@Seattle Kraken

Donskoi is now a professional floor baller, and teams have kicked tires on Wrights availability

Donskoi is now a professional floor baller, and teams have kicked tires on Wrights availability

by RyNoDaHeaux


  1. I hope this is the universe where Shane receives the Cup directly from Bettman after we defeat the Habs to win our first Stanley Cup. šŸ¤Ŗ

  2. inalasahl

    I was just coming here to share [this tweet!]( I mean, I guess other GMs have to do their due diligence and ask, but come on, of course, weā€™re not trading him.

    Iā€™m shocked about Donskoi! He must really love it in the US. I would have expected him to go home and play hockey in Finland.

  3. jonesisluke

    The fact teams are asking about Shane just reinforces my belief that he’s going to be an absolute gun in the near future.

  4. nuclearhaystack

    Wright? Like, Shane Wright, the player a lot of people who don’t have an eye on CV have dismissed as a bust for a long time? I wonder why they’re doing that.

  5. Party_Fig_8270

    I will literally commit seppuku if they trade Shane Wright. Dude was ballin in the 6 games he played. Trading a blue chip piece like him would be extremely short sighted and discouraging.

  6. Iā€™m so glad to hear Donskoi has moved onto to something else awesome. He is an awesome dude and I was bummed to see him hang up his skates but Iā€™m glad to see heā€™s found something else.

  7. tonytanti

    I mean for the Wright price anyone should be available.

  8. futuregoalie

    Aww I’m so glad Donskoi is doing well. I had never heard of floorball until literally right this second but I’m glad he’s found a way to still get to play sports and have fun!

  9. univergence

    I thought this meant Donskois floorball team was inquiring after wright šŸ˜‚

  10. RealAlecMoney

    Now I donā€™t know much about hockey, what would be a proper return for a Shane wright trade, and what is the baseball/football equivalent. You can downvote me itā€™s okay. I just loved the Shane wright pick with matty and Iā€™ve only paid attention to hockey since 2021 with sprinkles of other teams.
    ETA:I knew we got Shane as a steal and I would tell everyone wanting him to suck a left one or penny up, I just want to know how crazy I am. I think Matty and Shane can be a lesser version of Sidney and Evgeni if they reach their potential

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