@Boston Bruins

Bruins Get Booed in Loss to Caps | The Skate Pod, Ep. 274

Bruins Get Booed in Loss to Caps | The Skate Pod, Ep. 274

welcome into episode 274 of the skate podcast I am Brian D fiz joined by Bridget PR and Scott mcclaflin another ugly performance it’s it’s becoming a trend for the Bruins out of the All-Star break we’ll get to our opening shifts before I do the trade deadline is approaching playoff hockey is approaching that also means Bridget and Scott that what else is approaching the return of Sunday skate this coming Sunday February 18th 9 to 11 am oh yeah yeah me me me and Bridget are back and so is Razer so and and uh Brian in the car that’s right Brian Brian from no one will even know it’s me I mean the T I could literally say it’s Brian in the car nobody will know it’s me but then once I start [ __ ] on Lin Holm they’ll be oh I know who this is I know who this is I know this voice yes yeah we know we know Brian’s takes and also if they bring up the uh the ’90s uh Anaheim Ducks uniforms yeah nobody’s talking about anything somebody yeah uh what do you guys think of the 80s USA hockey jerseys versus the O2 Salt Lake City Olympic jerseys I’ll hang up and listen thank you yeah I I’ll have to have many aliases and different voices when I call in but yes Sunday skate is approaching and also it means Spring’s coming and that good stuff so it’s um because that’s that’s usually the time of year that the show starts up so it’s it starts uh one more time Scott it starts what the and it goes until the end of the season playoffs yes Sunday February 18th 9:00 am and then every Sunday after that until the season’s over lovely perfect and Bridget you’re not behind the glass you’re an actual like you’re a part of the um on a i yes I got promoted I am not producing it because I said Ken I’m not producing it I was like I will be either hosting it or not involved and he was like like I’m a I’m a veteran in this league I want the I want the veteran I did I had to negotiate I had to negotiate I was like I know you need someone to train your your new Red Sox producer so brid was brid was threatening to hold out she was saying like she wasn’t gonna come in until March oh gosh I star to walk out well I uh I you know I’ve never said said this before to you uh to either of you two but my favorite my favorite uh Sunday skate memory I actually went to uh Not Top Golf what’s it called uh X golf it was it was it’s an indoor golf simulator I think it was last year maybe maybe the year before I think it was last year and anyway I get out have like a two-hour little little indoor golf session and I turn on my car and what do I hear I hear I hear Scott’s beautiful voice in the radio with Razer I think it was the first time that you guys maybe started that show and I was like it was nice to hear your voice Scott I mean I hear it all the time but over the airwaves boy does that thing carry from state to state huh oh yeah yeah projects well over over uh over the airwaves for sure I’m gonna refrain from saying anything mean even though Scott said something mean to me before the podcast so I had I had a snide remark for you but I’ll keep it to myself the uh the the department of podcast uh skate pod safety is is we’ll we’ll review that one and um it was a pre-season uh infraction it wasn’t there in the course of play um so he might get less games for that or maybe it just be a minimum of fine but I don’t know I might take matters into my own hands and get my own Justice for Scott for Scott’s mention sakes we’ll probably keep it on we probably won’t disclose it because it was a joking Manor but he he he is he might have there’s no record of it we we weren’t recording yet so I just deny deny deny we Witnesses it’s one of those situations where like a player they they have an infraction and they know the next game they’re going to have to answer for it so Scott’s he’s already got his his his gloves you know shaking off he he knows he’s to answer the Bridget at some point yeah Scott I’ll see you on Sunday skate I’ll see you there you go ra is gonna be like what what did I just walk into I know you’re gonna have more more of a physical response on the Bruins oh boy that’s that’s a that was low not as low as grizz’s five minute major in game is conduct that was low we’ll get to that actually Bridget Maybe maybe we’ll get to that right now let’s get to the opening shifts here yeah so I decided it would be fun for my opening shifts to be based around the grizzli spear on pater ready um because I have an opinion on it but it’s not it doesn’t mean as much as an opinion from you two guys because I’ve never been in this situation before it doesn’t really work like that so um anatomically I’m I had it didn’t hurt me as much as it probably hurt you guys to watch so um my opening shift is that I I do have an opinion but I want to hear yours first before I actually like fully form it because I’m i’ have never experienced what happened to uh Max Patcher edti it doesn’t feel great I’ll start there it’s extremely unpleasant um yeah it look I guess like the big question is whether or not Grizzly did it intentionally and I don’t think he did because I just don’t think he’s that kind of player um it was only his second ever five minute major in a game is conduct and the the other one was after a late hit on McAvoy he jumped um who it was a maple leaf player that Grizzly kind of like went after cross checked and then dropped the gloves um so that was the only other one and that’s that’s not dirty that’s sticking up for a teammate responding to a hit that he obviously thought was dirty Zack kman yeah yeah that’s it uh so I don’t think it was in I think and Ray for mentioned this on the broadcast like he was probably just trying to tie up his stick and missed and missed in a very bad area and the fact that Pat had just shoved him from behind uh like three seconds earlier I can see why the refs might have thought it was a retaliation might have thought it was intentional and ultimately it doesn’t matter if it was intentional or not because the NHL rule book is very clear any spearing where contact is made is is a five minute major and a game is conduct and you know Pat ready obviously stayed in the game but uh he was in quite a bit of pain for for a few minutes there because that that is how that injury works you are you are in a lot of discomfort and you know you get to just kind of skate around and there’s really no really no easy way to make that go away well ran yeah I mean I I haven’t I haven’t had that exact thing happen to me but um yeah I’m sure he had you know God have you uh so yes but like not it like like I I had when I was a kid playing like I had someone spear slash like do the the cup check thing and fortunately they actually did mostly just get me in the cup so like it didn’t actually do any damage but I I have I have been hit there I had someone try to do that you might get hit there again this Sunday what you said to me before you all heard that that’s that’s a threat you all heard it was a threat um I I I can imagine that um you know there could be some honestly sometimes when that happens though you can get a little nauseous too it’s like um there there there’s a lot of different things I I’ve had I’ve been hit I’ve hit down there with you know like a a ball like a like a soccer ball or a tennis ball or something playing Street Rocky that’s and yeah I don’t want to get into too many details you know I’ll try to be tasteful on the podcast but it’s definitely it’s definitely uh it’s not fun it’s definitely not fun and um sometimes the second it happens it some it’s sometimes it’s a lingering issue sometimes it’s like five seconds later you’re like oh but yeah I’ll keep it off the podcast for sure um so my opinion now that I I heard yours and it was like yours weren’t as as bad as I thought they were going to be in terms of like I thought you might have been like yeah that was 100% intentional anyone that does that like they know what they’re doing but to me it looked like he had he did not have the intention to doing that um and the fact that it’s Max pater ready it it it like it makes it it adds a new element to it because of the history with Max pater ready and the Bruins and the Chara thing and I also throughout his career just he’s just he’s a frustrating player to watch and I I think he he can be a diver at times so I’m sitting there like all right it was definitely an accident I’m not sure he like this might have been an over reaction like was he did it really hurt that bad was was this like okay I’m gonna go down but anyway that was what I first thought when I saw probably because it’s Max pater ready so um the fact that it was to him it was like he he always seems to get really hurt against the Bruins even though that one time that Chara did hit him into the boards that was pretty bad but um once again accidental so is he going to come out tomorrow and be like I’m going to take grizzli to court for you know hurting the jewels but no well he doesn’t he doesn’t have Montreal fans behind him this time so I don’t think we have to worry about uh police reports and investigations and in inter International like extradition getting cha up to Quebec for for trial I don’t I don’t think we’re getting anything any of that another another one of the main uh reasons why Quebec City won’t get a team back as French Canadian people sometimes go a little too far well and and you also have um you know I don’t want to give Quebec all the credit I mean you got a couple Ontario cities right now going at each other too with the uh Morgan Riley cross check last night we can get to that maybe later on as well but um yeah I mean ultimately so Bridget yeah to your to your the other part of your question was it intentional I I certainly I don’t think so um just to Scott’s point grizzik is not a he’s not a dirty player and um I know the broadcast showed that Patti four checked him hard seconds earlier um but I mean no that was not intentional looked like he just missed the stick the stick lift and I’m sure he wanted to maybe lift his stick with a little bit of uhph after getting hit like that but I don’t think he meant to to do that so um all right but any any final thoughts on that play no we I mean maybe we can get back to it and like how it affected the game uh right my my opening shift is about fans booing the home team because that has now happened twice this week it happened Tuesday during a lackluster 4-1 loss to Calgary as well and happened quite a few times on on Saturday um a little bit at the end of the first period more at the end of the second a bunch during during the third especially as the Bruins had three power plays and didn’t do anything with any of them and I know there’s there’s a segment of people that and I think Bridget is in this group that don’t like when home fans boo um think it’s you know unproductive or sound comes across spoiled especially maybe when your team has the second best record in the NHL and just beat the best team on Thursday I don’t have an issue with it though um I think if this were a game that the Bruins lost but gave an honest effort and were there and had 30 shots on goal and just couldn’t break through we’re just missing the finishing touch and fans are booing I’d say okay that sounds a little spoiled but I think not that all Bruins fans are smart but I think for the most part this fan base understands when when they’re seeing a good effort and when they’re not and I think anyone who watched Saturday’s game knows that you are not seeing a good effort like that was just a fullblown clunker just complete stinker absolute noshow up and down the roster like at no point did the Bruins look like a team that had the capability of playing a competitive game or the desire or desperation to play a competitive game and listen fans pay a lot of money to go to those games the Bruins have some of the highest ticket prices in the league you know it’s a sad afternoon maybe he brought the family that becomes you know a $500 plus outing and and you and you just saw trash like you just saw a bad product so I don’t I don’t have a huge issue with it um you know Montgomery after the game said he didn’t have a huge issue with it players you could tell you know they don’t like hearing it but they I think also understand where it comes from you know Carlos said Brandon Carlos said like if they’re booing that means we’re not doing our job um Charlie Coyle didn’t blame them for it Brad marshan did make reference to to fans having a short memory which again it is fair they just beat the best team in the NHL four nothing on Thursday but a lot of those fans who in the building Saturday weren’t there Thursday so they’re reacting to what they’re seeing what they paid m money for and I just don’t have a problem with it yeah I I I mean Bridget I know Scott kind of mentioned that you your opinion potentially I don’t know if you it’s changed since you last spoke about this you still feel the same way I still feel the same way it’s it just bothers me and I know I’m pretty sure both of you um think it’s fine but in my mind I think that oh no no my alarm sorry my alarm decided to go off um in my mind I think it does sound wake up time time time to podcast yeah yep oops Scotch Scotch just digging his hole deeper and deeper for that first Sunday it’s okay watch yourself um no I think it does sound spoiled I think it sounds like I don’t know I me obviously it was I I don’t think it was a good game but I think it makes I think it makes like as a whole the fan base look bad in different situations when cuz it’s it’s uh subjective right it’s like okay half of them are booing half of them don’t think that you should boo but it sounds like the whole rink is booing and it and Coyle and Carlo give those answers because those two guys are very intelligent and good at speaking to the media and um know the right and wrong thing to say and it it definitely affects the players because and and when you think about marshan in particular he’s made comments about how he even though he’s Canadian he wouldn’t want to play for Toronto because the fans are too like they’re too much like they they get on you and they like it’s to the point where it seems like they they really would prefer to love to hate certain things about the team or players or or you know parts of the season um and they they kind of seem miserable and when you see a taste of it in your own fan base I’m sure it doesn’t feel good because they’re not 100% used to it they’ve been good for a long time so when it is just one bad performance and you’re the the best team in the conference or last like or even the best team in the league because theyve been the best team in the league at certain times this season uh it just to me it’s like really is that necessary like I don’t think that’s teaching anyone a lesson I think if anything it’s frustrating it’s not productive um and yeah that’s just how I how I feel about it and I know you guys think that that it might serve a purpose but to me I feel like the actual result is just that it makes the B look bad and it makes the players have like a disconnect with the fan base so I think that Bridget one thing that you said that I think is is is very true is that I think when you’re watching on TV or you’re watching a person and and you boo them you feel like okay we’re booing them they know that we’re voicing our displeasures so they they have to come out next period on fire right but I think when you’re when you’re the players and you’re and you’re actually out there uh even if the crowd is silent when you’re playing that poorly you’re in your own head as it is like you’re already struggling to make passes to to do what’s right you’re overthinking everything then you add in the external noise it I I do agree that like if a if the players are battling it hearing the booze won’t make them in that moment make the right play or or or or have a better pass because they’re already all flustered so I hear what you’re saying in that sense Bridget however um in general like when you’re a fan and Scott Scott vo it pretty well in general like the Bruins fans are smart they’re not going to boo the Bruins because they’re losing they’re going to boo them if they don’t see the effort whether they’re you know uh 42 and0 at the time or they’re 500 if there’s not if there’s a lack of effort if you’re in the audience you want you’re there because you want to be you you’re emotional the fans are emotional and they want to cheer when when things happen and when when the teams do doing nothing it is really difficult for the fans to sit there in silence they want to voice some sort of emotion because they’re there right and and I I think like I I don’t know how the Bruins fans could sit there through that game because Bridget the they’re certainly not going to cheer right Bridget so the so in your world they’re they’re gonna they’re just going to stay silent because they’re not going to boo and I don’t know how the fans can I don’t know how they can physically just sit there in their seats for two hours and just be like like they’re going to get they’re going to boo you know and and I think that um because it’s of The Fan Experience but I also think the Bruins fans like I think yes it can come across spoiled but in this situation two out of three games they they they they kind of played like this and when you’re watching the Bruins out there kind of just coasting I I don’t I don’t blame the fans because what else are they supposed to do like it’s not that it’s not like they Bo the Bruins all the time it’s like very rare that they do so I think when they do it means something and I you want to know what else is part of The Fan Experience yelling shoot every time any anyone touches the puck in the offensive zone it’s like it without like it’s you hear like a chorus of shoot every time like David P has the puck even if he’s like nowhere near the net they’re like shoot Bridget youd I I will say along those lines wouldn’t have been the worst advice yesterday because Bruins passed off an awful lot of would be fine if they were if they were yelling that yesterday it was one of the lowest shooting totals in in a long time I mean I lowest of the season eight 18 shots on goal I feel like the I feel like the Bruins could literally win the Stanley Cup on home ICE they could be parading the stainley cup around the ice you could still have somebody in the 300s yelling shoot it’s just programmed into the F hockey fans yep um but look I mean I’m sure people have um different opinions on this I just think that I I I think it’s really tough for for for fans to sit there in silence because the the team gave him nothing to cheer about and if if you’re not going to Boo as Bridget like you said you defer them not to boo how how can you be there in silence it’s just like it’s kind of like it’s you’re asking the fans to have no emotion it’s really tough it’s a tough ask of them um and I think some once once in the Blue Moon and again the Bruins lose you know they they do lose hockey games and the fans don’t just boo them when they lose I think once in the Blue Moon I think it’s everybody’s allowed to get up frustration the fans are allowed to get up frustration and and and the players just have to they have to take it look these guys get cheered every single night by this fan base every single night whether it’s in Boston or on the road this fan base puts out a lot for this hockey team and they and this hockey team whether it’s on the ice or out in the public World they probably get nothing but cheers and admiration from their fan base so on the on the off circumstance that they get booed I think they can I think they can uh put on their their uh their adult pants and and take it I think as long you don’t want it to be an often occurrence because then it loses its meaning but I mean yesterday was was was not that was not a a performance that anybody on that Bruins team should have been proud of except for Jeremy Swan he played well um so we can Circle back to this um my opening shift is it’s it’s a question to You Bridget and Scott and to the fans out there and it’s a question to myself too and I’ll work through my answer along throughout this podcast but this Bruins team is they have a lot of positive qualities a lot of things going for them they have fantastic coaching they have fantastic star power um they have they they do have good scoring depth if you look up and down their roster and you look at where they are in the league sometimes it looks like they don’t but they do and so I can’t take that away from them and in general they have good structure and great goal tending and they’re a good hockey team I I what I want to know going forward is is this team tough enough and I don’t mean fighting I I I certainly don’t mean fighting what I mean is and I’m not harping on the Calgary game or the or the uh the Washington game necessarily I those games just remind me of the type of hockey that the Bruins struggle with in in the spring in recent years and the teams that beat the Bruins are teams that kind of outwork them and uh and so heading into the spring this year I’m just curious is this Bruins team Tough Enough and what do I mean by Tough Enough I mean can they win um you know physical battles up and down the ice can they win those races to lose pucks uh the majority of the time not every time majority of the time can they back check and for check and pressure up in all over the ice with with the tenacity that’s needed uh to win a championship do they have that Personnel right now within or do they need to add a couple of pieces externally so I just want to pose that question to you guys and the listeners is this Bruin’s team Tough Enough in the intangible areas when when when the going gets tough I think they can be I will also say I don’t think this is is a I don’t think this is something you can really learn about a team in the regular season like it’s it’s easy to ask this right now and they’ve had two stinkers in a week but I don’t think I don’t think you learn that in these games like the whole team was off Saturday the whole team was off Tuesday teams have these kind of games you know like we would all say if you asked you know who’s the most phys or who is the most like physically effective team we would probably say the Florida Panthers because we saw it firsthand in the spring they still play that same way I’ve seen games from them this year where they just haven’t shown up like it it happens um I think the brunes do some things physically pretty well and better than last year like I think they have been for the most part not every night but for the most part a better four cheing team I think they ‘ve gotten to the front of the net more in the offensive zone and scored um you know greasier goals Jim Montgomery before I think this was before the break or maybe right after um highlighted that like he like that they’ve basically completely based on their internal statistics have completely inverted in terms of percentage of goals that were off the rush versus inzone last year to this year and it’s it’s now a lot more inzone fewer off the rush and that’s a more like playoff Style hockey that’s how you score in the playoffs so that requires physicality you know to score goals in the zone at the front of the net is a more physical game than being a team that scores off the rush um I agree with Montgomery when he also highlighted that defending the front of their own net is still an area they have to improve so in that sense maybe they haven’t been physical enough um but I think there’s there’s things there that make me think they can be they’re just not always doing it consistently so that’s where okay is that a matter of they’re not capable of doing it consistently or maybe motivation just goes in and out over the course of the season and you just don’t bring it every night and maybe they would bring it every night in the playoffs like where we’re we’re not going to know that answer right now you you can go outside and you can add physical help at the trade deine if you think you need it but the reality is is like you don’t really know the answer to those questions until the playoffs yeah it’s it’s a hypothetical question obviously um especially since we don’t know NE necessarily the the final Personnel heading into the playoffs because they’re I mean I’d be really shocked if they didn’t add someone and I would be shocked as well if that was a person that was purely skill and couldn’t bring anything on the physicality side of things like I feel like the ideal way to handle the deadline would be to either add one player that’s physical or a player that can do like do both for you can be physical can be skilled whatever I we don’t know the final Personnel but I will say even though it is a hypothetical question there’s reason to be concerned about it for sure when if you watch the Washington game or if you watch the Calgary game or even just throughout the season like that’s recency bias but um throughout the year you you watch times where guys get bumped off the puck and where there’s seemingly um no emotional response to a big hit that one of your teammates takes or like sometimes I just don’t know if they have the right people to respond to certain situations like to respond to a kachuck doing something dirty or just getting under people’s skin like can there be someone that does the same thing to the opposition we don’t see it consistently so I I understand the question because you’d be lying if you if if you’re a fan watching this team and said it wasn’t a concern for you at all that they were going to be able to just like flip a switch and 100% of the games in the playoffs be able to have this physical presence that they haven’t had um During certain stretches of the Season yeah and and I want to preface this like I don’t think this is something that one trade trade deadline ad can can solve like this is something that no matter what the Bruins have to they have to address this in and this isn’t just based on Calgary and Washington it like Bridget mentioned there’s been pockets of stretch this year where um they just they just get out they get outworked they’ve REI don’t forget and I I don’t I don’t mean to speak down to anybody listening or or the two of you but I’m speaking to myself here too the first month and a half of the season the Bruins had a phenomenal record it was heavily because of goal tending okay like they were very much ben don’t break and the only reason they didn’t break was because of the back stop in net whether it wasar at the time or san and I think this team got bailed out earlier on in the year and I do think before the All-Star break they were playing their best hockey for sure but what happened last night against or yesterday afternoon against against the capitals is something that happens over the course of a playoff series where you are in game being outworked for a stretch of time or maybe the the opposition has gone to the X’s and O’s of the strategy among a playoff series they they they they’ve realized something that you’re that you’re weak at or they’re exposing a weakness of yours and in game in series you’re facing frustrations and as a team you have to have the ability to say you know screw this like let’s get back to our game and enforce our game and that doesn’t mean putting people through the boards it means winning races to pucks it means winning Faceoff battles those 50-50 Faceoff battles it means being strong on your stick receiving passes and and and getting open without the puck it’s it’s all the little things and yesterday against the capitals the biggest problem for the Bruins yeah you can say they didn’t shoot the puck but they the Bruins had no four check they had no four check because they had no they weren’t retrieving Pucks in their dzone they weren’t breaking out so there was no transition uh in the offensive zone there was they weren’t you know in a dzone all over the ice they’re losing Reese’s to lose Puck so when you’re losing Puck battles and you’re not having possession how can you implement any other aspect of your game shooting is the last thing you implement you know the four check and everything else comes first and I all game does a lose Puck oh Washington gets it they had so much more energy now Washington was on a six game losing streak and their season’s in the balance so they’re playing with with with piss and vinegar sure um but that but the nobody on the Bruins had the ability yesterday at least yesterday to say screw this I’m GNA outwork my guy for the puck and so when I ask are the does does the Bruins team do they have the toughness they do they have the ability does does Pavo Zak does James Van reik does Jake de bruss does Morgan geeky like just go down like any any player really like that hasn’t you know earned the uh the emphatic yes um are those players do they have the ability to to win the puck battles when things are going their way and kind of uh stop stop the those bleed for for lack of better terminology yeah and and that is one thing that bothers me from Saturday’s game and that that was actually when I was thinking of um potential opening shifts like that was actually kind of my runner up was it’s disappointing that literally nobody had a response like I I don’t expect the same guys to have to do it every time a game like this is happening and it’s not like the Bruns don’t have anyone capable of doing we’ve seen guys on this team provide a spark whether it’s Brad Martian Dragon guys into the into the fight or David posnik making a highlight real play or Trent Frederick with physicality or a fight Jacob loo has done that Charlie McAvoy with a well-timed hit like even I think of the Panthers game ear this year where they’re running around trying to get revenge on makoy throwing hits and Derek forber drops the glove and that really kind of stopped Florida in their tracks and they weren’t nearly as physical the rest of that game like so we’ve seen guys do it but then you get a game like yesterday and no one does it and you’re kind of left at the end like looking around like like who was it supposed to be like who well anyone like like no one wanted to step up yesterday if you think about like old school hockey could you imagine either of you uh that a game with that little energy from one side there wouldn’t be one player that was willing to like try to spark something with a fight like even just last year with Nick Felino I feel like Nick Felino was like an old school classic mentality kind of person where if he saw his team just like had nothing going on he would be like okay well I got to do something um and you that’s the classic you know 90s and before way to start a start uh you know a change in momentum and it it still it’s it’s still in the game but you just didn’t see it was the couldn’t have been a a better time to do it than yesterday and nobody did yeah no great Point guys and like it listen we try to we try to be um Humane when when talking about the Bruins like being being an NHL player playing 82 games at the highest level it’s a grueling schedule it’s there’s a lot of travel and believe me I’m not playing the world’s smallest violin for professional athletes but I understand that that individuals are going to have games and shifts where they just despite being a professional guess what they’re also out playing against other professionals like you know it kind of washes each other out like it there’s going to be times where you just don’t have it and there’s going to be times where a team as a whole might not have it here and there and that’s fine but that’s also the beautiful part about a team is that when most guys on a if there if there’s ever a time where some guys don’t have it chances are somebody should have it that day right to to your guys’s Point like how did one person not step up and and I hate to say what I’m about to say because it kind of makes me feel like I’m treating Trent Frederick like he’s supposed to be some Gladiator in the Roman Coliseum back in the day but because he’s really the only breu that really has his skill set like yesterday Bridge it to your point would have been a good time when the game was still you know relatively clo well the game was close the whole time for the most part despite their lack of play but SE call it the second period right maybe after the Bruins kill off that F minute major to grizzli where they only allowed the one goal that you’re down a goal the building’s quiet maybe Trent Frederick tries to ask Wilson to drop or maybe somebody and maybe that Sparks the Bruins um so it’s you know it’s going to happen where the team’s going to be off individually every guy can’t have it every day every game but you’d like to see at least some guys some collection of guys have it every every game because there’s 20 guys out there somebody’s going to be playing well today somebody has to do something and look yesterday’s in the past but going forward it’s something that the team needs to address and and and May and it could just be internal but they have to address it and Bridget you mentioned in passing the the marshand um getting getting high sticked by believe it was somebody on Calgary and I don’t really know if we talked about it much in the podcast but yeah that’s your captain going down not a ton of response there and again it’s like you kind of look at Frederick because he’s he’s like one of the only guys that can really fight somebody with any sort of um conviction but you know other people have to step up too and and I didn’t like that either my my thought is that that Trent Frederick is no longer a fourth line player so like just because Frederick is unfortunately the only Bruin that comes to mind when you think of someone who could start that really you kind of want a fourth line guide it to handle that situ situation so like maybe Jacob Monty’s like boquist get out there you’re on the fourth line I was just gonna say what I wasting to that’s what I was just trying to get to was which is that that’s what you want to happen you want it to be a fourth liner not someone like Trent Frederick who actually has a larger role on the team this year and it has been you know an offensive spark not just a spark with fighting or physicality but that person doesn’t exist in the lineup right now like we’ve mentioned it it comes up all the time Luchi is not being there uh lost that element really um by and large not just like not just for the fourth line either for the whole team uh so that just feels like an area you need to try to do something with I know there’s ahlers that you can bring up and do whatever but there’s no like you’re not bringing up a goon you need someone that can play at the NHL level I can be a fourth liner or maybe third liner but probably fourth ler and just be there like in moments like that when you need it yeah and and Beyond even fighting because that’s sort of its own separate thing and it you know it is kind of a Dying part of the game but even like a a fourth line that goes out and sets the tone with a physical foreing shift like I you know I know that they they talked about that being part of Anthony Rashad’s game when they call him up and yeah like you can be an effective for cheer without throwing big hits I get that but that doesn’t really set the tone or swing momentum like it it is that more physical style foreing that can really create energy and so you know after the game Montgomery said he thought Anthony Rashard was one of the only players who actually had some jump and I don’t even dis necessarily disagree with that but Anthony Rashad’s jump isn’t the kind of jump that creates energy on the bench or or in the crowd like it’s it’s it’s speed and and he might get under someone and like win a puck battle but he’s not he’s not throwing a hit you know like he’s not doing stuff that that that’s gonna help wake a team up like it’s a different kind of kind of energy and and they’ve clearly made at least for now they’ve made this shift towards you know a little bit more of a skilled speedier fourth line and I think that can work like I’m not your fourth line doesn’t have to be you know a bunch of six foot three guys who can Crush people but the trade-off is like you’re you’re not gonna have that fourth line that can help you in in a in something like this where like the team just needs that that wakeup call um it does end up falling on guys higher in the lineup because your fourth line right now isn’t really designed that way let’s let’s not just you know throw Strays at Anthony Rashard out here for no but I’m just saying like you know that’s who you’re putting in on your fourth line and it’s that’s fine there are certain things he does well but it’s not he’s not that kindy in of fourth line yeah but like so neither is boist or Steen and I we know loo can be but he wasn’t you know what I would have liked to see him pop out of the box cuz he served that that major penalty and he was pissed when he went in the Box it was like as if he got called for it he just like got in there and like [ __ ] had the worst like body language ever just in the box and I felt like he could have come out frustrated and done something like immediately after that well he got a breakway right out of the box and he fumbled away the puck and oin took it from him like Bridget I’m glad you highlighted this because like I wanted to get to this at some point but yeah loo looked upset disappointed that he was the one Serv serving and I’m sure we didn’t get to talk to him after the game but I’m guessing it’s because he feels like he’s at a point where he can help kill that penalty right he probably thinks you’re gonna need more Killers than usual I can help like that’s probably why he’s disappointed as my guess okay well you know how you can help take advantage of that Breakaway you get right as you leave the box and he didn’t like that was like a golden chance to make an impact right away and he just fumbles it away and that’s why sometimes you the person you want serving your penalty is someone that can finish those cuz it happens you know sometimes guys get out of the box and they’re the you know no one was paying attention and all of a sudden they’re in alone so you usually see like a a skilled player who doesn’t kill penalties at all like a David poock in there thing I I should have asked Montgomery about this after the game maybe I will like Monday at practice or something but yeah I want like does that come across as like an insult if you put panak in there because panak didn’t kill that penalty he didn’t get a shift during those five minutes so you know why why not have him be that guy in case you do get that Breakaway chance yeah that could have been a goal if that was him that’s a that’s a that’s a great Point like he doesn’t play at all in the PK so if it’s a f- minute major he’s not gonna and you know one of you guys mentioned fighting just real quick the Bruins have 10 fights in the season and Frederick has five of them and then I think Loco has uh one two uh two I think forbert has two and Martian and wspoon maybe have one so yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s not really something that’s very prevalent in the game right now um but when you have one guy accounting for half of them and then the other ones are just kind of ticky tacky borderline roughing penalties that are labeled five minut of fighting it’s kind of It kind of illustrates the Bruins just there not even so much it’s I know I just label fighting but it’s just you know they don’t have a lot of guys that are willing to do it really um one of them is marshan apparently what’s Loco and then wspoon who people didn’t know about until two months ago so anyway um I remember that fight and it wasn’t a great fight W spoon yeah yeah he was we like that you tried and it was it was a good thought but it needed some work yeah um so let me let me ask you guys this B early December I think was that stretch of hockey uh Thanksgiving to like maybe early December or so mid December when they kind of were struggling um heavily that’s kind of what forced now potra was away at the time but that’s kind of that a stretch of poor play is what kind of maybe had had the the fans rooting for merula to get called up and because he was playing well and eventually the Bruins did not because of the fans on Twitter but because you know he was playing well but they they recognized that the team needed a jump start it it was specifically because of my column about it they they told me that they were like we weren’t even thinking about it and then we saw Scott WR about it this guy’s ego has to be put in check at some point SC yes Scott Scott he’ll get humbled he’ll get humbled um but so you know obviously they out of the All-Star break they haven’t played their best hockey you sprinkle in a win over Vancouver which is probably Vancouver’s egg for the season right so you can’t you can’t really hang your hat too much on that one either just because everybody had that was Vancouver’s version of of an off night right um but will it take much more of this for the Bruins to maybe just give a couple of guys um a look whether it’s bring up Johnny beer back to the fourth line maybe it’s bring up L cell or merul like we’ve talked about just to kind of give it a give it a little bit of a change up um or or are they already at that point uh will they be at that point if they keep losing at all what do you guys what do you guys make of again I know Scott you mentioned you’re getting towards a trade deadline and it’s kind of the second half of the Season you it’s not really the time to messing with your lineup you kind of want to find out who you are but this is all part of it in my opinion I still think that there’s a lot of question marks bold question marks um in the bottom six and I think those are still spots up for grabs I you know Parker wspoon he had one glaring turnover against Washington that led to a big scoring chance but besides that you know he he’s just he’s been good like he was given opportunity and he’s been good um so do you think the Bruins should just take with some some call-ups here give people some looks or is just it take a few more bad bad losses or any losses at all what do you guys think it it might take one or two more but you know it is worth KN that Jim Montgomery after the game said will change or things will change so he already kind of you know threaten and we don’t know exactly what that change means is that he’s just kind of change his lineup or you know shift minutes around or does that mean Personnel someone’s going getting sent down someone’s getting called up whatever it might be um I in the immediate short term I give you know your main go-to lineup guys a chance to bounce back Tuesday in another big game against Tampa because they just did it they had a bad game against Calgary they bounced back emphatically against Vancouver now they shouldn’t there’s no excuse for following that up with another bad game but I give them the chance to pull themselves out of it and then if it’s if it’s not there against Tampa after an off day Sunday you hope a good hard practice Monday yeah then you probably make changes and and you know look at your options um for Tuesday specifically though like I more or less run it back because ultimately you know whether it’s merkulov lysel it’s like those guys aren’t going to turn around what happen Saturday like that has to be everyone else in the room kind of looking at themselves and being like that’s not happening again like we’re better than that let’s let’s go and show it so um but yeah I mean if if there’s another game like this on this that there’s still uh what four games left on this homand so if there’s another game if there’s another game or two like this then yeah I think you probably do see someone called up so my uh my question Scott my my my reaction to that is and I don’t disagree with what you’re saying um here’s my fear is that the Bruins keep the same lineup for Tampa and maybe they do bounce back out of Pride right out of sheer pride and they have a strong performance my fear is that it just it does just that it it makes him feel better about what happened but it doesn’t maybe solve maybe some long-term roster deficiencies that could be solved internally so and I and you’re right lysel doesn’t fix what happened he’s out if lysel is dressed against the capitals same thing happens same with Merc it’s it’s a team-wide failure I just I look at a couple of places on the Bruins roster and I look at Jacob loo and I look at boquist and I say to myself those two guys in particular could they be would the Bruins be better off with a lysel or meroff in a third line roll over loo and a Johnny beer in on a fourth line roll instead of a boquist um and my fear is that if they if they dress the same lineup as Washington and they bounce back and they win my fear is that maybe it just kind of enables um what might need to be fixed eventually anyway that’s my only fear with that my fear is that none of those options are the right option like I honestly when you when you list those options I’m like okay yeah those are your options but is that is that good enough is that going to be good enough uh in the playoffs like that’s the problem and you need to figure that out now so to Brian to your point right try it out now and see and see what works better now right yeah and and and if none of that’s the answer then there’s a trade deadline coming up March 8th and that it if you don’t like those internal Solutions then that means it’s time to go outside and get H and it shouldn’t you shouldn’t have to give up a a first round pick or a top prospect to get us a solid third or fourth liner although I will say did you guys see Frank s Valley reported that basically like he would be surprised if Nick Dow doesn’t get a first rounder for Washington which I’m like yeah okay count me out I mean listen I like Nick Dow he’s he’s like a legitimate shutdown fourth line Center but I’m not going have a first round pick like that that’s nuts and I I get he has another year of control but still that’s it seems like the the Center Market is already kind of just like it’s it’s very drunk yeah yeah it’s very it’s drunk yeah um the Center Market already uh had an all day Super Bowl party yes Bridget you’re uh your your your your fear helped kind of like actually illustrate mine better like it’s it’s that’s exactly right like I I would fear that by not that if the Bruins dress the same lineup they win that it delays like the process of seeing what else you have internally and then it and I I just think I think it’s imperative for this Bruins team to see what they have in the system before the trade deadline I just think because again they’re they’re they’re in cup mode and and I just don’t see how I don’t know I’ve said it so I’m blue in the face that’s how I feel about it um I don’t want this team to Scot to your point I don’t want them to give up a ton of stuff but they do have to identify like do we have to give up anything at all like could could do we have a a middle six potential score that we’re trying to get on the market do we have that in lell or uh or merula we don’t know because they don’t give him a chance and I don’t know if they can get that chance if the Brews just keep playing up and down like oh we suck oh we we we we got it back we s it’s just whether they beat Tampa or not like I I want to see I want to see what they have in some of these guys just for a couple of games I don’t see what it hurts I really don’t um I don’t know where you guys want go from here though no I’m with you like again I I don’t hate the idea of like calling up Anthony Rashard and get him a game or two but I don’t think I need to see Anthony Rashard for like a month you know like like or even Oscar Steen for that matter so it’s like yeah there we’ve said it before there’s an opportunity to play guys and get guys in and I know there’s different cap ramifications of calling guys up and down and whatever but you do you do have a chance here to to evaluate other internal options other than the you know 12 or 13 that you’ve given a chance so far yeah I feel like we should put like a poll or two up like just just to gauge what other people are thinking about how much they like would they like to see lysell like what’s the reason like what reason would you want to see L cell up like there’s so like there’s I feel like there a bunch of the fans that watch probably are are having the same conversations right Brian like they’re probably thinking what does it hurt to like to throw lell in there I also have talked to a good chunk of people who when they talk to me about beer they’re confused like why he’s not with the team so so like I’d also maybe think we should put a poll up about like what are people’s thoughts on beer like if he is like do you like him better than Buist should he be um coming back up is he someone that the Bruins will need to have in their lineup come playoffs like I feel like I’ve heard um from from a few different people like hey what’s going on with beer yeah I I think maybe something along the lines of should the Bruins should the Bruins uh you know test internal options before the before the trade deadline you know ex I.E liell merula beater Etc um that’s a good idea Bridget maybe we can Scott SC as we know Scott is the word Smith on on this panel so maybe he can uh he can craft something up um but yeah I think I think that’s a good idea and yeah we’ll we’ll see what happens with this team I definitely yeah I think the other thing too is it’s not like the Bruins have an AHL team with a bunch of Journeymen where it’s like no no dises back to uh Rashard who they just called up but like you kind of know he’s not a he’s the reason we talk about it is is because lysel merula guys like that beer they’re guys with promise um and like NHL promise and and and and so that’s kind of why it’s like let’s just let’s see so um I will say I was not expecting Parker Weatherspoon to make as big of an impact as he has that’s that’s the name that I would have you would have put him up there and I would be like he’s gonna be gone next week but he hasn’t and he’s deserved his spot so surpr that is true that is true um but yeah I mean the position he’s being asked to play is uh a third a third de pair shutdown guy is kind of an easier role for a journeyman to fill um but you’re right I mean that to your point like you you never you don’t want to like totally turn somebody away I’m just saying like what I’m saying is we wouldn’t be beat beating this drum if it was like of like lysel merula beer if like they weren’t like projected NH each other that like could help solve a current void on the Bruins roster potentially um and not to blab this conversation I don’t want to Circle back Bridget to your to your opening shift on on Matt grizzli um kind of his kind of his season like in a microcosm just a season of like didn’t mean to do it but it still was a a five in a game according to the rules and you know just kind of the icing on the of a season for Grizzly so far that has been kind of forgettable for him yeah it it has it’s definitely been inconsistent um to say the least but Al I also thought he had some really good games before the break and I thought it was really good against Vancouver on Thursday like that Grizzly McAvoy pairing looked like vintage Grizzly McAvoy and that’s where this gets tough because again you’re trying to eval valuate everything leading up to the deadline and figure out exactly what you have and and where you need to make upgrades and grizzik will still give you a game like that where you’re like okay if we see that more consistently this like this is the grizzik you know we expect and that guy can can play for us and maybe we don’t need you know to try to upgrade that spot and I’m gonna take Saturday out of like the whole team started like crap so I’m not going to single anyone out and then he makes a mistake and gets ejected like it is what it is but you see some of the off games he has where he’s not making as much of an impact and you’re like uh geez like that’s still happening a little too often I don’t know if I can trust grizzli down the stretch so it does I don’t know if he’s necessarily playing for roster spot although he that could be the case as well like the brunes do have to move salary out to make pretty much any trade so it if you’re talking about adding someone you do have to also talk about who you’re subtracting um it’s a tough evaluation like it does feel like grizzli needs to sort of put together a consistent run here in these weeks leading up to the trade dead line in order to you know if he’s gonna most of the Season he’s been pair with Charlie McAvoy if that’s where he’s going to be down the stretch and into the playoffs I think he still needs to kind to show that he deserves that and you do that by consistently playing well and that’s it certainly has been a challenge for him this year yeah and when we do have our conversations about where the salary needs to move out in order to bring in someone and we when we talk about how you know adding a Noah hanen or um you know adding a defenseman in some capacity um you’re also talking about probably needing the move move a defenseman to coincide with it I mean obviously you want as much depth as possible but just numbers wise it doesn’t it doesn’t really work with the cap so um yeah someone is more than likely going to be the odd man out back there um come the week of the trade deadline and is it grizzli that that’s a name that and for whatever reason it it seems to always be grizzli is who fans are are calling in to you know say Sunday skate come trade deadline oh yeah we need to move grizzli um it’s usually grizzli forbert are the two guys that you hear move them like get get them get them off the salary cap and bring someone else in that’s an upgrade yeah but I also think like Bruins fans probably see that grizzli has value right and and maybe that’s why he’s such a popular guy to to to to float out there because the because like who like I mean somebody people do could want a forbert right but like grizzli grizzli is a good when he’s on his game he’s an effective defenseman obviously there’s just certain questions that Bru have about him and that’s fair you know I think that you’re right that’s why he’s polarizing because like he has enough value to trade but he doesn’t necessarily play to what they need him to play next to makoy or like it’s so much right on the borderline of like pros and cons that you get the debate over G like a lot well in this season I don’t know if he even does have trade value like if we’re for being honest about it I mean 3 point6 eight million doll cap hit inconsistent season pending unrestricted free agent like that’s the part that’s yeah like that that’s a very small Market of like what team would would be interested in trading for him it’s it’s not going to be a rebuilding team unless there’s an extension in place or something so I think the answer to that question is it’s somebody who’s taking his contract in some sort of a deal that you maybe even need to give up a little bit more or like one of those deals where so say Craig Smith the Bruins needed to get him off last year and it was part of the deal like okay well we’ll take him otherwise you can’t we can’t make this other move so um could be one of those again where part of it is isn’t necessarily that they’re like oh we really want them but like the Bruins aren’t willing to or it’s not possible for them to make the coinciding move without yeah that being part of it and and then you’re you’re paying extra because now you’re because then you’re giving up an extra draft pick right now now you’re paying the price for the defenseman you’re adding and then you’re also throwing in something for them to take on grizzli so it it it gets expensive and we know the Bruins don’t have a ton of resources which is why this whole next month you know less than a month now is going to be a real challenge for Don Sween one one final Bruins thing I wanted to discuss quickly is just what’s the one thing that we kind of collectively as a fan base mention that maybe could have been a reason why the Bruins fell apart last year in the playoffs something that going forward in this year maybe we hope that they could uh they could learn from and and go through and if you guys don’t have the answer off the top of your head based off of that cryptic uh leading by me I’ll just I’ll just say it to in the essence of timing which is adversity right like I think that last year like people people were like well you know they they had it too easy right they had it too easy they they then they felt the pressure of of their historic season and and and the outside noise and they need to go through more adversity this year right it’ll make them a tougher team and a better team for it so if that’s the case we all can’t sit here now and and I guess for a lack of better term [ __ ] about what what we’re seeing right now because we this is what we wanted right we didn’t want them to have a cakewalk of a season I do think while we’re talking about specific areas today that we think that they could improve in general this is adversity this is what adversity looks like um having a having a seven game home stretch where if they don’t pick things up here there could be other boob Birds on the horizon we saw them go through adversity as I said in um November and December and they came out better for they were playing the best hockey of of the Season heading into the All-Star break so yes this team isn’t perfect and they never will be and they won’t ever have the roster on paper that they had last year but you know who else didn’t have that paper on uh roster on paper last year was Florida and they beat the Bruins last year so there’s other ways to again so this is what my opening take was is this Bruins team tough enough I don’t need them to be an All-Star team on paper I need them to be um engaged at all times when when a going gets tough get going when things aren going your way find a way to get to get back to your game and outwork the players around you and I think that hopefully stretches like this will benefit them and make them that team because that’s what makes you successful in the playoffs so I just want to kind of bring some perspective to myself you guys and everybody like this is kind of what we wanted we wanted this we weren’t having podcast last year about this every episode last year was all right Bruins wins 6-2 pasta four goals it was it was kind of a little bit monotonous this is kind of what I think helps make them a better group as long as they they learn from it yeah and we we knew this was going to happen like we said before the All-Star break I think I don’t if it was our or maybe during the break like I don’t it was the mailbag someone asked us you know have they gone through enough will they go through more before the playoffs and it was like yeah they’re gonna go through more like they’re not going to cruise through the final two months um without hitting you know some speed bumps and here’s one you know right out of the All-Star break two out of three games you’ve laid a dud and heard booze from your home crowd and you know it might linger even more than this it might be more than two games it might be this might stretch on into four or five games but I do think they’ll eventually pull out of it because we’ve seen them do it already this year I I think they are a good team I think they’re too good to you know suddenly going to like lay multiple Duds a week like that’s not going to happen so yeah they’ll pull out of it and that’ll be another you know check in the adversity box that you can look back on and say okay they went through it and guess what it’ll probably happen again there’ll probably be a stretch in March where they go three or four games playing like crap and then they’ll have to pull themselves out of it and you know two three weeks before the playoffs so um it it can be good as long as you pull yourself out of it and if they do then we’ll probably look back on this and you know realize oh maybe people you know were panicking a little too much but um no C certainly in in the moment though like yeah you you have to actually see that before you you know because you you don’t want to give them a pass either like right like you don’t just want to say oh they’ll pull out of it it’s fine no because it takes work to pull out of it so you want to see them actually do that work before you you know give them any credit for for it and I think it’s good that the next game is Tampa Bay yeah because they’re I me they’re an imperfect team but they’re also you know in your own division they’re they’re a team that you have history with it seems like the right kind it’d be worse if it went from that ugly lost to now you’re playing San Jose right it’s better that you B that you have a chance to like bounce back against a team that isn’t terrible uh and you know there’s some bad blood against like it you could be a playoff matchup so that’s that’s better yeah not only not only isn’t terrible but it’s actually been quite good recently and I it wasn’t that it was maybe what a month ago where we were like wow Tampa’s in real trouble they might miss the playoffs yeah now they’re either passing or on the verge of passing Toronto for third in the division like now they’re they’re even pulling out of like the wildcard conversation where it’s like they might end up in that two three matchup in the in the division yeah and and the Bruins have a we talked about it um a couple weeks back but there second half schedules it’s the second hardest second hardest strength of schedule in the in in the NHL um so if the Bruins don’t show up I’m sure their opponents will make them pay for it um I’m still holding you guys ever see the second Mighty Ducks movie when they when when they’re Team USA in the Olympics and uh after the second period they they ditch the USA Hendrick jerseys and come out in the Mighty Ducks jerseys I’m still waiting for that to happen with the Bruins with this this year’s uh Millennial uh what’s it called gold gold golden anniversary Centennial Millennial I’m I’m waiting they are Millennial jurs actually they’re what’s what’s the what’s the generation that gen Z they’re gen Z jerseys I don’t like them um but I’m still waiting I’m holding a hope for the Bruins to just randomly ditch them and come out with the uh any of the jerseys they wore in the pre previous hundred years I don’t care I I can’t I can’t I can’t handle them I’m that’s that’s the one thing I’m I’m excited for with hockey season ending this year is don’t have to watch those jerseys ever again in my entire life and and and for every person that that buys them every one of those Centennial jerseys I see in The Stance you’re just enabling them you’re just get those godforsaken jerseys off my Bruins I can’t stand them all right anyway um hey guys any any favorite Super Bowl snacks for you guys this year what do you think what you go- to superl snack I was just I was just thinking if you hear someone call in uh to Sunday skate and you hear them say exactly what that was you know who it is um my faor it’ll be a disguised voice though I’ll get you won’t be able to tell we’ll still know um my favorite Super Bowl snack I don’t know can you call it a snack like I like buffalo wings is that that’s like somewhere between an app and a dinner and it’s good I don’t know that’s that’s my go-to yeah like that that’s going to be your there’s no real dinner at a super party but like that’s going to be your your main course right I’m going to throw down like seven eight Wings over the course of the evening maybe even more than that so um yeah I’m I’m we’re gonna have chicken where I’m going I’m bringing mac and cheese that’s always that’s always a good one so um you making it little craft or Annie what yeah so I’m I’m actually so I’m going to my parents house after we finish recording and uh it’s my mom’s recipe so I I I help but you help by bring by saying he’s bring I’m not I’m not an expert Chef so uh I can’t I can’t take credit he’s bringing mac and cheese means his mom is making mac and cheese and he’s putting in a casserole dish and driving it to wherever he’s going and and then and then saying he made it yep that’s okay no no my my my friends know better if if if it’s delicious they know I didn’t make it yeah that’s true I can’t I can’t trick anyone couple couple good ones that come to my mind there’s last year uh someone made chicken parm sliders very very good um pull pork sliders I feel like are always a good one guys I’m hungry again now okay maybe uh someone someone’s made a a pepperoni pizza dip before that was pretty bomb uh any any sort of dip is good yeah I know yeah good good buffalo chicken dip that’s that’s a favorite I’ve done that before but any any I I know this is going to drop when after the Super Bowl but any any predictions who who do you think is gonna win Taylor Swift well tra Travis Kelce already won months ago yeah he did or who do you want to win who do you want to win I’m I hope the 49ers win people listen to this after the facts I hope they won um I as a Patriots fan I need to believe that you can win without uh Hall of Fame alltime great quarterback because it’s very hard to find those and obviously we had one forever with Brady and but he also they’re both drafted very late well not well momes was what nine no no Brady and pie oh yeah well that that that’s what like I want to believe that you can win with someone like Brock pie who’s good not great well especially because it’s it’s a fascinating match up because clearly the Chiefs have the best player in in in in the game um though I will say I mean I mean Christian m Christian mcaffry is like he’s again like he’s not too far off of being the best player in the game but i’ say the 40 the 49ers on paper have uh you know they have the better team overall and in the defense when they play well so it if if the Chiefs win it it really is like yeah because you have Mahomes and a couple of Supporting Cast members it’s kind of like not not too dissimilar from like some of the Patriots Super Bowls at the end there like against you know well yeah and that’s that’s the other part is if the Chiefs win then they’re like Mahomes is officially on track to to make a real run at Brady like he’ll he’ll have three he’ll be on his way and that’s gonna it’s gonna be a real conversation and I I don’t want that to happen I want really because I like mom stay way ahead I like Mahomes and you want to know what Tom Brady was great and it’s fine there can be other good quarterbacks too like there there can be other good quarterbacks can there can there be other goats though right like I don’t want Brady’s you know reain as goat to last like 15 years and then Mahomes pass you know what ahead of yourself with that one you know what’s underrated about Brady is that in his final his final Super Bowl run on the road he beat Breeze um Rogers on the road to get even get to the Super Bowl and then also um yeah momes too oh Brian you Brian muted himself time time time the podcast where but head-to-head always had the the advantage he’ll always have that over Mahomes um and I don’t want to take too much away from uh from from from six rings and football things but I will say like it’s pretty evident I think to everybody watching when you look at belich record without Brady that like the Patriot Way was mostly the Brady way and he was to you know he he deserves a lot most of the credit I think for their success and Bel was a you know bit of a to the media that that’s said what do do you guys feel like uh rkk has been a little bit of a littleit of a smear campaign on on on Bill I don’t know if he deserves that uh there there definitely has been that’s that’s not right I don’t like that at all I’ll be honest about that in a very awkward like terrible breakup kind of way it was like it’s like when you’re dating someone you’re like we’re never going to have that kind of breakup it’s you know it’s going to be you know we respect each other too much and then and then it happens and they’re like they [ __ ] hate yeah it always happens like it it’s almost inevitable and it it shouldn’t but it’s like Bruins fire Cassidy and and Don Sweeney’s message publicly is you know cassid is a great coach and we really like him and it’s not personal and whatever but like then you get the little leaks about like he was too hard on players and he loost lost the room and like whatever and it you know happened to Red Sox and Terry Frank conen it’s like it shouldn’t happen like these coaches that are among the best in your franchises history like that there should be a way to just let it end peacefully and like everyone just goes their separate way but there’s always something you know why sports are more like politics than we care to admit sometimes because I’ve seen some behind the scenes stuff where ex you know where coach will call a reporter I’m this this isn’t Bruins but like I’ve seen it I’ve seen it happen where a coach has called a reporter that I knew and then 10 minutes later the manager called the reporter that I knew and they were both telling the other one giving him information about their sides of the story on deep background not to be quoted but like throwing the other one under the bus so that oh just so you know if if you see this come like this is what’s actually going on like it is Extreme politics behind the scenes uh and that’s why that happens because you got B guys which are certain reporters you got crafts people you’ve got everybody and everybody you know has an angle and they will call and they will use they will use the media to to give certain perspectives on things like if if they can convince that person that that that was really what was going on and and and it’s can be a disaster you and and you know there’s a there’s a no shortage of egos amongst those guys but I saw I saw a a picture recently like this past week of um Brady Bel and craft all like looking at each other smiling um while holding the Lombardi trophy after the Seahawks win and it’s crazy because it’s like then they had two other wins after that and um it’s like it’s it’s interesting like here in Boston the there was never a shortage of storylines like it’s like we don’t I I I like to think that people recognize what what we had when we had it but now that it’s all gone it’s like it’s like looking at the three of those guys in the same picture it’s like wow like they no wonder there was storylines every day like there was there was so much ego there and so many different like whatever but it it’s now that now that they’re all gone well craft is still here but it’s just like I don’t know what’s what’s that phrase the this um the sum of the parts is greater or whatever that phrase is like like those guys are finding out that um you know they were just all greater together I mean obviously Brady had success elsewhere but for bich and craft it’s like I don’t know their egos are maybe they shouldn’t be so inflated because the guy that was throwing the ball was was a big reason for it but I just stuff interesting Brady Brady’s the one who could just flip everyone the finger if he wanted but yeah he’s he’s he’s two class like they’ll they’ll all be together smiling again because eventually they’ll they’ll all get over whatever personal grudges they held at the end and you know they’ll you’ll just be able to celebrate you’ll celebrate those 20 years but we’re not there now we’re not there yet no but that they’re get like there’s the the Brady day coming up this was that in June yeah they’re retiring his number and all that so I mean Bel bich is like he’s he wasn’t when when he drafted garoo like in theory as a guy who’s supposed to think long term about his team like he wasn’t wrong to like potentially get the next guy and then Brady wasn’t wrong for being insulted and craft was in the middle and that’s and then they go win three more titles but it’s like it’s just an absolute uh I don’t know we we had we had it made um I’ve said it before like it’s not just like Boston it’s not just all the Championships that like Boston’s won and could have won in the last 20 years but like there were so many all the stories like along the way it’s just it’s exactly why Boston was the you know the best sports city in America in my opinion there was so much so much drama between the lines it’s well now it’s all gone not that’s not true the Celtics have a chance the Bruins have a chance this year yep I was going to say not the Red Sox but yes um the Bruins and the Celtics could make for a fun spring um we’ve yeah they gota keep you know how like we always did with EI but other places obviously did too like after the most recent Championship you have that graphic with all the banners of championships one since 2001 still still just one for the Bruins one for the Celtics on there like they’re it’s time time for them to time for both of them to to add you know Patriots and Red Sox did their part they did and and um I don’t think the Red Sox are gonna be doing [ __ ] from now on though no not not this year that’s for sure no not not this year Scott not in the next 10 years not ever probably I don’t trust them at all Theo’s Gonna Save Us so the so between the four teams right and I know I know uh Tony masera wrote that book like something about uh it it was about the 20 years of dominance in in Boston and so the Patriots so so the Red Sox have been the four World Series since 2000 or well 2004 but I think the book was dating back to like 2000 so the Patriots had been the four world the Red Sox have been the four World Series and they won four so that’s four titles and four chances the Patriots won six Super Bowls on nine appearances so that’s that’s 10 titles in how many how many championship runs uh uh 15 10 and 15 13 10 and yeah 10 and 13 so 10 titles 13 chances uh the Bruins win one Stanley Cup so that’s 11 titles in 14 chances and then the two finals so that’s 16 chances so it’s 11 and 16 and then the Celtics same thing they’ve been to three and one1 so uh the the Bruins my point is the Bruins and Celtics collectively have left four championships up there um and then the Patriots three so that’s that’s seven titles that that could have been won too and obviously when the Patriots win six you can’t be too hard on them so the Bruins and the Celtics definitely kind of uh their finals appearance winning percentage you know also hindered that that that grand total and and like to tie it back to most recent iteration of Bruins like great teams that didn’t even get to the championship like last year if you wanted like you could call that a championship left on the table based on how good they were in the regular season and you know didn’t even actually get to the finals um even the Celtics lash like last year Celtics team should have been in the NBA finals and they they lose to Miami I feel like I feel like any listeners that are driving their car right now just like drooling listening to me trying to do that math on the plot they’re like what is this kid on right now I was gonna say sports media people not who you want to go to for math no no definitely don’t ask asked me did you notice I didn’t chime in at all I was like you got this BR listen I went to Buu’s College of communications Comm Co College of optional math I love that ultimately I think it was what it’s 12 titles and 19 appearances Championship appearances something like that that’s that’s almost one a year that’s crazy from 20 20 to 2020 when the book was written um anyway well we had to Veer off a little bit in honor of the Super Bowl Sunday we had to um um but thank you all by one last tiny piece of news before we log off this literally just dropped Matt grizzli find ma gzik finded $5,000 maximum allowable for spearing pater ready so no suspension nor nor should there events we never get breaking news in the Pod if we didn’t talk football for 10 minutes we would have not had to the chance to say that right it’s always coach gets fired 10 minutes after we finish recording or something like that we’ve had the worst luck over the last couple years with like news dropping right after um y but in any event this also gives me us another chance quickly before we sign off once again Scott you want to plug the um the Sunday skate for listeners yes Sunday skate back this coming Sunday uh February 18th me Bridget Andrew raycraft that yeah that’s it two two hours last year we were one hour almost every week this this year we’re going to be two pretty much every week so with a bonus host so that’s why we had to go to two they were like and and Brian in the car like Bridget talks enough that we can do a whole another hour yeah they’re like listen me and Razer like are are pay by the word can’t go down so you know we need more more time because yeah bridge will be in there taking uh taking up air air time and yeah I talk a lot let’s just I mean I get paid to talk though so that’s probably why I love it well I’ll be listening hopefully everybody else is listening as well and um yeah I think that wraps up so hopefully everybody enjoyed their enjoyed past tense their Super Bowl Sunday when they listened to this and had a great weekend and have a wonderful work week we will talk to you on Wednesday thanks for listening hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast don’t forget to follow us on social media and if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to give us a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and leave a comment

Going through the Grzelcyk spear and the team’s lack of energy in the Bruins’ loss to the Capitals. Do the Bruins have enough fight in them to survive tough playoff matchups? Is now the right time to call up Lysell, Merkulov or Beecher?

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Jump to:
00:00 – Was Grzelcyk’s spear on Pacioretty intentional?
11:00 – Did the Bruins deserve to be booed?
21:00 – Do the Bruins have enough fight in them to survive tough playoff matchups?
41:00 – Will Bruins’ poor play spark call ups?

Photo: Brian Fluharty-USA TODAY Sports

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Thumbnail images courtesy of Getty Images/USA Today Network.


  1. if any of these guys lauko, grzelcyc, Wotherspoon or in the line up Game 1 this will be a clear sign bruins will be out First round, if you cant find someone who brings energy with a little skill at the NHL level then there is something wrong , i am not sure lauko would be anything more then an energy guy even at the AHL level, I remember when krug left, and i said well we got grzelcyk, he didn't have the shot like Krug, but smart and great puck moving defenceman, Now i wouldn't want either of them, lastly not to hate on Wotherspoon but he turns the puck over way too much, he brings some sandpaper, but if forbort is in the line up we don't need both in, and with forbort PK and blocking shots i would pick him all day, that being said, they truly need a top 4 D with some size, and please bring in a top 6 forward, sorry about the rant, go Bs

  2. Nice, Saturday we have the Hockey show on the Sports Hub and Sunday Skate on EEI, we'll be well informed , Much Appreciated !

  3. i have been to a lot of bruins games, i am 1.5 hour flight if i come and see 6 shots after 2 periods and paid $160 a ticket i won't start the boos but i would join in

  4. i think having pasty in the box killing a 5 minute is a bad idea.
    reason if they take a penalty and it goes 4 on 4 now you have your best player in the box

  5. Guys…. I love the pod, and we love the Bruins talk. But we need to get this production up to par. We need better microphones, we need a theme song, we need EQ, Compression and clarity, and we need specific segments. This podcast could be huge, but we need to boost the performance value. I can write you a theme song, i can recommend equipment, and I can get this up on trained legs. Let me know. Love the pod!

  6. I agree 100% Bridgette.
    Booing is disrespectful and as a Bruin's fan, i was embarrassed by it.

  7. Old-time hockey fan here. Not sure what to make of the "No response" thing. The smart way is to take the power play (which they did) and score a goal (which they didn't). The alternative is to retaliate and take a matching minor. I suppose it's a matter of knowing the right time and place to take that matching minor.

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