@Washington Capitals

Has there been a shift in hockey culture?


  1. Always more to be done, but I've been playing this game since the 70's and let me tell you the game has come a long way since then.
    So proud of these young folk who've made it to the highest levels!

  2. Hmmmm no no you can’t be bi racial and black you have to pick you “woke” idiot who doesn’t deserve to share a cover with Zegras. Should have been Jenner or Poulin if anyone.

  3. Who gives a shit about the color of one's skin, just play the sport, if black people aren't in the NHL whatever, I'm not watching them because of their color, I'm watching because of their talent. And notice how the NHL players says there's a shift and the Is arrogant media says there's no shift at all. It's so stupid we support stuff like this, that only focuses on color, with the continuation of films like this being made, there will be a continuation of people wanting to judge folks because of their color

  4. We need my boi Evander Kane up in here
    Edit: never mind y’all, apparently he got bad juju with everyone. Cancel the boy.

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