@Boston Bruins

Trick Williams isn’t that good

Trick Williams isn’t that good

trick isn’t that good well he’s got a ways to go that’s the reality he’s got incredible Charisma but you put him in a main event match and granted he did he did look really good with Elia but Elia is one of those people that he gives you a false perception of the ability of the other person that’s definitely one way to put it he can have an incredible match with anybody it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like wrestling Ric Flair or a tag team wrestling the Young Bucks they always look better somehow like you watch all these tag teams against the Young Bucks my God these guys are great but they’re never great against anybody else

Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez discuss Trick Williams progression as a wrestler.

#trickwilliams #iljadragunov #wwe

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  1. When NXT goes to the CW with Trick as the face and they outdraw Dynamite Dave is gonna have a heart attack. All of his “WWE missed out on these generational talents” anti draws like Ospreay are gonna be even further exposed.

  2. Omg "it's like wrestling Ric Flair or tag team wrestling against The Young Bucks"

    Jesus can he just get over not everyone thinks Matt and Nick are gods gift to wrestling. Have nothing against Matt and Nick and would say I am a fan of there's definitely not a hater, but Dave needs to get over not everyone thinks they are the GOAT.

    As far as Trick he is still young and will get better why don't you show him a few things Dave? 🤦‍♂️

  3. I dont remember Hulk Hogan or John Cena being exactly Rick Steamboat or Daniel Bryan in the ring either but u don't have to watch wrestling to know who they are. It's a work Dave. 5 star in ring workers won't bring the numbers up. Charisma, being market worthy,, having star quality, promo abilities etc get the casuals in. Even If he never gets a AJ Styles arsenal, he will be fine

  4. Dave there is no way in HELL you just compared the Young Bucks to RICK FLAIR!!!

    To say "They make every tag team look better" is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard

  5. Man just whoop that trick!😂😂😂 who is a good wrestler? Apart from people like Brock, rock, stone cold , undertaker, I thought Shawn Michaels was terrible but he was popular

  6. Had to get his buddies in there… tag teams look like they've declined when they face the Hardly Boys

  7. I mean that’s why he’s in NXT guys 😭
    I love Trick and I genuinely think in a couple years he’ll be a huge player in the main roster.

  8. If Trick Williams main evented The Tokyo Dome then Dave would be all on board… and did he just use Ric Flair and Young Bucks in the same sentence? Wow

  9. I wonder how much the Buck’s pay this man S*** Them O** every walking hour? 😂 🤦‍♂️

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