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NHL Trade Rumours – Huge Bruins & Canes Trade? Zegras to Sens? Zadorov Leaving VAN? Utah Top 6 Names

NHL Trade Rumours – Huge Bruins & Canes Trade? Zegras to Sens? Zadorov Leaving VAN? Utah Top 6 Names

we have lots to talk about here today including the latest trade talk around the NHL today we’re looking at a possible big deal between the Boston Bruins and the Carolina Hurricanes they each have a type of player that the other team really is looking for could be a perfect match we’ll discuss how that could work plus we have the latest on Trevor zigris it sounds like he would prefer a trade if one can be worked out and Montreal seems to get all the attention but there’s certainly not the only team in the mix here plus the Seattle Kraken are getting interest in youngster Shane Wright we get the latest UFA talk around guys like Nikita zadorov and Chris tanv we have lots of other news around the NHL including the Utah team being finalized to its top six names that are going to be voted on to determine the team identity plus we have news on the Amazon NHL docu series logo changes for Anaheim and LA and a whole lot more coming up next so welcome back to another video here at topshelf hockey as I mentioned we have lots to cover here today all kinds of news around the HL uh which we’ll get to her first we’ll get to some of the trade talk here in a few minutes first up the Utah team uh which currently is nameless is obviously going through a voting process to determine its team name and its identity which will then of course end up determining its logo jerseys and you know all the branding that goes with it uh we’ve been having a vote ongoing here for some time I think they had over half million votes I believe it was uh so far in the top six names have been revealed now there’s going to be another round of voting between now and June 20th to go through this final round and determine the actual team Nam so the top six names that were voted on include the Utah blizzard Utah HC which stands for Hockey Club uh Utah Mammoth the Utah Outlaws the Utah Venom and the Utah Yeti uh obviously I think for some they for the first year we know they’re not going to have a full name Jersey logo all that I kind of wonder if they might go with Utah HC shortterm and then have one of these other names be the long-term name I’m not sure uh certainly I personally have liked uh Yeti myself it’s probably been my preferred name since the the list first came out I I will put the link in the pin comment if you want to continue voting uh the NHL today revealed more information about the Amazon I guess we’ll call it docu series that’s going to be coming out next fall we knew of course Amazon had done the uh the series with the Toronto Maple Leaves a couple years back and we knew another one was coming but this one wasn’t going to be team Centric it was going to be focused on a variety of NHL players uh and going to be a behind the scenes uh type of deal throughout the top moments of the NHL campaign including a lot of what we saw uh this year and in the playoffs regular season and stuff so certainly a lot of stuff’s already been filmed there’s a trailer out for it now uh some more of it’s going to continue to be filled here during the staning Cup Final as well the players that will be involved are going to be or well have been Conor David Leon dry cdle Matthew kachuck David poock William nander Quinn Hughes Philip forsberg Jeremy Swan Jacob trouba Jack eeko and Gabriel Landis Cog so certainly going to be quite interesting to get perspectives on a lot of these guys um especially the behind the scenes stuff like I know they in the clip you could even tell uh looks like when nander couldn’t play in the playoffs like he’s being filmed on his reaction and how he’s going about things I’m sure there’s a lot of with Landis Kong where he’s been out for 2 years um it just seems like a really good series and I’m looking forward to watching it in the fall so certainly if you had don’t have Amazon Prime I’d consider getting it to be honest because I do think the NHL will have more and more content on this platform and I wouldn’t be surpris if Amazon becomes one of the rights holders especially in Canada cuz I know that contract’s coming up soon the US one was just obviously redone Amazon did purchase some of the stuff from Rogers for Monday night hockey coming up this fall as well so might be why to kind of have access to that if you really want to keep up with everything cuz it’s going to be a lot of good stuff on there by the looks of things we got word today as well that the Anheim Ducks and the Los Angeles Kings are uh going back to some retro logos for next year as well I’ll show you the ones on the screen here uh that you can see of course the king’s logo to me brings me back to during the Gretzky era of course the duck logo obviously goes back as well I personally think this is a good move uh time to refresh things a little bit and kind of take things back ma a notch I I really like these logos and personally I think it’s it’s a wise move not sure exactly when we’ll start seeing more of the merchandise and things like that come out with that uh logo and stuff but we’ll see here going forward uh of course the former Senators Captain Daniel aleron current assistant coach of the team was also given a honorary doctorate degree from the University of Ottawa today uh from The Faculty of Health Sciences so certainly nice to see after everything he’s done not only for the team but for that Community he’s made it his home been there a long time he’s come over from Sweden and even though he’s still I’m sure considered Sweden home and goes back often to visit it’s been his home for a long time and even after he retired um during his I guess I don’t I want to call it like an estrangement if you will but there was a time when alfredson and the team weren’t on the greatest terms mainly due to the relationship or poor one of that with former owner Eugene milck uh before he passed um even during that time he was still doing a lot for the community and in the world of hockey and youth and all that stuff so good to see Al and getting recognized and getting an honorary doctorate uh Hockey Night Canada play-by-play uh personality Rick ball is leaving the uh Hockey Night broadcast after 14 years before that he was the play-by-play guy for the Flames uh during his time in hockey night mostly mostly did western conference games flames games especially uh he is now going to be the new voice on TV for the Chicago blackhaw so that’s a big move for him I can certainly testify from hearing him do plenty of games over the years at Hockey Night that the Blackhawks are getting themselves a heck of a play-by-play guy and in a great voice so certainly a big loss for Hockey Night in Canada for their West Coast games and certainly a huge gain for the Blackhawks who were uh replacing I believe he’ll be working with Darren Pang if I’m not mistaken um for the Blackhawks so that’s a a great addition for them couple of notes around the playoffs and the staining Cup Final getting underway here of course on Saturday we’re now on Thursday tomorrow and Friday will be media day the referee have been confirmed who they’re going to be for this series uh there’ll be four in total be obviously rotating throughout uh but you’re going to see Jean hear uh Steve kazer Chris Rooney and Dana RoR will be your officials uh they all have been in the sailing Cup Final as an official before I believe it’s aar’s second time uh Rooney and aor been there I think seven times and I think kazer was five so they both have lots of experience West mcau probably would have made the cut cuz he is often considered one of the best in the league but he’s been out since round two dealing with a hamstring injury so these are your four referees uh for the finals uh ESPN today also confirmed that they’ve extended uh Mark Messier Hockey Hall of Famer on a multi-year extension to continue being an analyst during the ESPN broadcast uh and as much as I like Mark Messier and was a huge fan of him as a player I have to say why I mean I don’t get to see a lot of ESPN coverage and Messier was a one hell of a hockey player one of the greatest ever in my opinion as an analyst terrible I don’t get it like listening to him and PK suban is absolutely atrocious when we get ESPN feeds here in Canada from some of these games um oh it’s to me it’s brutal I’ll take a TNT broadcast any day over that I don’t mind the ESPN uh you the guys play byplay and the color analyst like you know obviously like Ray Ferraro and stuff like that and lots of good good names and that aspect of it but dur intermissions like I just can’t listen to PK and Messier I’m not sure why they thought that was a wise idea I’ve seen numerous people comment the same thing online but obviously ESPN likes what m is doing and it’s extending him but I’d like to know what everybody else thinks as well do you like Mark massier as an analyst on the ESPN intermissions personally I don’t but i’ like to know what you think as well uh onto some UFA talk I know uh one big name out there that’s I know in Vancouver that they’re hoping will stay but there seems to be a lot of you know losing the optimism you could say a little pessimism here Rick doly wal’s reporting that big defenseman Nikita sidorov uh things are looking a little Bleak that the odds of him staying are certainly taking a downward fall here I know at the end of the playoffs when they lost to the Oilers there was a lot of optimism that he wanted to stay some thought with his playoff performance he might have walked himself into like a deal that might be like a five-year deal at maybe 5 million 4 and a half million something like that um which I thought was a little rich but that seemed to be what people were saying and right now it seems like his agent Dan milstein’s a little irritated that things haven’t progressed and that the kaks have been fairly silent uh when it comes to no offers as of yet I know Dolly wall said that he himself has check checked in and talked to his agent Dan milstein often since the playoffs ended there’s been no formal talks no offers and right now because of that silence things are trending towards the fact that zadorov most likely is heading to Market being a free agent now I seen a report from Sports Nets Ian McIntyre earlier today and he had a complete opposite report saying that um then you know not a guarantee that ly Holm or sedor of get signed but that there had been some progress and talks especially with in for Vancouver players if their agent is Dan milstein you want Rick Dolly Wall’s opinion on the matter he talks milstein all the time he seems to be the main reporter milstein leak stuff too so if you want an update on a milstein client rook’s your guy um and obviously he’s got his show with Don Taylor they they they do there uh through the week and you I’ll listen to what Dolly wall saying as the authority on this topic um surprised that the the information from mcow Sports not so different but to me there’s not much optimism especially right now where the NHL draft combine’s going on in Buffalo the whole NHL like all the GMS are there scouting people agents of course cuz they’re representing a lot of these new players coming through like everybody’s in one place right now there’s all kinds of talks taking place right now in various Buffalo hotels as we speak a lot of trade talk could be setting the grounds for a deal we see at the draft that’s often times how things work out you get things kind of started at the combine they come to fruition and come together at the actual draft to be finalized um the fact that there’s been no talks and that the connects management haven’t even approached milstein for a meeting or anything is quite surprising uh and quite telling uh maybe they feel like they can’t afford them and we see but things are not looking good as far as Eli lome goals uh Dolly wall says that he doesn’t think there’s any way that canx can afford to keep them that right now his numbers just too high and not much optimism there that lolm will be back at all the other UFA want to touch on today is Chris tanav and all the latest reports from Elliot Freeman indicate that there is a ton of Interest which shouldn’t surprise anybody who knows this player well Tanana again had another strong playoff for the Dallas Stars was an absolute Warrior blocking shots he’s Fearless good Defender his underlying numbers when defending top players and he always gets the toughest assignments were extremely good rarely giv up goals when he’s on the ice uh which is quite something you know for a solid top four guy with lots of experience like him shoots right he will not have any problem getting a contract he’ll have the pick of the lader and pick of the NHL for what he’s looking for obviously when he first went to Dallas Freedman says the player himself looked at it as a pure rental situation where he’d leave Cal go to Dallas for the playoff run and then see where happens from there didn’t expect to want to stay but he’s really enjoyed himself uh appreciated how he was treated like the teammates and now at the very least he’s willing to entertain um staying in Dallas doesn’t mean he will um and you know Dallas obviously had interest to keep him as well so freedman’s basically saying is that the interest is so high that even though Dallas would like to keep them they’re going to have a lot of competition and it might put Dallas in a spot where there might be too much ter or too much money that they may not be comfortable going there and might have to unfortunately let him walk into free agency um so we’ll see they will certainly try to keep them but it sounds like he wants to test the market and see what’s out there I know there’s a number of teams that are interested it’s it’s a long list so there’s no point in rattling or or specifically mentioning teams cuz there almost the entire league he’s a player that everybody wants to get their hands on for sure on the trade front they pegon of course talking about a variety of things lately but as latest report does indicate that the Kraken are getting some interest um unsolicited interest that is in youngster Shane Wright of course Shane Wright had a big year developmentally this year spent the almost entire year in the minors uh and then of course after that got a good look at the NHL at the end of the year and things went really well it was nice to see him be a big-time contributor and top performer at the American Hockey League and then when he came up to the NHL they put him in a top six spot and he thrived so clearly teams are taking note taking interest here even though he had a a slow start to his career which I’m not surprised on I said from the get-go that he may take longer than some might think just because of the fact that he lost so much playing time uh because the ol was shut down leading up to his draft he was not one of those players who went over and played in Europe I’m not sure what went into that decision or what was involved but at the end of the day it did hurt his development cuz he went a long time with very little games uh it’s just that simple now that he’s had time to get back on a solid hockey schedule and you know develop and really focus on things we’re starting to see that uh talent and that um you know high level of skill that’s starting to come out so no doubt teams are trying to pry him away before he becomes more of anything in Seattle uh right now B pegon says Ron Francis and the Kraken are not really uh they’re listening because they kind of have to but they’re not actively trying to shop the player and they’re certainly not really overly interested in um in trading them but they got to listen but it’s going to take a lot to even come close to prying him away right now so we’ll see his name is out there it may get mentioned again but not a serious Contender to be traded even though teams are trying their best Trevor zis is a name that’s been out there a lot lately uh coming up in a lot of different reports uh I know Frank s valy and Pier LeBron both commented a lot on this player lately and based on to kind of summarize all the different reports up there it does really sound like the team and the player probably would prefer a trade and a fresh start for the player we know he’s been through a lot injury wise his best friend was traded Jamie Dale um and we know they went through a really strong contentious negotiation last off season obviously which was kept him out of Camp uh they wanted him to train in Florida which he wasn’t crazy about the team got fine for that anyway so there was just a lot going on the relationship to me just seems to be a little bit strain and typically when you hear zis it seems like it’s always linked to the Montreal Canadians and there is some level of interest there and his reporters have confirmed that those two teams have reconnected and had talks on the potential of zis going to Montreal although at the same time LeBrun said he’s not really sure that Montreal is willing to pay the price that pan for beak and the Ducks are looking for but there’s other teams out there including the Ottawa Senators who’s also looking for another top six forward uh I’m not sure exactly how zigis fits to what they’re looking for but at the same time he’s certainly a highly skilled player they have lots of American guys on that team so I’m sure he’s played enough of these guys at different levels of USA hockey um and they’ve had a really good success and good luck with bringing in a lot of these American players to their SS organization so not to mention like you know other teams besides Ottawa but I think Boston was mentioned as well we know the Bruin are looking for some top six centers you know zis at this point in his career might kind of get squeezed out and might have to move to the wing if he stays in Anaheim depending on who Anaheim takes with their top pick this year they’ve gotten a lot of you know really top young forwards and you know the the thing with zis is it seems like the Ducks really want him to add different dimensions to his game and they seem to have concerns that he has the ability to do that so they might want to move on from him and see what they can get in return if a team like Ottawa did trade for zrus I really don’t know what the asking price would be um again like that they’re saying Montreal would have a difficult time meeting the price not that they couldn’t do it this is they may not want to and if Montreal won’t want to I’m not sure Ottawa will either but he’s certainly getting a a ton of interest from a different different number of teams out there and again I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s moved the draft but there’s no concrete evidence to suggest that there’s something close at this point another trade that we been talking about lately on two different players seem to be coming together here a lot of people are are not really convinced but on the train here that the Bruins and the canes really should connect on a deal uh already hes for Lena alark trade to a lot of people just makes too much sense the Bruins need a top six forward a top six centerman Nate just wants more opportunity he want the first Power Play unit you know the Boston Bruins Lost David Cree they lost Patrice berson they ran last year’s centerman as Cole and zaka good players but to me they overachieved um I’m not sure they can redo that again next year if you can get somebody to play ahead of them and drop them in the lineup a little bit I think they’ll Thrive more uh they’ll be deeper for the playoffs uh this guy could walk in and play on the line with David ponok Brad Marian you know obviously you know NIS and poso are fellow countrymen went to the World Championships together and we know not to say that this is playing a role in any of it but we know past knock has been recruiting players trying to come to Boston for sure he’s really competitive and certainly wants to win we know the Bruins are very very likely going to push to move lenus alar this year um obviously Swan’s due for a new contract extension looking at Big some big time money it makes more sense to keep him he’s younger you know the more upand cominging goalie and proved to be the better one this year as well all Mark’s going to have to probably move to place he may not want to go to but he’s only got one year left on his deal too so it’s hard to say where things go teams might be leery on getting either of these guys with a contract extension so that could be worked out ahead of time but we’ve seen this year with the Hurricanes um that Freddy Anderson kind of you know but had a good regular season after we returned from the blood clotting issue and completely cropped the bed in the playoffs I really I can’t say it’s all on Freddy while they lost when they did but he definitely played a role and he was not as uh solid s like he was in the regular season so because of that I wouldn’t be shocked if the Hurricanes did try to solidify goal tending uh they would require moving Anderson but Anderson’s not making a lot of monies on a short-term deal maybe he could go to Boston and swap with alar maybe they could be multiple pieces in this deal maybe it could be you know NIS and Anderson for allmark and something else maybe Jake de Brasco needs a new contract there could be something along those lines that would not be shocking to me if we seen a mega deal with you know two three four players involved um it just almost like I said a lot of people are looking at this saying it kind of makes too much sense so shouldn’t they be talking shouldn’t this be a deal that we think is very realistic I think it is I’m not sure how allar feels about going to Carolina um otherwise I otherwise you know I don’t know I know from what I’ve heard about allar that obviously they they like Boston for sure he and his family they don’t really want to move move uh it’s a matter of time before they do he’s got only a year left on his contract they’re probably not going to want to resign him um because there won’t really be able to afford unless he takes a really cheap deal for example to continue playing with Swan and I don’t know that he really I know he and Swan Are Good Buds and they like playing together but I think at the same time they’re competitive people and he would like to have the crease and be the the guy again and he’s going to have to go somewhere else to do that so you know Carolina would be a competitive team for him um so we’ll see what happens this deal just like I said makes too much sense according to a lot of people I agree with it wouldn’t be surprised like I said you got to you know throw in a a scorer like de Brusque who could come into Carolina give you a little bit different Dynamic but you know sort of replace NES in a sense uh you get NES goes to Boston gets a bigger role Goldie swap like to me it just I I like the deal logistically for both teams on short and long-term basis but let me know what you think should these two two teams be talking is this something that’ll likely come together let’s talk about it in the comments we’ll discuss further if you’re new to the channel make sure you subscribe and stick around we’ll keep you up to date with all the latest news rumors and Analysis of all 32 NHL teams thanks for watching I’ll catch you next time [Music]

NHL Trade Rumours – Huge Bruins & Canes Trade? Zegras to Sens? Zadorov Leaving VAN? Utah Top 6 Names
Boston Bruins Trade Rumours, Carolina Hurricanes Trade Rumours
Ottawa Senators Trade Rumours.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:50 Utah – Top 6 Voted Names
2:15 Amazon DocuSeries
4:00 Ducks & Kings Logo Change
4:45 Alfie Honored
5:45 Rick Ball Named Hawks PxP
6:20 Refs Named for SCF
7:00 ESPN Extends Messier
8:20 Zadorov May Not Sign with Canucks
11:15 Tanev tons of interest
13:00 Kraken Getting Trade Interest in Wright
14:40 Zegras to Sens?
17:00 Bruins & Canes Trade?

Stay tuned to Top Shelf Hockey for all the latest NHL Trade Rumours 2022, NHL Trade Rumors, NHL Trade Talk, NHL Rumours, NHL Free Agents 2022 and NHL News.

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  1. You are right about Messier and Subban. They're awful. They add very little. They are kept on for their name recognition.

  2. Watching Messier is very painful. It's like the guy has no personality PK Subban carries the show. Messier looks like an assistant GM and talks like one two and should probably make his way into hockey management and stay off TV. Him and Barry Melvin Rose are probably the two worst Guys you can listen to on National broadcasts. They have a ESPN data cast with two other announcers on it and they talk about stats that is more interesting than listening to Mark Messier. They need to get a third person on that show to compensate for Messier. ESPN could have saved themselves a lot of money by letting him go and the ratings would have went up. I was a Messier hockey fan but boy as a commentator, no personality we're not on the air intermission post they should poach one of the Canadian guys because these guys are boring as watching paint dry. Even PK Subban is annoying.

  3. Please make sure to warn people to take Bruce garyotches Ottawa Sun rumors with a grain of salt because we know this guy is the biggest Homer when it comes to Ottawa hockey rumors. At one point he was the mouthpiece officially for the Senators but we know since new ownership is taken over he is not getting the bed the same information that had is he once used to. That Ullmark rumor sounded like fantasy hockey trade.

  4. The Bruins need a center. The Bruins don't need a winger who wants to be a center. They have plenty of that already. Necas makes no sense as far as I'm concerned and especially not if his cap hit is going to be over 7. And all of the rumors are that he wants 7.5-8 per year which is dumb for a 50 point winger. Especially if you are trading an elite goalie on a good contract to get him. Makes no sense to me at all. It doesn't save you cap. It doesn't address your biggest need. It makes you weaker in goal. Hard pass that's a dumb deal.

  5. what would ANA even want from OTT for Zegras? Jarventie & 25th? Norris 1 for 1? I’m down to bring him in but all depends on what

  6. I never liked Messier as a player, mostly because I'm a Canucks fan, but I have to agree with you. He is not good at all. Now Subban, I liked him as a player, but definitely NOT as a commentator. ESPN has a double fail in that regard. But then again, they can't ALL be as good as Bieksa.

  7. I think just for linguistic flow Utah OutLaws sounds best, Yeti and Mammoth close 2nd tie. I dont like the others. No more weather based teams please…

  8. So I guess from now on when a player and GM go through contract negotiations it really means trade rumor….LOL. Zegras has more than one buddy on the Ducks…LOL. Actually read what Cronin and Verbeek have said about Zegras. They both want him in Anaheim. They both want him to be a more complete player.

  9. I would think Ottawa could do better with trading with Winnipeg and possibly Utah.They have been looking at Ehlers,Demello is a UFA,Brendan Dillon UFA,plus they have one player I think Ottawa should target,MORGAN BARRON,all on Winnipeg.

  10. Messier is great…it's Subban that is terrible at it. All that suit business shouldn't have happened and all they did was feed into Subban's ego.

  11. Unfortunately I agree about messier he has a bland personality no humor is just awful to watch when you're watching on ESPN

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