@Boston Bruins

“So proud of my wife she did amazing.” Brandon Carlo takes through a wild day after his son was born

“So proud of my wife she did amazing.” Brandon Carlo takes through a wild day after his son was born

we welcome in one of the stars of the night it’s Brandon Carlo and and Brandon hey it’s Scott velt thanks for making time I I have all these notes about the last 48 hours of your life man and I’m just trying to make sense of all that you’ve had to what you’ve been processing right from from knocking off the leaves to the birth of your boy this morning flying down scoring tonight how do you how do you explain to me and our viewers just what it’s been like for you personally man uh been wild for sure um but so blessed you know this group and General um from game seven through here I’m just so fortunate to play with these guys um but overall so proud of my wife she did amazing um we had our baby last night at around 3:00 so um pretty busy night didn’t know if I was going to make it in time but sure happy I did

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