@Buffalo Sabres

Former Miami (Ohio) and Bowling Green men’s hockey coach Chris Bergeron has joined the Sabres as a scout. He’ll evaluate NCAA players and college free agents.

Former Miami (Ohio) and Bowling Green men’s hockey coach Chris Bergeron has joined the Sabres as a scout. He’ll evaluate NCAA players and college free agents.

by xBialyOrzel


  1. FesteringLion

    Nice add. Look at us acting like a professional organization.

  2. liberatedtech68

    This is so obviously a nepotism hire but whatever I’m sure he’ll be fine in this role. Was never a big fan of him in Miami tho.

  3. GurMission5200

    This guys problem at Miami was recruiting. He blamed it on the staff! WTF Miami has one of the best facilities and the easiest girls and your couldn’t recruit? Good luck in Buffalo

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