@New York Rangers

Did Chris Kreider throw Matthew Tkachuk’s mouth guard into the stands / 28.05.2024



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  1. There needs to be a rule that if your gonna use a mouth guard, it needs to stay in your mouth not sticking out like a dick

  2. I'm fine with Kreider doing this to that tool but it would be nice if he actually tried a little harder at things like skating, puck battles, etc. Yes we know he can stand in front of the met at 230 and deflect pucks in but the playoffs need more than that from him.

  3. If it had of went over the glass, it would have been a game misconduct for Kreider, lucky for him it landed on the ice.

  4. Well, at least he wasn't COMPLETELY useless. Too bad "thrown mouthguards" dont show up on the stat sheet.

  5. If Tkachuck had is mouthguard out while on the ice, he should have been given a five for equipment violation and a game for a game and suspension of ten games for pathogen spreading of the a$$h013 virus.

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