@Columbus Blue Jackets

If he is indeed helping scout my only question is why?The most points any of his draft picks has scored for us in 10 YEARS of drafting is 61. In 10 years of drafting he wasn’t able to draft and develop any high end talent. Not a Jarmo hater but he had plenty of time, let’s move forward.

If he is indeed helping scout my only question is why?The most points any of his draft picks has scored for us in 10 YEARS of drafting is 61. In 10 years of drafting he wasn’t able to draft and develop any high end talent. Not a Jarmo hater but he had plenty of time, let’s move forward.

by Professional_Hour876


  1. bucknuts34

    Call me crazy but I think Jarmo is a great amateur scout, especially outside North America.. It’s the other things that got away from him.

  2. Could be still helping out. Also could be just there as a guy hoping to keep up on all things hockey as he awaits his next act and is sitting next to someone he knows. Did he have on CBJ gear?

  3. EverlastingEvening

    Jarmo’s main skill is scouting bud. And pushing all blame on him on previous draft picks, especially while the main bunch he is responsible for are making their way, is beyond asinine. Jarmo deserves criticism for other parts of his job, scouting isn’t one of them.

    Take an L on this one and move forward from this post.

  4. thepressconference

    Thinking amateur scouting was the only perk of Jarmo. He was horrible in contract management and other player acquisition routes

  5. Fingers crossed Waddell isn’t taking his scouting into consideration too much.

    Sorry, but we need a clean break from that group.

  6. CoachCrunch12

    Jarmo, in my opinion, may be one of the worse front office executives in sports. He should have been fired years ago. It’s wild he’s still involved.

    I get that maybe he was good at amateur scouting…but what evidence in the last 10 years have we seen that he still “has it”

    Get this con man away from my team

  7. whatscoochie

    I think he can draft. I don’t think he can develop. It’s so awkward that he’s still helping though.

  8. ThunderousDemon86

    He was sitting with a guy. Big jump to say he’s still involved in our draft process. Would like some actual reporting to be done here.

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