@Boston Bruins

Do the Bruins want Trevor Zegras? | Pucks with Haggs

Do the Bruins want Trevor Zegras? | Pucks with Haggs

welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast powered by prize picks the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 97th episode of the pucks with hags podcast I have with me the New England Hockey journals Evan marinovsky Evan thank you very much for joining us of course 97 97 episodes Perfect Day Conor McDavid 97 beginning of the Stanley Cup Final we’re according Saturday morning so it’ll get started tonight okay I wrote about this today Evan we’ll start off with this since it’s still a fairly slow time for the Boston Bruins right now uh we’ll get into the Lena alark New Jersey Devil stuff a little bit um we’ll get into go Dave goer uh giving the Heisman to nessen and basically saying I’m staying in Vegas uh but let’s start with I wrote this the LA yesterday last night um posted it this morning new on the Boston Sports Journal and I should almost said New England Hockey Journal you said new well I was just thinking as I was saying it I don’t even I didn’t even introduce myself uh at the beginning of the show I am Joe Hagerty you can find my work at Joe hager. substack apply for or get a premium membership get all of my NHL and hockey writing sent straight directly to your inbox and oh by the way I also write for the Boston Sports Journal uh where you can find all of my Bruins writing there and what you will find today on the Boston Sports Journal that I wrote was uh we hear a lot Evan the Bruins need a center we hear a lot um towards the end of the season early this spring continues now a lot about Trevor zis being available uh in the Anaheim Ducks shopping him and uh my take was the Bruins absolutely need to upgrade at Center they absolutely don’t need Trevor zis uh for for many different reasons and I outlined them but I’m before I get into that I’m just curious your thoughts on Trevor zeris potentially being one of those candidates that you would throw in there with like uh Cole Peretti Martin Nas uh Elias Lindholm Chandler Stevenson there’s a lot of names we’re hearing uh that are potential candidates would you uh consider Trevor zis I’d consider him as like a number two Center I wouldn’t consider and you have that I I I’m with you on this I’m not rushing out to go um get zis and make him my franchise Center um you know I think a lot of people see the high skill stuff he does they think back to you know the michigans and the the passes over for the net and stuff like that and that’s all fun and and good and it’s it’s nice stuff but uh I I’ve never I don’t feel like he would be a the number one Center you want I don’t think he’s the number one Center you need um obviously I think Anaheim I don’t know what they’re going to end up doing with him but they have you know the Le Carlson they’ve got um um uh not Sam steel what’s his name uh I’m blanking on his name tro Troy Terry Troy Terry can play the middle great college player yes great college player um and and you know again for like Trevor Zager is a local guy so that’s fun you know like that’d be cool beu mid Fairfield Avon that’s awesome it’d be great for me but for the Bruins I don’t think he’s the number one Center that you need um to me like I think a lot of people you know and if you can get a number one Center who’s going to go out and get you a ton of points you know 80 points 90 points whatever it is that’s great um but but what you really need is someone who can have tough matchups can you know potentially shut another line down responsible defensively more in line of a Patrice berson like number one Center um again if you can go out if Leon drle falls into your lap and he’s putting up 100 points a season terrific but I don’t think Trevor zus is going to be doing that um and I think he’s defensively not where you need him to be um and you know hey maybe it could work but I think they’re just there are better options though there no Elias Lindholm is much more in line with uh the kind of Center that the Boston Bruins need you know the yes obviously offensive production wasn’t there I think he had like 15 goals and 40 something points last year uh with Calgary and Vancouver it was not a great season for him uh offensively but like he’s had he has had a 40 goal 80 Point season in his past like he’s shown that he can do it uh he’s capable of big offensive numbers so that is the kind of Center I think if you’re going to spend the money if you’re going to carve out you know $8 million in your 78 million in your salary cap for a Frontline Center that’s the kind of guy that you want that can do everything play in all situations 200 foot center can shut down guys like barov potentially or at least you know match up with them um Trevor zis I don’t think uh there’s a there’s look there’s a lot of different reasons why you would like him um he’s obviously got tons of highend offensive skill his hands are great um you know he’s a builtin uh ticket seller you know you you and I both know Evan when you talk to kids nowadays younger players they are infatuated with Trevor zis they think he’s one of the best players in the league oh they think he’s amazing they love his highlights they’re trying to do his moves when they’re at practice all the time like and when they’re fooling around in the driveway like I’m trying to think he would I’m trying to think of who that was when I was a kid like datsuk was the big one but datsuk was real good like datsuk was a Cup winner like but was the guy when I was little yes datsuk not was the kid that everyone in in street hockey or regular hockey be trying to do that or there was that Oliver walstrom like remember that shootout move in the that was the other one so yeah those are the two but but datsuk is a sky winner like a full complete player like you know that’s the kind of player the Bruins would love to have as a as a dosuk type zis is not you know zis has the lash in The Dazzle he’s going to sell tickets he would get fans excited especially young fans like there’s a lot of things that I think you would get immediate Sizzle for making a deal for a guy like Trevor zis but the problem is there’s not a lot of substance to his game you know there is a there is definite flash there is definite highlight reel moves but I think he like leans too much on that stuff I think he plays to that too much and there’s not enough other things he does besides some of the real flashy he’s not an upgrade over Charlie Coyle or pav zaka as your top six centers at all he doesn’t produce any more offensively than they do at the end of the day he’s not as good a well-rounded player as they are I do not think he would ever be as good a playoff player as either one of those two he is a very much a finesse um technique skill player that I think has not figured out any of the other asset facets of the game to this point in his NHL career and really the numbers have not been that great 20-some I think he averages like 23 goals and 60 points in his two best seasons when he was healthy obviously he’s still young and there’s still a lot of upside and he can still you know get better from where he is I just think it’s a danger sign that he’s been like a minus 45 in those two full seasons that he had he has and the fact that the Ducks are shopping him tells me I think they feel like he’s always going to be a one-trick pony and he’s not g to really get any better and he’s not going to be a franchise Center and he’s not going to be the guy that’s going to lead them you know back into the playoffs they feel like they’ve got better Alternatives and they want to kind of ship him out uh because he signed to a contract and he’s got a couple years over5 million left but I just look at him and I see this kid’s already famous this this kid’s already a hero to like young hockey players everywhere and he knows it because he’s already been on the cover of NHL he’s already he was on the cover of NHL I think was two years ago so after like one good season he’s had a ton of success from a a couple of flashy plays and a couple of flashy things that he can do and I feel like he’s made it and he’s made his name already based on all of that stuff and that is going to impede his progress in his development and he’s never going to turn into the player he probably could have sh should have been or could have been because he’s already had success and he’s already a household name by just doing what he’s done like he’s the type of player Evan that like a coach is going to try to tell him you should do this this and this and he’s going to be like I was already on the cover of the video game I’ve already had National commercials where they’re I’m asking like other players if they’re GNA Chell and you know running around doing that stuff he’s like why do I need to listen to you like I’ve already got it figured out at 23 or 22 like I just feel like he’s got a little bit of that air about him where where maybe he’s never going to live up to the actual potential that he has and it’s going to be he’s going to be one of those players you’re going to look at the skill you’re going to look at with the hands you’re going to look at the offensive things he can do and you’re going to be like why is this player not a better player than he is why is he not a winning type hockey player you know I and I I feel like he’d make much more sense for a team that wants to put butts in seats and wants to sell tickets and doesn’t really care what he does on the ice and knows that if they get him all of a sudden you know people are going to buy tickets and want to go watch him play but if you’re an actual like Boston Bruins team that is probably like an impactful piece or two away from being having a Stanley Cup window for the next 5 to 10 years where you’re going to be a contender every year and you’re going to be awesome as long as you hit on these next couple of moves this summer and you use your salary cap space wisely I think zis is trouble that you need to avoid zis is interesting because like I think long-term he’s probably more of like a second line left wing um and then the ironic part and you mentioned it there at the end is like Anaheim is the perfect place for him small Market team uh sell tickets get the team attention like he would be like get ready to learn Utah Hockey Club buddy um and that’s and that’s and again there’s that’s fine and you mentioned another interesting point about uh um you know not changing his game and you know the flashy the highlight plays he’s made have have brought him tons of Commercial Success yes um if he came to a team like the Bruins who are not known for that who are known for more structured defensive um trying to become more hard-nosed hockey all that stuff is he going to want to change his game to fit that is he going to want to change into a two way guy because the more you become a two-way Center uh the less that stuff sometimes happens you know obviously he it’s in him you know that the Michigan plays the high skill plays those are in him but you’d probably see less of it you know you’d see smarter plays because like no one talks about it but those High skill you know behind the net plays look really cool when they hit but when they don’t it’s like what were you doing what was the point of that if it doesn’t hit so I think well yeah nobody talks about it Evan but usually the Michigan plays you’re ignoring wide openen players in front of the net that you could pass to for an easy goal to try to do your Michigan yes 100% And that’s the so uh and I don’t know if you caught me saying this um if he ever did come here fans would hate him fans wouldit Fel like felger and Maz would RI the troops up and and he fits and they wouldn’t be like far off I mean if he if he produced great like I mean I you know you hope he he works out um but my God like you know him in the playoffs against like the Florida Panthers just you know getting knocked around by Sam Bennett and it’s like oh God the other thing with zis and you and and lindol falls into this too there’s like a a very high chance the Bruins bring in a high-end player and it’s going to cost them something whether it’s a a big contract whether it’s a trade uh whatever it is we always talk about high ceilings oh the ceiling on this guy paval zaka has a a relatively high ceiling when they got him higher than Eric Halla but you also also have to consider with these guys you need them to have a high floor you need them to have a high floor and Zeus’s floor is is is low it’s a low floor of just you’re not going to notice them um doesn’t fit whereas Ellas Lindholm if he came in next season right let’s say it’s seven time seven or seven time 7.5 whatever it is and he gives you 65 to 70 points but plays outstanding defense and well-rounded and good on the draws and all that stuff you take it you take it because because you need it and and and that’s worth the money because you’re getting all that other stuff too with zis you would need and again it depends what you’re giving up for zis if somehow it’s not a high price and it’s like hey we’re going to take a flyer on this guy then maybe you consider it as a as a number two Center or a number two left wing but uh for a number one guy uh no it’s not worth giving up futures or um young players with control uh I’d rather you go in different directions than Trevor zers for sure because the floor is just too low yeah and to your point I I if he came here I think he would end up on the wing I I just don’t think he’s a Boston Bruins kind of player and I just think eventually in the NHL he’s not going to be a center he’s just not good enough defensively not not not doesn’t care enough about like playing the full game like he just wants to you know score create playmake which is great but I I just don’t think he has the responsibility uh and the the the want to to be a responsible player for a team that’s actually going to be any good in the NHL maybe he’s always going to be a player that’s a you know puts up numbers on a bad team ends up on the highlights every once in a while and that’s just like what he’s going to be for his entire career but I just think everything I’ve seen out of him in Anaheim he looks like a really immature player and somebody that doesn’t quite understand what it takes to win and what it takes to be a winning hockey player and is kind of a product of like sort of the the the new wave of hockey players that are so skilled so full of technique so full of like dazzling things that they can do but don’t have an effing clue how to actually play the game like don’t actually have the instin he is 23 he is 23 so there is time for maturity of course I get you’re saying but but I think he’s you know you you watch him and you think he’s one of those kind of players that like is frustrating because like they have all the tools in the world and they have all the skills in the world and they wow you when you know they they do a skill session like with the stuff that they can do and they can all do all these cool things and warm-ups but then when the game actually starts you’re like where is that why is it not coming out more like what what’s going on here like where did that player go and I think there’s a lot of players like that now and there’s more that like you know I want to credit on some level USA hockey and and you know the the way that the way that things work now as far as teaching uh skills and and and cranking out these skilled offensive hockey players and you know the the what USA hockey’s done over the last 10 15 20 years I think has been fantastic but I think there’s far too many players that like and it’s hard to put a finger on why exactly that is maybe it’s because they play too many games and not enough practices maybe it’s coaches don’t let them just go play for an hour and it’s all like over coached over skill based practices like whatever but they don’t know how to play they don’t know how to play with teammates they don’t know what to do like to create a winning play you’ll see them swooping around and circling around and and never actually shooting on the net and looking like the looking for the perfect shot instead of putting a shot on net creating a rebound for their teammates like you know looking for an open teammate instead of like trying the Michigan in front of the net like different things like that where where you just say like how is there not a voice screaming in their head to make the right play there and I think it’s just based on you know sort of upbringing or being so skilled that nobody’s ever telling them this at any point until they get to like the NHL level prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports the way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less than on two or 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interesting case cuz like you know he did have 260 Point Seasons as a as a 21 and two year old I think and like again I think he could turn into something really good like I think you know I don’t think like I said before he was a minus 24 and a minus 21 in those two seasons and granted duck the Ducks aren’t a good team but like yeah that tells me that you are very very tilted to the offensive side and the production even wasn’t that good like you were you were super tilted to the the offensive side of the puck and the production was good not great and you were Dreadful defensively that’s a there’s a lot of signs there I I it’s funny um I was saying this to someone recently uh you think about like that team like the top USA players 15 years ago right like let’s just say at the 2010 Olympics Dustin Brown David beus like they were such a a certain type of player they were not highly skilled they weren’t you know speedsters but they were gritty and grind you know Grinder like hard skill hard skill like to call it yes they had hard skill and and you know props USA hockey with the ADM model in the last 10 years they’ve emphasized small area games they’ve emphasized skill yep um and they they produce better players you’ve gotten Jack Hughes you’ve gotten I mean the whole Hughes family Jack Jack eel like a lot of guys you got Hagen coming like kale M yep the kale well kale was Canada so he’s Canada kind I consider him kind of both but go ahead he’s ammer he’s ammer that’s what he is he learned he you know he showed up um he didn’t know how to skate and he left there and he was you know just two years with Carvey that’ll do it um but no I mean and and so I think it’s going to be interesting to see when uh uh you know the US plays Canada and stuff like that um you know they’ll have similar I You could argue the US is better than Canada right now in terms of you know players um but yeah Zas is an interesting case just in the sense that you know what’s he G to end up becoming and I said if the Bruins got him at a small price to be a second line left wing I’d be I’d be interested because may could set straight but you cannot be the franchise number one Center no and I think the way his game works it’s better as a secondary piece and there’s nothing wrong with that like that you know if he can give you 55 60 points as a wing like I for sure I’ll take it that price cuz what is he like what’s it 5 million is he making 5.25 yeah 5.25 so trade a soul Mark and get Trevor secret same money works perfectly it’s a we we did it well and I mean that’s probably I don’t think I don’t know that Anaheim would take allar but like you could probably trade allar get a first round pick use a first round pick to get zigris that and a prospect or something like you might have to do something like that if you wanted to um but I it would definitely there’s one way or another you’d be able to get that done um of the centers that you’ve kind of heard who do you feel like is the best candidate the best that you think the best fit I think Lind holm’s the best fit like and Nate just has is really uh you know an intriguing guy I know he plays the wing too um you know for the most part yep but and there’s a high ceiling there for sure and if you can find a way to try to make that work I like the idea of a younger guy coming in you know you’re getting him what’s he like 25 so uh getting him at at my age uh is is good um check I mean that’s always good too like have another one of past neck’s buddies around it’s countrymen that’s that there’s nothing wrong with that no there’s nothing I I take that every time um but lindol fits what and I’ve mentioned this a couple times on Bruins beat you know um the Panthers we don’t know what’s going to happen in the coming years uh but projection wise the Panthers look like the best team in the Atlantic for a couple years um just given the the high-end players they have in their core barov good Chuck um eblad uh if they resigned Montour all that stuff but barkov’s the one I Circle in the sense that like you need to figure out someone that can match him or have a similar impact to him you had that for a long time at Patrice berson obviously you don’t have that anymore um lindol gives you that now you don’t want to base your team off of what someone else is doing like I I don’t I think that’s a bad idea you want to be the best at what you can do but I think Lind Holm plays to your identity more um it’s 7 Time s let’s just say It’s s time seven he’s 30 so if you get four really strong years before he you know potentially has to become a number two Center um just based off of historically when you know players going from 30 to 34 um and then you know as the cap goes up that shouldn’t seven for number two Center isn’t a bad thing so no and you would hope by that point you’d bought yourself enough time to draft and develop a franchise Center and F you know get somebody that’s a younger guy that would be ready to step in and be the number one guy if he had to shift to second or third line Center down the line 100% And so it’s that and I think it’s also in the now I mean you can stick him with posto uh lindol had a really high-end offensive season one year in Calgary with we playing with I think kachuck and gdo yep um you know and I think if you stuck him between zaka and Pasto or Martian and Pasto like I think that gives you an element that that you need and I think it’s interesting that Vancouver players are so adamant about him returning um when they don’t need a top six center like there’s they have Pon they’ve got JT Miller but they want to keep Lind JT Miller wants to keep Ellas Lindholm yeah um because I think for them it frees them up from hard shifts or or bad matchups so um I don’t think he goes back to Vancouver I think the Bruins end up getting it done so he would be mine what about you you know it’s lindol because I think the Bruins like him I think he fits their profile I think he’s a much better player than he was this past year maybe the down season will allow you to buy a little lower on him than you know you would have if he was say coming off the year he’ had in Calgary um you know a couple years ago maybe maybe there’s a reduced rate slightly even though centers always cost more anyway and I’m sure he’s gonna get pretty much top dollar but like the Bruins are going to be able to pay somebody top dollar and like the the only other thing I think if you think there’s any way that Sam Reinhardt is is doable is achievable is aain aable I might be tempted to like go the route of just like going all in overpaying for Reinhardt getting another like huge scorer in maybe make do with the centers that you have for another year bring or bring in a Chandler Stevenson or somebody that’s not going to be as expensive and going that route um and just trying to accumulate as many like top six impact players as you can because I I honestly feel like and somebody had asked this um a couple weeks ago like in mailbag episode like it challenged you to like how many Top Line Center forwards do the Bruins actually have right now how many top second line forwards do the Bruins actually have right now how many third line and like honestly you’re at least I think two top six forward short right now ideally of what you would have and one of them being a primary scorer and I think Reinhardt is that kind of guy I think you need somebody else like that besides poster neck that makes things happen that really puts the puck in the that so like that’s the only sort of caveat to to lyol of the center candidates I think he’s the best one I think he’s the best fit I think you’re absolutely right that you need somebody to check the great centers of the league to do battle with the barov of the league I think that was very obvious in that second round Series where barov have dominated that you needed somebody in there to kind of throw a body on him and slow him down a little bit um but I also think the Bruins just need scoring flat out like I’m I don’t think a lindol is that guy they need somebody else that can put the puck in the net after they average 2.38 goals in the playoffs which is not even close to enough they had the best goalie in the playoffs and they couldn’t win because they couldn’t score goals so um you know that that’s my thought on that um I think nateas if they got him I don’t think he’s a center I think he’d end up being a wing you know he sounds like he wants to be on the wing yeah he’s a wing Carolina I think he would end up being a wing here so I don’t even put him really in the in the the center conversation so one thought on one just one quick thought on Reinhardt um cuz I I people have been messaging me being like what you know he’s a high-end player you need goal scores I agree the the red the one holdup I have with Reinhardt is how much of his production has come from playing with barov you know like you get to play with one of the best centers in the league you come here you’re not playing with one of the best centers in the league you’re playing with a coil or a zaka or a Stevenson or a ptra or someone else that you go out and get I mean you wouldn’t get lindol if you got Reinhardt most likely um so you know is the you know how much is the production gonna fall uh not playing with someone like that um you know obviously are you expecting him to put up uh 57 goals no but reinhardt’s going to be making about 10 like I would assume it’s going to be in the10 million range yep for what he would bring you’re going to need at least like 80 points you’re going to need 80 points so do you have the people around him to help with that I mean he was playing with absolute drek and buffalo and I loved him there too so like I that’s a that’s a player that I’ve liked for an awful long time I think he’s fully capable of putting up numbers no matter which player is playing next to him and like barov is great there’s no doubt about it but it’s like he one of the great Playmakers of our time like offensively no like he’s he’s a good offensive player he’s a good two-way player like he’s not one of those guys that I feel like it really would pump up his Wingers numbers you know like obviously I wouldn’t expect Reinhardt to score 50s something goals if he were coming to the Bruins I think that you know that number would go down a little bit for sure um but just looking what he does on the power play looking the way he scores his goals a lot of them are sort of netf front and you know the the Zack Heyman uh style goals Around the Net he scores a lot of those like he he does a lot of different things where I I’m not sure it’s going to matter who his Center is I think I still think he’s going to be able to put the puck in the net um and not only that but like to your point about Florida you’re also weakening your main adversary severely true you take him away from Florida and you add him to Boston I think that’s part of the calculation too is not only what you’re doing to yourself and adding to your own team and giving yourself another primary scorer where I you know they talked about needing secondary scoring no I think they need some primary scoring they need more primary um quite a bit quite a bit yes you’re severely weakening Florida at the same time which I think should be um part of the thought process as well maybe they’ll get Jake debrusk maybe they’ll get Jake de brusk and weaken the Bruins that’ll be there no you know you know Jake Deus is going with going home to Daddy in Edmonton or something like that like he’s going to a Canadian Market I’ve like I think that is the B like if if you could do prize picks except like predict like where players are going I would make a bundle on him going to like Vancouver Calgary or Edmonton because he has absolutely headed to one of those places probably Edmonton like I think that makes the most sense but I I think he’s going to one of those places he’s going to get a crap ton of money and term and then he’s gonna like kind of fade off a little bit and like you know he he’s he’s not gonna play that well nobody’s ever gonna call him out and it’s gonna be like you know three years from now he’ll be like oh Jake de brusk like what a bust he’s paying all this money and he’s not doing enough or they’ll put him with McDavid they’ll put up like 100 points a season maybe Z and then then be that but yeah yeah no so true reinhardt’s but the Reinhardt thing is interesting I I because I wouldn’t be against it you do worry that it would be an overpay just paying someone that much money in free agency yeah um but I think reinhardt’s kind of a like I usually say the best players don’t hit free agency um Reinhardt I think is an exception I think he’s been just a breakout player in Florida the last three years um and you know I also look at a guy like Lindholm like I feel like those guys have not bloomed late but have hit their stride after 25 after when the big contracts usually get handed out so yeah I don’t I’d be fine with either I would just prefer Lind Holm but I get I like I get the want for Sam Reinhardt I wouldn’t be mad if the Bruins got him he’s a high-end scorer but you need the high-end scoring if he’s putting up 60 points at 10 million a year we got a problem but yes you oh totally you need um all right uh Lena elmark uh not traded yet um but more suitors coming out of the woodwork people that need go tending New Jersey Tom Fitzgerald uh doing a press conference last week and uh basically saying the number uh 10 overall pick in the first round uh for this year’s draft is available for a goalie uh is that adequate for you um if you’re doing a deal getting a first round pick for lenus Almar do you think that that’s realistic um I certainly think it’s more realistic than Martin HS I think you’d have to give up more uh than just elar uh if you’re going to get an HS but I think I think I I think the uh framework of a first round pick for lenus elar deal for a team like Jersey that’s uh want wants to move past the Akira Schmid uh VTEC vanich ERA with the New Jersey Devils uh makes a lot of sense oh that was a great era in New Jersey I you know we’ll never forget those days um didn’t you tell me in the winter you didn’t think omark would go for a first I did did cuz I don’t think any goalies I don’t think anybody I don’t think anybody’s going to give up a first round pick for a goalie I just don’t think goalies are that valued on the market the trade market but I thought it was interesting that Don Sweeney made some reference to a first round pick for a goalie in the trade market during the end of season press conference and then all of a sudden we find out now that New Jersey’s willing to give up a first round pick uh for a goalie and uh the Bruins and Devils have made trades together before Visa like Eric Holla and Pavo zaka and you know Tom Fitzgerald and Don Sweeney obviously know each other really well so the fact that Sweeney sort of made reference to that when he was asked about the goalie trade market I found that telling um when when Fitzgerald came out and said basically we’re gonna give him a first round pick um for a goalie yeah the cops are coming for you by the way I I just I called them they’re on their way I said you got to pick this guy up somebody’s some kind of is rolling in from Logan Airport I don’t know what’s going on hilarious I’ll probably hear them soon where I live on Comm avenon they have something like this every Saturday during college football season when the team is coming from like uh Logan airport or hansum to go play at Boston College whatever team BC is playing it turns into this like long sort of police escort holy crap going is that c can you see it or you hear it oh yeah I can see it out my window wow okay well there you go this is like this is like uh the oh nope still going I wonder I wonder what it is I you I’ll probably see it on Twitter soon um all right the the the cops on the motorcycles are going by now it’s finishing up okay there we go um the Omar thing is interesting with the number 10 pick cuz I’m fine with that a lot of people have mentioned wanting more than a first you obviously had that Ottawa article um where you know it was like Chen and a first another high pick for for uh omark um which obviously if you can get a if you can get a package like that with a high-end player with with good term and first round picks then you take it but I think the more realistic bet is the number 10 pick are you excited for the NBA Finals with the Boston Celtics you should be Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown all kinds of stars how cool would it be to actually go to one of the games at TD Garden and watch the Celtics my friends we’ve got an for you game time will help you get those tickets game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the 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pick is interesting um I I just you know obviously if you can get a a draft or excuse me a trade package like the Ottawa Sun article mentioned with Jacob Chan and a first and another high pick yeah like obviously you would take that and and you or you would take a package I just think the number 10 pick forar is a more realistic bet uh bet I think it helps both teams the Devils get a number one goalie they can sign him to an extension and you look at the Bruins what do they need they need an influx they need a high-end young Prospect in their system they need to go get their number one center of the future and I’ve said it a bunch the best way to get your true FR next franchise centerman is through the draft now that doesn’t mean they’re going to nail it with this number 10 pick right like if they do great if they nail it with like a Berkeley kton or a Kaden Lindstrom or whatever his name is like that’s great if if they hit on it but um at the very least you’re getting a high-end Prospect at the number 10 pick you’re getting a high-end guy and you’re getting cap space because you’re freeing up that 5.25 mil off the books so you can so a lot of people are when I say the to just do for the number 10 pick people go oh what about the team now well you can use that money on the team now that’s the that’s the key so I like the te I I like the deal if you can get more great but I like that get a you go for the number 10 pick draft Cole Eiserman because he’s local no but draft a center um and go from there there will be there projects to be a good amount of centers around that number 10 pick because it’s it’s it’s celebrini a bunch of defenseman and then uh you know you’ve guys you know T jla’s also in that class too um so you you know you will have you should have some options around that number 10 pick um if they do it if they do it Bruins don’t usually do trades that everybody thinks they’re going to do but um I like that one what about you yeah no that I mean I think that makes total sense um for a lot of different reasons I think that would be great value for Omar if that’s what you did uh I I think they should make that pick I think it would also give them collateral if they really wanted to go the trade route to bring in yep uh some kind of Center as well it just gives you more flexibility uh in all in all situations ations uh certainly like they need to do something like that to make this draft relevant otherwise they’re not picking for a long time and and this draft is basically going to be a wash out for them where they’ve got a couple of like late mid- round picks and you know the prospects of you yielding much from this draft class are not great unless you uh unless you make a move like that so I I I think it does make a ton of sense I I just think like I said before like the fact that Sweeney referenced a first round pick is kind of the value for a goalie and you know it dep being dependent on how desperate a team is for goal tending and like the you know sort of the desperation of those teams sets the market uh in the value market for goalies I think all that stuff is interesting I do think also that like you know all Mark will end up accepting a trade to a place like New Jersey where he can reestablish his value going into a contract year and you know get his next contract uh play not be sitting there in the playoffs watching somebody else uh Play Between the pipes and I think that at the end of the day like all that chatter he had about I want to stay in Boston at the end of The Season’s gonna go away because he’s gonna realize for him it makes much more sense uh for him and his family for him to go somewhere else and play Jeremy swam is gonna play the majority of the time next year I don’t care what anybody says do you think that there’s a part of him that thinks and because I know like Sweeney and them have mentioned oh we love the goalie rotation and I I know he alluded to it in his postgame or as postseason presser about oh you know if he if if we could run it back great like and I don’t want them to run it back I want Omar TR I mean he’s going to say that right no I know but do you think there’s a part of omark in his camp that think hey if he did come back and play the same amount of games he would be put in a position where his numbers would be good and then when he’s a free agent next year he’ll just get to have his pick of where to go whereas if you do go to a New Jersey or you go to a Colorado or a Carolina those are really good teams but it’s not guaranteed you have a ton of success especially as first year goalie in a new place first year goalies typically have a tough time some or not as good a Time adjusting as they would be in the place that they’re at like do you think there’s a part of him that thinks that I I don’t think it’s crazy no I I don’t because I think the danger is that like they’re gonna sign s into a big deal and they’re gonna want him to play 60 games and yeah that’s gonna that’s gonna not leave a lot for elar to do and he’s going to get frustrated like I think it was probably really hard for him to watch Swan play in the playoffs and for him not to play like he did the right things he said the right things I think that was very frustrating for him and I think he sees the writing on the wall that that’s going to happen again next year and that that’s you know he was he heard the Bruins fans chanting Swan’s name at the end of the playoffs during the handshake line you know what I mean like I think the writing is on the wall that you’re not going to play that much here and the other guy’s becoming a full KIRO and you’re really fighting against the the wind now you know you’re you’re fighting it’s not his fault either like it’s it’s not his fault at all no it’s not his fault at all but I think you’ve got to sort of read the situation and understand that he can’t take the gamble that it could turn into I play 25 games next year and I don’t play it all in the playoffs and like now there’s a stigma that I’m a backup and all of a sudden everybody’s viewing me as a backup and not a guy that won the Les trophy like I think that’s too big of a danger that’s too big of a risk instead of going somewhere betting on yourself especially if it’s a good team like New Jersey that should have a rebound year and and you know has the Personnel to be a playoff team if they get good goaling um that I think he would be okay you know and I I think that would be the right situation do I think he’d go to a terrible team no but that’s what his no trade is there for he’s goingon to be able to you know engineer a deal to somebody like New Jersey that’s probably going to be a good fit and serve his purposes um for getting another contract and making sure his value uh stays where it is but like I I obviously that goal tending thing is going to continue to be really you know fascinating to watch and where he ends up and you know all Mark’s such a sort of unique Dude too he’s such an interesting unique personality like how he’s GNA respond to all this and how he’s gonna handle it like all that’s gonna be funny too like I I’m I’m looking forward to it because he’s just a he’s a he’s a very unique guy like he’s total goalie like San’s fairly normal uh a little more of like a regular player like allm Mark’s definitely a goalie like there’s some things he does and you’re like that cat is absolutely a goal tender no question about it like remember the weird speech he had after he won the vzna where he was almost like throwing his coaches under the bus a little bit like like he’s just a he’s an odd dude like not not odd but he’s just like Ecentric different you know he’s built different in a in a different way I I actually liked his comments I think it was breakup day and uh he said you know I knew in the playoffs I wasn’t playing because I was bad I wasn’t playing because the other guy was that was just on a crazy run and I and I and I I think he’s 100% right um but I do think he has to go he’s got to be traded and for his own good like I you know I don’t want to like something like I’m gaslighting I’m like oh this is for your own good but it truly is like the Bruins can not have a have $5.25 million just sitting on the bench next that’s a his agent is not gonna let him come back he can’t his agent is notna let him come back like he’s going he can say all he wants he wants to stay with the Bruins when push comes to shove and the agent gets involved after the the you know at this point he’s gonna be like lenus you need to go somewhere else you know yeah and it again like there are teams in the East who need a goalie who are good yes New Jersey Carolina um you know I know Ottawa was mentioned I don’t that I don’t know if that’s a fit they’re not I mean they do have some current pieces but that’s a young team but to me it’s New Jersey or or Carolina unless I’m forgetting someone um I know yeah Ottawa really likes him a lot and I know when I go on with the radio stations up there they want to talk lenus a lot like so there that’s got to be coming from somewhere they they must have some some belief that you know either he wants to go there or they really are high on him somebody in that organization really likes him like chick’s a really interesting possibility too um as a fit for the Bruins uh in a trade um in any potential trade like that so like all that stuff is intriguing to me too but I do think it’s going to be somebody in the East um yeah which is also interesting that the Bruins aren’t afraid to trade him somewhere in the East that tells you that they they don’t feel like he’s gonna like you know throw shut outs against them every time he faces them uh you know moving down the line they’re they’re not they’re not yeah it’s not like a Sean where it’s like okay this is a really good young player we know he’s going to probably turn into something he’s what was he they him at like 24 years old or that age um you know we know he’s going to be around for the next 10 years doing well would rather have it not be against us Lena H Mark’s 30 um so is he 30 or 32 uh’s 30 30 I think he’s 30 I get the ages mixed up um but yeah I mean I I I am I’m with the Bruins on that and maybe if you trade him in the division you get a little bit more you know you drive up the price but yeah the number 10 pick I’m fine with I’d love to have the draft mean something this year because you’re right if you’re just picking in the fourth fifth and sixth rounds or whatever it is like everyone knows after the third round picks are crapshoot like that’s that you know you’re their projections they’re their players with with holes you know it’s that’s when you start drafting your Scouts Sons uh you know opposing GM’s uh Suns like uh yes yep that’s when that happens I completely agree yes we’ve seen that happen many many times even more so with the Bruins than some of the other teams out there all right Dave goer made a little news this week uh he went on Mix 94.1 out in Las Vegas and basically uh confirmed that he’s staying with the Vegas golden knights um there was interest from nessen uh and the Bruins for him to replace Jack Edwards uh on nessen uh no surprise there like he was fantastic as the radio voice play-by-play voice of the Bruins 985 for a long time um and now he’s moved he moved to Vegas to move over to television he’s been doing that with Shane NY for a while and they’ve been fantastic together and there was some even speculation that goer and NY were you know both negotiating as some kind of package deal to come to Boston um which would have been interesting um but either way uh goer said he’s staying and I’ll I’ll read some of his quotes here I’m staying right here in Vegas it’s very odd for me to be in the circumstance I think we’ve all been through this things kind of come at you out of the blue and potential opportunities come at you and you’re humbled by it you’re flattered look I’m beyond humbled and flattered of what’s going on here recently I think I have one of the best jobs in the NHL right now I love what we’ve built here over the last seven years I couldn’t really wrap my mind around leaving all this people had reached out to me back there in Boston I never even thought that would remotely be an option they had reached out everyone with the golden kns has been unbelievable in terms of we get it you’re from there and you come from there no disrespect to anybody else I said this is not a job and X Y or Z it’s not some random job when it was all said and done I felt like we’ve done so much good over here over the last seven years quality of life is through the roof and I feel like I’m blessed to be around some fantastic people to work with every day uh translation nesson wasn’t offering enough money no I can’t I was gonna say Vegas gave him a big old raise that’s exactly what happened look I’m sure Dave goer maximized that situation and leveraged it into you know a good thing part of the deal baby art of the deal should have and that’s absolutely what you do in those kind of situations is you leverage it to the hillt to to you know make a better opportunity for yourself uh and then you thank the Bruins a in essent afterwards for uh creating that opportunity in that situation uh obviously Goa would have been the perfect guy to replace Jack Edwards I think he would have been awesome to come back here but I do think he’s really happy in Vegas having talked to him multiple times when they come through here or when I go to Vegas he was really happy out there he’s you know found his his sort of a niche and he’s found a a lifestyle that really fits him uh I know he does like he has a band and he goes out and he does like club shows where he’s like singing Rock S I did hear I heard about that yeah that’s wild he’s got like all kinds of stuff going on out there and he he’s leaving a leaving a pretty fun life um where like I just don’t think it was you know it was gonna take a lot for him to come back to Boston and Boston’s the only place I think he would leave Vegas for at this point um in his career uh and he would have been great if he came back here but you know it leaves um other candidates out there and it leaves a wide net that neston’s going to have to cast uh to try to find somebody I’m sure that guy Alex fost that uh stepped in for Jack a little bit is you know among the candidates that will be uh considered as well and there’s some other guys too um but I I you know it whoever it is is gonna have a a big shoes to step in with Jack Edwards 100% um goer would have been the perfect fit I think he was everyone’s kind of number one choice just giving his history here um but good for him I mean honestly like making the Vegas thing work uh it’s worked out great obviously I think forsland I haven’t heard his name really at all with this um I would assume he’s probably staying in Seattle unless I’ve missed something but I think that seems like that’s the case y um f is probably the favorite just given that he was working with them this year uh used to be the Kings guy like and I like Alex F I don’t know him personally you know but I like his work um one other person I like a lot is Mike mon and he does stuff with he does Red Sox games for nessen um he does hockey does ESPN or hockey for ESPN I would wonder if he’s someone that they look at um I like him too fost and Monaco would be the two I would go after um I Heard the other day zolak and Bertrand were talking about bring Dale Arnold back I don’t think Dale’s coming out of retirement for this no so I think we could we could put that to rest um but to me like f and Monaco would be the two that I would like the only guy of like the established sort of people that have been around for a while and that are doing hockey that I I would like to see uh Shan McDon I think goes without saying if there’s some way you can get him and have him go to nest and I don’t think that’s ever going to happen just the way things ended he’s getting paid he’s getting National guide ESPN well I agree with you agree because of the Red Sox involvement with nessen and because of his friction with the Red Sox and like stuff that happened you know well in the past maybe that’s just not gonna you know that would never be like something that would be possible but I just think you know he would be fantastic like if he if if instead of him wanting to travel around and you know do like go all over the country doing nests and stuff if you wanted to just be local in Boston and do something like that he’s just he’s been so great at hockey I selfishly you would like to see him even more uh with the Bruins all the time I think that would be really cool but I just don’t I I think that would probably be more fantasy uh than reality for nesson to get a guy like that with the the kind of profile that he has yeah no McDon would be the ideal Choice he was someone I I I’d mentioned a while ago um but Again Naturally ESPN job would he leave that but again he’s from he lives here he’s from here so like you would think that would be he’s Boston guy through and through there’s no question about it yeah and it has a history with nesson and everything um but I think the realistic bets are would be like a fou or a Monaco I think those two would be good bats and keep brick around forever somehow like I don’t know how what do we have to do can we clone brick can we do we what are we going to do here we need to we need to keep Andy Brickley around for the next 150 years so well I think brick will stick around for he’s now he’s got his bionic hip he’s got his surgically repaired hip so he’s he’s doing better he’s moving around better so I think he’s probably goingon to have at least a few more years left um to keep going and I think he loves his job and he loves what he’s doing so like I don’t think there’s an end in sight for him but I also think it’s important for him to be the guy that’s going to kind of help along whoever the new person is that comes in uh and be sort of the steadying veteran hand with the younger guy that’s going to come in and do the play byplay that you know isn’t going to know the lay of land as well um as as obviously Jack did having been here for so long so um yeah I I think Long Live brick I hope he keeps going for a long long time and keeps bringing uh what he’s brought to the table for a long time because he is just a pleasure to be around at the games and oh yeah he understands like what Bruins fans want to hear he understands how to break down the game I have my I have Finn listening to the Ness and telecast because they you learn things when you’re listening to Brick talk about hockey like he you know he will explain things and take you through things that really help you understand the game beers is like that on the radio too uh they both are very good at that and explaining the game and sort of like teaching you about things um so yeah well it’ll be interesting to see who they pick but go would have been perfect uh but it’ll be me I’m the pick I’m gonna I’m gonna call Bruins games you go EV selfishly throw your name in the rig there you go yeah yeah I got to be honest I’ve I did play byplay one time it was a UMass Club hockey game years ago I was awful and it just just that one time not being good I was like I’m never going to do play byplay ever again and I haven’t I have not done play byplay since I did a bunch of color game at color analysis with Chris woic uh when he was doing play-by-play at University of Vermont uh at Hockey East interesting yeah this was a while ago um that was interesting it’s hard it’s really hard like it was fun but it it was definitely challenging um WJ was really good at the play byplay though I gotta say I’ve done color for uh so my hockey live um they do high school games and stuff like that I think Kevin I think actually Kevin Miller was playing for UVM at the time when uh when I yes huh yes color I think color is a little bit easier for people like us play by play play bypl is hard you got to be on you got you know talking all the time you and I can both talk no problem there but keeping up with everything it’d be fun if they put like Bruins writers in for a like a period or so just to see what they’d be like you know just to color is more just like filling in the blanks you know and knowing when to talk yes that’s what I mean like you you’re waiting for your like pocket to talk and letting the other guy like do what he needs get get done what he needs to get done that’s sort and getting a feel for that that’s sort of like the biggest challenge there but it’s it’s you also have to have something to say when they throw it to you though when that pocket comes you better have something like ready to go be ready to talk well remember uh the uh that the El Michaels Miracle call so Ken Dryden was the the color guy and Ken you can hear almost say something like that would mess up Al’s call and he didn’t like I there was some moment in there I have to go back and listen that’s because Al punched him in the face Al was like shut up shut up like do not say a word I think it was when there was celebrations and um sometimes you’ll hear a color guy like step all over a play-by-play guys call or you’ll hear you know was it wasn’t it was it Detroit or Chicago I think it was the Detroit Tigers this was years ago um the color guy and the play byplay guy got like a fist fight in the breast box yes I forget when that was um but you can go look it up the play byplay guys doing some like Hall of Fame worthy uh call of of something and then all a sudden you get a zolak running around talking about show ponies and unicorns trying to make a real call you know like you had Zak in the background with zolak it’s expected you know it’s like all right well totally yeah you know what you’re getting there all right Evan thank you very much for joining us of course thank you for else out there thanks for listening we’ll see you at the rank [Music]

Joe Haggerty and Evan Marinovsky discuss whether Trevor Zegras could be a trade option for the Boston Bruins as they look to upgrade at the center position.

0:00 – Introduction to the Pucks with Haggs podcast
2:12 – Evaluating Trevor Zegras as a potential candidate
8:19 – Player’s potential overshadowed by past success
11:07 – Considerations for player’s fit with Bruins style
13:04 – Player’s maturity and understanding of winning hockey
16:06 – PrizePicks
19:27 – Emphasis on skill development in USA hockey
21:53 – Elias Lindholm as a potential fit for the Bruins
24:29 – Evaluating Bruins’ forward line depth
26:00 – Concerns about Sam Reinhart’s production without top centers
30:33 – Potential trade involving Linus Ullmark for a first-round pick
32:08 – Fitzgerald announces first-round pick for goalie trade market
34:47 – GameTime
40:09 – Bruins fans chanting Swayman’s name
43:13 – Ottawa’s interest in Ullmark
45:34 – Dave Goucher staying with Vegas Golden Knights
47:55 – Finding a niche and lifestyle that fits
49:39 – Potential candidates for the new role
51:10 – Importance of mentoring new talent

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  1. No to Trevor Zegras to the Bruins. We don't need more show clowns like Pasternak. Would be interested in Sam Reinhart coming to the Bruins. He is a hard working player and plays to win.

  2. Ullmark in a package deal to Carolina , New Jersey or Buffalo for a top 6 forward and a top 6 D man.

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