@Montreal Canadiens

[Anthony Martineau] Aatos Koivu a rencontré le CH ici au Combine. Quelques communications également pendant l’année. Se voit comme un futur centre numéro 2 dans la LNH. Son objectif serait d’être repêché en deuxième ronde. Compare son style à celui de Sebastian Aho

[Anthony Martineau] Aatos Koivu a rencontré le CH ici au Combine. Quelques communications également pendant l’année. Se voit comme un futur centre numéro 2 dans la LNH. Son objectif serait d’être repêché en deuxième ronde. Compare son style à celui de Sebastian Aho

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. This is all I care about.

    Don’t care who goes at 5 and 26, this is my boy, even if he never ends up playing in the NHL I do not care.

  2. Seb_Nation

    I did mock him as an early 3rd rounder to the Habs a few months ago and here’s my analysis of him

    “If we skip him I will riot, bloodline above it all! In all seriousness he’s his father’s son on the ice, intelligent and providing continuous puck support. He’s pretty lean but in his case he’s a physical work in progress considering his late 6 inches growth spurt. Fluid skater that has made many steps in the right direction this year even earning Liiga call ups a couple time.”

    Another name to look for in this late 2nd/early 3rd range is Luke Osburn. The kid is 6 days away from being a 2025 draftee and has played big minutes in Youngstown this year. Very long project as he’s committed to Wisconsin … in 2026-27, sometimes the long game pays big!

  3. I don’t dislike the player but boy I would be disappointed to use a 2nd on him.

  4. Ghost090909

    >Se voit comme un futur centre numéro 2 dans la LNH

    like father like son (love you sak)

  5. I love that he is Saku’s kid as much as the next person. I’m no expert and haven’t seen enough video either. But I don’t see him as a #2 Center. He may not even be an NHL’er from what I have seen. But, I’d still take a shot on him in round 3+

  6. I say take a flyer on the kid past the 2nd round. We know where he comes from and what heart he has. It’s not guaranteed he’ll make it. But fuck it, we had Connor Crisp and Alex Avtsin and even traded up to get Brett Lernout at some point. We can afford one sentimental pick with all the picks we have.

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