years two million so and he’s he’s been another one that for that cost has worked out and been pretty versal so those are two guys in the same ballpark I would think yep yeah for sure like it it and you know and Heen can play either special teams unit he’s smart defensively he wins battles which they they’ve talked about like Montgomery and Neely Sweeney like they all highlighted you know winning more one-on-one battles and Heen was one of those guys that you know when Montgomery would occasionally share you know not the specifics of their internal analytics but kind of peel back the current a little bit at one point he said hyen graded out really well in their one-on-one battle analytics so it’s like okay well if you can bring that guy back cheap enough like that’s clearly a skill set you value so so why not and you know what gets me is like the because I saw this on Twitter too like the reaction from fans who are like either oh like you shouldn’t be relying on Danton hin as a score and it’s like correct yes he shouldn’t be playing in the top six again he shouldn’t be on your power play but you need production from your bottom six too and he is a good bottom six producer or the people who are like he’s not physical it doesn’t help you make get tougher it’s like again not why you’re signing Danton hin in like listen if you think every single player on the team has to be super physical then then yeah you’re gonna You’re Gonna Want Danton Heinen to walk I just don’t think every single player needs to be that kind of player like sure you want to go add a little bit more of that this offseason but I don’t think think that precludes you from signing a player like Danon hin in who brings a lot of other positives to the table yeah and I know a deal world the Bruins fill out the roster in a way that puts hinen in their bottom six but when there’s injuries and when chemistry isn’t working or you’re trying to switch things up he’s an option to move uh where you need him to move right they they tried him everywhere he worked decent in in certain situations in the top six and and on the power play so sometimes and we know Montgomery likes to Tinker uh just gives another option to try to Kickstart something so um that’s what’s good about him I don’t know if you guys have any thoughts on Derek forbert um going to free agency I hope you had the time of your life like I don’t know what to say good rid you know like all due respect yeah I mean I not a bad player but just like I’m not gonna lose sleep over it it’s it’s the reality of the business he’s you know free agency Cas casualty yeah I think I before like I would have been open to keeping forber if he you know was willing to take shortterm low money no guarantee of a regular job but if I’m Derek forber I I want to see if there’s more than that out there for me so really makes a lot of sense to me from from all angles like he probably still wants one more good payday if it’s out there Bruins aren’t going to give him give him that nor nor should they so yeah him see what’s out there maybe they still Circle back at some point if he doesn’t find anything but otherwise like you know yeah hey great great for him if he finds good money out there Bruins don’t have to give it I think the Bruins have six defenseman right now who can play just about every game and if you augment that group with either depth or or even another top six guy that bumps you know Parker weather spoon to a seventh D rooll like that’s that’s either way is a good plan to me yeah so before we get to the uh the mailbag questions we didn’t get to which I believe includes a tra a trade proposal from Bridget and we get to uh discussing the NHL finals a little bit Scott let’s tie together both of our opening shifts and just kind of go at this allmark situation because we have free agen less than a month away on July 1st we have the NHL draft at the end of this month um 28th and 29th of June and as your opening shift alluded to the Marty NIS um story May unfold as soon as this weekend and there’s a possibility that could include the Bruins there’s also been rumors out there that the Vancouver Canucks are interested in nature and I’m sure there’s other teams too so even if NES does get dealt before this weekend it may not be with with the Bruins but in any event as far as lenaar goes kind of feels like as far as Bruins uh offseason stories he’ll be the first shoe to drop you think he will probably be traded before free agency ideally because as my opening shift alluded to the devil’s looking to sell their 10 overall pick and Don Sweeney talked about it after the season that goalies have gone for first round picks before with that in mind let’s just unpack the allmark situation would you prefer if given the choice that the Bruins trade allmark to the Devils for a 10th overall pick which as Bridget you said before we started recording draft picks her you know they’re they’re anything but but a certainty that they’re going to hit or would you prefer to to trade all Mark to Carolina for a Marty nature deal where you have a 25-year-old forward who is the fastest forward in the NHL not named Conor MC daviter or Nathan McKinnon and has all this talent in the world and and can filling a need right now at Center if not Center definitely Wing I also want to put this caveat out there that I personally believe New Jersey and Carolina are both teams that Lena alark uh is willing to be traded to without having to wave his modified no movement Clause simply based off um uh where where they’re located and what we have kind of pieced together that the teams in snow trade list probably include West Coast teams Canadian markets Etc so I know I just threw a lot out there but how do you guys see this unfolding and if you could pick a scenario do you think you’d rather trade him for the 10th overall pick or an NHL player with a ton of upside in Marty hes well I guess I mean the very first thing is if one of those two teams is on the list and one’s not uh for him not to get traded to then you’re you know cuts out your option because I’m not sure he’s willing to wave it um but you agree that they’re probably the New York area in Carolina I really don’t know because SC what do you think about that to have other things in mind not just geography when he was coming up with his list he talked about this on breakup day there like there’s many different reasons for for different teams to be on the list and sometimes organizational issues are you know and team culture are potential reasons not to go so I don’t think he would I think I mean I think playing for Rod bremore is probably a decent experience he seems like a pretty good coach um uh so I don’t think I feel like Carolina is probably safe to say he he would go there but I’m just I’m I’m not really 100% sure I wellone none of us are but we’re just speculating obviously based I’m with I’m with Brian like if you think of it in the sense that there’s 16 teams he can eliminate and 15 that he can’t I feel like those are two that are in the 15 that he wouldn’t eliminate because I do think the geography part of it matters I you know might be Canadian teams or or like non-competitive teams teams that haven’t been in a playoff race in several years which you know now I guess is a good time to bring up Ottawa as well which did this rumor really caught steam kind of between recordings so we we haven’t really gone into it but Bruce garyo up in Ottawa who covered the centers for a long time uh reported that senators were interested in all Mark have been interested in him and kind of bizarrely to me reported that the like the ask would be Jacob Chan in a first round pick which seems like way too much to me like oh my God I was gonna bring this up later yes what the hell is this yeah like I I’m like did he talk to Don Sweeney and like just get Don Sweeney’s first offer like yeah I can’t imagine the Bruins getting that much in return like that’s that’s a legitimate top four defenseman and a first round pick like I I would have to think something else is going in return but even more than that though I can’t imaginear going to Ottawa like I feel like that’s a team that would be on his no trade list because they haven’t been competitive and he’s in a contract year they were an awful defensive team this past year so like why would he want to go there on a contract year that’s not really setting him up for success to sign his next deal no and that’s a ridiculous off like that’s not a possible deal that Ottawa makes like chicker and a first and a first like maybe one or the other but right and and garyo even noted in his report that the Senators weren’t willing to to match that so which again gets back to me of like like where did that even come from like you know are the Senators telling him like Hey this is their ask and like it’s you know way too much for us but yeah either way I I can’t really imagine them getting that and I can’t really imaginear wanting to go to Ottawa whereas Carolina New Jersey I mean listen Carolina’s been right there for years and you know like in the playoffs every year New Jersey looked like they were on a really promising tra trajectory that went sideways this year in large part because of poor gold so you’re the answer to their their biggest issue so so yeah like I I think he would be willing to go to E there and um and not only does New Jersey have the the trajectory you mentioned with the two recent first overall picks in the last decade but you have the geography of New York without the the big city media and pressure New Jersey’s kind of you know it’s they’re overshadowed by all the Big Apple teams that it’s kind of The Best of Both Worlds right I mean so I yeah I mean never your question though Brian we didn’t answer your question which was which would you rather see what helps the BR yeah answer the question guys come on all right go ahead Scott so I’m might actually lean to the number 10 pick on this one I I get that Nas is more certainty for sure and and I like Marty Nas but I’m I’m probably not as high on him as some people just in the sense that like I don’t really think he has a future as a center certainly as a number one Center I think if you bring him in most likely where he settles into your lineup is number two rightwing behind David posano and that is a valuable spot don’t get me wrong like I I will absolutely take him in that spot and I think if you trade allmark for him I think that’s a fair trade um but the number 10 pick to me either you get to draft the center that potentially becomes a number one down the road that’s a spot where you have not been able to pick a center in a very long time because you just haven’t picked that high right the last time was Tyler Sean at number two and he was you know projected as a center or potentially a wing that was you know we’re going back 13 years now that was 14 years that was 2010 that was a long time ago um so that’s appealing or you use that pick to try to go acquire your number one center now you know in a trade package so I probably lean that way but I totally understand saying like hey I just want more certainty like I I don’t want to worry about flipping that pick or developing it I just want the guy who’s going to help me right now what’s what’s more likely Scott bridge I’m so sorry I just wanted to ask this quickly what’s more likely that the 10th overall pick becomes a true number one Center or that Marty NIS becomes a true number one Center both or a gamble yeah I realistically I think the percentage on both is pretty low because I guess I’ll lean towards the number 10 pick just because I I think I can draft an actual true Center there um and like I said like I I’m just really not sold on NS as as a center I I’ve made this point before but I think there’s a reason why Carolina hasn’t used him there tried him there for any sort of long stretch even though they’ve needed a number two Center for a few years now um so that gives me a lot of pause I think the the most Surefire way to get a number one Center is to flip the first pick if you get the first pick and flip it for a center that you like um would more than likely be the best way to in the present uh time get yourself a number one Center so you could you’re probably right like that probably is the real answer yeah that’s the best way to to do it at this point um so so that being said trading for the 10th overall pick has more value than just it being getting the Bruins back into the draft like I feel like it has more value in just having an asset that they can trade right because allar seems to be one of the only pieces that that they have right now and if you and not everybody he can’t go to every team right well guess what that draft pick can so if you can find a way to get him to it to New Jersey and and then you have a piece that’s valuable to every team in the league and you’re not you know you don’t have your hands tied for necessarily where where it’s going so it might open up some flexibility yeah and ultimately guys it’s when we’re talking about trading omark whatever you trade him for is kind of it’s kind of not house money but it it’s it’s great return right because it’s not that you couldn’t use the player and he’s not valuable but if a team’s willing to take his his salary uh or at least most of it and you’re getting a an NHL player in NES potentially with a ton of potential or you get a a top 10 pick and you select a player or you use that pick as collateral like this is all just it’s all good asset management if you can find a way to move all Mark it’s just good asset management ultim yeah and you and you sign him as a free agent and so you you know you’re you didn’t give anything up besides the money to get him so now you’re getting something back in return for him it and ends up up being if that’s the end of the the road for him in Boston that’s a good move that Don Sweeney made that turned a goalie that was kind of like just hiding away in Buffalo into a first round draft pick or or something like that by the way it also seem just trying to read the tea leaves a little it seems like Carolina wouldn’t do all Mark for n straight up just so I’m going off some of the reports about um Vancouver where Elliot Freeman has said that Vancouver was interested in in him but haven’t been able to find a deal or haven’t been particularly close and apparently before they extended Elias pson that was a a discussion pre- deadline some sort of package where Carolina would get Pon Nas and possibly other pieces would go to Vancouver uh he reported that he said now that Philip ronic you know solid I’m gonna say like a two three defenseman and Prospects hasn’t been enough which makes me think like does does car would Carolina want like Omar and a top prospect it sounds like they’re they’re gunning for like NHL player plus multiple top prospects which I think it’s really steep for a restricted free agent like I I don’t know like if they’re saying if they’re saying like omark plus I don’t know just throw like padra like that that’s too much no way no way in hell uh would I do that that’s crazy um and I don’t think that that he warrants more than than Omar and maybe some sort of small piece like I don’t know like merav or like not someone like Potter who’s already been on the active roster and that is a center um and you know has a really bright future we think in the league so I mean we weren’t even including ptra in trade deals that that we had like that would acquire much better players than than NES so um that would be that would that would make you lean towards probably trading for the draft pick if you could but I don’t know if you guys want to get to so we had my trade proposal that I that I I thought about um because we had uh we had a listener in our mailbag send us a a a question kind of but more of a statement um could we come up with POS uh two possible trades each that you think makes sense uh from Daddo on YouTube so I came up with one we’ve already talked about so many that I didn’t feel like I needed to come up with two but and Scott I know has one as well and mine stays in the same Lane as Caroline so because Carolina is a team that needs to make some decisions real quick about who they want to bring back on their defense um who they’re like they’re they’re a little bit um in this position where it looks like they’re going to need to to maybe deal a forward um to try to have enough money to sign back Jake gzel if that’s what they want to do so I in all of that um I’m saying there’s a reason why Carolina names from Carolina keep coming up um and so mine and you tell me if this is if what you think about this but um gasp kinami is a name that is on their team uh he is a center he’s young he’s 23 years old six years left on his contract had a Down Season um but he was a previously the third overall pick by Montreal in 2018 his cap hit is just under five million a year which is not bad um and it seems like the team might be ready to move on from him in one way or another so I don’t know if you’re going to necessarily have to give up a lot to get him so this might be a deal that you could find a way to make either with allar as your piece to go because roughly similar salaries uh going in and out at that point um or if there’s other ideas that you guys would have to in terms of a trade that would make sense for for the Bruins but uh yeser kakin Yi is he’s he’s young uh and he’s a true Center so um and and it looks like they might be ready to to give up on him there which I know is not a great sign um so you it it comes down to whether or not your Scouts and and you know your team thinks that he is worth investing it’s his contract is uh 4. 8 million a year so yeah I I don’t like Camy and I don’t like that contract so I’m I’m out like I get he’s young that there’s still potential there but I’m not going to be the team taking a chance on on him bouncing back not not with him tied up for for six more years that was a real long contract they signed an eight-year contract with him two years ago it was that was insane like because they offer they gave up first round pick to get him away from the Canadians um with an office sheet like all of that was insane and and he clearly hasn’t been worth it there and um yeah I’m not I’m not really gonna try to be the team to to save or or revive his career so you don’t think that there’s a way that you don’t have to offer that much to get him to Boston I mean you might not have to give up much but like 4.8 milli million like that’s that’s a second line forward true that’s and and I don’t [ __ ] is not a second line forward right now not at this point in his career no I I think that the idea was maybe if because so his his his SE like his his career has had its ups and downs obviously that’s why he got the contract in the first place so you know he has this great season right before he signs the big contract um and he’s just under uh 50 points that season and then but then he goes back to what he was doing before which is like just like under 30 points per season so um and he hasn’t necessarily been a great playoff producer so uh I had my pros and my cons on the list for for what makes him first of all what probably makes him somebody that they would answer phone calls about um and also what you know what what he could be versus what the risk is because the risk is definitely higher with him um having some some inconsistency issues which you’re already dealing with Jake debrusk and by the way Jake debrus contract was less than that so this is somebody who is a higher price than than Nebraska was yeah I think for me it’s it’s just about Asset Management I mean I don’t I’m not crazy on the player I don’t know if I have uh the Vigor towards him that Scott might but he’s just he doesn’t really he he he’s less than a point per game guy in his career just shy of 400 games and so if if the other side of this trade is allmark I just feel like are you are you maximizing allmark as an asset I think probably meant to say less than half a point per game I’m sorry what did I say you said Point per game oh yeah yeah yeah Le less than half a point per game player it’s like 04 um so if allar is the is the other person in the trade I look all Mark and I say I think the Bruins can do more with him so that that that’s more so why I would probably be down on the deal um in addition to you know the the the money being I think more than what C and Yi should be getting at this yeah and I don’t know if there’s any possibility that’s somebody you know that that some salaries retained or what probably not but but maybe it would be because if they want to buy him out his cap he still has a cap hit towards the team for 12 years um it’s like it’s a smaller number obviously than than the almost five million but he still would be on their cap anyway if they bought him out rather than traded him so you gota imagine some retention there I I feel like Carolina’s probably stuck with them or you or he ends up on a rebuilding team where there’s no pressure and they can give them more minutes more Runway to try to try to develop try to become something something more but I I don’t I I feel like Boston would be that I just feel like it’d be a bad fit like Bruns are trying to win now they don’t have they don’t really have like the time or patience to be like okay let’s see if we can take a few years to get you right and kokami I don’t know he’s gonna deal with the pressure here where like he’s gonna come in and people are gonna look at that salary in contract third overall pick you know four six years ago whatever like all right produce and he’s going to you know come in and put up his 28 points and fans are going to immediately turn on him yeah he’s going to get the the Jake de brisque treatment back when Jake asked for a trade um but it was just an idea because we’re talking about there’s not a lot of of options like we’re we’re trying to find if you’re trying to find a young Center um you know just just thinking of different teams that are probably uh open to work with you on making a deal and also um players that for one reason or another they’re they’re they’re okay with with moving on from uh so he was an idea and this I guess you guys are both pretty low on him so I’m not quite as low and that’s why I suggested it I just I feel like there’s something there that that you could like you you could you have to gamble on right like it’s not a sure thing at all um but he you know he there’s a reason why they went after him in the first place in Carolina what they saw maybe the Bruins Scouts are not not in the same realm of thinking as as the people from Carolina but um he’s 23 like I said and uh if you if you have any sort of belief that he could he could be over you know over 40 Point guy then you might take a risk on him I so when I think of a trade for a center my mind is for a number one center right I if you’re if you’re talking about acquiring him just to be a center on your team like I guess that’s a separate conversation and I and I just don’t think that’s a need the Bruins have because I think the Bruins have a ton of guys that are that can play center just um but but they’re not that top center right I mean zaka Coyle Patra I mean geeky even showed he can play you know a middle six center if called upon not ideal so I think the Bruins have a ton of guys that that that are like koki where like they can play the position but they’re not Elite and so um and if we’re talking trading for number one Center the brunes don’t have the assets to do so unless they acquire a top 10 pick from the devils like you mentioned Bridget and then are able to turn that pick into an asset in a in a trade package so you know the Bruins trading for a center I don’t have an interest in if it’s not a true number one Center and they don’t have the assets to do it as we currently speak so it’s not so much I don’t like CMI on a hockey team Scott what Scott saids very true it’s what hockey team what stage of of their development are they in is it a a rebuilding team go for it if you’re a team trying to win he’s certainly not a a you know a top a top Center which is all I’m looking at right now because that’s what the Bruins need so it’s just it’s just a matter of fit and it’s just doesn’t it’s just not uh ideal right now and if the Bruins do acquire that pick from New Jersey now we’re cooking with gas but they’d be they’d be looking for a significantly bigger fish than than than him yeah the other but you’re right though he’s young and has potential right you don’t want you don’t want to write him off you know he’s 23 years old as you said sometimes these players that come into the league at 181 19 they hit 234 you feel like they’re 30 but they have a lot of ways to go yeah my thought was similar to the zaka trade that was made like zaka was underperforming in New Jersey um and you know they were able to come make something out of him so um yeah but but you’re you’re both right about this that was not an idea for a number one Center that I just want to be clear about that that was just a young Center um that that I was um just throwing out there so and the other one that I was going to bring up that Scott touched on earlier was the Ottawa one the the CH like the chck in the first round pick I just thought that was crazy um so yeah if you could pull that off somehow that’s the number one thing to do if you could pull that off I guess to me the the talking point there because I think we all agree you’re probably not getting chick and a one but let’s say allmark is willing to go to Ottawa for what for whatever maybe it’s just hey that’s that’s still Eastern and and I’m you know I’m okay with it say it’s allar for CH and a third or four like like something a little more realistic are are you doing that like are you know how does Jacob chicken strike you in terms of talking about potential all Mark returns he’s come up multiple times in in different trade rumors that were connected to the Bruins uh so that’s somebody that has been on their radar in the past uh we’re talking about adding a defenseman here we’re not talking about adding uh to your forward group so uh that’s a little bit different than than some of the other trades or majority of the other trades that we were talking about that involved allmark um I like I like Chan but he I would almost ra I would almost rather have the first round pick I don’t know if you guys would agree with that would you if you were only to get half of that deal that was suggested I feel like maybe I would want the other half yeah I I I like Cher I just feel like you know turning our attention to a defenseman and and non-first rounders kind of goes against what the Bruins truly need I mean if you look at their top four right now you have ly Holm and I believe you have lorai going forward as your two top left shot defensemen now Carlo obviously is a right shot so as McAvoy Chan’s a left shot so yeah again maybe maybe in that scenario Chen comes in and he’s in your top four and lorai goes down to the third pair or something like that it’s just you’re strengthening your blue line I think for sure but have has the move helped you address what you truly need and so if you can get trickered in a in a first it’s different because you can try to you know draft a center or move that pick or something but if you’re moving olark it’s some it has to be in my opinion it has to be in an effort to somehow some way whether it’s directly or indirectly giving yourself a chance to to find that number one Center somehow yeah I’m kind of with you guys like I I like chck too and and he does you know he does add more offense from the blue line which I I do think the the Bruins could use but you know I think they’re gonna have to find that internally right like hope lorai takes a step forward hope makoy continues to build that part of his game hope Lindholm bounces back to something in between the last two seasons right like I’m not expecting him to get back to exactly where he was two years ago but you know can hamus L give me 40 points that feels reasonable um you know Jacob Jacob no one on your blue line has a shot like Chan um he has a great shot 14 goals last year he’s gotten up to 18 in the past but even with all that like you look at the actual point totals and he’s never 41 so you know it’s not like we’re talking about a score from the Blue Line well but there’s a reason because he’s always hurt like there that’s like the elephant in the room on on that because last season was his only full season and many other Seasons he has fallen way short of playing 82 games so uh this this is this past season actually gives you a decent sample size of of what the numbers might look like compared to you would have just had to guess um before that because there’s been Seasons where he missed huge portions of the season um and and that’s that’s a problem like it’s that the fact that he’s been in the league since 2016 and this past season with the Senators was the only season he’s played remotely close to to 82 games so he actually played the full season this year so um so yeah but if you look if you want to make a comp he his numbers this year were similar to mako’s numbers this year um if you’re if you’re like wondering where where he would fit in terms of like comparing to other Bruins defenseman makoy had a few more points than him so Chen had 14 goals makoy had 12 goals uh makoy also had 47 points this year Chen had 41 so um if you’re talking about getting that level of production that’s that’s a good thing but there’s just such a question mark about the health of the player um just the ability to stay healthy he’s he’s young still he’s still he’s 26 so like that’s that works in your favor probably and maybe his injury troubles are behind him um but it’s kind of a gamble okay so Bridget what else did we have um quickly any any any lingering questions from last week’s mailbag we can get to quickly well Scott did have a trade I believe and then I can get to the last view no I like I was going to throw a name um some of them like we like we touched on nasm Kadri last week so I I mean I can throw them out if we want but like I don’t have like the specific packages but uh I am interested in what happens in Vegas whether that’s who ends up getting to free agency obviously we’ve talked about Jonathan Maro and Chandler Stevenson already but if they want to if they really want to keep marcheso which is what they’re saying like they probably have to free up salary somewhere else and I wonder if if William Carlson is someone that shakes Loose as someone they’re willing to dangle out there like realistically William Carlson I think is a really good number two Center in Vegas you have eel and hurdle in front of them so it’s like is that almost obviously if you have William Carlson as your third Center you’re very happy but can they really afford to keep that together lined up that way if they want to keep someone like marchus so I’m interested in that I really like William Carlson as a player again he’s probably a little short of being like a true number one Center although he does have a 40 goal 70 point season in his history so um he is a really good two-way player uh I had him fifth on my sky trophy ballot this year so that was a long time ago though right that was their inaugural season in Vegas yeah and and it was like that was the one season he was playing as a clear number one Center so there’s kind of that give and take it’s like well he has done that when he was playing on a Top Line playing those kind of minutes you know can you recreate that if you plug him in with poster knock like you know I again it it it interests me depending on what the cost would be um but that is one interesting name to me uh a couple Wingers if we’re just talking about like adding offensively there’s been rumors around Nick eers in Winnipeg that he might be available player that really interests me again on the speed front very good skater um same with Adrian kempe in La another team that might have to move someone somewhere um depending on what they add this off season we know they’ve been in the market for a goalie I don’t know if allar changes of mind like is there something you could work out there um but I really I really just like Kamp as a player I I don’t think he’d be available but if I’m talking to La about a trade like that’s probably where I’m starting would would be hey what’s going on with him so that those are just some names okay so I will get to the other few that we had left so um this one does have to do with Goal tending from M rabone uh saying not going to be a very popular but what about keeping allmark and trading San you have you save money because San is going to cost six plus million dollars a year he doesn’t have any no trade Clauses H and his trade value is higher than all Mark what do you think Brian you want to go first well I mean what she’s well I I don’t I shouldn’t assume it’s a she I don’t know why I thought it was a she but um what what M Rabon is alluded or it it could be Mr abond I don’t know oh yeah I think they use the names just m a b o n so I don’t know why but I just I just assumed that the name was Mary I have no idea why but I just figured it was Mary maybe just doing letter Association just just the the yeah the the Mr but I guess Mr would be the right the right assumption right Scott um I’m just yeah in in any event though uh when you’re talking about um um flexibility to move when you’re talking about value um I think there’s a big argument to be made that that that Jeremy Swan H that his value especially after this postseason is is higher than lenus all marks age is also a factor so I understand I understand the question um I guess my njer reaction is I would have to be really Blown Away by the return and it’s it’s kind of like we you know we we we we mentioned the possibility of of Leon dryad will becoming available at some point um before his contract expires in Edmonton trying to sell high on the on the asset before he walks for nothing um and I in that situation slaman was brought up and it was like okay if that was the return Yes but you know I I just can’t I don’t know I just I hate the idea of moving it would really have to blow me away return wise and I can’t really think off off the top of my head who that would be yeah I I’m open to it in the right package but to me the right package is as Brian’s alluding to like legit sh fire number one Center no question about it and yeah Dr settles the dream although that with Edmonton in the Stanley Cup finals seems increasingly unlikely um that was maybe more of a possibility of like things really fell apart for them you know they go down in five or six in the Conference Finals or something but that obviously didn’t happen so or if they finished out the year like they started it when they just were a total train wreck during the regular season because they started they had a really bad first two months I want to say uh to the year which probably had people thinking okay wow we got we might need to blow this up but uh now doesn’t look like they they need to do that no and even steuart Skinner played well in the last round like I still would not be sold on him going forward but listen if Edmonton wins the Stanley Cup with Stuart Skinner it’s going to be hard to be like oh we need to trade a ton of stuff to go get a goalie like now that probably Gonna Roll with what just won them a cup so um yeah I don’t think it’s gonna be dry Sidle and I don’t know who that who else it would be like I don’t I don’t know where that Center is or or if he’s available a or whatever because I’m not trading Swan for any of those other names we mentioned like any of The Fringe maybe they’re good enough guys like you know he’s not he’s not going for nasm Cadre or William Carlson or you know whoever like Marty Nas like not not doing that so I don’t know who that Shire guy is or if they’re even out there anywhere um if you told if you told me like the St Louis Blues are willing to trade Robert Thomas like that pequs my interest you you’ve caught my attention but like they have Jordan Bennington so it wouldn’t even like that’s not even going to be the the the team so yeah I’ve really struggled to see how it makes sense but I’m not I’m not 100% opposed to it I just I just don’t think the deal that I would want is gonna be out there yeah options are very limited if if they exist at all which it doesn’t seem like they really do at this point so uh that’s why the conversation is all about all Mark and not San though if you not this past season but the season before that the the Dream Team Bruins that that set the record for wins uh I remember hearing his Swan’s name come up just as often as omark when it came when it came to the trade deadline and I’m not saying I’m not saying came up in terms of like what the Bruins were actually trying to do it I’m just saying like in in conversations people were much more willing to do it back then before they knew what swiming was and now that he solidified what he can be this playoff run uh those conversation you really don’t really hear come up anymore and he’s very I almost universally liked here I don’t know if I’ve ever had a conversation with a single fan or or anyone that was that would tell you they didn’t like Jeremy Swan so do you want me to get to we got sure we got one more here um so this one we can probably answer real quick um this is Jason from Twitter any chance meroff could make the roster out of Camp 30 goals and almost uh and a power wait and a power play goal and no one seems excited point point per game point per game oh okay all right sorry PPG to me means power play goal that’s how I write it in my notes that’s the broadcaster in you yes exactly exactly I was very confused about that for a second uh and no one seems excited about him so meroff yeah he he could definitely make the team out of Camp I mean look he he earned a call up at one point this past season obviously as we discussed then and have discussed since he didn’t get a whole lot of opportunity um when he did get called up but yeah look obviously he’s right he’s right there right he’s he’s on the line um and he did have a really good season so he you know he is a little older as a prospect 23 he’s not 19 or 20 um but yeah he has a shot like I think as I’ve said before it’s it’s hard to figure out exactly where he wins a job because he might have to beat out someone like Matt ptra or right like they they have those two three four centers what they really need is the number one Center and he’s I certainly don’t think he’s ready to be that um he’s played a little bit of wing but not a ton so he has a chance but he’s gonna have to I think he’s gonna have to blow people away yeah yeah that that’s that’s pretty much it I mean there there’s always an opportunity um sometimes it’s larger than others but just I mean who had Matt potra winning at spot in Camp last year so a really strong Camp can force can force the organization to to keep you around so he’s gonna have to have one of those camps I do believe though yeah yeah agreed um so uh of the rest of the mailback questions that we had left we covered a lot of them either in this episode or the previous episode so I don’t think we really need to to go into them deeper because a lot of them had to do with um you know trades for lyol which we went uh Elias lindol which we went over last podcast and uh Stevenson which we went over last podcast so um guys I don’t know if there’s anything else you want to talk about maybe maybe just a quick talk about the the final which we haven’t gotten into too much yet yeah I I think it’s a like we said it earlier on Styles make fights both teams are they’re certainly made up differently um I think that my initial analysis of the series is that the Florida Panthers will do everything they can to get under the skin of Edmonton’s top players and I and I know that that’s not a groundbreaking theory of a playoff team to do but in this situation where you have two of the best players in the world and particularly the best player in the world in Conor McDavid and Bruins fans know up close how Florida is effective at doing just that Bruins fans understand where I’m going with this will Conor McDavid be allowed to be Conor McDavid in this series um you know he so and I also just feel like Florida is just a deeper team so Ed Edmonton’s going to win this series because Conor McDavid and Leon dry Sidle didn’t allow the Florida Panthers to negate them um I just think it’s a really tall task for for the Oilers to uh to beat this Panthers team just the way p uh Florida plays and you just kind of feel like McDavid and dryad are on an island and Florida just has an entire you know small army of of players on that team even beyond God Scott even Beyond like being physical with those guys and you know getting under their skin Alexander barkov is the best defensive Center in the NHL right now sucky Trophy winner he’s probably gonna get a lot of that McDavid assignment and No One’s Gonna shut down McDavid like I’d be shocked if we get to the other side of this and we’re like wow McDavid had zero goals and three assists like that would stun me but can he can barov slow him down enough where okay the Oilers need some other guys to get going and you know they’re getting they’ve got a ton of production from McDavid and Nan Hopkins on the same line dry sidles put up points although he had little bit of a quiet stretch to start the Conference Final Evan Bard from the blue line but if you can slow down David a little you start to put pressure Elsewhere on Edmonton’s roster and as as you said like Florida’s just so deep it feels like they don’t have to rely on just one line or or a couple guys because even if that barov line ends up spending most of their effort defending because that is such a tough challenge it’s like then you still have the the Bennett kachuck Veri line that’s gonna you know you know be freed up a little bit more that’s not getting that assignment then so it’s I I’m I’m picking Florida I’m picking Florida in seven I do think it should be a really good series and and I do think Edmonton is a little bit more than just their Stars I think they’ve built a little bit of depth there but ultimately I just the way Florida plays and the way that they take over games five on five um to me is really tough to counter yeah they made it last year to the final fell short I think that this year they they find a way to win um in the final and and you watched what they’ve been able to do from the start of the playoffs they they stifle Tampa’s offense they frustrate the Bruins offense they they put up more shots than than every uh from than their opponents they they did the same thing to the Rangers so I thought were going to stand up better to to their style of game but the the Panthers it seems like really hard to push them off the way that they want to play but they have a they have a much easier time dictating the pace of play the physicality of play um the way things are going to play out and uh I just I think Edmonton being over in the Western Conference hasn’t seen a whole lot of them and maybe aren’t necessarily prepared to to deal with what’s coming because the Bruins obviously dealt with it last year and them in Florida went to you you know that once again them they they played Florida this year and Brian you said this before we started recording maybe the the Bruins may have held up better than than even the Rangers did against the Panthers so um it’s they’re a tough team to play and I what I’m saying is Edmonton hasn’t really got too many doses of them over the past few seasons not being in the same conference they might um be having to really adjust on the Fly and look I I I didn’t mean to come across disrespectful to the Oilers um in in fact I believe it or not I I’m I’m not 100% sold on my pick just yet I’m still kind of mulling it over um because Scott you’re right Edmonton is more than than McDavid and dry CLE I mean Zack Heyman had 54 goals Evan buard on the point had 82 points and and heyman’s going off when’s the like 82 points is I mean that that’s insane I mean he’s a gy is a defenseman and he’s very seldom talked about in the league um you know it’s I I think which power play can can be more effective I think both power plays are lethal when they’re going obviously um I had I had bo by the way I had buard fourth in my North voting and watching him this postseason I’m like maybe I should have had him even higher yeah I mean been so good but like you know I just I look at the Oilers and and Ryan nent Hopkins very you know uh respectable player been around a long time now despite looking like he’s a rookie still facially um but like avander Kane the Oilers defeated a Calgary Flames team that had Matthew kachuck on it um a couple of years ago uh maybe even Sam Bennett but Bennett may have been in Florida already but avander Kane was very effective in that series um kind of playing the Matthew kachuck role versus Matthew kachuck but there there’s questions about Evander Kane’s health and ability to be that in this series so I do think the oros have some guys that they can insert into the lineup that will provide that that style of play that’s conductive to playing the Panthers um but you look at Florida and I mean Sam Reinhardt had what 57 goals and he’s their third or fourth best forward in Florida I mean you have kachuck and barov then probably Reinhardt and then verige and Bennett so then the the Panthers blue line I mean I would say forsling is their best defenseman then you got Montour and then eblad so I just think ultimately I think the Panthers have a have an extra guy up front Edmonton has the best forwards overall but I think the Panthers have that extra guy up front over Edmonton and I think defensively and in goal I just do think that they’re more complete than Edmonton so uh I think I’m probably with Scott I I might go with Florida in seven but because of McDavid and and dry Sid’s ability to be the best players in the world and carrye not carrye along zackman but have Heyman be who he is because of those players as well well um never count out that team either so it should be a fun finals yeah and I I wanted to add that uh Edmonton is used to playing against kachuck back when it was the back when it was the Battle of Alberta and he was always annoying the crap out of them uh there’s definitely some hatred that still exists between Edmonton and uh and kachuck so uh that’s and and Bennett for that matter to to br’s point I mean speed the speed that Edmonton brings to the table is going to be jarring for the Panthers they haven’t seen that shift in shift out um that’s going to have to be an adjustment for the Panthers is is facing the speed of McDavid in particular so they’re going to try to clog the neutral zone and stop him from getting that speed and whatnot so it’s going to be there’s going to be adjustments and whatnot but as as Scott said if you could try to look for a Bruins angle here um yeah if the oers win the cup or the fact that they’re even in the finals uh you know maybe maybe dry saddle’s not looking to leave uh uh as soon as next year I do think the or will be in a situation where the Bruins had with passion a couple years ago where they’ll probably take him to the wire and they’ll probably try to resign him and I I think the Oilers might actually try to risk they might risk losing him for nothing um but that was the only Bruin zle right seem like the dumbest thing they could do but yes um I wouldn’t I Scott would never let that happen if he was in charge of on dry ctle but listeners were asking us guys like after last episode and they were S A lot of people not a lot but there were some that were saying the Bron should just plug and play at at Center another year and hold out and try to win the dry settle sweep stakes and I just think that first of all none of us here agreed with that in the first place but I just mentioned I don’t even think that’s going to be really an option anyway right so so you do that on the very slim chance that he actually makes it to free agency yeah and if that doesn’t happen then youve what You’ just thrown away a year of panak and maav voice primes for something that there’s a very slim chance of happening yeah you’re much more likely to get it done in a trade than to let him go to the open market and have 30 teams that are trying to get him like obviously not every team in the League’s gonna be in on him because they can’t but like this I feel like if if he went to free agency I think you would actually see the first max contract in a long time like it it is it’s I’ve mentioned this like before but probably not in a long time it is bizarre that no one in the NHL makes the maximum of what a player can make because I think right now like a because it the max is like a percentage of the salary cap I think right now the max is like 16 million a year and like no one’s even close to that no one’s within a couple million of that dry side went to free agency he would get the max like drive up the whole Market he would drive he’ drive everyone’s price up because now the new bar is is that so Bridget and Scott the scap had a Twitter PLL up recently asking uh you know listeners who they’d rather see win the Cup Final Edmonton or Florida 87% voted Edmonton where do you two fall Edmonton uh Edmonton I didn’t vote in it but I’ll give you my give you my vote I just I just find the Panthers uh after the last two season just hard to root for uh I I enjoy Canada going 30 plus years without a cup too much so I’ll say Florida uh it’s really it’s really just about that for me but also also I think I think I I think my belief in Florida has been rewarded to this point so I kind of want to I kind of want to continue that as well that wasn’t the question it was who do you want to see not who think will okay Florida because I want Canada to suffer I think nice Scott oh my gosh be nice to the Canadians we have I think that uh I think I would rather see Edmonton win for for this fact alone and I don’t want Conor mcdavid’s career to end as one of those individuals who is labeled the greatest player to ever play without winning a cup um I I would like to see him get a cup in his career and you know now that he’s come this close I would like to see him not that he won’t get back there again at some point but it’s never guaranteed so because he’s in the finals and you can’t guarantee he’ll ever get back U because hockey is the ultimate team sport now that he’s there I would like to see him at least get that uh that that one cup and and see what happens after that yeah because I mean the the names of this generation I guess you could say Crosby vkin those guys names are on there uh and so he’s kind of he’s metropolit so he I mean he’s obviously so good that it would be it it would be this just this weird thing to talk about If he if he was somehow to retire without without having one so uh which could could happen like you said um so yeah I don’t know I’m I’m I’m not I don’t if huge rooting interest I’m not going to lie like I’m not like I’m not like really riding on a team or whatever like I just like want to see some good hockey and and I want it to be close and I want it to go as long as it possibly can uh but and there’s some people I don’t I I don’t want to see win on Edmonton right you talk about the guys that it would be nice to see them win well there’s also plenty of guys on that team I don’t want to see their name on the Stanley Cup like a Vander Kane so you know there there’s there’s that too and and so I’m not like overly invested in either side uh that’s just that’s just the nature of this final I was just trying to think who the best player who hasn’t won a cup is and I think it might be Marcel Dion who’s you know top 10 all time in points but like Jerome mca’s up there um and then I I was just thinking too not that they’re that high on the list but the the sharks of the last 15 years uh produced a few of those guys obviously uh with the news this week that Joe pavel’s retiring and obviously he was Dallas most recently but spent the majority of his career in San Jose Joe thoron Patrick Marlo already retired so those those sharks teams did uh they did quite a few guys dirty you know but Brent Burns might be next he might end up without one so hey guys let let me ask you another question um this just popped into my mind with the Celtics in the NBA Finals first of all hopefully they uh they they beat the Mavericks and and and are able to bring a championship back to um back to Boston and that that would just be the the cap on an amazing season for the Celtics but as it pertains to to Boston and the competitive Matrix of the professional sport landscape I I there’s been a lot of fun bar conversations over the years about um do the other teams in Boston have have the success that they have if it’s not for B and Brady getting that first second and third Super Bowl like does does greatness around you force you to look at yourself in the mirror and and and do everything it takes to to to not be that team to not have a championship right so this the Patriots win a couple Super Bowls the Red Sox break the curse the Celtics break through the Bruins breakthrough is 20 years of that um one hand kind of feeds the other if if the Celtics win the NBA finals this year does that add pressure to maybe not so much the Patriots because they’re rebuilding and they have their titles but does that does that add pressure to the Bruins as an organization to to to just there’s only so much you can do right I mean it’s not like they’re not trying to do that but does it can that impact the Bruins front office in any way in ownership well I I was just gonna say uh before I let Scott answer that I wrote an article recently that has that was kind of one of the undertones of it was like just the culture of Boston Sports in general um because I wrote a the pwl Boston team almost won they fell a game short they lost in game five which is equivalent to the NHL’s game seven um so I talked a little bit about how and and I talked to a few different people about how seeing everybody else’s success it’s like it’s almost expected and there’s no like complacency uh in this market because other teams are good and yeah so to specifically your point about the Celtics does that affect if they win does that affect the Bruins I think um you know the expectations have have always been there I mean you hear this conversation a lot when when a a a year starts like say it’s October or like it’s August or you know you’re about to start the football season and then basketball’s coming right after and then hockey’s coming right after it’s like which team is most likely this year to win a championship you always want your team if you’re if you’re you know Bruins management to be the one that people are most confident in but recently it’s been the Celtics so um and the Bruins have been right up there I mean definitely higher than the Patriots uh so and and God not the Red Sox I don’t have any confidence in that right now so um yeah I don’t know what you have to say about that Scott yeah I I think it does I think they do all feed each other and in the Bruins case particularly like if the Celtics win then and you’re now the only one of the big four in Boston without multiple titles in the last 25 years right right now it’s Patriots six Red Sox four Bruns and Celtics both at one if the Celtics get two like yeah think I don’t know like how it affects decision making or any of that but just there’s got to be a little bit of pressure of like we got to we got to go get this second one like you know we we can’t be the only one stuck at W maybe for a more aggressive approach well and I was also thinking like maybe if if you’re looking for like lessons to learn from the Celtics or whatever two that kind of immediately come to mind one despite so many rumors about splitting up Tatum and brown They they’ve stuck with them so if it works and wins them a title like your Bru’s equivalent of that would be posano and makavo so maybe there’s you know cautionary tale there of be patient with with your pillars that you’re building your team around but also like don’t be afraid to shake up other parts of it because if the Celtics win we’re going to look back and be like the Marcus Smart for Kristoff’s porzingis trade was probably a big reason why and that seems in retrospect now that seems like an obvious trade to make but like that was a pretty big shakeup like Marcus Smart was a big part of that Celtics team yeah and then that also meant you had to trade you had to to bring in Drew holiday right because you lost your point guard you need to find a way to bring so you changed Personnel mult in in your starters a few big big key changes so um right people didn’t people didn’t really want to give up Robert Williams either he and he get moved in the in the holiday deal so yeah so who so who are some who are some players in the Bruins like that I like there are players that like that like people like but that might need to go um not not even so much like need to go but like because here’s the thing the Bruins have a culture in a locker room chalk full of players who always say and do the right things like the Bruins don’t bring in Bad Eggs so it’s you’re always going to be parting with I think good people and good players um especially when you have the success that they’ve had in the regular season it’s just it’s just a cautionary tale of knowing that fine line between don’t do anything rash but you can’t you can’t fall in love with everybody you have to be willing to make some hard decisions sometimes if if it presents itself that’s all but yeah it’s not like un free they’re going to be like oh the Celtics won so like we have to win it’s not like that like it’s not that much of a direct impact but like again they share a building um like the last time the Celtics won the Bruins kind of followed suit three three years later like it’s there there’s a bit of a yeah there’s a competitive Matrix and and the Bruins don’t want to be that organization that um is kind of left out yeah have I have what I call the cursed hat which they gave us at the end of or the start of the playoffs last year which is it’s a hat from from the garden um that’s something that with a note that had something to do with like the playoff Hub or or whatever and it has a Bruins and a Celtics logo on top of it right next to each other because they share the building and um the sentiment was that these are both teams that can make deep playoff runs and like Boston is just proud to and and TD Garden is proud to host both of them and what was expected to be long playoff runs for both of them though the Bruins were knocked out in the first round so that’s why it’s called the cursed hat because neither of them won but I still like the hat so yeah and there probably only like 40 of them in existence there really they were just I think given as a gift to the media people and yeah wasn’t a lot uh quickly but before we go little piece of Bruins related news that came out while we were recording um and I obv haven’t listened to this because we’ve been recording but um Rob chers tweeted out that Dave goer said on Vegas radio that he’s staying in Vegas so not taking the nessen Bruins play-by-play job I had heard that yeah yeah it’s not totally surprising to me it seemed like he was very happy where he is um and making money that’s fen’s new home for a while like you know we still think of him as a boss and guy and this being his home but like he’s been out there six years yeah and and I believe that the money is better for him there um so that’s obviously you want to try to entice someone out of a position that they like you’re not going to do that by offering them less money than they currently make so um that’s definitely a factor and he he calls those games with Shane NY right so it’s a former Bruins box up there in Vegas so um he’s yeah he’s got a good gig I’m I’m not surprised to hear that you know he’s he’s earned he’s earned that he’s earned that right to be the first name people think of but also to be like thank you guys I appreciate it but no thanks like I’m I’m I’m good you know best luck to whoever takes Jack’s Place um okay any anything remaining guys uh pretty good episode for for off season I mean yeah like I said off the top I mean the the free agency is less than a month away the draft is the end of this month um so before you know it guys it’ll be August and September and yeah we’ll we’ll be we’ll be with with you all summer into the fall but first I’m going on vacation that’s true Bridget does have vacation coming up I um and one other thing I was gonna mention again that’s sort of tied to the Bruins uh ESPN Tuesday night their latest 30 for30 was on the Vancouver riots after the 2011 Stanley Cup and it was pretty interesting um they they had like they had great footage of the riots themselves but then it also covered the like the Fallout after it and sort of the this online hunt for for you know anyone and everyone who was associated with it that they had video or photos of and how some of that turned into like over-the-top threats against some of the rider like it was really interesting it kind of makes you think about some different angles to it yeah and how Sports can get out of hand especially around a championship um and um luckily we haven’t seen a whole lot of that recently in sports but I mean even when even when teams win like the Patriot when the Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2015 the the the Malcolm Butler interception I was at UMass and it was essentially a riot and they won like you know what I mean like it was it gets out of hand I don’t know sometimes but luckily we I can’t think of re a recent time where it really did um I was I was in my fall of my freshman year at Buu was when the Red Sox won an ‘ 07 and that turned into like a borderline ride situation and someone actually end up getting killed so yeah like it it happens yeah anyway not to end now now we’re ending it on a sad note I was going to end on the the fact that I’m going on vacation in a week but you know don’t don’t start any riots I don’t I’ll try not to I’ll try I don’t know what I’d be riding about in Bermuda but um no I don’t I’m just GNA I’m just going to enjoy my my vacation we’ll probably have one more podcast before I leave though right so yeah definitely and by the way uh just for our listeners continue to send us questions because like mailbag questions we might be able to just like sprinkle them in here and there throughout the offseason so we’ll have much more of an opportunity to get to to some stuff now so um just at any point if you want to email em us leave a comment um tweet at us whatever um we kind of gather those and and we have them just if we have time to to sprinkle in so and we’ll probably have another dedicated episode at some point soon um probably right before free agency or or you know the draft or whatever so anyway I think I’ve said everything I need to say you guys are you done as well right yeah I think so yeah thank you all for listening enjoy the start to the NBA finals NHL finals obviously and um enjoy the rest of your work week and we will talk to you all very soon hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast don’t forget to follow us on social media and if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to give us a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and leave a comment

Discussing the news on a potential new contract for Danton Heinen, Derek Forbort ready to test free agency and a potential move for Martin Necas within the week. Could the Bruins make a deal with the Devils that involved sending Linus Ullmark for the Devils’ 10th-overall pick? Plus, we propose other trade options and answer a few more mailbag questions.

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images

Jump to:
00:00 – Heinen & Forbort news
15:00 – Three potential trades involving Ullmark
55:00 – Thoughts on a Panthers vs Oilers Final

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  1. The Bruins need to focus on upgrading not complimenting the core…number one priority is the best left winger no matter what it takes and I mean anybody to get pressure off of David pastrnak. Without that we can expect similar results yes they do need a center but that's second

  2. Heinen got paid league minimum this year so why pay him 2 million per? I'd give him 4 million over a three year deal.

  3. Great trade for NJ and BOS. The former activates what they have now with one of the best goalies in the league and a character guy. The latter frees up cap space to acquire another player and adds depth to their team at the rookie level. If NJ spends the pick, they still need a goalie and wait on #10; contracts mature, and they missed their now. If BOS flips to CAR, they could miss out on 2 players- one from the draft and another acquired with cap… maybe Nacas is worth both?

  4. If Sweeney gets the 10th overall pick in THIS years Draft, every Bruins fan should kiss Don Sweeney's ass. Every team in the NHL knows you have to move Ullmark. Also, as soon as you sign Swayman to a long term contract, you devalue Ullmark even more.
    ANY GM giving up a 10th overall pick for a Goalie (who has only 1 year term), should be fired. If I was a Devil Fan I would be pissed.
    Everyone will see the importance of a 3rd Line is in this series.

  5. Danton Heinen,,,,,,,,,,yeah, that'll win a cup. Enough of these pussies, Debrusk, Lindholm, Heinen , my god just stop already.

  6. Studnika was drafted in 2017.
    I agree with you Bridgette, flip it, or go Necas. We need a centre now while Pasta and C Mac are prime

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