@Buffalo Sabres

Interception Insight: Will Josh Allen Silence Remaining Critics in 2024?

Interception Insight: Will Josh Allen Silence Remaining Critics in 2024?

it’s not another Buffalo podcast hosted by three of the most underqualified sports personalities this side of the canal with John all you people out there who are like these idiots don’t know anything first of all you’re right and second of all I’m just a dad talking in a closet but like you know like I’m just saying and Rando we have this trust built on whatever it is like Bibles and gold bricks and whatever Brandon beans drinking over there all right welcome back to not another Buffalo podcast I’m John I’m here with my buddy Brando we’re recording this on a Thursday evening so I’m going to be doing double duty tonight editing this getting out to you guys tomorrow on a Friday morning this episode is brought to you guys by small City realy if you’re looking to buy sell or Manage Property in West New York you got to call my guy Zack coril at small City realy and that number is 585 49188 585 49188 so uh Brando you and I have gotten some golfing in lately I just got back from a round mercifully after nine rounds it ended mercifully mercifully how do you feel when you finish nine holes of golf do you want to play more do you feel satisfied how do you feel so this might be controver because everyone like says like oh you’re just halfway there you know most people are like the back nine is the best nine sometimes in the middle of Tennessee Summers after 9 I’m good like my grips aren’t brand new my hands are blistering already at that point everything’s sweaty whatever sunscreen you put on if any at that point has totally melted off and you’re probably going to get sunburned after that I mean it’s there’s relief in the shade like when there’s a little bit of a breeze but other than that I mean it’s like 85 and the humidity is is higher than God knows what it’s pretty rough and you’re really hoping not to get the shade because that means you’re you’re in the woods or you’re behind a tree you know you want to play in the Fairway so you don’t want to be in the shade generally speaking so well Brando I got plenty of shade today but you know we were just talking and I get to play a ton I’m lucky working at a golf course and running a golf league for my school so I mean I’ve at my 30th round of the year last weekend or after school whatever day I played on but I can’t just do nine man and maybe it’s cuz rothlin has 27 holes I’ve just gotten so used to playing all 27 holes it’s just I can’t get enough nine holes is like the warm up and then 18 after that it’s like let’s do it and if I could play more after that if my back holds up I would do it and it’s the next day I get a little sore but I can’t just play nine it’s only nine drives and it’s not even nine drives because there’s a few part 3es in there so it’s like you’re not even really you know you’re not full if you hit a couple bad drives to start and you’re like oh you finally hit a good good one and it’s like oh this is it going in the bag we’re done put the cover on so I’m a big fan of playing as much as possible I like the marathons a couple of our buddies you know you take golf trips you do two rounds in a day so 36 holes that’s pretty fun do it on a Saturday Sunday you play 50 what was that 32 36 plus 36 was at 72 holes so it gives me immense respect for the guys who do the 100 holes for charity like I think Josh Josh just did 117 in the rain like my God I’d be so tired after that but hey I mean there’s there’s worse ways to burn calories golf is one of the best ways you know I I don’t know if my watch double counts it because it’s got like the golf app going on and that sends info to it but always after round of golf it’s like you burned a thousand calories and I’m like I I don’t I think it’s probably half of that it might have doubled with the information sent from the app or something like that there’s worst ways to burn 500 calories if you drink five beers out there though you’re putting them back in yeah yeah so acceptable right that’s acceptable yeah I think that’s you got to refuel yeah so this is this is probably something you didn’t think you were going to hear from me lover of beer John coril is here huge lover of beer all kinds of beer I can’t especially the bad ones like the biggie the big heavy duty ipas I love ipas give me a heavy Stout anything I’ll find a way to appreciate almost anything unless it’s like you know MD light or something like that that you know like one of those beers but I I can’t I can’t drink on the golf course it makes me so bad like bowling bowling it’s like super Juice like get a couple beers in me I I’m a better bowler golf not even close it’s a Goode when it’s hot outside too and I think that’s just the Tennessee thing if it was like it’s a New York thing especially these you know in the winter or in the summertime you know you’re playing on 85 Degree Days in the Sun a little Breezy up here though but yeah I’m with you man I can barely focus on a ball if I’m stone cold sober you give me a couple be on top of the heat I’m swe get the little headache going maybe get a little rumbly in the tummy and if it’s a not a nice course they don’t have that nice halfway house you’re looking at the ouses and you’re like oh I don’t know about this and It’s Tricky so this goes to my next question for you we’re going to talk about balls for a second golf balls I got gifted a dozen prob ones good good specification there yes gol um I got gifted some Proby ones and I’m kind of afraid to use them Brando I’m in the same exact boat I’ve got a box of Prov ones and that closet over there that I got for Christmas or my birthday I don’t remember they’re pretty close anyway but have not even taken the plastic off of the box yet because I’m like but now I just got through nine holes and I only lost two balls and I 10 Buck if you’re playing two pro I feel like I could have avoided those without being stupid like if I was playing a Prov I wouldn’t have taken a big swing with uh three wood you know off the deck halfway through a par five you know but you don’t want to think about that either while you’re playing you want to be focused on where’s this ball going to go how’s my swing going to go you don’t want to be like I’m going to lose this I’m going to lose this I’m going to lose this you don’t want to play scared right so right I think I think it’s a smart thing for me like I knew what I was risking when I took that swing and it went exactly how I thought it was going to be snap hook to the right you know into the woods but well speaking of losing balls this is going to be the transition into our Buffalo Bills topic here we’re going to talk about Josh Allen losing the ball for his team throwing interceptions and know you know we talk about if you hit a tree in a golf match you know you might hit it perfectly and it just pops out out of bounds you’re like shoot that was a perfect shot tricky bounce unfortunate I think the equivalent here for Allen would be like an arm punt right you have a a good throw down the field that goes 60 70 yards the other team catches it it’s not the worst thing in the world like you made good contact with your swing like the the the found you know anatomical physiological sequencing is there but the the execution was just off a little bit so we’re looking at to catch to catch everyone up who hasn’t followed the seven layer metaphor here through through Brandon’s wisdom we’re going to talk about Josh Allen’s interceptions from this past year and it’ll be interesting going forward because obviously the team is going to look different you know we’re going to look at every single one of his interceptions from last year the tally of all of them compare them to a quarterback like Tua Who had who is not known as a turnover machine like sometimes Josh Allen is argued to be so really the whole premise of it of what we’re kind of looking at is you know is the number of interceptions he throws truly truly a problem or can we fully defend it does he make up for it by being an amazing freaking quarterback so we’re going to look at that um and keep going on what you’re going because I didn’t want to cut you off you’re good I just I’m thinking about how valuable it is to lose a prob1 how upset it is and how how valuable each possession in the NFL really is especially when you’re playing a good team and you have a balanced approach kind of like the way the bills played under Joe Brady you only might get seven or eight possessions in a game and I want to say the bills under Brian dble and maybe even a little under kend dorsy had one of the highest points per possession in the NFL at one point and when you lose those possessions it can change the tide of a game I know we were talking about or maybe Tampa a Tampa game we see the fumble early early in the game and then we see you know the turnover at the end of a half sometimes and it helps another team go double dip and that really can increase the winning percentage for a team if they’re able to score at the end and at the beginning so the timing of the interceptions versus you know if you hit a ball out on a par five it might not be as devastating as if you hit a ball out on a par three so we’re going to keep this golf analogy rolling rolling here it’s going to get a nice roll out on the middle of the Fairway though I I don’t even I didn’t mean to do that one so um when we look at his interceptions we look at 30 interceptions in his last 30 Games we’re not talking touchdowns at the moment we’re talking about interceptions let’s break them down all right week one really bad throw against the Jets we saw that arm punt tried to force it to digs third and eight had the running Lane wide open remember that game yeah all right and then what he had second down interception bad throw third interception on a third and two from your own 42 so that was a tough game they have a good defense they always play well against alen you know nothing against Las Vegas in week two which is nice to see him bounce back which he often does you know the interception against the commanders third and 20 arm punt down to the 19 it’s like a punt inside the 20 remember that one I think that was intended for Gabe I don’t remember think I remember was that the bad play by Gabe where Gabe kind of left I don’t remember maybe I’m confusing that with the play was a deep ball that Gabe caught in that game as well so yeah and then you know Miami he just lights him up no picks against Miami um againsts the Jags this was a tough game for the offense as a whole I remember this was where I said the defense was playing out of their mind kind of like the Remember the Titans they won’t gain another yard and you got the injuries and Milano’s out and the bills get the stop that they need and they can’t put the points on the board but the interception got them down to the opponent’s six right it was a good good kind of flip of the field third and 15 interception against the Giants I mean I don’t totally remember this game that much but I I want to say it wasn’t that close right it wasn’t as close as was a bad throw bad throw same thing week seven bad throw yeah first and 10 for moan 24 that’s the spot where you can’t do that and again the next week first and 10 for moan 25 bad throw versus the Buccaneers so seeing a pattern I don’t but at least it’s only one a week at that point right well that’s kind of what you hope for and then you’re looking at when does the the switch happen here we switch from Brady to from dorsy to Brady at week 10 after the Broncos game right we had two interceptions in a game that we lost that game was terrible right that was a stupid so yeah so it’d be week 11 it was after that Broncos game so we’re looking at 11 picks under dorsy in 10 games and when we look at the the rest of the season versus the Jets stupid end of the half hail Mar I don’t like those anyways it’s just I feel bad for Josh when he throws picks on that play cuz it just feeds the narrative when you look at the stats and the box score Lookers it’s like oh Josh had another pick I’m like well he threw that ball 80 yards so it’s like who cares end of the half um the Eagles was another tough game cuz you really could have used another possession when you’re marching the field all day long 506 offensive yards tough game didn’t mess up on the bye you know maybe he golfed maybe hit a ball out of bounds this by week but um he’s got plenty of money to buy as many Prov v1s as he wants unlike the rest of us peasants so does he play Encore balls I don’t even does he is he sponsored by Encore that’s a good question wouldn’t that stink to be a pro athlete and be sponsored by like a crappy golf company and then have to play crappy golf balls hey Encore vrx 2s are are good balls all right they’re top of the line balls are good B I believe you I believe you I’m just saying it’s not titlist no it’s not Prov you know I’m sure if he’s finds his way into a prov1 and there’s no cameras on him and there’s like I didn’t know what an encore ball was until 30 seconds ago so oh really you never heard of Encore no interesting interesting yeah Encore they’re in Buffalo they’re a Buffalo brand um actually let me let me grab it now now I feel bad they’re from Buffalo yeah yeah look it right here I got the take back I take back everything I said and I will buy Encore golf balls from now on maal I want to even say there’s like some sort of donation that goes into it I I wouldn’t be 100% sure about that but I don’t want to say that feel bad but yeah you should feel bad man you should feel bad oh my God no that’s okay I was thinking they were some overseas company that makes cheap golf balls no no that’s funny um all right well don’t take we see Kansas City is week 14 right um one interception still ended up in a win Dallas they ran the ball the whole time bad throw against the Chargers bad throw against New England that last Dolphins game I mean we we needed it we needed to have that game and he still had two picks that game but two picks in two games against the Dolphins can’t be too mad about it arm punt at the last interception of the Year fourth and two again you give me less than five yards Josh just tuck it and run it don’t throw the interception there’s you got a better chance to pick it up so all in all what do we have here 12 bad throws four arm punts one H Mary one drop um and 11 picks under dorsy and seven under Brady which is interesting let’s talk about that for a second 11 picks under dorsy seven under Brady we talked about the play calling percentage pass versus run we saw that it shifted probably what six or s% more for the run with Brady compared to dorsy yeah yeah I’m sure that’s part of it um less opportunities so and and the reduced games so you’ve got what is it 10 games with dorsy and seven games with Brady yeah so one last interception I guess that’s almost like the same you know he’s throwing one inter one interception per game week at the NFL he ended up with 18 last year I think one number that stands out here is his one Red Zone pick cuz he went so long without having one right that was a really cool stretch of time but so anyway we’ve got two a stats alongside here looking at tua’s last season we’ll just we won’t go uh play by I play down all of his picks you know rest assured there’s some bad decisions in there that would uh make Josh Allen’s decisions look good was actually bad decisions yeah I was gonna say including throws into quadruple coverage and stuff like that yeah so anyway sixes yes that’s also a thing that Josh Allen doesn’t do is throw two red zone two Red Zone interceptions I feel like Allen’s gonna make the play right two is not making the tackle alen will make a tackle right so to tell up to his picks he has 11 bad throws to Josh Allen’s 12 one arm punt to Josh Allen’s four which you know two his arm doesn’t seem like a punting arm two his pick zero har Mar zero drop passes seven games with zero interceptions which is the big difference between him and Allen Allen only with two two Red Zone interceptions for two uh two pick sixes and uh all under the same offensive coordinator whereas Josh actually you know obviously had the switch there yeah so we look at those numbers as a whole and we say you know there’s good and bad for both of them but the the crunch time comes when you have to win games right we talk about close games in the NFL the bills have had a very interesting Trend with their schedule with close games and now this past season Bills lost seven games and the largest margin is six points right we are in every game with Josh Allen I don’t think they’ve ever really been blown out outside of maybe the Bengals game and maybe there’s the Colts Colts and then you look at the the score of one score games now this goes back to a few different years here so the bills are they were two and six as of last year this this is a Buffalo News article by Trinity that’s not Trinity audio it’s by Mark Goen Trinity audio is how you can listen to the article live nice so they were seven and3 in one score games in the 2223 season 0 and6 and 20121 6 and one in 2020 4 and six in 2019 3 and 3 in 2018 but then you get outside of Josh Allen’s era and we’re 6 and3 in 2017 a big reason why we broke the drought so that Gap is super important and what did we say about half the games in the league are decided by one score or less yeah just under half 46 and a half percent so when you’re talking the importance of each throw and where the picks are and are there points off the turnovers Allen makes up for it when it needs to be done and when it gets to crunch time and the team needs a play or the team needs a completion well we’re looking at the fourth quarter stats right so fourth quarter QB rating right do you want to go through that sure yeah so this is interesting because it’s Josh all the way Josh is the best fourth quarter rated QB of 2023 I’d be interested to see how this goes back but we’ve we’ve always kind of been on that narrative that Josh’s fourth quarter clutch doesn’t throw as many interceptions in the fourth quarter that’s the quarter where he’s dialed in usually you know if if they’re losing a game at that point it’s because he dug himself a hole and hasn’t played well to that point but fourth quarter Josh shows up so his fourth quarter rating is first among quarterbacks um in the league in 2023 with a 104.5 followed by Dak at 96.3 Mahomes at 71.7 obviously a down year there and Tu at 75.9 when it comes to fourth quarter touchdowns Josh leads the way with seven passing five rushing for 12 total in 2023 Dak has eight passing zero rushing Mahomes had four passing zero rushing and Tua also had four passing zero rushing in the fourth quarter so fourth quarter is where the money is made as far as your quarterback but feel like there’s a good counter argument to that as well which is obviously all four quarters count on the scoreboard yes so you can score your touchdowns in the first quarter or you can score them in the fourth quarter it’s like obviously if you’re in a one-score game like that matters but you know you’re you’re free to put up 50 points in the first three quarters and not have to worry about your fourth quarter quarterback rating because your backup’s in or something like that which to be fair wasn’t any of these other quarterbacks anyway this year except for maybe two on a couple of games where 70 points were put up against the Broncos but can I give you two career numbers here I’m going to give you fourth quarter career like come from behind drives or game-winning drives or fourth quarter comebacks and I’m going to give you this season’s quarterback rating I’m going to give you player a and player B and you tell me which one’s which all right all right so player a fourth quarter comebacks he has 13 and he has 19 winning drives and this past season he has 104.5 rating in the fourth quarter as a quarterback this other quarterback has 14 fourth quarter comebacks and 16 game winning drives but his fourth quarter QB rating is only 70.9 so would you like to take a guess at which quarterback has the better fourth quarter stats I was going to say so Allen is first and Mahomes has got to be second on that list right yep but momes fourth quarter rating is approximately 34 points less than Allen right at least for that’s just 2023 right that’s just for 2023 yeah so and he has more more game-winning drives and fourth quarter comebacks but Mahomes has a little bit longer sample size he has a more playoff games so when you look at that it gets a little bit different and he’s done it in the Super Bowl but in the regular season Josh Allen shows up in the fourth quarter to the point where I would say he might be the better fourth quarter quarterback than Patrick Mahomes what do you saying I mean we we see the Josh Allen clutch stats I mean there are a lot of things that Allen and Mahomes are neck and neck in yeah first three quarters Mahomes has probably got the stats and again this was a down year for momes where I mean they had they had their Clunkers they had their you know Bad Games along the way they didn’t have a lot of help in the wide receiver room and still got it done because their defense played lights out in a lot of situations but yeah I don’t know I mean like what’s Your Gut gut gut feeling you know two minutes left to go who marches on the field for you both of them they both like like if you have to pick one only because I’ve seen m do it in the Super Bowl if it’s like week four week regular season give me Allen all day long until Allen beats Mahomes in the playoffs Mahomes is gonna own this title I think but I think Josh is better in the regular season I mean he the regular season head-to-head matchups Josh owns them now it’s not really close I it’s multiple years in a row maybe four out of five three three in a row actually yeah three and0 last three in the regular season but again it’s the complete opposite in the playoffs so yeah Taylor’s oldest time we talk about all this stuff of the offseason and like next year it might come down to the same damn thing like Yeah and I don’t know I just see Mahomes scampering with a sprain ankle for 40 yards in the Super Bowl it’s like if this guy’s doing it now he can do it anytime but I just want Josh to get the opportunity to show that he can do it too and that’s the tough part and he did it he showed it in 13 seconds he showed that he could do it he did it twice back against the wall and the other thing about the playoff stats you want to talk about Mahomes having big bigger opportunity the bills have not been losing their playoff games by one score games either they are blowing teams out you know they blew out New England they beat the Ravens they beat the Colts was close but Allen played great in that game still and Steelers as well Steelers game blew out the Steelers they they do game was close Dolphins game was good I mean Allen played pretty good in that game um I think that’s more on sky thomps sky Thompson yeah but even the Houston game he didn’t play bad he was just a little crazy but still exciting I mean what can you ask him to do at that point in his career so right I I think honestly like this is this is all narrative based I’m not going to pull out a bunch of stats here but like it feels it feels like the defense is a little bit antil clutch in the playoffs yes when like when the offense needs a drive more times than not they can get it done when the defense needs a stop it feels like they absolutely can’t and when they do like that’s when it feels like I mean there was maybe one or two games last year where they really got a stop where they needed to and and it felt good but I think of the Taran Johnson interception against Mahomes they got their stop right right maybe two years ago yeah that was a regular season game not this past year but the year before that I think if you’re taking the players side by side and you’re taking the intangibles you’re taking the size difference you’re taking their speed their ability to shed tackles their arm strength their accuracy and their decision making and their fourth quarter numbers I think Allen has the edge because he can scramble better than Mahomes he’s faster than Mahomes I mean you saw what he did to Kiko Alonzo you’ve seen him stiff arm Matthew judon you’ve seen him do it against the Cowboys Mahomes doesn’t have that sort of highlight reel when he’s rushing the ball so if you’re putting them statistically if you just throw an expansion team in London or you throw an expansion team in Spain and you put those two players different coach staffs on a random roster without Andy Reid and without Travis Kelce and you you put like a totally neutral setting except for each quarterback on each side I think alen’s probably going to be the guy that you take is that crazy I don’t think that’s crazy I mean that argument becomes a lot easier when the results show for that you know everyone also always forgets the team around the person I think Josh Allen is more physically gifted so maybe you could say at this point in their careers he still has the higher ceiling because like Mahomes is a Precision passer his his tendency to rush has gone down lately in his career the r he doesn’t have any like hardly any rushing touchdowns he’s always looking to throw and doesn’t have that like crazy threat of his legs and I really it’s still there but it’s not alen like alen’s getting carries designed for him right right that I think makes if it’s neutral and you don’t have Andy Reid in the play caller booth and you don’t have this you know you just put player a and player B together I think Allen is the guy even if he hasn’t shown it in the Super Bowl yet right right so G give me a prediction how many interceptions does Josh throw next season 17 17 how many did he have this year 18 all right give me 15 down less than one a game yeah all right I like it I think we’re going to run the ball more I think he’s going to have a lot easier routes to throw to these underneath Crossing patterns I feel like that’s Josh’s bread and butter being able to fit them in excuse me even if can like Brando can fit a burp into a podcast sentence sorry yeah we think about Josh throwing the balls deep all the time and he can do that but there’s such more risk involved you know two Defenders can make their way over there but with this new design offense and again these rushing numbers I think are going to go up as well so less opportunity to throw a pick easier routes we we’re not going to see this 20 yard out route comeback that gets cut off all the time and intercepted but he probably had three of his interceptions on that one route because it was on film so much with kend Dorsey so I think with the the mixup of the offense he’s still going to throw him it’s still going to happen I bet you he still has three hail Mar interceptions and arm punts put together you know so that’s still going to happen but no Red Zone picks this year zero pick sixes you know maybe maybe 10 bad throws I’m going to go with 12 picks next year ultra low ultra low just because I’m I’m team optimism here but what would Vegas’s line be on this what’s the line that’s a good question you want to look that up really quick I don’t I don’t think they have it they might have it for season long interception they I don’t know if they have season long stats yet but yeah I think that the difference is going to be like there’s not going to be any weirdness of hey do I have to force the ball to Diggs because whether that actually came from Diggs wanting the ball or whether that was just a product of I know where my best receiver is on the field I’m going to have a tendency to try to go for him like you know we’ve all played Madden and like already had an idea of where we wanted to go to with the ball ahead of time and really what we should be doing is just reading the play and passing to whoever’s open at that point so all things created equal and this is you know an offense that’s going to feed many mouths instead of most leag one I think that I’m just gonna say that that could be a benefit like you know I don’t think it’s overly optimistic to to think that and it’s not I don’t think it is you throw to your buddy I mean when I’m playing hockey I’m playing with my buddies I’m trying to get the puck to them even if it’s a questionable pass sometimes but I’m not making $43 million a year you know playing at the highest speed available so you’re not it’s got there’s got to be some of that there though for Allen and digs you think yeah I think so but you see if they had a line on anything I couldn’t find it yeah I couldn’t find it I did see that betting his over interceptions per game hit like a lot last year yeah over over one and a half interception or over five is5 yeah now that probably made it into negative money later in the year but probably starting out at plus 100 so yeah cashed it on the first two drives of the Jets game so right right it really is and again like not all interceptions are created equal not just for how Josh is throwing them right you know bad decision bad throw arm punt tipped pass all that stuff not all interceptions are created equal in the outcome of it you know because arm punts if the ball you know if a team is starting at their own 20 versus like hey did you just give up an interception in your own end and give the other team a short field yeah because then you’re not looking at as just a failed possession but it’s like a double whammy where it’s like you’re giving the other team at least three points right there you know for free I’m interested to see I want to see how the running game changes it too are we going to have to have Defenders respect the run a little bit more is Dalton concade going to take the coverage that Stefon Diggs got could it be harder for him to get open giving somebody like Curtis Samuel more room to use his speed how much is Curtis Sam break off or KH Shakir I just think Curtis Samuel speed is next level CLE Shakur’s Shakir is average speed but if Curtis Samuel breaks one early in the season now it’s got to be game planned for somebody else might get open you know what what is our offense going to make the defense focus on the most in their game plan and their prep yeah exactly so something fun to look for and hopefully Josh Allen does not lose as many balls as we lose golf balls again I’m predicting 12 so one one full box of Prov v1s or uh whatever what was the brand you said again encore encore encore all right well I’ll I’ll buy some Encore balls as penants for I feel like you have to now I I do have to now if they do custom balls maybe I’ll get some nabp ones then will I think they do and they do the Josh Allen bills Mafia ball too nice nice yeah got Billy beer hats on the side we’ll be good but oh I wanted to ask you about so did you see not to just totally switch gear here but uh you see the the Oilers head coach Chris I don’t know how to say his last name playoff experience yeah baloney sandwich comment right slamming the bills for those of you who didn’t hear it uh he was asked if if you know Championship experience matters mostly in regards to the Panthers having been there a lot more and had more Championship experience than the Oilers to that point um or at least in recent years by far only one Stanley Cup Final appearance though right right um and his response was you can ask the Buffalo Bills how much Championship experience matters like come on dude I almost did a I couldn’t come up with a full top 10 for it I I almost thought about you know like listing the top 10 things Chris kabich or whatever his name is um doesn’t have experience in number one is the NHL at a you know he never played in the NHL so but anyway that’s funny I’m kinded yeah and I don’t want him to say that stupid stuff cuz Ken Holland is their GM former GM of the Red Wings the guy I met and talked to over and over and over when he was in Buffalo sat next to him on a plane super cool story yeah Conor McDavid you know the greats get their Rings like Josh Allen will get a chance here at some point I think Conor McDavid and Josh Allen I Conor McDavid is better than Josh alen is at football Conor McDavid is better at hockey than alen is at football you think so I mean I think mcdavid’s better than any athlete in their current sport except maybe Luca Don donic in any of the sports yeah mcdavid’s like almost like the best in that’s a good topic that’s a good conversation vintage LeBron maybe yeah yeah yeah I mean it’s like Gretzky Crosby in his prime and McDavid Ian he’s filthy it’s stupid there hasn’t been anybody as good as him in a really long time so one ping pong ball away I don’t even want to talk about it so and then you got all the former Sabers on the Panthers right so that’s a heart tie like do you want to see Sam Reinhardt and Kyle poso and Brandon Montour and even Evan Rodriguez get a ring before Conor McDavid like N I don’t really because like Ryan O’Reilly Jack eel Sam Reinhard and you gotand Kane I’ve seen this movie before it’s all right so anyway it should be a good series someday remember my big Sports prediction for this off season and I’ll I’ll put it down again on film because I forgot to clip it last time and I’ve already you know put that episode into the cloud and don’t need to download it again this season will be a growing season for the bills and the Sabers and the next season 2025 yes 2025 to 2026 will be the greatest season in Buffalo sports history I hope and if not that one maybe the season after that three years from now so I still I think there’s potential to have it this season but I mean what we talking Sabers make it like the second round of the playoffs bills make Super Bowl is that the is that the best would that be the best season in Buffalo sports ever it’s a good question 99 Sabers make it to the finals bills losing the Music City Mir that year 0607 0506 Bills suck those are bad so now we’re looking in the you know late 70s with the French Connection and J perau bill I was going to say what year did the uh what year did the uh Braves leave at that point oh Braves left in the 70s too so they’re out of this yeah so we’re still looking we’re still looking for it yeah that’s an interesting topic like what would what would be the threshold like what what’s the minimum threshold to be the greatest season in Buffalo sports history and how it depends on how much you weigh each team like if you weigh them equally then it wouldn’t take that much because the Sabers getting into the second round of the playoffs and the bills going to the Super Bowl like was there any time in the early 90s like how good were the Sabres in the early 90s like that’s that’s the bar for me because like the bills being into this in the Super Bowl is like I mean that’s that’s everything I feel like for most people in this town but again I I know that there’s Sabers fans who don’t necessarily follow the bills but well it looks like the sabes did make the playoffs and then they lost to what round Montreal in the NHL Adams division final the Adams division yeah so that would have been before I want to say that’s like when Montreal wins the cup that year I don’t know they weren’t that good they were 38 36 and 10 so that was in 93 now let’s look 92 Sabers stumbled into their playoffs losing their final seven games in a row 90 to 91 is only 313 and 19 and the play the Sabres won a game won a round they beat Boston they swept Boston and this is where they have the mayday mayday Rick jett’s call and then they lose to Montreal so what bills go to a Super Bowl Sabres lose in the second round you know that’d probably be close they throw throw the bandits in there they went they win a championship in like 95 I think yeah I feel like you can’t put the Bandits on equal footing as the bills and Sabers um no offense to the Bandit obviously but just because it’s obviously not one of the big four Sports yeah and they’re like a premier franchise in the nlll whereas like the Sabers and the bills I mean they’ve kind of come around but the Sabers are still considered a dumpster feeder and the bills are still a small Market team so right whereas the bandits are like the biggest Market in the NL which is interesting okay the 1990 Sabers lost in the first R of the playoffs to Montreal sounds like they ran into their Kansas City Chiefs in the 90s so what is the greatest Buffalo sports season you guys should let us know comment tell us so yeah he’s at the threshold so like it’s so it’s bills make it to the Super Bowl and Sabers make it make it to the second level of or second round of the playoffs would tie right yeah so what would break that is either a bill Super Bowl win or the Sabers making it to the third round of the playoffs yeah which would be the Conference Finals at that point and if you add it in with a Bandits Championship this year right maybe that’d be a good tiebreaker so the bandits win another title on top of the bills making the Super Bowl and but again it’s it’s it’s hard to argue like oh it would be the greatest season in Buffalo sports history if the Bills lost the Super Bowl I feel like so much hangs on that yeah right this is a good conversation though this is interesting yeah it’s probably I would like to hear what other people have to say maybe people that have been around for that you know the people that were fans in the ‘ 80s and ’90s right right cuz there’s a couple other Seasons too where the bills were in the playoffs in what 88 ’89 yeah they got close losing the Browns right the the Drop In The End Zone and the dog pound in Cleveland right so yeah good good good conversation be interesting Now flip side of that let’s say this let’s say the Sabres make it to the Stanley Cup finals what did the bills have to do to make it to make it be the championship game AFC Championship game yeah I I think that’s fair yeah I still think you give me you give me Conference Finals in both Sports definitely yeah Dallas almost had it Dallas did have it they were Dallas Stars were in the Conference Finals and the Mavs were in the Conference Finals right right so too the Cowboys suck yeah too [Music] bad but yeah all this it gets me giddy because I can’t even imagine what the City of Buffalo would look like if both teams got a championship I mean like 10 years apart it’d be incredible you know just we’re just sitting here waiting for a single Super Bowl or a single Stanley Cup Final to there’s people in their ’90s saying the same thing so we maybe we’ll be luckier than they are it’s really sad when you phrase it like that yeah sorry to all of our listeners over the age of 16 I mean no offense to that I just mean it’s tough being a Buffalo sports it is it is it is but all right well I think that’s all we got for today you guys know where to find us on Twitter Instagram Tinder Google YouTube All That stuff at not buff podcast we’ll keep posting some clips again uh thank you everyone for listening if you haven’t subscribed to our YouTube channel like check out we’re going to have some midform clips there and you can see Brando’s beautiful face as as much as you want on there and also Pat when he’s on next week with us so live from the closet but all right you got anything else no go bills sweet all right see you guys next week go don’t lose your golf balls all right oh [Music]

In this pre-recorded episode of ‘Not Another Buffalo Podcast,’ Jon and Brando dive into an in-depth analysis of Josh Allen’s interception stats from the past NFL season. Is Josh Allen a better 4th Quarter QB than Patrick Mahomes? The stats seem to say so.

Plus, what’s the minimum threshold for 2024-2025 to be the greatest year in Buffalo sports history? Leave us a voice message with your answer:

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00:00 Our Overproduced Unnecessary Intro
00:39 Introduction and Sponsor Shoutout
01:02 Golf Talk: Nine Holes vs. Eighteen Holes
01:29 Golfing in Tennessee Summers
05:13 Golf Beer: Fuel or Foe?
06:19 Transition to Buffalo Bills: Josh Allen’s Interceptions
07:09 Analyzing Josh Allen’s Interceptions
14:51 Comparing Josh Allen and Tua’s Interceptions
17:25 Fourth Quarter Performance: Josh Allen vs. Patrick Mahomes
20:47 Josh Allen vs. Patrick Mahomes: Clutch Performances
21:30 Regular Season vs. Playoff Performance
22:25 Playoff Stats and Team Dynamics
23:46 Comparing Physical Abilities and Potential
25:39 Josh Allen’s Interception Predictions
27:19 Impact of Offensive Strategy Changes
30:53 Buffalo Sports Predictions and Comparisons
33:20 Greatest Buffalo Sports Season Debate
39:20 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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  1. According to Pro Football Focus analytics Allen had the 2nd best turnover worthy play percentage among qualified starters. He had a better touchdown to turnover margin than Mahomes, Jackson and Tua, all of whom were picked for the Pro Bowl or All-Pro ahead of him and Lamar Jackson was handed the new Affirmative Action MVP award despite Allen earning it. When did Allen throw the picks? Allen had 33 tds and 0 turnovers in the red zone 2023. Allen had zero turnovers in the playoffs. Allen has no pick-6's in 2023. Many others cannot say any of those things. Allen is the best qb in the NFL. He led the NFL in touchdowns and yards (and it wasn't particularly close) and top-5 in every meaningful qb stat, there was no qb who meant more to his team and yet here we are talking about Josh Allen's 18 interceptions, just 2 more than Pat Mahomes who has the refs on his side with 53 interceptions overturned by official's past 6 years while Allen has just 7 overturned. I could go on. First Golf, no thanks. Then the Allen critique. Sigh. Tough opening guys.

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