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ya but wheres the liver and fava beans?
A great photo for adding captions!
‘So, they delegated me to organising drinks for the party and I am still undecided on which one to get.’
**A look into the future.**
Cole with two cups.
“Mmm. Yes. Yes quite. Indeed. I’m now 100% certain. These are both wine.”
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ya but wheres the liver and fava beans?
A great photo for adding captions!
‘So, they delegated me to organising drinks for the party and I am still undecided on which one to get.’
**A look into the future.**
Cole with two cups.
“Mmm. Yes. Yes quite. Indeed. I’m now 100% certain. These are both wine.”
Anderson’s wedding?
And double fisting
Rouge , blanc & bleu
Mom liked the post <3