@Boston Bruins

Trevor Zegras: the Boston Bruin? | Bruins Beat

Trevor Zegras: the Boston Bruin? | Bruins Beat

I can tell you Elaine cavaleri is definitely banging down the door being like we need this man for Tik toks we we have to have him for Tik like you Don you don’t understand this is a whole untapped barket we can get into uh and maybe that’ll convince Sweeney I might I mean what are they going to do now I mean if Jake D Rus ends up walking in for AG you who’s going to do like the the bachelor and bachelorette breakdowns for like 5 minutes [Music] and welcome into the Bruins beat presented by prize pick go use that promo code clns to get up to $100 matched on that first deposit and were presented by Game Time use that promo code clns to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply I’m Evan marinovsky that’s Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great you know why I’m doing so great Connor you know why I’m doing so great people think oh it’s people probably think oh Evan it’s because the Celtics are winning and that’s yes that’s part of it but the biggest thing is that you were at game two correct yes and they won game two and they seem to be in pretty good command of this series feels a lot like Rocky’s Red Sox in 2007 uh where one team is just drastically better than the other but your Championship curse might be floating away I mean we’ll see right if the cel like sweep the Mavericks which at this point I’m not saying it’s a foregone conclusion but like Celtics like haven’t played like particularly dominant basketball yet but they’ve handled Dallas uh pretty handedly so far so if they get swept in four and they win on the road does that exempt me from the curse or do they have to like clinch at home while I’m in the building were you at game one I was not at game one I was in Austin Texas for my bachelor party so oh oh how was that I’m here I I made it back everyone in the the whole party that was there uh everyone made it back in one piece uh yeah yeah we’re good we’re good I got back I got back I was like Doug melli showing up at the Red Sox game in ‘ 06 I got like a police escort from Logan ort to the god time for uh for tip off for game two but it was good a lot of golf a lot of uh a lot of Gatorade not because of ingesting any alcoholic drinks or any uh following day turmoil there lot of heat exhaustion I think a lot ofra were getting a little bit up there in age you can’t do 18 holes in 98 degree heat and then go out and have drinks afterwards and then be nice and spry for the evening no it’s a lot of a lot of vegging out a lot of Gatorade a lot of chillaxing being like ah this isn’t this isn’t College anymore which you know what no we all need we all need that come to Jesus moment right so it was a it was a fun weekend a weekend also that uh I think reality set home at least at least for me especially I’m not I’m not what I was I’m I’m in the the final years of my primary I’m not signing that eight-year contract anymore Evan you’re in the Twilight you’re you’re a veteran Edition at this point if my friends and I go to the bars you’re a veteran Edition um was that Friday Saturday Sunday yes wow that’s fun and prob great food too down there I mean Barbe unbelievable my my uh my tummy was in turmoil a little bit I think maybe because of the dehydration [ __ ] tummy [ __ ] tummy that’s exactly it your [ __ ] tummy hurt yes exactly so uh I will say that wasn’t able to fully enjoy all the great breakfast tacos all the brisket I enjoyed some of it but it wasn’t like Prime like I’m going to clear 48 plates of this stuff there’s only so much I could do the Osmosis Jones inside of me was in hell this weekend yeah we truck through it Evan yeah you do you do what it takes uh but that sounds fun Austin’s a good bachelor party spot I think uh someday I’ve talked about this with my friends it’s always a fun like bar topic of like what will be your Bachelor part and like I I don’t really want like Nashville like the whole like oh we’re going to Nashville we’re getting SL or Vegas we’re going you know we’re going to recreate The Hangover I don’t really like that’s not my thing I think I would do like either uh a weekend on the cape or Maine if it’s the summer um and it would be golf it would be a lot of golf and you know good bars and restaurants nearby but you get an Airbnb with everybody and and you do that um or like or you could do and I I’ve mentioned this as well uh if it’s during the winter you do I think Marina uh Mahar did this for her bachelorette party she did like uh it was right before Co I I don’t know how I remember this did uh Florida and Tampa I think she did those two Bruins away games like I think planning a bachelor bachelorette party around a sporting event is really cool like cats game Celtics Red Sox series nice concert imagine like imagine if like Creed was in concert down in Austin we all just went front row the tickets can’t be I bet if I paid 50 bucks I could probably sing on stage with Scott staff going to say unbelievable Creed at Red Rocks imagine that I mean that’s that’s iconic I think cre Red Rocks would be the the uh place I’d want to go see the concert at Fantastic Spot Great spot but yeah I mean I think like you know like with the Bruins I think a good Bachelor or Bachelorette party would be probably either the Western uh I’d say West Coast like maybe Arizona like if they do Arizona Vegas and Like Seattle or even Arizona and Vegas is a great trip like Scottdale and and then you get the strip uh maybe the California trip LA and Anaheim um can’t think of any other like I mean Florida obviously yeah there’s no shortage good options yeah but um so yeah I think that’d be mine but Austin’s great Austin’s I’ve never been I want to go um it’s fun city so have to get down there just just please hydrate yeah thank God you’re in one piece yeah realiz it was your bachelor party this weekend yeah got the sunscreen so I wasn’t uh wasn’t totally like I was looking maybe like this a few days ago so I’m glad it’s kind of handed a little bit more now so we’re good we’re good Sarah’s s’s like Sarah’s like what happened to you like like a lobster I looked like heat meiser a few days ago so we’re good we’re here we’re in one piece happy to talk Bruins with you Evan we are in one piece this is true um so Saturday morning uh I was talking with hags for the pucks with hags podcast and my favorite thing is when and he didn’t do it this time thankfully I’ll be like Oh I’m available Saturday morning and he’s like oh good how’s like 8 I’m like no no no no no no no no nope not 8 in the morning like that’s not happening uh but he did say 10 this time which is like Prime Time like that’s what you want so like I can do that um but uh he he wrote a column about Trevor zis so Pier LeBron uh in the athletic uh wrote that the Ducks are uh listening on Trevor zis and that’s been a guy that’s been I feel like on the trading block for the last year I know he had some a tough time with RFA negotiations uh his production was down this past year um you know he’s only 23 so we have to remember that again this is still a very young player still a lot of maturing to go highly skilled um not known for the gritty part of the game not known for the hard-nosed part of the game uh and there there’s a feeling that Anaheim might be looking to phase him out or build without him um and again he’s on a cap hit of 5.75 million for the next two years the question is should the Bruins kick the tires on Trevor zis as a potential number one Center and hags was adamantly against it um no no no no and I agree with him for the most part now would I be open to him as uh you know if the price is right in terms of a trade as a second line left wing like he’s not replacing deus’s uh two-way game or or anything like that but could you coach him into being a little bit better in that and put more points maybe I mean again I think there’s better options in free agency if you’re looking for that you already have zaka and coy as your number two centers like you know again a lot of people like oh zus doesn’t fit the Bruin style that’s true now could you coach him into that I I don’t know but as a number one Center no I I’m I I I am not I think you have better options than than Trevor zers what about you yeah I mean yeah I think if you’re acquiring him with the the hope that he becomes the one SE like maybe down the road he does I I think he’s just a guy that right now you can penil him in as a intriguing top six player right like you the skill is there obviously uh he has a lot of work to do in terms of the other PS of his game which again he’s what’ you say is he’s 20 23 is he already 23 he’s 23 I just look up turns 24 in March so um still has a long way to go in terms of his development um was you know obviously injured last year numbers weren’t all that great think there’s you know maybe some maturity ISS shoes I know a lot of he’s I think rubbed a lot of players across the league the wrong way I know uh Trent Frederick does not like Trevor Z he remember he scored that goal and like said something to Frederick and yes was not happy about it so um so I mean yeah I think this some maturing uh to be to be had there with a player like zes like is he a guy that you look at right now at his age and be like nope doesn’t fit the mold want nothing to do with them I wouldn’t say that I think it all comes down to like the price is probably the most important thing like what exactly is he I think he’s a top six guy um yeah he’s not I think the answer is a onec but a guy that’s 23 has an obvious uh you know high-end skill set has a lot of room to grow could probably benefit from being in a a new system um a team like the Bruins and again like there’s guys that we talked about before right where it’s like we don’t want them in the room like Pier luk du who’s left a trail of Destruction everywhere he’s gone like I don’t like that right like stra up in it like Z who’s 23 probably has some maturity uh and some room to grow there um could be in a you know probably benefit from being in a veteran heavy room with a lot of accountable guys I wouldn’t say that’s like a guy that you’re automatically like no we want nothing to do with that player you’re almost kind of like if if you were able to swing a trade form you’d be like what the sty probably thought they were getting in Sean like all those years ago like maybe not that same highend like you get this guy and becomes an 80 90 point toline centerman but a guy that is Young has you know has some uh maturity issues maybe um has room to grow and you bring him in and see if he benefits from it so I think it all comes down to like what the price is if it’s what the bru you know if it’s like a couple of draft picks or if it’s something like that um then I wouldn’t hate the Bruins kicking the tires not saying like he is like this guy that’s leap frogging you know the guys we’ve mentioned before Marty NES or lindman free agency or anything like that but if he’s available for the right price doesn’t hurt if you’re Bruins like you need to have skill and speed up front right and again like you can make the case of like ah zis is a one-dimensional guy he’s not built for the playoffs but like a guy that age with that skill set that’s not a guy I think you just Auto automatically brush aside if he’s out there but again what’s the price going to be like are the Bruins who could be interested are they gonna out bit a team that maybe is I don’t know like maybe a young team that’s trying to add more pieces like Chicago right where they’re just trying to I think acquire skill and they may be able to give up more for guy like that so I wouldn’t like completely yeah exactly right so like I wouldn’t totally rule it out for the Brun in terms of kicking the tires but um I think it’ll come down to what the price is and whether or not you think he’s worth uh you know I wouldn’t say take a risk on or take a you know something like that but um just I don’t know whether the Bruins have him at the top of their leaderboard in terms of what they’re trying to acquire uh this off season yeah I mean he doesn’t fit their mold now I think in terms of risk like I think he I think Trevor zis as he gets into his prime is going to be a you know the the floor is 40 45 50 points the ceiling is you know 80 points with the right guys I think he’s probably fit for the wing on a contending team like I think that’s ultimately where he ends up he’s a good solid top six left Winger um you know if you get if if the price was right sure if you’re giving up a first a a prospect you’re high on yeah like then it’s like okay this is getting out of hand like I I I don’t think that’s right but if you could somehow and again I don’t think this is the case because you said I think there are teams that have that are way more positioned to execute a trade like this but you know if you could somehow have it be like a future second like Fabian lysel or even a f if you want to use a future first on a guy like that right like that’s a former first round pick um a higher end first round pick too like maybe you do go for that um you know but let’s just hypothetically say the Bruins trade all Mark to New Jersey for the number 10 pick like are you flipping the 10 pick for zis I don’t really want to do that he’s such a weird player in terms of like gauging what his value is because he had a he had a a lost year right like didn’t gel at all yeah was scratched like didn’t fit in with again like C Greg grona who’s like probably is like a harsh way saying like hard ass but a guy that’s much more accountable I think in terms of a guy that they brought in for the the purpose of really kind of melding and reinforcing a lot of strict things with a really really young team and seems like he kind of buted heads with zegra so which isn’t that great um but you also look at like what the skill is right he’s a guy that has already two 60 point seasons has a lot of skill like still is a a Hut commodity across the league in mean dud was on a frakin NHL video game cover right like he still a pretty marketable guy so like what exactly is his value because again you look at a guy who’s 22 23 with a couple 60 point Seasons like all right maybe you think you get this guy and he’s a Clayton Keller or this high-end skilled you know top six guy who all a sudden you you add to your another bu guy exactly right so like that’s the thing is he that kind of player where hell maybe he does become an 80o guy or is he just this kind of a one-dimensional empty calorie kind of for that can complement your team right like he could as you said maybe he’s a 40o guy but is he worth the headaches or the you know being this player that should be much better than he is right like he should be he could be a 80 Point guy but is he maybe more of what he’s been like you saw last year that’s why I think it’s so weird to gauge like what what he should be worth and also what Anaheim is viewing his return as right this is a guy that was arguably like a top 10 star of The League a year ago whether that was valid or not but what exactly is his value across the league if if anaheim’s really trying to put him on the market now I can tell you Elaine cavaleri is definitely banging down the door being like we need this man for Tik toks we we have to have him for Tik like you Don you don’t understand this is a whole unta barket we can get into uh and maybe that’ll convince Sweeney I might I mean what are they going to do now I mean if Jake D Russ ends up walking in Fry who’s going to do like the the bachelor and bachelorette breakdowns for like 5 minutes IID just like scroll on Tik Tok and I would see like Jake bruss being like what’s up guys with a whiteboard and I’d look and I’d see like the video is like six minutes long I’m like no I appreciate like what this is but I have no idea what’s about to happen so I’ll give it a like though I’ll support I’ll support the bru social media channels but oh yeah but I agree with you I’d see that and be like you know I’m not really watching but for people who are like I I bet I would be seem very in depth so they they seem to know their stuff yeah good for them good for him but yeah ZR would fit in that category um I think the thing with and again we could easily be old Exposed on this in the sense that like he could in the next 5 years Blossom and be like and those idiots were like didn’t want him I just think based off what we’ve seen so far I don’t think he meshes with being a true number one center for the Bruins uh and some might say we’re archaic for that some might be like hey the Bruins do need some more skill they need a guy who has a higher end offensive ceiling and I don’t think you’re totally wrong in thinking that um I just think there are better options out there we don’t have to give up pieces for it it’s it’s like uh yeah is he like a guy that’s like built for the playoffs you look at him like uh I guess not but like I don’t know would you take Philip forsberg left wing that scores 40 goals I know right that’s the thing that’s the thing like what if that is zis you know is he that is he that or is he is he Philip fosberg or is he Andre Kasha that’s valid Andre Kasha has been catching a lot of Strays Lately from me I know and like you know what I’m very glad he’s back playing and he’s playing at a high level but again it’s one of those guys that what even if he like stayed healthy it’s unfortunately he wasn’t able to with the Bruins but was a 20 goal complimentary piece that could add a little bit more to your team right and if you’re if that’s what zis is then it’s not worth giving up a first round pick or a lorai or someone else like that that’s what he ends up if that’s kind of his eventual projection in the NHL talking about Zas yeah no I agree um so we’ll see with zis we’ll see what ends up happening local guy played at Avon beu mid Fairfield be right at my alley be great be right in my wheelhouse so um but again I I think there are teams that are uh younger that have more pieces um and I don’t think ducks are giving him away on the cheap because I could easily see him just staying in Anaheim uh anyways I want to get into more contract stuff like I one of my roommates is an accountant I should have him in here talking about uh uh all this contract stuff but first quick words for our friends can you can you uh bring up a new cap friendly can you can build one for us God I want to talk about that after this but first quick words for our friends at the pr finals are right around the corner and it’s time for you to get in on the playoff action and win up to 100 times your cash on prize picks as you and the world’s best players take the game to a new level with the title on the line with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports the summer with prize picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single 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use code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy now let’s get back to the show yeah the cap friendly thing I want to get to Jeremy San what his contract’s going to end up being in a second but this cap friendly thing is wild so the capitals are buying so it’ll be like what is it going to be now like caps friendly mean probably going to probably just going to rip it off the rip it off the internet right I feel like they’re just going to have the resources of it without making it I mean you look at how many videos are there where you see like you know GMS with like a laptop open and they have cap friendly up like it’s happened multiple times so like I think teams use it it’s a great resource we all use it um yeah we do it could be part of the just the competitive advantage of like all you like this thing it’s ours now we’re going to use it I gu is it but other sites have popped up I mean there’s puck I’m sure you’re going to have other people step up now it’s just I could see why the capitals are doing in terms of taking a pretty useful resource off off the uh the mainstream so alas wow just more just the folks in Washington stealing from the from us regular folk all the time government again strikes again um wow though I I was shocked I that was so random and out of left field uh I wonder what team buys up like Natural stat trick next you know like don’t please no if anyone’s listening to this please don’t do that I’ll be so pissed I would be so pissed if someone stole Natural stat trck um or so bought excuse me yeah I was gonna say stole I mean they paid probably a [ __ ] ton of money for it but stole it from us stole it from our from our us regular folk um and then there’s also like Jay fresh imagine one day jay fresh tweets out like so I’ve joined the Nashville Predators okay all right see you um but Jeremy Swan’s next deal this is going to be an interesting thing I think we’re going to see in the coming weeks um obviously he’s going to get paid um and my one question isn’t so much what the deal is going to look like because I I there’s no way they go to arbitration again there’s no way they you know do another one-year deal I they can’t they it’s got to be locked up long term now is there a price though if Swan’s Camp came to the Bruins and said look at what we’re what look at what he did this year look at what he can become is there a price where the Bruins look at it and go you know if you’re going to do this we’re going to be all set here and we’re going to go to different direction I mean you hope wouldn’t yeah you would hope that it doesn’t get to a point where it’s like all right we’re looking at 10 is like the the barometer right like then you’re like oh God because I mean at this point I think it’s between seven seven and a half eight eight and a half right like and again even if it is 8 eight and a half which seems I guess steep to some like you look at the how it jumped up you know this past year it’s probably going to jump up again the next couple years when you look at the fact that all the escro paid off that league is will pass the the covid uh you know economic impacts uh you have the Utah team which should all a sudden add a little bit more Revenue where like they’re actually not in a a little tiny College Arena um they’re in an arena where like every view is obstructed though right yeah that is true yes but at least you know what they can sell tickets and they already have sold out a lot of these games so the revenue will be there even if maybe the viewing experience isn’t um but yeah like again seven and a half eight and a half all a sudden can look pretty reasonable in another year or two like hell like pasta’s deal might look good a year or two mako’s deal might look good like brenon Carlos’s deal is gonna like probably a Bargain Bin in a couple of years um so maybe that’s even if you maybe are paying a higher premium to get the deal done like eight and a half you do it because all of a sudden you like look at what some of these other young goalies are going to get in 2025 26 27 uh all of a sudden it could fall well within Market range but yeah if it gets to like 10 I really know what you’re supposed to do if you’re the Bruins right like do you then look at trying to move him right like because you get a great return for him but you look at what he did this playoff run his age fact that his you know ceiling hasn’t still uh been been realized quite yet I just don’t see them reversing course and moving a guy that Carri you through you know into the second round of the playoffs and seems like a franchise fixture for the long Hall off of an extra million million and a half in terms of what the annual payout is I can’t see them doing that especially when it does look like there should be extra room and extra wiggle room to uh to spend in the next couple years especially it should be somewhere between seven and 8.5 per that’s what it should be and you can look at so right now I have the numbers up uh kry price still the highest paid goalie in the league at 10.5 million annually uh Sergey bosski at 10 vasileski at 9.5 heluk at 8.5 and then sokin at 8.25 uh number six is Gibson at 6.4 so in those goalies I mean I would say you know I’d probably put Swan above soken in terms of you know overall play um unless I’m missing something but I I think I’d put Swan probably in and around soken so he should be somewhere in 8 million range the question though is you know what’s eigor shurin gonna get yeah that’s your Demco gonna get ottinger Jake ainger gonna get Jake AER right now is making four million a year man the price on him is gonna be crazy so you have these next Generation goalies Swan Demco um shesterkin ainger what are they going to make you know like so you mentioned like the cap right like would I put San above bab rovski in annual average annual value probably not you know vaski no I wouldn’t put him above that or huk I wouldn’t put him above 8.5 but if the cap continues to jump Swan’s Camp is going to have a valid argument of like no wait a minute the Cap’s jumping up these you know rovski making 10 like Sharin should clear 10 I think with the rang um so the the market will almost be reset with the new cap and with these younger Goldies getting paid so I think the Bruins are going to come at it with like all right we’re not putting Swan up with bab Roski vasileski and huk just yet I think San’s Camp’s gonna say wait a minute you know or they could at least say the Cap’s going up and all that stuff so uh but would ideal swayan if he was asking for 10 no I mean it you you consider it because that’s a lot of money to give to the goalie um but then okay you consider trading San so you keep omark for another year and then maybe reup him at the end and who you’ve tried to trade so like I don’t know if the relationship is amazing and you so you go with Omar and busy for a year or two um I think you’re fine like I I think that’s okay but you have potential top five goalie in the NHL and Jeremy swayan you’ve developed him I think you make him a a Cornerstone of your team and if he asks for above 8.5 I think you should consider it heavily you know like I don’t want to pay him I don’t want to pay him 10 but if you have to do it I guess you have to do it right but I think you consider options I think you consider options um CU San would get you a lot S Swan would get you a ton I think his deal ends up coming to like seven times eight I think that’s what it ends up being what do you think that be pretty yeah I think yeah seven 7.7 you know 775 or 8 8.25 like maybe something similar to soken because like sokan at least has like a vzna finalist uh right so like again like Swan is boosted by his playoff run when like again he’s been great the last two years but in kind of the the second goalie role essentially on this team so like the potential’s there the playoff resume is there now off of last year um but like is he kind of like the inverse of soken where like you know soken has the VZ uh nod Swingman has great regular season numbers maybe not a VZ nod but was also lights out in the playoffs like that could be a similar way of like maybe something similar to soken eight 8.25 maybe is where the The Sweet Spot is where he gets paid it’s a a great deal for him um for a guy who’s still got room to grow and the and the Bruins probably look at that and say all right it’s uh a step up in price but again you look at where the cap ceiling could be by 2026 27 maybe that falls right in line with some of these other guys are making when again auton Jord Sheran could be making 10 another year or two very well could very well could and you know what that means they’re going to have more money to go buy tickets and they should go do that over with our friends at game the NBA finals are right around the corner and if you’re a Celtics fan odds are that TD Goden is going to be packed in June 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uh you know are people cool with how long we go in podcasts you know is it you know typically we go anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes we typically don’t go more or less than that we try try to stay in that range it’s a long season we don’t want to repeat ourselves too much you know your commutes are a certain amount of time and we try to fit ourselves in uh and I said you know what do people want you want us to go two hours you it and uh credit to DK score goals on Twitter who said uh um we do want two hours and said could easily listen to you and Connor for Two Plus hours don’t sell yourself short with a heart emoji so much love DK scores goals uh but I I don’t know if two hours is in the cards I don’t know if two hours that’s for our that’s for our our our 200th episode uh spectacular or our three maybe maybe our 500 500 yeah Ma is hot Evan it is I don’t know what number of Bruins be we’re on um but when we hit 500 or whatever it is a thousand five hour show yeah we’ll do 24hour uh like DJ and Pete did that 24-hour live stream I I mean I would be like yeah hell no yeah not a chance not a chance um but uh so interestingly enough uh this was end of this was like middle of last week um and I talked about it a little bit on Bruins beat last week but I I’m curious to hear your thoughts David pagota tweeted the Bruins are expected to speak with d Heinen’s camp this week as in last week and start discussions on a potential new contract Heinen is one of Boston’s nine pending ufas uh do you bring Danton Heinen back it depends on what the price is right because again I I like danh as a player he was fantastic for this team but like are you allocating 275 3 million a year to the guy or two and two and a half because again like I think he’s a great player he brings so much value in terms of the fact that he can be a great bottom six player but can bump up when needed but I like look at where the Bruins should make other moves this offseason whether it’s a guy like Elias lindol or what have you where I look like the ideal situation for the Bruins it’s like your third line if you can have it be that Frederick Coy geeki third line and then your fourth line is you know beer brazzo and then you know the loo the maroon the you know maybe another pickup like in Fr agency like Brennan doam or someone like that or even like a guy that’s you know Trevor countar or some other player that makes a a a leap during training camp um Riley Durant someone like that um I think that bottom six is pretty good if you get those other pieces that push those players down the lineup M golin right yeah so like there’s no shortage of options there where I just think you look at what Dan Heinen should get on the market like after the year he had I just wonder if the Bruns look at that and say like all right we’d love to have high and back but when we look at how we have to allocate the money that we have where he best fits in last year you know we took it we made you know the most of a situation with what how limited our money is and add a guy like Heinen who you know didn’t have any offers in free agency uh made the most most of the opportunity the Bruins gave him and that’s great but I feel like he shouldn’t come back as much as Bruins want him back I also don’t want H to take another $ one million dollar deal when he plays at a higher level than that so I think we’re pro getting the back exactly I think the brones would love to have him back um but I just think when you look at what his raise should be um I just can’t see it being here as long as that’s what the Bruins are hoping for in terms of that that bottom six configuration that I kind of mapped out I get the idea that he uh fits in anywhere in the lineup you can put him in the top six and he fits in temporarily just you have enough bottom six guys um and as you said Heinen should be getting a sizable raise Bruin should be allocating money in different directions given the amount of solid bottom six options they have Frederick geeki brazzo loo beer you want to throw coil in there if he ends up getting bumped down like you have options there you don’t need to go out and spend three million on Danton Heinen to put him in there when you have a bunch of other guys now if you want to do something drastic and let’s say like trade Morgan Morgan geeky for some reason or trade Trent Frederick which again I think Frederick and geky both kind of help you in bigger guys um then okay fine but I don’t think they’re doing that so I think you know I think he let hyen walk and and good for him like hell of a year he fit great here um go get your money dude but like I just don’t think there’s that spot here for him um in terms of what what he’s going to make um and I think there you know there going to be teams out there that need that want a good solid third line left Winger that need it you don’t really need it you’ve got it um so yeah I you know Danton H in hell of a year we’ll never forget the year that it was um but and he was robbed of the Sixth Man Award yes he absolutely was ah who who won it right I believe so yes that’s right so uh Heen was robbed hen was robbed Heinen’s like uh uh the Italians what was it in The Sopranos with the what did uh Tony say he was robbed of Antonio miuchi he was robbed of um oh he was he meant to the telephone the telephone it was I almost said the light bulb but it was the telephone um I’ve got to watch Sopranos uh diver made a mention on a recent podcast of The Godfather which I have not seen and people were commenting on the YouTube comments being like Evan’s clearly never seen The Godfather cuz made a mention to it and I just kind of was about like the Tomato patch or yeah it was the wine it was sipping wine or something and I was I almost said like I’ve never seen it but then I I didn’t want to interrupt him so I was like just keep going um but yeah no I I’m not as like you you had the meme you like the meme of Mike wasowski where he’s just staring in there like having no reaction like yeah it seems funny you know I I I totally get that exactly or when someone uh when you’re in a really loud place and uh you can’t hear what someone said but you already asked so I’m like yeah of course duhh yeah totally agree um but yeah Dan Heinen’s days are probably best spent uh elsewhere um Connor what can the people look forward to from you over at the globe in yeah we’ll have you covered every step of the way this off season whether it’s uh free agent projections uh trade rumors uh you know roster Outlook uh development Camp you know all that stuff which is actually coming up pretty soon thank goodness is more tangible stuff to talk about so you can read all about it over at in the Boston Globe and if you want to follow me on Twitter you can at Conor Ryan 93 go do all that that’s Conor Ryan I’m Evan barinowski presented by prize pick in game time you Bruins Pat listeners have a great rest of your week [Music] [Music]

Evan Marinofsky and Conor Ryan break down some of the impending UFA’s the Bruins will have to make decisions on very soon, namely Jeremy Swayman and Danton Heinen. Plus, could the Bruins land Trevor Zegras? That, and much more!


– Should the Bruins pursue Trevor Zegras?

– What a package might look like for Zegras

– Evaluating Jeremy Swayman’s next contract

– Any world in which Swayman’s number is too high?

– The future of Danton Heinen

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  1. Hey Evan, please tell me what the hell is the "MOLD" that a player must have to fit with the Bruins? This team has no identity. All I hear is the "culture" that is with this team. I know what the culture is! good regular seasons and out in round 1 or 2 in the playoffs. This is the real "culture" here!

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