@Toronto Maple Leafs

Who’s To Blame For This Marner Situation In Toronto? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake discuss the way the Toronto Maple Leafs have handled this Mitch Marner situation and share their thoughts on who they believe is to blame for how this has all played out.

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  1. If Marner plans to use next year to prove his value and not re-sign then bench him and let his value turn to nothing.
    Call his bluff!

  2. Dumbass is to blame for giving that marshmallow 10 million a year before he proved that he could deliver "when it counts"

  3. Steve, you are right that they had a chance to move Marner before the no move clause kicked in. The problem with your argument is, had the team traded Mitch would Mathews and Nylander have signed extensions? Maybe not. They could not even extend until after July 1st. If Marner was smart he would resign for 8 years for less to stay with his buddies. Lets say 9.9 mil. All the pressure would come off him and turn around the negative sentiment that he wants to stay and win the Cup. If he wants to leave this market because he wants more money than it still makes more sense to do an eight year sign and trade instead of a 7 year UFA deal. Maybe we get something back on defence or picks/prospects and cap space. He leaves on good terms. You guy are talking about Marners team not wanting to even talk about extending but what if Tavares does. He might be the key. If JT really wants to win a cup in Toronto as he says would he extend for say 3 mil for 3 years? That would also change the sentiment on the whole group of 4. Now if both resign you go with the young guys, Minten, Cowan etc. instead of Domi and Bertuzzi. See what you have in the system first. Woll and a cheap veteran backup with Hidebeast moving up and down from the minors as a 3 goalie unit. Even could be Samsonov if he would stay as backup for 2.5 mil. You bank the cap savings for the deadline and pick up a guy like Vegas did (Hanifin) at the deadline you no you can actually resign because you know how much cap space you will have the following year.

  4. Signing Marner the way they did was appropriate at the time of signing. How is Dubas supposed to know that Marner becomes a liability in the playoffs and loses all effort/compete level years down the line

  5. Shanahan. If he reserved the right to approve or veto trades Dubas orchestrated, then he could have vetoed Marners. Therefore, Shanahan is ultimately responsible.

  6. Adam doesn't know jack about Shanny or Pelley. He specifically stated many times on this show how Shanny would be fired this offseason if Leafs didn't make it out of round 1 and said he knew for a fact that Shanny would be gone. So either Adam is a lying sack of crap or he doesn't know anything. I think it's so reprehensible for ppl in the media like Adam to flat out lie and say he knows something to be true and it's not. If I made a mistake like that at my job not only would it cost someone their life but I would be fired on the spot.

  7. It is completely ridiculous that Shanahan was not fired, since this situation falls directly onto his lap.
    They “ran it back” far too many times already (two times too many) It’s over, this situation of devoting all of their cap space to those players DOES NOT WORK.
    We have to have Tavares play another year at his cap hit; that’s just the way it is and, to be honest, that was expected with his contract. He is still an extremely good player and I’m sure he will re-sign for a much friendlier deal after this upcoming year.
    Marner in the other hand, adds zero to their playoff performance and must go due to his crazy cap hit and the fact that there seems to be no post season upside to his style of play.

  8. Keep him and run it back again. The leafs have no choice here. Lets trade a 100 point a year guy for a bag of pucks… give your head a shake guys.

  9. Shanny had, Lou, Hunter and Babcock. They were in the process of building a team through the draft. It looked like they were heading in a good direction at the time. And just like that Dubas takes over that nobody heard of.

  10. If Marner stays the majority of the Leaf fans will boycott the organization. The true fans will not go to games and stop buying Leafs merchandise until Marner is gone from this Team.

  11. 9:54 John Tavares resigning is interesting. John seems like a guy that might say that hometown discount this time around.

  12. They accomplish the same revenue. They don’t care as a business, they make the same or more money either way. We are the only ones that care.

  13. Autistic Matthews will be leaving no matter what …so you want no mitch and no autisitc? trade autistic get some dmen and a center for marner resign jonny t for 6

  14. What the Leafs need is someone like Jeremy Roenick hired as a player development coach, He'll weed out the problem with these soyboys! You KNOW there's a problem with players like Marner when Brad Merchant talks about them saying the only thing Marner talks about on the ice is his dog and video games! I know it's just a sound bite but there's truth in it. Marner is SO SOFT! Trade him, there's no way to lose in a trade cuz he's not doing anything here. Even if he wins a cup the next year and is playoff MVP he's NEVER doing that here.

  15. Dubas is a terrible GM. Come on. This core, the salary cap situation. The Zach Hyman departure for NOTHING. He should have been fired sooner.

  16. Not sure whats there to talk about Marner has proven time and time again he is not willing to sacrifice himself to make plays,to take a hit to make a play,to block shots ,to grind in the cormers,to battle for the puck oh yeah and hes a ghost in the playoffs😂😂😂and this fkn guy wants a raise😂😂😂😂😂😂

  17. 2:30 you’re wrong; boohoo, I’m not doing this again; IT’S NOT UP TO YOU; =>Dangle is mangle and embarrassing to Leafs Nation; calm down little boy

  18. Who is to blame? The Marner situation wouldn’t be a situation if the media wasn’t bent on pushing this story and ultimately pushing players out of Toronto for the last 10-15 years!

    The problem is is the media assumes and targets certain players to create a situation around them, or a “ storyline” to Garner hits and views. Look at previous players from Toronto as examples. And this doesn’t just happen in the Toronto media, it happens in all sorts of sports and all sports of teams!

    Views and hits the media that is generated right there! So why not create a controversial situation and generate as much attention as you can!

    I promise you if they sub out the name, Mitch Marner, and put in John Tavares the situation with just as brash! If they subbed out the name, John Tavares, and put in a name like Auston Matthews or Connor McDavid the situation would be just as Heated.

    Couple this with the fact that you are going to have a portion of the fan base that are going to fall in love with these ideas and they’re going to promote it to the point where the player itself has no choice but to leave because they are receiving threats to their family, they are receiving negative fallout from the media targeting, and to turn it up the media is creating situations around them and the fanbase to make them absolutely hate players!

    This is exactly why Freddy Anderson left Toronto, this is exactly why Phil Kessel left Toronto and the list goes on and on and on!

    The Toronto market has a bad habit of driving out good players. Rather than trying to coach around them and figure out what we need to do to bolster these players and get them playing a certain way, we decided that the best thing to do is to trade them.

    Do I disagree that the situation in Toronto is egregious? No I think the cap situation is definitely something to deal with, however, you are dealt the cards you are dealt with and you need to work around it. If you’re going to trade your best players you better receive equivalent back and nothing less….-“and on that, you need to do your players to maintain a good rapport for the future.

    This is not a video game, where you can just trade any player and the AI doesn’t care, this is real life. These players have families. These players have friends. These players have connections to these teams and the fan base.

    Personally, I think it would be smart to keep Mitch Marner, Auston Matthews, and William Nylander… (Though I felt it was conducive to trade William vote he sign $11.5 as his production in Toronto was not enough to keep up with those standards, and sure he had a good season this year, but as soon as he signed, he dropped off the market again) run John Tavares to his end of contract and resign them at a low number to increase cap. It is definitely time to trade Morgan Riley because he is beginning to show his age and he has a very valuable contract where we can get some good defenseman. Next, we need to bolster our net and find a couple other extra defence men sign, Bertuzzi and Domi and we are all set

    It will be Berube’s job to get these guys playing a 200 foot game north and south hockey. That is what was missing the last six years. The team was too much of a cycle team and stayed too much on the outside and wouldn’t drive the net. The moments that you did see driving to the net is when we actually scored really well.

    In the end, the media and the fanbase have ZERO INFLUENCE on this decision. This is between the Leafs and Marner and his agent.

    Steve, I respect you and SDPN … however Marner was an excellent player before the leafs. He was one of the main players responsible for back to back memorial cups for London. He has been a constant CHL leader… he was great before and has proven he is great now. There is a reason why teams would want him! You do not trade one of your top playmakers. This isnt a game

  19. Keep in mind that we need Marner to get to the playoffs before we all talk about going to the second round and further. However, the solution is to sign Marner for 4 more years at 11.5 million and if it doesn't work then trade him after a year or two.

  20. Shanahan, hands down. He got rid of Dubas at the worst possible time, 5 weeks before the draft and 6 weeks before Marner's NMC kicked in. That was the time to move Marner, and Shanahan purposely put the front office in a lurch and brough in Treliving knowing he would not have time to get up to speed to properly evaluate trading members of Core 4 in a truncated time frame.

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