@Buffalo Sabres



[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to Glass seats this is VI and my name is mnal and on this episode we are talking about what I think is one of the most underrated players in the NHL Jeffrey Skinner Jeffrey yeah hey hey yeah uh Jeff Skinner becomes the 11th youngest player to reach 1,000 career games yeah unfortunately he has never played in the playoffs big sad yeah uh the two teams he’s played for the Carolina Hurricanes and the Buffalo saber and he was de at the worst time for the HRI he was there in the Hurricanes all through the kind of sucky years where they were like really midling yeah and the face of the team was like uh Eddie sorry Eddie LA and cam Ward yeah something like oh yeah I mean cam W was a stud when when when they were like competitive yeah but you know I it was eventually he kind of like wore it overwar his walk right they they won that one cup and then they just kind of kept trying to repeat and it just kept not working didn’t work they just needed to look themselves in the face and and say like hey this isn’t working so yeah and Skinner unfortunately was drafted during that time and got caught up in that and then he was dealt to Buffalo which has perennially been terrible yeah I mean he had that one absolutely monster season got a big contract out of it but I I mean not to say he’s a bad player he’s definitely not a bad player I started this thing he was underrated yeah yeah and you know he’s still a very effective player and um you know like good guy in Lo he’s a guy you want to play for you want him in your locker room anytime I watch him play I love his game yes he’s a lot of fun to watch he’s so Dynamic and he has no problem like being annoying gritty yes so he he covers every aspect of hockey what you love in a hockey player he does it all with a smile too yeah I I have a thousand games and no no playoff experience no yeah no playoff experience and at his whatever his celebration he was all smiles smiles yep yeah you’ll never hear him I’ve never heard him say anything bad NOP um his interviews are always great mhm like I like Jeff Skinner yeah um had he played for a team that had a little bit more playoff success I think he’d be a much bigger name than he is yeah I I don’t want to say like oh but things are getting better in Buffalo because we’ve been saying that for a long time but you know with Acquisitions such as like bow and Byrum and and you know like they they are they’ve got a young vibrant roster they’ve got now some cup experience on the roster I’m hoping things will get better soon before you know it’s like too late and age starts becoming a factor in his game too um but you know it it’s it’s hard to say I I really hope Buffalo at least gives him that chance yeah or you know he gets to have a trade deine acquisition to someone who give him that chance yeah that too I mean he’s all smiles wherever he goes I guess so yeah I mean I would love to see Skinner in the playoffs yeah I think he like you said that grittiness he he has a game that would translate well to playoff hockey yeah do you think that going a thousand games or I mean there’s been multiple players who have gone a very long time without either a playoff experience or a cup do you think that brings more humility or does that bring more frustration as time goes on I I don’t know I could see both you know like at the same time like it’s it’s frustration because you want to play in that playoffs right but you have to recognize that you personally have done all you can yeah je Skinner has had 50 goal Seasons he’s been a consistent like 30 around 30 goal scorer yeah um for Carolina and for Buffalo even as he’s getting into the later points of his career he’s through injuries he’s done it all yes like I don’t think you can ask him to give any more than he has yeah so just unfortunate plays wrong wrong time and that’s just how some careers go yeah there is really unfortunately a lot of luck and that’s why I also hate the argument like oh no playoff experience no cups no blah blah blah I was like yo there’s so much out of his control out of any player’s control let’s be real I’m not saying Jeff Skinner is on the level of like a superstar of course not no but was he is he a better player than we give him credit for yeah yes yeah I think so yeah and the veteran experience probably helps a [ __ ] low too like in the locker room as I was saying you know and yeah he gets better with age you know you can see him adapt that game yeah do you think um I was uh looking up players who had like kind of uh who Str who who were great guys and you know like you love to play for it but like unfortunately didn’t have that either playoff luck or like just didn’t even make the playoffs two guys come to mind immediately Raymond Bor Ron hanesy Ron hany when he made he made his playoff debut 2017 won the cup yep could that possibly be a situation for Skinner that’s why I was also asking about the humility thing are we talking about with Buffalo or with someone else I don’t know I mean it could be like who knows what if Buffalo suddenly explodes and become how bad were the Avalanche for so long then they got that one key piece by trading away duchan became a monster team after that well the difference is the buffalo have had several what key pieces now Jack eel make a trade Taylor Hall Tage Thompson R mallene Owen power I can keep going yeah lonus Omar yeah so you just don’t think Jeff skin is gonna find playoff success here until you see it I don’t have faith in Buffalo okay that’s what it is got it so until it happens you just don’t think it’s happening yeah Buffalo has reached I’ll believe it when I see a territory got it I put the maple leaf in that theory in that category several times on this show yeah and if I’m doing that for the maple Le I have to do it for the Sabers don’t I yeah would you do it side tangent would you do it for Ottawa too Ottawa cuz they have made were a goal away from the Cup Final right yeah I mean that was so long ago it was yes but but Ottawa also has the new ownership and then they were caught in so many scandals at the beginning of this year yeah I’m a little more lenient on Ottawa okay got it Buffalo I think you have two first overall pick at playing D for you yeah what more do you want yeah fair enough okay gotcha so and you had Jack eel and you traded him because you wouldn’t let him get the surgery he wanted yeah and then you want to cup in and he want a cup this is on you Buffalo yeah so do you think this is um for at least for Jeff Skinner personally do you think this is going to be more of a Raymond Borg situation where he needs to be traded and maybe he can like have a last harah at a cup I mean any player can have that right that that’s luck at that point right like I would but do you think that’s what it’s going to take for him to like taste playoff success honestly I think so his age doesn’t line up with the Sabers right yeah I could see him being a piece out I I don’t know his contract details I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing stopping him because after that 50 goal season he signed a giant contract and nobody wants a player that age of that cap hit yeah 9 mil something yeah yeah but if uh you know you can make that work get a third team involved somehow yeah uh honestly isn’t Jeff Skinner the exact type of player you’d expect someone like Vegas to go for for just for a playoff run yeah but how how much can they go over the cap they got everyone yeah I mean this year yeah yeah but like maybe in another couple years yeah yeah for sure I could he he seems like a great trade deadline bait minus the cap hit right so you got to figure out the cap hit but right but I don’t think Buffalo is willing to part ways we just talked about this whole episode about how he’s such a great player you love to play for him you love to have him in your locker room I don’t think Buffalo is willing to part ways with that just yet right okay so you’re saying that’s Buffalo’s like GM’s fault I mean what what is Buffalo waiting for I don’t know I’m not their GM maybe I couldn’t you know this is really unfortunate for Skinner but I could see that the year Buffalo’s good they could ship him up bring someone younger you know yeah but if they ship him out if it’s like a mutual playoff trade you know he goes to someone who’s maybe in a wild card spot makes a run yeah I I would want it for Jeff Skinner yeah yeah it would be cool to see like him go to like Nashville or something too yeah regardless it sounds like the point that we’re trying to make here is this man needs a needs some someone someone get him uh get him into the playoffs yeah cuz there’s some players that just really just turn it on in the playoffs yeah something tells me he he could be that one of those players you know absolutely yeah and we’ve seen him do it in in contract years why can’t he do it in the playoffs so get this man some help please for the love God someone in the NHL get Jeff Skinner in the playoffs yeah leave your thoughts on Jeff Skinner in the comments below and drop a like on this video Hit subscribe for more episodes cuz we are glass seats and we have three episodes out every week yep you can also follow us on Instagram @ glass seat show is the handle MH we’ll see you in the next episode Peace [Music]

Welcome back to GLASS SEATS, the show where 2 hockey fans discuss their perspectives on headlines surrounding the NHL.

Hosted by Mrinal & Viddy Chawla.

In this episode, we discuss Jeff Skinner reaching the 1000th games played milestone, not ever playing in the playoffs, and what it would take for him to win a Stanley Cup in his career.

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