@Minnesota Wild

Wild Broadcast Ranked 25 of 32 teams in The Athletic poll

  • Says that fans had mostly solid remarks for LaPanta.

  • Ryan Carter was extremely popular among the fans for being extremely knowledgeable, explains the game well and his enthusiasm is contagious.

  • Low-marks for Bally due to technical difficulties, their app, and overall service

  • Low marks for Wes Walz because he's too cliche, doesn't speak smooth, and references his career too much.

  • Fans also think the broadcasters let the Wild off the hook too easily for their season/not making the playoffs and had too many excuses for the team.

Local ranking: 28

National: 18

Last season: 21

Edited to make easier to read

by Hank_Scorpio_MD


  1. jordynbebus8

    Walz is so bad to listen to it’s actually a drag when he’s on air but Carter is great and provides an awesome insight to the game. LaPanta is just such a homer to the extent he can’t admit anything bad it seems.

  2. I agree with most of that. I certainly don’t tune in to a broadcast expecting LaPanta to be ripping on the team or a whole bunch of that kind of commentary. I never really understood the idea that a broadcast team is the one that is “letting the team off the hook”. Maybe it’s because the role of the old school newspaper columnist willing to pick a fight doesn’t really exist anymore.

    In general:

    * The Bally experience is absolutely terrible. I like the ability to pay for the ‘season’ as a streaming customer but I was frustrated a few times when tuning into the pre-game show with the expectation that the stream would carry into the game. Instead, the pre-game show stream started over with almost no hiccup until I wondered if the game was somehow delayed. (Nope – needed to exit the pre-game stream, start the game stream and find out I missed the first three minutes or whatever.)

    * Yeah, Walz needs a little time with some basic broadcasting skills. His delivery of a point is so confused by his halting delivery and inability to string together a narrative.

    * In a bit of honesty: I like LaPanta and all, but between the performance of the team this year and how LaPanta calls games it all felt far too repetitive. There’s only so many times “he sent it wide”, “failed to connect”, “just failed to click”, “blew a tire”, etc. I really want to listen to. (The pairing of Walz / LaPanta reminds me too much of the Bremer / Blyleven Twins broadcasts of a few years ago in a not-a-good-way.)

  3. RabbiGoku

    I go out of my way to listen to other teams broadcast. LaPanta is a homer to an uncomfortable degree and doesn’t know shit about the other teams. Walz is torture.

  4. DangledSniper_

    Lapanta is nostalgic to me at this point🐐

  5. PortugueseWalrus

    Pants and Ryan are a really good combo. Say what you will about Pants as a homer, but he’s a great call, especially in big moments. He meets the drama well.

  6. Otherwise-Contest7

    I know people in this town love PA and LaPanta, but I”d love if they move on from Pants if Bally’s is done. Can’t stand the guy.

  7. Finnwood92

    I don’t know about carts but if i have to choose between him and Wes, i choose Carts every single day of every fucking year.

  8. moose_lizard

    To everyone complaining that LaPanta a Homer: Yes he is, but he should be. His audience is 95% Wild fans. Go listen to any other local broadcast. They’re all homers. They know their audience. I don’t expect them to be impartial.

  9. Chemical_Hour9788

    its only good when lou is on. so 80/82 games its dogshit. ballys overall is garbage

  10. walz gets at least two names wrong a game too😂

  11. commonriftenvillager

    I like Panther and Carts. I think Carts will be a great in a year or two after a little more experience but I don’t really have any complaints. Walz on the other hand… not a fan. Get Prosser to replace him if you want a player that fans love lol

  12. Ill_Department582

    What? No love for Gorg? Yeah me neither. 😂

  13. Jabba_the_Putt

    LaPants drives me nuts. The dude has too much ego and thinks everything that comes to his mind is interesting and we all need to hear it. He goes on and on rambling on topics not related to the action for 5+ minutes at times, sometimes it feels like half a period. I’d be all for a change there tbh!

  14. PaxDragoon

    I don’t mind Lapanta. I have heard far worse with regards to homerism.

    Ryan Carter is fine. I rather like him. He maintains his sense of humor and can drag Lapanta along into more entertaining waters.

    Walz should stay at the desk, and Lou should stay in Florida.

  15. msmith629

    Pretty accurate… Ryan Carter is awesome, hate Bally with a passion, lapanta is ok and walz is bad

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